My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1340 The prelude to world chaos (two chapters in one)

After Zhang Yunliu read this news report, he found that there were more than 30,000 messages in the comment area.

You know, this news report was published less than an hour ago!

In such a short period of time, so many people have left messages. It can be imagined how concerned everyone is about this strange beast incident in Australia.

"I was studying in Australia... I was near the cross-river bridge at that time. I originally wanted to get on the cross-river bridge, but I found that there was a traffic jam in front of me. Who would have thought that strange beasts appeared in the city and attacked people crossing the bridge? Passers-by.”

"What happened to this world? It has become so dangerous. Two incidents of raging alien beasts happened in one day. Such terrible things won't happen in our country, right?"

"Living in Australia... I was going to cross the cross-river bridge to the other side to do some errands today... but the car broke down halfway, and I didn't go. After I got home, I turned on the TV and saw the news. I was so excited at the time. Stupid.”

"You are so lucky to have survived the catastrophe. Go and buy a lottery ticket. You might win a big prize..."

"Is the old man who killed the strange beast a Chinese? Does anyone have a video of the scene? Please upload it to the network disk."

"It is said that he is from China. I heard that the old man left after killing the strange beast. For such a powerful practitioner, his identity should be announced later!"

Zhang Yunliu looked at the messages from netizens, and soon there would be hundreds of messages.

He just read more than 20 comments from netizens and found that the total number of comments had exceeded 40,000. You can imagine how popular this incident is.

The guests eating in the cafeteria seemed to have learned about this incident through various channels. They began to chat about this very terrifying alien attack while eating.

Of course, in addition to the mysterious old man from Australia, the man in swimming trunks with a cartoon mask on his face who helped the local people in Hu to kill the alien beasts was also discussed.

However, when something like this happens abroad, for people who have enjoyed peace for a long time in China, under normal circumstances, the feeling is only very strong at first, and then slowly fades away, and finally becomes a casual chat for everyone after dinner.

However, the attack of alien beasts appearing in the city this time is not as simple as everyone thought...


It's daytime in the Eastern Hemisphere of Blue Star, while it's dark in the Western Hemisphere.

In the United States, in the base where the country's Superpower Management Bureau is located.

In a certain conference hall, a group of people were sitting around, looking at the big screen.

What is shown on the screen is the port terminal of a small city on the east coast of the United States, on the Atlantic coast.

"Every unit is searching with all its strength, and no trace of the alien beast has been found yet." A correspondent received the news from the front combat unit and immediately reported the report. The eyes of everyone in the conference room suddenly became solemn.

The enemy is in the dark and we are in the clear, the situation is not good, we must find those strange beasts immediately.

For the vast majority of the citizens of Kendall City, today's experience can be said to be unforgettable.

I was living a good life, but I didn't expect to be notified that a group of strange animals appeared in the sea. For safety reasons, everyone was asked to evacuate first.

The originally brightly lit small city fell into darkness. Under the arrangement of the local government, all citizens evacuated the small town.

Some people who were unwilling to evacuate hid in the basements of their homes, nervously looking toward the Atlantic Ocean, filled with fear.

On the Atlantic Ocean, strong winds stirred up huge waves, and the dark clouds lit up with lightning from time to time.

Vaguely, some fighter jets could be seen flying across the sky.

On the nearby sea, many armed helicopters were traveling on the sea. These armed helicopters were equipped with huge searchlights. The lights were shining on the sea, as if they were looking for something.

Looking for the herds of alien beasts hiding in the sea. In such bad weather, the role of these fighter jets and armed helicopters flying in the sky is greatly weakened.

What really works are the cruisers and submarines that travel on the sea and in the water.

"No trace of the alien beasts has been found in the current sea area."

"Continue to expand the search area and respond immediately if you find any signs of strange beasts."


On the sea, combatants who were performing missions reported the current situation to the rear through communication devices.

The strong winds roared on the sea, and from time to time huge waves several meters high were rolled up, hitting the sailing cruiser.

Compared to the unrest on the sea, it is much quieter underwater.

Submarines spread out one after another, constantly searching for strange beasts that might appear in the nearby waters.

"Discover the situation!" A soldier suddenly shouted, "At 6 o'clock, there is a huge creature approaching our position at a very fast speed."

"Is it a strange beast?" the combat commander asked.

"Report, there are psychic fluctuations detected on the opponent's body, it's a strange beast!" added the accompanying investigator who was waiting in front of the spiritual weapon to detect it.

"Finally found it. Send the news here back to the rear. Others are ready to attack and wait for my instructions." The combat commander gave instructions to his subordinates.


"Report, the opponent is accelerating. Based on its current swimming speed, it will hit our submarine in about 5 minutes?" a soldier will report.

After hearing the report from his subordinates, the combat commander frowned. After thinking for a few seconds, he decisively issued the order to attack.

"Attack, use special torpedoes."

"Yes!" After the combat commander gave the order, the soldiers immediately took action.

About 10 seconds later, the submarine launched a specially designed torpedo.

After being fired, this torpedo modified by a researcher from the Psychic Research Institute attacked the unkind beast.

"Headquarters! Our boat was threatened by a strange beast and has launched a special torpedo to fight back..." After the combat commander issued the attack order, the relevant correspondents immediately reported to their superiors.

After the special torpedo was launched, a pale golden aura bloomed on the surface as it traveled, illuminating the surrounding dark waters.

In the distance, the alien beast, which was tens of meters long, was rapidly attacking the submarine. When it saw a golden light coming towards it, it saw it.

It was stunned for a moment, and then based on the psychic energy fluctuations it sensed, it knew that this was an attack launched by the other party, and responded immediately.

The supernatural power is activated, and invisible ripples emit from the alien beast.

