My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1343 Various signs (two chapters in one)

Zhou Yue's amazing charm was also the reason why Lin Fei didn't want to eat in crowded places with her.

After all, for someone like her, not only attracting the attention of passers-by, but also attracting some men who couldn't help but come forward to strike up a conversation, it was a bit annoying.

If it were an ordinary man, it would be a dream to have such a beautiful woman as a companion, because if he took such a female companion out to go shopping, he would definitely be the center of envy and jealousy of other men, and he would be well-prepared in terms of face.

Lin Fei came to Zhou Yue, glanced at the men around him who were ready to strike up a conversation, and then said, "Hey, why are you dressed so beautifully today?"

"Are you pretty? I think it's okay! I didn't dress up much when I went out." After hearing Lin Fei's words, Zhou Yue unconsciously raised the corners of her mouth, with a charming smile on her face.

"Just wear a T-shirt and jeans when you go out next time. It will save you trouble..." Lin Fei stepped forward and whispered to Zhou Yue.

Zhou Yue also knew what Lin Fei meant by trouble. She stretched out her right hand, took Lin Fei's arm, and said with a smile, "This way there will be no trouble."

Several men who were about to strike up a conversation saw Zhou Yue's actions and immediately gave up their decision to strike up a conversation. However, the unwillingness in their eyes was clear, and they all turned to stare at Lin Fei, making Lin Fei feel like he was carrying a ray of light. Feel.

The soft touch on his arm and the overwhelming fragrance of orchid made Lin Fei's thoughts pause for a moment. After he came to his senses, he said to Zhou Yue, "It's so hot, please let go of your hands." loose……"

"There is air conditioning in the mall, so it won't be hot when you go in." Zhou Yue ignored Lin Fei's words and walked into the mall holding his arm.

"Um..." Lin Fei dispersed his thoughts, diverted his attention, and let Zhou Yue take him around the mall.

"Xiaoru's hometown this afternoon, when will she return to Rongcheng?" Lin Fei asked.

"The morning after tomorrow! The afternoon at the latest. After all, it's my birthday the day after tomorrow. Xiaoru will definitely come back soon after she has taken care of her family affairs." Zhou Yue, who was holding Lin Fei's arm, said with a smile.

"Oh." Lin Fei twitched his arm and said, "Let's go eat! I'm a little hungry."

"There is a newly opened barbecue restaurant on the second floor of the shopping mall. There is unlimited beer. Let's go to that restaurant to eat!" Zhou Yue said.

"Unlimited beer supply?" Lin Fei glanced at Zhou Yue beside him and said, "Okay, but you can drink some beer later..."

"I know! Let's go!" Zhou Yue agreed.

At around eight o'clock in the evening, there were more and more people in the square. People eating in the shopping mall also finished their meals at this time, and came out of the store in groups.

Lin Fei helped Zhou Yue out of the elevator, surrounded by envious looks from passers-by.

I knew it would be like this. There was no way this idiot would take it easy... Lin Fei supported Zhou Yue, who was humming music and giggling from time to time.

"Lin Fei... uh..." Zhou Yue burped at Lin Fei.

"I'm speechless for you. Didn't I tell you to drink leisurely?" Lin Fei complained.

"I couldn't help it, hee hee." Zhou Yue, who was dizzy, said carelessly.

"You... okay, I'll take you back." Lin Fei shook his head and started to help Zhou Yue move forward.

But she stood there and muttered, "I don't want to walk anymore... Please carry me on your back."

"Sister! You will look naked in a skirt." Lin Fei said quickly when he saw that there were many people around.

"Carry it! I'm not leaving!" Zhou Yue, who was already drunk, said coquettishly.

"Can you please speak normally?" Lin Fei convinced her, took a step forward and squatted down. When Zhou Yue saw this, she cheered in victory and threw herself on her back.

In this soft and heavy state, Lin Fei spent some time and sent Zhou Yue back to her home.

He opened the door and entered the house, put her on the bed, then sat aside and played with her brain, trying to find some space for himself to come back.

"Lin Fei, how dare you sneak attack me?" Zhou Yue yelled, and then she sat up to retaliate against Lin Fei and get back the bullet in his head.

