My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1331 Preparations Before Breakthrough (Two Chapters In One)

The Miscellaneous Faced Beetle dodged and punched Lin Fei. There was no splash of flesh and blood as expected, only sparks falling all over the ground, and Lin Fei who quickly condensed into shape and reappeared.

"Tsk, this punch is powerful, but it's a pity that I couldn't kill me..." Before Lin Fei could finish speaking, the right eye of the Miscellaneous Beast randomly shot several golden beams at Lin Fei.

"Boom..." The golden light beam shot by the Miscellaneous Faced Beast failed to hit Lin Fei again this time.

I saw Lin Fei dodging left and right on the spot, and easily dodged the golden light beams from the opponent.

After dodging the attack, Lin Fei swayed and disappeared on the spot. The next second, he appeared in front of the Miscellaneous Faced Worm. Hot flames emerged from his right fist again, blasting towards the Miscellaneous Faced Worm's chest.

Lin Fei's fist increased a lot of power, and the temperature of the flame rose extremely rapidly.

The fist with flames successfully landed on the chest of Miscellaneous Beast. Lin Fei looked calm and confident in his attack. This punch was powerful enough to finish off the opponent.

But just when he thought the battle was over immediately, a ring on the wrist of the Miscellaneous Beast suddenly burst into aura.

With a "bang", the ring burst, and a cyan diamond-shaped shield appeared in front of the Miscellaneous Faced Beast, blocking Lin Fei's fatal punch.

Seeing this scene, Lin Fei was slightly surprised. He remembered that this strange beast should not have had a ring on its hand before.

It seems that the white-robed man not only healed the body of the miscellaneous-faced beast, but also gave the beast a one-time defensive spiritual weapon.

"That white-robed man is really kind to this mutt-faced beast! What's the relationship between them seeing?" Lin Fei couldn't help thinking in his heart.

Concentrating the scattered thoughts in his heart, Lin Fei took a few steps back.

Seeing Lin Fei retreating, the Miscellaneous Faced Beast immediately launched an attack. It opened its right eye and shot out another golden light beam.

Facing the golden light beams that were coming at him, Lin Fei took a few steps back and just raised his left hand to build a telekinetic barrier in front of him.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The golden light beam hit Lin Fei's telekinetic barrier, making a series of roaring sounds.

The shock wave generated by the explosion kicked up the dust on the ground, and after a while, Lin Fei walked out of the smoke and dust intact under the condition that the Miscellaneous Faced Beast hit with the golden light beam with all its strength.

"Damn it, why can't this guy be killed? The psychic fluctuations in his body are obviously similar to mine, why can't he be killed?" Some irrational motley-faced beasts roared loudly.

"It's time to end." Lin Fei smiled faintly as he looked at the motley-faced worms who were a little out of control.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The fierce battle broke out again, and the two figures collided fiercely in various parts of the oasis, and the spreading shock wave stirred up sand and dust all over the sky.

Even third-order practitioners can barely see their afterimages.

Lin Fei had no scruples in attacking, and directly used his fists with psychic energy to harden the opponent's attack.

As time passed, the bystanders around soon discovered that the mysterious man in the bamboo hat seemed to be intentionally luring the miscellaneous-faced worms and strange beasts out of the oasis.

Every time the fist wrapped in pale golden aura is swung, it can easily cause a lot of damage to the miscellaneous-faced worm.

Recovering the wounds one after another will inevitably consume a huge amount of spiritual energy. This mutt-faced beast just ate a lot of spiritual energy recovered by members of the sand bandits. After these short minutes of fighting, the spiritual energy in the body has been consumed almost up.

The yellow sand was endless, and Lin Fei successfully lured the Miscellaneous Faced Beetle out of the oasis, and now he didn't have to hold back his hands.

"That's it." Lin Fei looked at the panting monster in front of him, and said to it indifferently.

"Roar." The Miscellaneous Faced Beast, who had almost exhausted its spiritual energy, roared unwillingly.


Putting his hands together, this time Lin Fei's hands were not flames, but strands of silvery white lightning that kept jumping.

"Boom..." Accompanied by a roar that resounded for several kilometers around, under the engulfment of silver-white lightning, the mottled-faced insects and beasts were wiped out in ashes.

