My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1334 Hope (two chapters in one)

On the crashed plane, the nervous mood of the one-eyed middle-aged man gradually calmed down, and he began to search around, hoping to find a tool that would allow him to escape and ascend to heaven.

At this time, the tattooed man looked at Wang Lang, who had been silent all this time, with a dangerous expression on his face, and asked viciously, "Boy, you must be carrying a parachute bag!"

As soon as the words were finished, the bald man with glasses, the one-eyed middle-aged man, and the girl in a nightdress all looked at Wang Lang involuntarily.

In this situation, people with parachutes have a chance to survive.

Survive, this is the only thought in everyone's mind at the moment, since this person has a parachute, why don't I grab his parachute, so that I can survive?

Everyone came up with the idea of ​​snatching Wang Lang's parachute, and their gazes at Wang Lang became very dangerous.

These bastards actually wanted to steal my things... Wang Lang looked at the people in front of him warily, and then said to them.

"My parachute was found in a metal box under my seat, and you should all have metal boxes under your seat."

After saying something to these malicious people, Wang Lang adjusted his center of gravity and walked towards the nose of the cabin.

He wasn't going to skydive with this broken parachute with several holes in it right now.

Jumping out of the plane with such a broken parachute should have a 50% chance of not opening.

Once the parachute cannot be opened, it will fall freely at an altitude of 10,000 meters, and the result can be imagined.

Of course, there is also a 50% chance that the parachute can be opened and landed safely, but Wang Lang feels that he will not have that kind of luck, after all, he is a very unlucky person.

Last year, he had a car accident, and he almost died on the spot because of that car accident.

After that car accident, Wang Lang spared his life more than anyone else.

Wang Lang, who cherished his life, did not dare to take unsure actions lightly, so the dilapidated parachute bag with several holes on his body should never be used unless it is a last resort.

Think about last year, when I was walking on the road well, an off-road vehicle slammed into me across the green belt.

He had a feeling that if he, who had been unlucky since he was a child, jumped off this private plane with this unreliable parachute bag, he would fall to his death in all likelihood.

After Wang Lang's reminder, the few people who wanted to snatch the parachute hug immediately bent down and looked under their seats.

As Wang Lang said, there were metal boxes under their seats, so they quickly took out the metal boxes and opened them.

Just when Wang Lang passed by the bald man with glasses, he found that there was a person lying next to the seat of the bald man with glasses. To be precise, it was a man who passed out and peed his pants.

The bald man with glasses seemed to have noticed that Wang Lang was looking at the man who peed his pants, he turned his head to look at Wang Lang, and explained casually, "I didn't make him become like this.

At first he woke up and was scared to pee his pants, then he unbuckled his seat belt, and then he didn't stand still. His head hit the cabin directly, and he passed out on the spot... What a f*cking bad luck, there was a smell of urine/sex/smell. "

If it were any other time, Wang Lang would enthusiastically call the man in diapers and call an ambulance.

But now that he couldn't protect himself, Wang Lang didn't have the time to worry about the final outcome of this fainted person.

After listening to the other party's words, he left and continued to walk to the nose position.


"Great!" The girl in the nightdress took out a parachute from the metal box, exclaimed excitedly, and quickly put the parachute on her back.

After Wang Lang heard the sound, he looked back subconsciously, and found that the parachute bag the girl in the nightdress was looking for was exactly the same as his own, and even the holes seemed to be in the same position.

From this point of view, these parachutes were deliberately damaged by the organizer, otherwise how could the damaged places be exactly the same?

When the nightdress girl found the parachute bag, the tattooed man stood up from his seat with a gloomy face.

His metal box turned out to be a swimming ring, the sponsor must be sick! Should I take a swimming ring and jump off at an altitude of 10,000 meters?

If you can safely fall into the sea, the swimming ring is very useful.

What the one-eyed middle-aged man found from the metal box was a flashlight...for what? Do you want to use a flashlight to send an SOS distress signal to the outside world in the plane above the altitude of 10,000 meters?

Even if someone saw the distress signal, could it be possible to rescue them on this plane that was about to crash.

