My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1338: Super Power ‘Transmission of Objects’ (two chapters in one)

Just as Jiang Xiaowen was about to get back to the car, she suddenly felt the spiritual weapon bracelet she was wearing tremble.

"Huh?" The vibration of the spiritual weapon bracelet made her stunned for a moment. She quickly pulled up her sleeves and looked at her spiritual weapon bracelet.

At this time, the spiritual weapon bracelet worn on the wrist was emitting a pale golden spiritual light, and it would tremble from time to time.

Jiang Xiaowen, who had never seen a reaction from a spiritual weapon bracelet, flashed a trace of panic on her face, recalling in her mind the words of the exotic beast hunter who sold her spiritual weapon bracelet.

"Ms. Jiang, this spiritual weapon can sense strange beasts within a certain range..."

"Can it sense strange beasts within a certain range? How amazing! What is the specific range?"

"The effective distance is 150 meters, but there is a disadvantage, that is, this spiritual weapon can only sense the spiritual energy fluctuations of second-level high-level beasts and above.

If the spiritual weapon reacts, you are definitely no match for the opponent with your current strength. It is best to run away immediately and contact the relevant departments to deal with it. "The instructions of the exotic beast hunter who sold the spiritual weapon to Jiang Xiaowen rang in Jiang Xiaowen's mind.

"Crash..." Just as Jiang Xiaowen was recalling her previous conversation with her lover, the sound of water suddenly came from the river below the cross-river bridge.

The sound of the water was very loud, as if something huge was bathing in the river and stirring the water.

"There seems to be something under the bridge."

Some passers-by who heard the noise curiously stuck their heads out of the railings and looked under the bridge.

"There are strange beasts, please don't stick your heads out." Jiang Xiaowen subconsciously shouted to the curious passers-by. Unfortunately, her shouting had no effect, and many people still stuck their heads out.

Then, the water waves that appeared under the bridge became larger and larger, as if some huge object was stirring the water.

Waves of more than ten meters high rose from the water and hit the water heavily.

"Water monster?" Those who saw the water waves more than ten meters high exclaimed in unison.

Before their words dissipated, something suddenly shot out from the river covered by the white mist. The thing penetrated the white mist and hit the bridge across the river.

Tentacle, this is a huge tentacle covered with suckers.


The huge tentacles hit the cross-river bridge made of steel bars, causing the bridge to deform slightly in an instant.

And in the place where it just whipped, some people who were very curious and stuck their heads out to look under the bridge also suffered, and were instantly turned into a pile of meat.

Think about it and you will know that the bridge made of steel bars has been deformed. How can the human body stop it?

"Dead people!" People who saw this scene immediately screamed, and fear filled their hearts. They instinctively screamed and ran to both sides of the cross-river bridge.

"It's a strange beast. There's a strange beast in the water. Everyone, run for your lives!"

Amid the exclamations, another tentacle came out of the white mist. After killing several people, it wrapped around the steel-reinforced cross-river bridge.

After a while, a strange beast with a big round head and many tentacles climbed onto the bridge across the river.

"Roar..." This strange beast roared, with such terrifying and ferocious momentum that the legs of those who saw it became weak.

This is a powerful alien beast with mid-level third-level psychic energy fluctuations.

A pale golden aura bloomed in the two big eyes of this strange beast.

The supernatural power was activated, and invisible mental interference shrouded the passers-by who were fleeing for their lives.

"Auntie, let's go quickly."

When Jiang Xiaowen launched the attack with the first tentacle of the alien beast, she pulled her aunt and fled away.

The area of ​​interference caused by the alien beast's power spread extremely quickly, and she and her aunt were unable to escape at such a speed.

The mental interference fell on her instantly. Jiang Xiaowen was shocked, and then she could no longer exert any strength.

Faced with this situation, she could only grit her teeth and move farther away step by step.


"That alien beast has climbed onto the bridge across the river. We have to speed up. If it's too late, there will be a lot of casualties."

On the river not far from the cross-sea bridge, a team of investigators rode a small boat and rushed towards the scene of the incident.