"It's over." Lin Fei looked at the sand dunes that were affected and disappeared a hundred meters away, feeling the huge psionic energy in his body, and said to himself, "After these days of suppression, in a few days, I should be able to break through gone."

Yes, Lin Fei has been in the middle of the fifth stage for almost a year,

In the past month, he has been suppressing the psionic energy in his body and accumulating breakthrough power.

"Let's go... Go back to the mansion to have lunch first, and ask Lu Qi if there is any place where I can buy birthday gifts." Lin Fei muttered, and then a white light appeared on his body, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Not long after Lin Fei disappeared, a serious-looking Dick came out of the oasis, and stared at the place hit by lightning in the distance, his eyes widened in shock.

Then he started his perception and searched for traces of the mysterious bamboo hat man and the miscellaneous-faced worm and beast, but naturally found nothing.


In Rongcheng, when it was past five o'clock in the evening and it was almost six o'clock in the evening, the sky had not yet completely darkened. Shen Wufeng, who got off work on time today, walked out of the office building.

He declined his colleague's invitation, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and called Qin Shiyu who had already arrived home.


"Qin Shiyu, I'm off work, are you home now?"

"Here we are, you have been back for a while, are you preparing to cook dinner?"

"Stop cooking dinner, come out and let's eat outside!"

Qin Shiyu, who was wearing a black apron printed with small flowers, held the phone and asked, "Where to eat?"

Shen Wufeng thought for a while and said, "Come and eat near our company. There is a new restaurant here. I ate there once. The environment is good and the taste is good. I'll send you the location."

Qin Shiyu listened to Shen Wufeng's slightly expectant voice, and said with a smile, "Okay! I'll drive over to find you now, but it's rush hour, and there may be some traffic jams on the road, so I might be late..."

"It's okay, I'll take a seat first, take your time." Shen Wufeng said happily.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Shiyu untied her apron, left the kitchen, and stood in front of the mirror in the bedroom. Seeing that she was wearing her hair all over, with a plain face facing the sky, she thought about it, opened the cabinet door, and took a few more sets Clothes gestured in front of him.

Which one should I wear? This one is too sexy, that one is a little more colorful, and the other is too casual.

In the end, it’s better to have this one more elegant, well, that’s it.


It was only six o'clock when Shen Wufeng came to the restaurant. At this time, there was still some time before the meal time, and Qin Shiyu said that it would be later, and there was a high probability that they would not start dinner until around six forty.

However, this restaurant has refreshments and coffee, and the environment is somewhat elegant, so you can order a drink first and wait slowly.

In the bright yellow interior lights of the restaurant, there are already many diners scattered in it.

This restaurant is located next to a park, and the environment is good. After the white-collar workers who work around find this newly opened restaurant, they often eat and have dinner here. It is a popular restaurant and the business is usually very good.

Shen Wufeng came first and took a seat, which was just right, otherwise, it might be overcrowded soon.

He found a booth on the side, and the booths here are half-person-high and half-screened, and the general privacy can still be guaranteed, so when he chats with Qin Shiyu for a while, he won't be distracted by the noisy restaurant environment. and affect communication.

Shen Wufeng sat down and ordered coffee, and then began to run the psionic energy in his body. A pale golden aura emerged in his palm, condensing into a fingernail-sized psionic light ball.

During this period of time, he has been practicing tirelessly. Although he does not have much psionic energy, he has become quite proficient in using his own psionic energy.

While Shen Wufeng was practicing psionic manipulation, a voice suddenly sounded from the side, "Shen Wufeng? Are you Shen Wufeng?"

Shen Wufeng raised his head, and saw a girl with light makeup and freckles on her face. She seemed to have just gone to the bathroom and came back to pass this booth. After confirming him again and again, she greeted him.

The restaurant partitions here are half the height of a person. People are divided into different tables in different areas. After sitting down, there is a private space, but if you stand up and walk, other tables can still be seen.

Shen Wufeng looked at the girl's face and hesitated for a moment, "Zhao Lili?"

The memory emerged in my mind, this girl was my classmate in college, one of the more active girls in the class, the most impressive thing was her big mouth.

Zhao Lili grinned and said with a smile, "It's me. I heard that you also came to work in Rongcheng. I haven't heard anything from you in the past few years after graduation, and you didn't attend the college reunion. I didn't expect to meet you here today. You alone person?"