"Huh?" Lin Fei turned to look at the swaying Zhou Yue, stretched out his hand and flicked her again. After seeing her fall, he said disdainfully, "It's better to save your time to save you from this situation!"

Zhou Yue reached out and rubbed her forehead, then pushed her hair to the back of her head and said vaguely, "I made a note of it, and I'll settle the score with you tomorrow."

You can find me tomorrow and talk about settling accounts tomorrow... After Lin Fei covered Zhou Yue with a quilt, he put a bottle of mineral water on her bedside table, then turned off the light and exited the room.


The next day, in the Inland River City in Nanyue Kingdom adjacent to Dian City in China, a big event was about to happen.

12:30 noon.

At the local TV station, a group of migrant workers were busy working on their own.

In the dressing room of the TV station, anchor Li Shicao, who broadcasts news about practitioners, stood at the window.

She leaned forward and put her arms on the window sill, outlining her exquisite curves.

The sky in the distance was gloomy, and a large dark cloud was spreading towards him. It might not take long for that dark cloud to come over the TV station where he was.

"The weather forecast didn't say it's going to rain this morning, but looking at the situation, it should rain a lot later." Li Shicao looked into the distance and muttered to himself.

"Miss Li Shicao, the leadership has approved it. You don't need to re-record the program. You can go home and rest." A middle-aged woman over 40 years old walked into the dressing room and looked at the person in the distance. Said Rishicao of the changing weather.

"Okay, sorry to trouble you, I'll go home and rest first..." Li Shicao looked away from the horizon, turned around and smiled at the TV station staff member, then picked up his bag and headed outside the TV station. Go.

"Xiao Chen, go and see Miss Li off." Seeing that Li Shicao was leaving, the middle-aged woman quickly called to her subordinates to see Li Shicao off.


Arriving in front of the elevator, Li Shicao was waiting for the elevator to arrive. At this time, she noticed that the people passing by had solemn expressions and were walking in a hurry.

"Strange, why are the expressions on everyone's faces so serious?" Li Shicao muttered to himself, and then asked Xiao Chen, the staff member who sent him away.

Xiao Chen, a staff member who had just joined the job, shook his head in confusion and said.

"I don't know what the specific situation is, but I just overheard that it seemed that the leader of the department urgently called everyone over for a meeting.

There must be some big news. This is the first time I have seen this kind of battle in the past few months since I joined the company. "

"So that's how it is!" Li Shicao said. At this time, the elevator arrived, and then she walked into the elevator, "Okay, don't send me off, go back!"

"Well, Miss Li, please walk slowly." Xiao Chen waved to Li Shicao, then turned and left.

Li Shicao arrived at the underground parking lot a moment later. She came to where she parked her car, opened the car door and got in, then drove her car home.


Li Shicao's parents passed away due to some accidents when she was very young. She lived with her grandparents since she was a child.

It wasn't until she graduated from college and started working in the city that she moved out of her grandparents' home to live in the city in order to have time to commute to get off work.

Today's work was finished, and there was still a lot of time left, so instead of going back to her apartment to rest, she drove out of the city and headed to her grandparents' house.

As the car drove on the spacious street, Li Shicao keenly noticed that something was wrong with the situation on the street.

Now is not the time to get off work. The traffic on the road should be smooth, but now she is blocked on the road from time to time.

The strangest thing was that she found that there seemed to be traffic security guards at each intersection to maintain order, and traffic security guards were arranged at every intersection.

Traffic police are deployed at some intersections where few vehicles usually pass. This is so unreasonable.

Vaguely, Li Shicao seemed to feel that something big was about to happen.

Driving from the city to the suburbs usually only takes about 35 minutes, but today it took Li Shicao nearly an hour.

Not far ahead was his grandparents' house, and Li Shicao parked the car at a parking spot on the side of the road.

I unbuckled my seat belt, opened the car door and got out of the car. The sky in the suburbs had become a little gloomy due to the spreading dark clouds.

The street lights on both sides of the street may turn on automatically after a while to illuminate the passing vehicles.

"Grandpa and grandma, I'm back." Li Shicao walked into a house with a yard.

