My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1351 The more chaotic the world is, the happier they are (two chapters in one)

South Vietnam, over the bay of Inland City.

Lin Fei, who had killed the alien beasts from the spiritual world, stood in mid-air, looking at the giant pieces of meat that fell into the sea. He said to himself, "I have died completely. It is finally over now. I can go back." ”

There were armed helicopters flying in the distance. Lin Fei raised his head and glanced at the armed helicopters, turned around and took off, flying towards the depths of the sea. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the vast sea.

The flesh of those huge alien beasts is now at the bottom of the sea, and the flying armed helicopters are hovering on the sea.

After a while, several people wearing diving gear descended from the gunship and plunged into the water.

The corpses of fourth-level alien beasts are rare, and they must be fished out later to make up for some losses.


Not long after Lin Fei left, the main force transferred out of the river city by the alien beast returned.

Under the dispatch of local special ability management, post-disaster rescue work began immediately.

The director of the Panshi Martial Arts Gym rushed towards the area where his students were. The originally bustling city was deserted, and the damage to the East District was particularly serious.

Some people who had no time to evacuate came out of their hiding places after hearing the noise outside calmed down. When they saw the ruins of their homes in front of them, they couldn't help crying.

The director of Panshi Martial Arts Hall was walking on the street and saw the people crying around him. His heart became very heavy, which made his joy of defeating the strange beast disappear.

"Everyone come here, don't stand under the building, be careful of being hit by falling rocks."

"Tell us immediately when you see the injured and do not move the injured casually to avoid causing greater harm."

"There is food here. Anyone who needs it please come here."

The relevant rescue team immediately came to the East District to rescue the survivors here.

The director of Panshi Martial Arts School looked heavy. He was walking on the street not knowing where to go now.

"Director?" The director of Panshi Martial Arts Hall heard someone calling him from behind. He turned around and saw that it was a student wearing a training uniform.

Seeing these students, the heaviness in Panshi Martial Arts Gym's director's heart suddenly eased a little.

"Are you all okay?" The director of Panshi Martial Arts Hall walked over and asked with concern, looking up and down at his students.

"Director, it's just a minor injury, it's okay." The students said with a smile.

After the brutal fight just now, these students felt a lot more stable.

"Everyone is tired. Let's go back to the martial arts gym and rest!" The director of the Panshi Martial Arts Gym nodded and said to his students.

"Director, we are not tired. There seems to be a shortage of security guards over there. We will go over to help, and we will not go back to the martial arts gym to rest." The students said.

After all, Neihe City is the hometown of these students. Now that it has been attacked by alien beasts and large blocks have been reduced to ruins, these people must not be able to rest peacefully.

"Okay, then go over there and help the security guards! Don't overwork yourself. If you can't bear it anymore, just sit down and take a nap and have a rest." The director of the Panshi Martial Arts Gym asked.

"Okay, curator." The students nodded, and then walked towards the security guard who was busy in the distance.

They came to the security guard and explained their purpose. After hearing this, the security guard smiled and said something to them.

Afterwards, these students dispersed and walked to various places.

After the students left, the director of Panshi Martial Arts Gym walked towards his own martial arts gym.

After leaving the East District of Neihe City, where the damage was most severe, and returning to the martial arts gym, the director of Panshi Martial Arts Hall let out a long breath.

At this time, he said to a martial arts coach who had returned to the martial arts gym before him and was waiting for him to return.

"Xiao Gao, after things here settle down, I plan to return to China."

"Ah?! Director, are you going back to China?" Xiao Gao said in surprise.

The director of Panshi Martial Arts Hall nodded and said, "This alien beast attack is not simple. I am worried that my parents in my hometown may encounter something like this, and I am not around..."

"Director..." Although Xiao Gao, the martial arts coach, is very reluctant to give up, there is nothing you can do to stop him from doing this.

"After I return to China, the position of curator will be handed over to you. You have to cheer me up and don't embarrass me."


"Okay, let's go wash up and have a rest!"

Afterwards, the director of the Panshi Martial Arts Gym and the martial arts gym coach Xiao Gao walked to the rest area in the martial arts gym.