"No parachute." The bald man with glasses looked at his metal box, but he didn't find any tools to escape.

"The organizer is too vicious! So many people only gave two parachutes. He wants us to fight again before we die..." Wang Lang frowned, his face becoming more serious.

The tattooed man's eyes showed a fierce light, and he looked back and forth between Wang Lang and the girl in the nightdress.

The others were also silent, looking at Wang Lang and the girl in the nightdress with malicious intent like the tattooed man.

Facing the fierce eyes of the tattooed man, both Wang Lang and the girl in the nightdress couldn't help but feel their hearts hang.

After all, this tattooed man is strong and strong, and he is a ruthless person who is ready to rob and kill. It is no wonder that ordinary people are not panicked when he stares at him so viciously!

The atmosphere at the scene became more and more dignified, and the cameras installed in the cabin silently recorded all this. At this moment, the organizer behind the scenes should be very happy! This is exactly what he wanted to see.

The falling speed of the plane was accelerating, and everyone knew that time waited for no one, and the oppressive atmosphere didn't last long before being broken.

Suddenly, the girl in the nightdress ran towards the hatch of the plane with all her strength.

"Where are you going? You still want to slip away while I'm here?" The tattooed man sneered, and appeared in front of the nightdress girl in an instant.

As soon as the strong arm stretched out, it grabbed the opponent's slender arm, and immediately pressed the free hand on the head of the girl in the nightdress, firmly suppressing the opponent.

"Give me the parachute bag you're carrying, or I'll wring your head off.

You should be able to feel that I'm not the kind of person who pity the beauty, you'd better do what I say, in this way, you can still live for a few more minutes. "

The tattooed man lowered his head, put his mouth close to the girl's ear in the nightdress, and threatened viciously.

In this case, everyone saw that tattoos are hard to do evil, Qiqi remained silent.

"Don't be ignorant!" The tattooed man snorted coldly, reached out and took off the parachute bag from the girl in the nightdress, then threw her aside forcefully and smashed it on the seat.

"Ah..." The girl in the nightdress who was thrown on the seat couldn't help but let out a scream.

Then she quickly raised her head to look at the tattooed man who snatched her parachute bag, and glared at him with gritted teeth.

"Don't blame me, if it were you, you would do the same..." After the tattooed man got the parachute, his face was full of excitement, and he said confidently to the girl in the nightdress who was looking at him.

Time waited for no one, the tattooed man quickly put on the parachute bag he had snatched, and then looked at Wang Lang and the others triumphantly.

"Everyone, goodbye, I'll take a step first, and when I get the bonus of 200 spirit stones, I will burn some incense sticks to your dead..."

After the tattooed man finished speaking, he opened the door of the plane triumphantly and jumped out of the plane.

After a while, the tattooed man carrying a parachute bag disappeared from everyone's eyes.



Thunder and lightning, wind howling.

Loud noise and strong wind poured into the cabin from the opened hatch, making these people stranded on the plane even more flustered.

Shortly after the tattooed man jumped out of the plane with a parachute bag on his back, the radio on the plane rang again, sending out a countdown to the death of those trapped on the plane.

"There are still 4 minutes before the plane crashes, all contestants please cherish the little time left."

It was only 4 minutes before the crash. When these people trapped on the plane heard the word 4 minutes, everyone's hearts suddenly became cold.

"There are still 4 minutes before the plane crashes, all contestants please cherish the little time left."

The broadcast repeated the sentence just now. It seems that the organizer is urging these people to act as soon as possible. They can't wait to watch the last 4 minutes of life and death. What kind of actions will these people show?

Just when the repeating sound of the broadcast disappeared, Wang Lang moved first, and everyone's expressions changed drastically.

They all thought that Wang Lang was going to jump down with the last parachute while the others were not paying attention.

The one-eyed middle-aged man and the nightdress girl moved a little, trying to block Wang Lang's escape route.

But no one thought that Wang Lang didn't want to jump out of the plane.

He came to the one-eyed middle-aged man, took off his parachute, and handed it to the one-eyed middle-aged man.