Today they were originally going to arrest some illegal practitioners on the river. Unexpectedly, those illegal practitioners were not caught. Instead, they happened to see the strange beast roaring on the bridge across the river, so they rushed over immediately.

"Captain. Our speed has reached the limit, there is no way to go faster..." the investigator driving the boat responded.

"What's the situation with the early warning from the security tower? Why did they not react at all when the strange beasts appeared under the cross-river bridge?

It wasn't until this strange beast emerged from the water that a warning was issued? if it is like this. So what's the use of them? "An investigator said angrily.

"The security tower said that the warning devices they set up everywhere were operating normally, and this strange beast appeared out of thin air in the water under the cross-river bridge." An investigator replied.

"Appearing out of thin air, how is that possible?"

"It did appear out of thin air. This is the latest reply sent to me from the security tower."

Everyone fell silent after hearing what the investigator said. If strange beasts appear out of thin air in the city from now on, how can they defend it?

"Damn, I just hope this strange beast isn't too strong, otherwise the people on the bridge will suffer..."

The incident happened suddenly. Although there were investigators with peak level three strength in the city, it would take some time to rush over.

"We will do our best to prevent that strange beast from coming ashore and wreaking havoc later. We will hold him back at all costs until support arrives." The captain standing at the bow of the ship said to his companions.

"Yes! Captain."

"Get ready to fight." As soon as he spoke, the team of investigators arrived at the scene of the incident.

Looking at the alien beast that was wreaking havoc on the bridge across the river, all the investigators turned pale. They mobilized their spiritual energy and charged towards the alien beast on the bridge across the river.


At Xicheng Airport, an international flight from China landed on the runway.

After the plane stopped, the cabin door opened and a group of people walked out. The leader was an old man with silver hair. He was thin and plain-looking, like a farm grandfather.

However, if you look closely, you will find that the people traveling with the old man and the group who came to pick him up are extraordinary. From these people, psychic energy fluctuations can be sensed, and their intensity is at least the first stage of the third stage.

"Mr. Hu Guofeng, welcome, I am James, the director of the Xicheng Superpower Management Bureau." The leader of the pick-up staff greeted with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. James." The old man Hu Guofeng responded with a smile and shook hands with the other party.

"It's been a long journey, please follow me to the base to have a rest." James said, taking these guests from China to the base.

But at this moment, his accompanying secretary answered an emergency call, then his expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly handed his mobile phone to James.


"Director, something bad happened..."

Hu Guofeng and others standing aside heard the content of the other party's phone call, and their expressions became serious.

They were specially sent to Australia to help. Unexpectedly, the problems encountered by Australia were much more serious than imagined. Just as they got off the plane, they encountered an attack by alien beasts.

"Damn it... At all costs, you must destroy that strange beast on the bridge. You must not let it run to the shore to wreak havoc... I will lead people there now..."

James, who looked ugly, hung up the phone after giving the order. At this time, Hu Guofeng said, "Mr. James, it will take you a long time to get to the scene now. Human lives are at stake. I will go over and help you block that strange beast." Bar!"

"Huh?" James was stunned when he heard this. He was going to apologize to these guests who had come from afar, and then lead people to rush to the scene to deal with the strange beasts. After hearing what Hu Guofeng said, he immediately said in surprise, "Thank you very much. Mr. Hu Guofeng."

"You're welcome, alien beasts are the common enemy of mankind." Hu Guofeng said, "Show me some real-life pictures or videos near the scene."

James' accompanying secretary immediately opened the photo album on his mobile phone and found a live video sent by someone at the front.

Hu Guofeng took a few glances at the contents of the video, remembered the appearance of some buildings in his mind, and then said to everyone present, "Okay, I'll go there first."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone saw a light golden aura emerging from Hu Guofeng's body. In the blink of an eye, Hu Guofeng's body shattered into countless golden particles and disappeared in place.

"This should be Mr. Hu Guofeng's awakened power of 'object teleportation'. Today is really an eye-opener." James' accompanying secretary muttered to himself after seeing Hu Guofeng disappear.