"Xiaocao, are you back?" The grandfather in the wheelchair heard a familiar voice and looked up, with a surprised smile on his face.

"Well, I'm back. How is grandpa's health lately?" Li Shicao came to his grandpa and squatted down.

"It's okay, it's okay, but my legs are getting harder and harder to control." The grandfather reached out and patted his granddaughter on the head and said with a smile.

Li Shicao looked at his grandfather's legs and said. "Grandpa, I'll take a day off tomorrow and take you to the City's No. 1 Hospital for another checkup!"

"Don't go to the No. 1 Hospital in the city again. I've seen it before and they said there's no way to cure it. Why spend that wasted money?" Grandpa smiled and shook his head.

"But, for some reason, your leg is getting worse and worse. If you don't treat it as soon as possible, I'm afraid..." Li Shicao didn't finish what he said, but her meaning behind it was self-evident. Metaphor.

"Xiaocao is back!" At this time, the grandma in the house heard the conversation in the yard and walked out of the house.

"Grandma." Li Shicao greeted his grandma when he saw her.

"Xiaocao, your grandfather's condition cannot be cured by the domestic medical standards, but you don't have to worry, we have other ways to cure your grandfather's strange disease..." Li Shicao's grandmother said.

Li Shicao was stunned when he heard what his grandma said, with a puzzled look in his eyes.

"Just now, an old friend of mine from China called me. After learning about my situation, he asked me to go to China to find him.

He said that the hospital over there should be able to find out what happened to my leg? And can give treatment plan.

We just wanted to call you and discuss with you about going to China for medical treatment, but we didn't expect you to come back on your own. "The grandfather in the wheelchair said with a smile.

"Go, I must go. I will call my boss in the company later to ask for leave. We will leave for China to see a doctor tomorrow..."

Li Shicao's face was full of surprise. He quickly told his grandparents, then took out his mobile phone from his pocket and called his boss to ask for leave.


In the northwest corner of the West District of Embarcadero City, there are many dance halls and other entertainment venues. It is the industrial gathering place for many societies in Embarcadero City.

Whenever the sun goes down and night falls, this place will gather many young people to relax.

At the entrance of a large ballroom, a well-dressed middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes walked in.

This kind of dance hall is basically a place where young people come. There are very few middle-aged people coming to spend money in places like this.

So when the middle-aged man in a suit and tie walked into the ballroom, he immediately attracted the attention of a group of young people who were having fun.

Some young people even whistled provocatively at the middle-aged man in a suit. Faced with these people's provocations, the middle-aged man simply chose to ignore them.

"Please give way, thank you."

It took a lot of effort to walk through the center of the ballroom and arrive at a relatively quiet place.

At this time, a bald man with tattoos on his body came over with a smile and his men, "Assistant Liu, you are here! I have been waiting for you here for a long time."

The middle-aged man known as Assistant Liu nodded to the tattooed bald man, "Then he took out a document from the briefcase."

When the tattooed bald man saw Assistant Liu's businesslike look, he immediately put away his playful smile and listened carefully to his next words.

"Although your performance this month is good, there are some problems that I still hope you can correct... The specific areas that need to be corrected are written on this document." After Assistant Liu finished speaking, he handed the document in his hand to the tattooed bald man.

A polite middle-aged man in a suit and a bald man with tattoos all over his body, who was not easy to mess with at first sight, actually started to talk about some serious content with each other in a serious manner.

If the young man who was dancing crazily in the ballroom heard this, his jaw would probably drop in shock.

"Assistant Liu, I will correct the problems you mentioned one by one in the future. Thank you for coming here. Let me buy you a drink!" The tattooed bald man smiled at Assistant Liu after the serious conversation was over.

"I'll have a drink like this when I have time in the future! I don't drink during work." Assistant Liu said with a smile.

The tattooed bald man also knew that Assistant Liu was a stickler for rules. He had set a rule for himself not to drink during work, so he didn't care if the other person declined his offer to buy him a drink.

"Assistant Liu, actually I have a question that I want to ask you. I wonder if it would be convenient for you to answer it for me."

"what is the problem?"


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