These ripples swept over the rapidly shooting special torpedoes, including the submarine that fired the special torpedo.

"Report, the instrument is malfunctioning."

"It should be the power used by that strange beast that caused the instrument to malfunction."

"Damn it, that strange beast actually has such a method..."

Just when the combatants in the submarine were surprised by the attack method of the alien beast in the distance, the specially-made torpedo fired finally exploded.


The special torpedo exploded in the water, causing a shock wave that spread in all directions.

Fish in the water that did not have time to leave the explosion area were killed on the spot.

The submarine in the distance was also affected by the shock wave generated by the explosion. The submarine shook slightly and then returned to calm.

Because the instruments in the submarine were destroyed by alien beasts, the combatants in the submarine did not know the specific situation outside.

The only person who can observe the specific situation of the strange beast now is the investigator holding the spiritual detection tool.

"What's the condition of that alien beast? Was it killed?" the combat commander asked.

"No, the psychic energy fluctuations on his body have not decreased, and the special torpedo we fired just now did not cause him any damage." The accompanying investigator reported.

"Damn it, we are in a weak position in the water and cannot show our full strength." A soldier said bitterly.

"Retreat." The combat commander issued the order to retreat.

His order was the most correct choice at the moment, because all the instruments on the submarine had failed. If they continued to stay here, they would be dead when the alien beast caught up with them.

"Yes." The soldier driving the submarine immediately controlled the submarine to escape far away. His escape route was all set in advance.

In such a sea, human beings are naturally at a disadvantage against such strange beasts that can move freely in the water.

When the alien beast saw the iron lump and ran away, it did not continue to chase it, but floated up in the exploding waters.

He sensed several psychic energy fluctuations in the sky above the exploding waters.

Over the waters where the special torpedo exploded, several armed helicopters passing by saw the huge water waves caused by the explosion.

When they arrived, they shined a huge searchlight on the water.

"An alien beast has appeared." The pilot of the armed helicopter reported into the earphone, and the base camp behind immediately received the news reported by the armed helicopter.

The water was churning, and a figure emerged from the sea. Then they saw a giant beast that looked like Godzilla, completely unlike any creature that should exist on Blue Star.

The searchlights of the armed helicopters shone on the alien beast. The alien beast felt that the lights shining on its eyes were a little uncomfortable, and then it let out an eardrum-piercing roar at the armed helicopters.


The pilot of the armed helicopter was stunned by the roar of the alien beast.

When they were about to lose their hold, their superiors gave them the order to retreat, and then they immediately controlled the armed helicopter to increase altitude and fly towards the base.

No one expected that the roar of this strange beast could have such a great impact on people.

The wind was howling and the waves were rolling, and giant beasts similar to Godzilla appeared one after another.

They look very similar and should be of the same group.


"The electronic equipment of various aircraft patrolling the sea ahead has been affected."

"Let them all withdraw!"


"Let those cruisers cover the group of alien beasts with firepower."


This group of alien beasts can use supernatural powers to affect modern human electronic equipment. Everyone has anticipated this possible situation, so there are corresponding countermeasures.

After the order from the combat command room was issued, the cruisers distributed on the sea began to attack.


Following an order from the commander of the maritime fleet, hundreds of cruisers launched their own attacks at the same time.

In just a few minutes, hundreds of powerful missiles were fired from the launch tubes of these cruisers.

So many missiles flew towards the same area, and the flames they sprayed lit up most of the dark sky.


The group of giant alien beasts that appeared on the sea looked at the groups of light spots appearing in the distance. They obviously didn't know that these things were powerful missiles. They stood there blankly and did not run away.

The missile flew very fast, drawing parabolas in the air, and plunged into the group of alien beasts...

"Boom, boom..."

Huge explosions sounded one after another, turning the water into a dead place.

On the coast not far from the explosion site, a few melon-eating people who were not afraid of death were taking pictures of the spectacular scene in front of them with their mobile phones.

Under the bombardment of hundreds of missiles, the shrill roars of the alien beasts were intertwined with the sounds of explosions and thunder. The sea water was dyed red with blood, and this group of giant alien beasts suffered heavy casualties.

"Are all those strange beasts dead?" someone asked.

"The spiritual weapon warning tower installed on the battleship has not detected any signs of survival of the alien beasts. All those alien beasts should be dead." Someone responded.

“If these strange beasts appear near the world passage or in the spirit world, we will not be able to use heavy firepower.

But in the waters of Blue Star, for them to appear so arrogantly within our range is like lighting up lanterns in the toilet and seeking death. "

Just when everyone in the combat command room was happy about this victory, a piece of news came back from the front.

"Report, there are many spiritual energy fluctuations in the waters where the missiles bombed."

Everyone who heard the news suddenly froze with joy on their faces.

"How is it possible? How did they survive under such a missile bombardment?"


A strange roar suddenly came from the depths of the sea, and the sound spread over a very wide range.

In a short while, it swept across the sea, washed up on the shore, and swept across dozens of kilometers.

When the roar of the beast disappeared, all the advanced instruments within a range of dozens of kilometers failed.

"All our various instruments are unusable." The relevant personnel quickly reported the news to their superiors. This was the first time they had encountered such a situation.

"It's a supernatural attack. Such a large-scale supernatural attack can only be carried out by fourth-level alien beasts. There are fourth-level alien beasts in that group of alien beasts."

A researcher from the Psychic Research Institute looked at the unusual light emerging from the warning weapon in front of him and reported it to his superiors.

"Everyone on the cruiser has retreated. Your mission has been completed. The next battle will be handed over to the investigators of the Ability Administration." The top commander of this battle gave instructions to his soldiers.

"All investigators, be prepared." George, an American investigator with mid-level fourth-level strength, gave instructions to his subordinates.


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