"Waiting for friends." Shen Wufeng smiled after dispelling the psychic light ball in his hand, a little hard to resist the enthusiasm of his old classmates.

Zhao Lili simply ignored his "waiting for friends", pointed to the partition in the middle of the hall, and said, "Hey, some of our friends are eating there too, let's say hello!"

Immediately, her expression narrowed again, and she winked and said, "Wang Jiajia is here too! I didn't know who it was when I was in college, but I blushed in front of her, and I didn't know where to put my hands and feet."


Shen Wufeng was slightly stunned. To be honest, he had a familiar yet unfamiliar feeling to these classmates who hadn't seen him for many years.

He came to this strange city alone to work hard. The 996 life for several years made him forget his college days, and now he meets the acquaintances in his memory. .

But fortunately, he practiced tirelessly during this period, and his mental state improved a lot, and he recovered immediately after being in a trance.

After suddenly facing Zhao Lili and the Wang Jiajia she was talking about, Shen Wufeng subconsciously thought that Qin Shiyu would come over later, wait, I'm still thinking about the world of two!

"Wang Jiajia..." By the way, I remembered that Wang Jiajia was the most beautiful girl in his class when he was in college, and he had a crush on her back then, but luckily he didn't confess his love to her.

In my memory, my personality in college was much worse than that of myself who has been working for several years now. At that time, he was introverted and hardly talked to the girls in his class.

Although he has a crush on Wang Jiajia, he would avoid her when she was around, and would turn red when he was molested by a group of girls occasionally.

Even during theatrical performances, I used to be a clothes hanger, giving girls costumes, and standing next to it as a background wall. I was so stupid. Now that I think about it, I can't bear to look back.

Back then, there were many people who liked Wang Jiajia, and Shen Wufeng was just one of them, without exception.

And his kind of liking is also the affection and admiration for a prominent opposite sex, which belongs to the kind of liking that normal boys would have for the prettiest girl in the class, the best person.

After graduating, I have been working for several years. I have gained a lot of experience and matured. Now that I think about it, this is the summary.

Shen Wufeng squinted his eyes, and said with a smile, "Forget it, let's talk! I won't participate, and I will make an appointment next time."

Zhao Lili was stunned for a moment. Wang Jiajia was very famous when she was in college, and some people from other departments heard that she was famous and came to see her.

Of course, as Wang Jiajia's best friend and flower protector, Zhao Lili has never been less eager to receive gifts from boys who like Wang Jiajia and ask for benefits. This situation has continued until now, especially when the two are still working in the same company.

After she came out to work, Wang Jiajia was even more outstanding. Not long after her interview for the job, she was appreciated by her boss and became the envy of everyone in the company.

She took the stage to host several performances at the annual meeting, and there is still an endless stream of people from other companies in the group who are inquiring about her.

Of course, Zhao Lili, who has always been her best friend, has also reaped a lot of benefits. There is no shortage of male colleagues who ask her to meet Wang Jiajia or ask her to help her speak well.

Some people simply buy a lot of food online every once in a while, and send them directly to her home to win people's hearts.

Zhao Lili originally thought that if she said this to Shen Wufeng, this guy would go over happily, but who knew that Shen Wufeng's reaction was very flat, and he actually refused. What's going on?


Zhao Lili didn't expect that Shen Wufeng would refuse the invitation, and said immediately, "It's Jiajia from our class! Why don't you go say hello? Hey, that's all I said just now. Don't be shy, right? Let's go... let's go!"

Shen Wufeng wanted to fool the past, but Zhao Lili was quite enthusiastic. After all, she was an old classmate, so there was no other way.

He got up and followed Zhao Lili, but he didn't know that this behavior made Zhao Lili sneer from the bottom of his heart.

I couldn't say it just now, but the result is still very honest! It must be that he still has thoughts about Wang Jiajia, and he didn't dare to meet him just now, just like when he was in college, he was ashamed of himself! This Shen Wufeng has been working for several years, why hasn't he made any progress?

But Zhao Lili is still very kind, after all, she is an old classmate, and she and Wang Jiajia sometimes chat, and what she remembers is that when Shen Wufeng helped carry Wang Jiajia's clothes in the theatrical performance.

The performance costume was still very heavy. It took him more than 20 minutes to walk from the warehouse to the performance location. He held it up the whole time. In the end, it was said that his hands were sore that he couldn't lift it all day.


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