"Let's go..." Seeing that Hu Guofeng rushed to the scene, James felt a little relieved, and then he also rushed to the scene with everyone.


On the vast river, a cross-river bridge crosses both banks. The white fog shrouds the bridge, making it impossible for everyone to know what is happening on the cross-river bridge in the fog?

On the top of the landmark building more than 200 meters high on the river bank, countless golden particles appeared out of thin air. After they gathered and entangled together, they turned into an old man with silver hair.

Hu Guofeng stood on the top of the building and looked at the bridge across the river in the distance. As his eyes glowed with a light golden aura, the distant scene quickly zoomed in.

The white fog faded, and the wide road across the river bridge was seen to be filled with cars packed together. Many of the cars were crushed by the huge force.

Occasionally, some cars fly off the bridge and fall into the water.

A huge alien beast is wreaking havoc on the bridge across the river. While it is chasing the fleeing humans, it is also frantically destroying the cars on the bridge.

Seeing this scene, Hu Guofeng's expression changed slightly, and he realized that the situation was more urgent than he expected. He immediately activated the flying spiritual weapon he was equipped with, jumped forward from the roof of a building more than 200 meters high, and flew into the distance. The bridge across the river.


As soon as Hu Guofeng arrived above the cross-river bridge, he heard a violent explosion ahead, mixed with panicked screams from humans.

In this situation, there must be a lot of casualties, which made Hu Guofeng, who came to the rescue, feel angry.

Hu Guofeng flew towards the explosion site quickly. As he approached the explosion site, he saw more tragic scenes.

"That's why I advocate regular clearance of strange beasts in the wild to nip any signs of danger in advance." Hu Guofeng thought to himself as he approached the center of the battle.

soon. He saw the culprit behind this tragedy.

There was a strange beast covered with tentacles and gray bones on its head that looked like an octopus in the sea. At this moment, this strange beast was waving its tentacles and roaring.

A group of investigators are pestering each other to prevent this terrifying beast from moving forward.

However, as time goes by, these investigators will eventually be unable to stop this strange beast that is stronger than them.

Among the people who were fleeing in trouble, a child fell to the ground. His parents were not around, and they didn't know whether he had escaped or whether he had died in the hands of a strange beast.

At this moment, the child got up from the ground and stood there, not knowing which way to escape.

"You bastard, take my sword..." An investigator suddenly jumped up from the ground, swung the spiritual weapon sword in his hand, and stabbed hard into the body of the strange beast in front of him.

"Roar..." The alien beast whose body was pierced by the spiritual energy sword let out a painful roar, and then the spiritual energy fluctuations on its body fluctuated violently.

When the alien beast activated its power, the temperature in the surrounding air dropped rapidly. The water vapor in the air quickly condensed into frost, falling in the sky and quickly accumulating in a small pile on the ground.

"Bang." Several investigators were knocked away by the tentacles of the alien beast. After they fell to the ground, their bodies suffered varying degrees of frostbite.

The investigator who pierced the body of the alien beast with a sword was even more seriously injured. He was directly hit by the alien beast's tentacles and flew out of the bridge across the river, falling into the cold water.

"Roar..." The strange beast that used its superpower roared and forcibly tore open the investigator organization's defense line. Then he quickly crawled towards the humans who were escaping to the shore.

"Kid, run quickly..." Jiang Xiaowen, who was in the crowd, saw the child standing there blankly. She shouted to him to run and rushed towards him.

When she picked up the child, she was about to turn around and run away.

The tentacles waved by the terrifying gray-bone octopus beast had already reached the top of her head, and were about to beat her and the child into a pulp.

A huge shadow shrouded her body. Jiang Xiaowen's feet slipped even more at this moment, and she fell to the ground holding the child in her arms.

He looked back and saw that the terrifying tentacle was getting closer and closer to him. He closed his eyes in despair.

"call out……"

A harsh sound broke through the air in the ears of everyone on the bridge.

A giant heavy sword with a length of one meter and eighty meters, glowing with light golden aura, flew through the air and instantly cut off the tentacle that was about to hit Jiang Xiaowen and the child.


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