Compared with the attack by the alien beast leader on the city that happened in South Vietnam tonight, the casualties of ordinary citizens and the damage to the city can be said to be very heavy.

Needless to say, you know that by tomorrow morning at the latest, the attack by alien beasts in Laihe City will become the hottest news in the world.


That night, before the alien beasts attacked the city in Laihe City, the officials and many organizations knew about what was happening in Laihe City in advance. Everyone who learned the news was shocked.

When they first heard the news, they all thought the person who reported it was joking with them.

The comprehensive discussion area of ​​the world's largest illegal organization forum is filled with posts about the attack by alien beasts on the river city.

"Terrible!!! Neihe City, the capital of South Vietnam, was invaded by alien beasts, and almost all of the eastern part of the city was reduced to rubble!"

"Dozens of investigators and security officers died in this alien attack, while at least thousands of ordinary citizens were killed or injured."

"The strong man wearing a bamboo hat appeared at the most critical moment in Neihe City and killed the terrifying alien beast that invaded Neihe City!!"

"According to the personal experience of members of this organization in Neihe City, the strength of the strong man wearing a bamboo hat far exceeds that of the terrifying beast.

After he appeared, the terrifying beast was unable to fight back under his attack. "

In the forum, members of illegal organizations from all over the world enthusiastically discussed the incident of the alien beast attacking the river city.

Everyone shared all kinds of gossip they knew. Judging from the discussion, they might have to discuss it all night tonight.

The alien beast set a trap, and the investigators of the Neihe City Superpower Management Bureau were transferred away from the mountain. Then a strong man wearing a bamboo hat appeared and killed the arrogant alien beast. Although the whole process seemed very simple and clear. But everyone feels that this matter is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

After all, Laihe City is the capital of South Vietnam. No one can imagine such a bad attack.

In just two days, there have been so many incidents of alien beasts attacking human cities, which is obviously abnormal.

Some people speculate that such incidents of alien beasts attacking the city will not subside just like this, and there may be more and more similar incidents in the future.

Although a large area of ​​the Inland River City was destroyed this time, it still escaped the end of total destruction, which can be considered a blessing among misfortunes.

"Level 4 alien beasts are starting to attack big cities. This is our chance!" A forum member from an unknown organization spoke, not hiding his excitement.

As the capital of a country, Neihe City was actually invaded by alien beasts, so there was no guarantee that other countries would not be invaded by alien beasts.

In the future, this kind of attack by alien beasts may happen in any city at any time. This is very bad news for the governments of various countries.

However, such a bad situation is good news for those illegal organizations hiding in the shadows.

The more chaotic the world becomes, the happier they will be. Only in this way can they quickly grow stronger.

In the case of the alien beast attack in Neihe City, the popularity of a post that no one paid attention to at the beginning continued to increase, and finally attracted the attention of all illegal organization leaders.

"The alien beasts that have attacked big cities in the past two days look a bit weird, and they don't feel like creatures that should exist on Blue Star.

Some people say that the reason why these strange beasts look so weird is because they are affected by spiritual energy. I don't agree with this. What do you think about this? "

Everyone has seen some of the attacks by alien beasts that happened before. Although the appearance of those alien beasts has changed somewhat, everyone can still call out their names after seeing them.

The strange beasts that have appeared in the past two days are so different. It’s no wonder that everyone feels that they don’t look like creatures on the Blue Star.

This post, which had long since sunk to the bottom, was lifted up by the crazy influx of people.

Some people even clicked on the poster's avatar and found another reply from him.

"I think the alien beasts that have attacked big cities in the past two days may come from another world."

At this moment, many people fell silent. Another world? Is there really another world besides Blue Star?

"It sounds like it's true. Most of this person's posts are obviously joking! There is another world? How is it possible!" someone joked under the post.

The others didn't say anything. In fact, researchers from major organizations already had suspicions, especially after the Embarcadero City incident, but there was no way to verify this statement.


Huaguo, Rongcheng.

In the bright office, Han Xue, who was sitting in front of the computer monitor, stretched and finished the work at hand.