"Ah?" The one-eyed middle-aged man did not expect that Wang Lang would take the initiative to hand him his parachute. The expression on his face was stunned for a moment, and then he was ecstatic, reaching out to take the parachute bag that Wang Lang handed over.

But the moment he stretched out his hand, Wang Lang retracted it again.

"What do you mean?" The one-eyed middle-aged man didn't expect Wang Lang to retract his hand again, and his face suddenly became gloomy. He thought the other party was playing with him, and his tone of voice became fierce, a bit like a tattooed man .

Wang Lang ignored the one-eyed middle-aged man's threatening tone, and said to the other party in a calm tone with a pale face.

"I'll give you a parachute, and you give me your metal box. It's only fair to barter. It's up to you whether you want to do it or not."

"Is there something wrong with this person's mind?" The one-eyed middle-aged man was taken aback immediately after hearing Wang Lang's words. There was nothing in his metal box that could allow him to escape. Why did this person in front of him make such a weird request? .


The plane made a loud noise again, and everyone could vaguely feel that some parts on the plane had fallen off.

This kind of movement made everyone on the plane feel colder and colder, and they knew that the time left for them was getting less and less.

The one-eyed middle-aged man turned his mind quickly a few times and couldn't figure out why Wang Lang would do such a thing.

I just checked that metal box many times, and I didn't think there was anything special about that metal box.

All right, the man in front of him must have become a delirious idiot because of this dangerous situation, so he made such a weird decision.

The one-eyed middle-aged man had already regarded Wang Lang as a delirious person, and then he quickly took his metal box and handed it to Wang Lang.

After all, this time has come, and every second wasted may lead to unexpected changes, so the transaction between the two parties went very smoothly.

The moment the one-eyed middle-aged man got the parachute bag, he immediately carried it on his back. He was also afraid that the other two people would stop him, so without saying a word, he rushed forward a few steps, arrived at the door of the cabin, and jumped out .

Three seconds after the one-eyed middle-aged man jumped out of the plane, the announcement on the plane sounded again, "A contestant died."

The death of a contestant mentioned in the broadcast must not be the one-eyed middle-aged man who just jumped out of the cabin. Who could it be? The result is self-evident, it must be the first tattooed man to skydive.

The tattooed man who skydive died because of a problem with the parachute he was using.

The few contestants who were stranded on the plane came to a conclusion in an instant.

When they sympathized with the one-eyed middle-aged man who jumped out after him, they couldn't help but secretly rejoice that they didn't grab the parachute and jump out.


The one-eyed middle-aged man with a parachute on his back looked back at the plane that was getting farther and farther away from him, with a smile of the survivors on his face.

"Haha, I survived."

The falling speed was very fast, and after a while, the one-eyed middle-aged man felt that his height was about the same, and it was time to open the parachute on his back.


He reached for the clasp on the parachute bag, only to find he couldn't, as if stuck.

"It's mud... Open it for me!" The one-eyed middle-aged man's face suddenly turned from joy after the disaster, and his heartbeat accelerated to the extreme.

With a "snap", the one-eyed middle-aged man felt the button loosen, but he didn't feel his descent speed slow down.

He raised his hand and looked in front of his eyes. It turned out that the parachute bag had not been pulled open by him. He felt loose just now because the button that opened the parachute was broken.

"...Grass Mud Horse..."



The noisy plane vibrated violently, and some parts fell out of the fuselage. As the frequency of its vibration became higher and higher, more and more of those parts fell out.

If anyone can see this situation, they may guess whether the problematic plane will disintegrate before falling into the sea.

"There are still 3 minutes before the plane crash... Please hurry up..."

The few people who were stranded on the plane at this moment were stunned by the sound of the contestant's death that was broadcasted just now.

The parachute bag turned out to be a trap, which no one could have imagined.

What to do now! How can everyone escape in this situation?


"The second contestant died." The announcement on the plane sounded again,

The one-eyed middle-aged man who skydived died as everyone expected. Those two parachute bags with holes were really traps.

After looking at the contents of the one-eyed middle-aged man's metal box, Wang Lang came to the unconscious man in diapers. He took out a metal box from under the other party's seat, opened it, and found that there were some snacks inside, and there was no useful escape tool.


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