My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1320 Special Attraction (Two Chapters In One)



It was raining heavily, and a bolt of lightning struck the sky from time to time.

Through the rain curtain in front of him, Lin Fei quietly watched the predation scene unfolding in the distance.

That spider beast had a very large appetite, and within a short while, it ate up its prey.

After enjoying the perfect meal, the strange spider retreated back into the woods, and it was unknown whether he was going to take a nap or was waiting for the next prey to be caught.

Lin Fei thought about it for a while, and didn't choose to continue flying forward. Although with his strength, it is no problem to walk sideways in the desolate forest, this approach is not necessary at all.

The Lost Desolation Forest was too big, and I didn't know the exact location of the rumored treasure, so running around would only make me get lost in the forest.

According to the information he bought with money before, he knew that the treasure would produce visions every once in a while, and now he only needed to wait quietly. After the so-called vision appeared, he would go to search for it according to the guidance of the vision.

"Hey, there is an abandoned bird's nest over there, you can go over there and wait."

Lin Fei, who had already made up his mind, flew towards the bird's nest he saw.


"Wow, wow..."

The rain was much less than half an hour ago, but the sky was still gloomy, and the trees in the Lost Desolation Forest were too dense, so the visibility of the surrounding environment was quite limited.

"Shushasha..." Lin Fei, who was waiting for the vision in the bird's nest, suddenly heard a slight noise not far from him.

He looked in the direction of the sound, and as far as he could see, Lin Fei saw several figures appearing on the big trees in the distance.

It was a few cat-headed men carrying burdens. Seeing their vigilance, it was obvious that they had just entered the Lost Desolation Forest not long ago.

This group of owls also wanted to find a place to rest first, and the place they chose was Lin Fei's bird's nest.

So, when the group of owls entered the bird's nest, they immediately saw Lin Fei who was already in the bird's nest.

In this dangerous desolate forest, seeing a stranger suddenly, must be full of vigilance.

This group of owls grasped the weapons in their hands and stared at Lin Fei closely. As long as the person in front of them dared to show any hostility, they would rush to deal with each other.

Lin Fei, with a calm expression, shouted to the group of owls in a flat voice, "This place is already occupied, you can go to another place!"

"Brother, there is no one else in this bird's nest. This bamboo hat man seems to be a lone traveler... Let's change places!" Wearing earrings and having several deep scars on his face, the owl man whispered to his companion beside him.

Dare to act alone in the desolate forest, but don't care about the group of them, this kind of person knows that he can't be provoked.

"Let's go!" Without any nonsense, the leading owl man took a deep look at the mysterious bamboo hat man in front of him, turned around and left with his companion.

"I didn't expect these guys to be so sensible." Lin Fei muttered in surprise, "I thought you guys were going to fight each other just now!"

That group of owls also made the most correct choice. If they had done something to Lin Fei just now, the result could be imagined. Not only would they lose their lives, but this treasure hunt would come to an end.


Now, nine out of ten people who come to the Lost Desolation Forest are all for the rumored treasure, and it is only normal for them to conflict with each other.

Lin Fei was already mentally prepared for this, and he was still looking forward to meeting those treasure hunters.

He hoped that those people would do something to him, and then he would be able to justifiably take away their belongings. Unfortunately, the group of people he encountered obviously did not intend to clash in the outer area.

"This should be the vision that the person who sold my information said!" After the group of owls left, Lin Fei looked up at the distant sky.

I saw a golden beam of light shooting straight into the sky in the distance, coating the dark clouds in the sky with a layer of gold.

"This golden beam of light is too obvious, anyone who is not blind can see it." Lin Fei said to himself.

The golden beam of light appeared very suddenly and disappeared after only 10 seconds. Although the time was short, it was enough for people to determine the direction of travel.

A lot of people appeared on the outskirts of the Luohuang forest one after another. Some teams who took the lead continued to explore the interior of the Luohuang forest after seeing the golden beam of light.