After the General Administration issued the red-headed document yesterday, she suddenly had more things to deal with.

Han Xue, who was about to send the compiled documents to Xie Yurong's office, had just stood up from her chair. Suddenly, the phone on the table vibrated. She picked it up and saw that it was from her old classmate who was assigned to work abroad. video.

"What is it?" she typed.

The old classmate replied, "It's a big event, what happened just now, please take a look."

"Mysterious..." Han Xue muttered, then clicked on the video sent by his old classmate.

The video lasted for ten minutes, but after watching it for a minute and a half, Han Xue's expression changed, because the strange beasts that appeared in the video were obviously not the creatures that should exist on Blue Star, and she immediately made a judgment in her heart.

"Tap, step, step..."

Han Xue didn't finish watching the video, so she picked up a stack of documents she had sorted and hurried to Xie Yurong's office.


Rongcheng East District, Xing'an Garden Community.

A white light flashed at the entrance, and Lin Fei appeared out of thin air with a mobile phone in his hand.

A minute ago, Lin Fei, who had just returned home from killing a fourth-level alien beast in South Vietnam, put away his bamboo hat, walked to the kitchen, and took out his mobile phone from the dimensional space.

As soon as the cell phone got a signal, it started ringing non-stop. When I opened WeChat, I saw that they were all WeChat messages sent to me by this guy Zhou Yue.

Lin Fei put his phone in his pocket and walked into the living room. He saw a large figure lying on a yoga mat on the floor of the living room.

Well, it's a girl. You can see the obvious rise and fall on her chest, and her long hair is spread out on the ground.

There was a torn bag of potato chips on her belly, and snacks such as fried chicken, French fries, cans of beer, and chocolate-flavored cookies were spread out on the floor beside her.

"Uh..." Lin Fei looked helplessly at the figure lying on the floor, not understanding what this idiot was doing.

"Zhou Yue, what are you doing?" Lin Fei came to Zhou Yue and looked past the concave and convex curves, landing on her face that could be broken by a bullet.

Maybe he fell asleep! Zhou Yue heard Lin Fei's voice and slowly opened her eyes. When she saw Lin Fei, who was looking down at her like an idiot, she said with a smile, "Hey, why are you here?"

"What do you mean, why am I here? Didn't you send so many WeChat messages to ask me to come?" Lin Fei rolled his eyes at Zhou Yue and said helplessly.

"Oh, yes! I asked you to come..." Zhou Yue, who had just woken up, was a little confused, scratched her hair with her right hand, and continued, "Lin Fei, where were you before? I sent you a WeChat message I haven’t even seen a reply from you.”

I traveled abroad and saved the next city... Lin Fei said very calmly, "I went to the Tucker Desert to exercise for a while. There is no mobile phone signal there, as you know..."

"I thought you wouldn't take me with you when you went out to play!" Zhou Yue put her right hand on the floor, her slender waist exerted a little force, and she got up from the ground.

Lin Fei looked at the leftover food that Zhou Yue put on the coffee table and said, "Is this what you're going to eat for dinner?"

Zhou Yue was lying on the soft sofa, with slippers hanging on her white feet. She picked up the remote control and pressed it.

"Well, I originally wanted to ask you to go out for dinner together, but you didn't reply to me for a long time. I was so hungry that I couldn't wait any longer, so I ordered a fried chicken takeout. Yes, it tastes good... Have you eaten it? If so If we don’t have anything to eat, let’s go out and find a place to eat.”

"I haven't eaten yet! It's better to go out and find a place to eat. I'll just go to the kitchen and cook some instant noodles." Lin Fei said, turning and walking towards the kitchen of Zhou Yue's home.

"Lin Fei, please add an extra egg to the instant noodles." Zhou Yue raised her head and said to Lin Fei.

"I know...are you the reincarnation of a pig? After eating so much fried chicken, how can you still eat instant noodles?" Lin Fei turned around and teased.

"You're the pig!" Zhou Yue raised the pillow in her hand as if to throw it away. Upon seeing this, Lin Fei immediately quickened his pace and walked into the kitchen.



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