It was too late for Lin Fei to get the news of the treasure. He knew that he was far behind other treasure hunters, so he had to act as soon as possible.



"Crack, click..."

A figure was advancing rapidly among the trees, and any branches that blocked his progress would be pushed away by a pair of invisible hands.

As Lin Fei flew forward, he used telekinetic powers to open the way for himself, which made him travel very fast.

As time went on, the rain became less and less, and the vision in front of me became clearer.

Lin Fei was flying forward at an extremely fast speed, quickly approaching the area where the previous vision appeared.

As he continued to go deeper into the interior of the Luohuang Forest, the truly dangerous side of the Luohuang Forest was also revealed to Lin Fei at this moment.

All kinds of scary and strange beasts hide behind the dense woods, always making surprise attacks on the creatures passing in front of them.

Not long ago, those football-sized black ants that I had seen before attacked Lin Fei who was passing by.

If it were someone else, they might have to fight hard or pay a huge price to escape the attacks of these guys.

It's a pity that they found the wrong target. After these ignorant black ants attacked Lin Fei, they were immediately wiped out by Lin Fei. There were thousands of them, but only a hundred or so escaped.

These escaping black ants are afraid that they will leave a lifelong shadow. They have never encountered such a terrifying enemy who almost wiped them out in a single meeting.


The more he went into the desolate forest, Lin Feiyue felt that the strange beasts in the desolate forest were all very huge. The strange beasts he encountered so far were much larger than the ones he encountered outside.

At this moment, Lin Fei understood why the cat-headed man who sold information to him had that frightened expression when he talked about Luohuang Forest.

Because people like him, although they are practitioners, are not strong enough. When they come to such a dangerous desolate forest, they may not penetrate three or four kilometers away, and they will be eaten by those terrifying strange beasts.

However, Lin Fei is not an ordinary person after all. Facing these giant strange beasts, although he looks very small, in terms of fear, Lin Fei is far more terrifying than them.

The ones who should be really scared should be those strange beasts who have no idea what to do and attack Lin Fei on their own initiative.



A giant praying mantis was just about to launch an attack on Lin Fei passing by his territory, when Lin Fei casually shot a fireball, which exploded to pieces.

Compared with the cautious march of other treasure hunting teams, Lin Fei's straight forward march was several times more efficient than theirs.

After more than forty minutes, Lin Fei's progress unexpectedly exceeded the progress of those treasure hunters for several days.

"It seems, how can there be milk smell here?"

As a sweet milk-like smell began to appear in the air, Lin Fei immediately realized that he was approaching the area where the treasure was.

In line with the idea that the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind, it is natural not to expose his whereabouts at will at this time.

Relying on his sense of smell, he flew towards the direction with the strongest fragrance, and Lin Fei soon discovered that the surrounding environment had changed again.

The color of the trees changed from emerald green to dark gray, and the lush branches and leaves gradually disappeared, turning into bare trees one by one.

The grass covered with fallen leaves also turned into a big swamp, and the aroma in the air became more and more intense as Lin Fei continued to fly forward.

After traveling more than ten kilometers forward, Lin Fei gradually lowered his flying altitude.

Expand your perception and explore your surroundings.

Lin Fei felt that there seemed to be something hiding in the swamp below him.

When Lin Fei landed on the branch of a big bare tree, he looked at the big swamp in the distance with a look of surprise on his face.

All the white flowers in front of him were pale bones of strange animals.

Lin Fei looked around and saw the skeletons of alien beasts scattered all over the swamp. He didn't think this was a burial place for alien beasts, did he?

"Huh? What's that?" Just as Lin Fei was wondering why there were so many skeletons of alien beasts in the swamp, a giant alien beast that appeared not far away caught his attention.

Flying up from the bare tree, he flew towards the strange beast. Lin Fei could clearly see the appearance of the strange beast. It was a super huge bison beast.

The buffalo beast in front of him was not comparable to the wild beasts he had encountered before.

Although this strange beast is dead, it still exudes powerful spiritual fluctuations.

According to the strength of the perceived psychic energy fluctuations, Lin Fei can conclude that this super huge bison beast is definitely a leader of the beast with the peak strength of the third level.

So the question is, why did such a powerful bison die in the swamp?

There are no obvious signs of battle around, or the enemy who killed it is so much stronger than it, that it didn't resist much, and was killed by the opponent.

Lin Fei observed the corpse of the bison for a while, and found that there was a wound on the skull of the beast, and the wound was covered with scorched black.

The scene of the strange beast before it died emerged in Lin Fei's mind. This strange beast fought the enemy, but finally chose to run away because it couldn't beat the opponent.

He managed to escape from the terrifying enemy, but was very unlucky to be struck by the lightning that fell from the sky and ascended to the sky on the spot.

"Don't run around on rainy days! Stay at home, or you will be easily struck by lightning." Lin Fei muttered, then shook his head to dispel the absurd scene.




Suddenly there was a gust of wind, and the sparse trees in the swamp made noises.

Lin Fei looked into the distance and found several figures appearing in the distance.

A few birds the size of a car are flying in the forest with their wings wide open, and there are some people standing on the backs of these birds.

These people must be treasure hunters.

Lin Fei, who wanted to be a "sorrel", glanced at the bison/carcass/body soaked in the swamp in front of him, he gave up the idea of ​​keeping it in the dimensional space, and then flew forward again.

The treasure should not be far away, so I simply followed the treasure hunting team riding on birds and let them lead the way for me... So, Lin Fei quietly followed behind these birds.

Soon after, the birds landed one after another.

Lin Fei hid in the dark, and took out a newest telescope on the market from the dimensional space to observe the situation in the distance.

The treasure-hunting team that came down from the back of a huge bird was roughly counted. There were more than 15 people in this team. Without exception, they were fully armed with excellent armor and weapons. According to the occasional aura that flowed on their surfaces, they should all be spiritual weapons. .

Moreover, after these treasure hunters left the birds, some people took out some food and fed them to the birds.

There is no doubt that these birds are their means of transportation.

It seems that it takes a lot of supplies to raise this kind of means of transportation, at least as far as Lin Fei knows, there is no such team in the hands of the owl city lord... Uh, let's do it! The owl city lord was the poorest city lord Lin Fei had ever seen.

After placing the birds, these treasure hunting teams composed of pig-headed and cat-headed people began to travel far away.

You will see them start to set off, so you start immediately and follow them quietly.

"Strange, something is wrong!" Lin Fei muttered in his heart, he clearly remembered that the big owl man who sold information to him told him.

The appearance of the treasure attracted many powerful beasts in the desolate forest, so that the first group of witnesses did not dare to approach the treasure after seeing it, and could only observe it from a distance.

But the area where this treasure is located right now, not to mention the imaginary hordes of powerful beasts, even the low-level beasts that could be seen everywhere on the way here before, have never been seen.

At this time, the bones of the strange beasts in the swamp that he saw not long ago suddenly appeared in Lin Fei's mind. Lin Fei felt that there should be some connection between the two.

Just as Lin Fei was thinking, the scene in front of him attracted all of Lin Fei's attention.

A very eye-catching spiritual plant appeared in the distance... Yes, the tall plant in the distance is a spiritual plant, because it is emitting spiritual energy fluctuations.

This spiritual plant is very huge, as high as a twenty-story building, with a round white bud that is about to bloom growing on the top, and the sweet smell in the air escapes from this white bud.

Lin Fei looked at the white bud that was about to bloom, and he was not in a hurry. As a "sorrel", of course he would not show up until the last moment.

Compared with Lin Fei who was calm and quietly waiting for the moment when Ling Zhi matured, the performance of those treasure hunters he quietly followed seemed a bit ugly.

After seeing Lingzhi, the leading treasure hunter immediately activated his own abilities and ran towards where Lingzhi was, and he was obviously not the only one who had the same idea.

It seems to have a special attraction that makes these experienced treasure hunters lose their old sanity.


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