My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1360 Beast Banquet (two chapters in one)

To the east of Rongcheng, deep in the forest of Wangyue Mountain.



A vibrant forest has a variety of sounds.

Suddenly, all the sounds disappeared at a certain moment, and the dark clouds hid the bright moon.


The disappearing wind suddenly appeared again, blowing the trees with great noise, and some birds hiding in the trees shivered.

The dark clouds that originally hid the moon disappeared with the wind, and the hazy silver-white moonlight spread to the earth. Everything on the earth seemed to be wearing a silver-white dress.

There was a small piece of strange rain cloud floating in the sky somewhere in the eastern area of ​​the Wangyue Mountain Forest.

"Boom..." There was a loud noise from the rain clouds, and bright silver-white thunder and lightning flashed through the air, violently bombarding the wet grass, blasting a big hole in the ground.

A strange monkey suddenly jumped out from the shadow of a big stone.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..." As soon as it appeared, the rain falling from the sky turned into arrows and struck hard at it. If it hadn't reacted quickly enough, it might have been injured by these rain arrows.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak..." The monkey beast shouted angrily to the flying squirrel beast in front of it.

It received a notice not long ago and was about to go to the residence of its Lord White Wolf for a banquet. Unexpectedly, on the way to the banquet, it would be attacked by spies sent by the tiger beast from the north.

This flying squirrel beast has the strength of the middle level of the third level. After using its superpower to create rain clouds, the overwhelming rain can be turned into weapons to attack itself.

Although he had dodged the wave of arrows just now, but in the earlier wave of attacks, one of the arrows hit its buttocks, causing it to frown in pain.

The opponent's attack advantage was too great. He couldn't resist it, so he had to dodge. The monkey beast activated his power again and hid in the shadow of a stone not far away.


The stone that the monkey beast jumped on using the shadow was shattered by the bright silver-white thunder and lightning the next moment.

The flying squirrel beast kept releasing thunder and lightning, attacking the things the enemy used to escape.

The monkey beast used its powers again and again to avoid the terrifying thunder and lightning attacks.

Although lightning attacks are easier to dodge, there is no way to dodge this overwhelming rain.

So it can only mobilize the spiritual energy in the body to create a barrier outside the body for defense.

Both sides are consuming each other's spiritual energy, but unfortunately the flying squirrel beast has a greater advantage.

As time passed, the monkey and beast suffered more and more injuries.

It was completely suppressed, and all it could do was dodge, and it seemed it didn't even have the strength to fight back.

"Wow..." A large amount of rain suddenly gathered together to form a spear of water.

The flying squirrel beast concentrated on sensing the movements of the monkey beast and prepared to give the opponent a fatal blow.

"You can't run away now, I found you." The flying squirrel beast suddenly looked at a big tree in the distance, locked on the shadow reflected by the big tree, and then controlled the water spear it formed, fiercely Hit towards the locked position.

The position locked by the flying squirrel beast happened to be the figure of the monkey beast.

The monkey beast had just emerged from the jumping state of the shadows, and suddenly felt its feet tighten. It looked down and found that its feet were entangled in chains made of rainwater, and it was facing a spear of water.

"Zhizhi... It's over." Its heart sank. The water spear was extremely lethal. If it was hit head-on, it would definitely be seriously injured.

So the monkey beast quickly mobilized the few spiritual energy left in his body, gathered it in his fist, and punched the incoming water spear.


The fist glowing with light golden aura collided with the water spear, and a violent explosion occurred. The splashing water turned into arrows and hit the surrounding grass, making it a mess.

"Huh..." Although the monkey beast exploded the water spear with one punch, it didn't feel any joy in its heart because the punch just now consumed a lot of its spiritual energy.

His body exerted a little force, and the two restraints condensed by the rain around his feet collapsed.

The monkey alien beast looked around the situation. The shadows that were relatively close to him were surrounded by rain-condensed chains. As long as he dared to use the shadow to jump, he would definitely be trapped by those chains.

The flying squirrel beast has blocked its escape route! How to escape next?

The monkey beast grabbed a stone from the ground, mobilized the spiritual energy in his body in his hand... twisted his body, turned around violently, and threw the stone in his hand.

It turned out that the Flying Squirrel Alien Beast wanted to sneak up on the Monkey Alien Beast from behind, but the Monkey Alien Beast, who discovered this situation in advance, took advantage of the plan and retaliated with stones.

The stone thrown by the monkey beast was so powerful that it produced a harsh roar after being shot out like a cannonball.

"Bang." The stone hit the enemy who sneaked into him, causing it to disintegrate into a puddle of rain.

It turned out that it was not its true form. After seeing the enemy being beaten into a puddle of rain, the expression on the monkey's face suddenly changed.

The next second, a lot of rainwater suddenly appeared in the surrounding grass, and it condensed together instantly, turning into a water tornado, wrapping the monkey and beast.

The flying squirrel beast appeared again and smiled proudly. This combat strategy was something it thought of not long ago. It happened to be that I tried it with this monkey beast today to see if it worked.

After the waterspout wrapped around the monkey beast, it was firmly trapped in it. This was trying to drown the monkey beast!

Just when the flying squirrel beast felt that he was about to win, a fiery red figure burst into the battlefield, and with lightning speed, he ducked and appeared behind the flying squirrel beast in an instant.

"Roar..." The flying squirrel beast roared with alarm bells in its heart. It had no time to dodge, and its body was directly penetrated.


The waterspout exploded, and the trapped monkey beast fell from mid-air.

The red fox retracted its claws, jumped up, and flashed several times in mid-air before appearing behind the monkey beast.

He opened his mouth, bit the monkey beast's back neck, and flashed a few times before appearing on the ground.

"Lord Red Fox." The seriously injured monkey beast lay on the ground panting, with an annoyed look on his face.

"Treat it." Red Fox turned around and said, then chased after the flying squirrel beast that had been pierced through its body.


The forest shook a few times, and a young sika deer beast carefully walked out of the forest and came to the seriously injured monkey beast.

A pale golden aura emerged on the sika deer's antlers. The next second, the aura was restrained, and a ball of white light condensed between the antlers.

The sika deer beast lowered its head, and the white light ball fell on the monkey beast.

The fine wounds on the monkey beast that were treated by the sika deer beast healed quickly.

However, this power also has side effects, that is, it will be extremely itchy during the treatment process.

"'s so itchy!" For the first time, the monkey alien felt that the itch was worse than the pain.

Time passed bit by bit, and five minutes later, when Monkey Alien Beast looked at his wounds again, he was surprised to find that the wounds he had received had healed.

"This guy's healing power is so powerful." The monkey beast didn't expect this timid-looking sika deer beast to have such a powerful awakened healing power.

The injury that might have taken half a month to recover was condensed into just five minutes. This kind of treatment effect is definitely as powerful as it is said to be.

"Roar..." The shrill roar from the distance drew the monkey and beast's attention back.

The forest shook, and the red fox came to the monkey beast and sika deer beast with a paw dripping with blood in its mouth.

"Lord Red Fox? Is it dead?"

"It escaped, and the flying squirrel beast had a few moments." Red Fox threw the paw of the flying squirrel beast in his mouth in front of the monkey beast, "Eat it!"

"Thank you, Lord Red Fox." The already hungry monkey picked up the flying squirrel's paw and ate it with relish.

"Eat while walking, the banquet is about to start, everyone should be waiting for us." Red Fox said, and then the three strange beasts ran towards the mine where Xiao Bai was.

"Roar..." The flying squirrel beast that had one of its claws bit off ran away in the woods in embarrassment, its eyes full of fear.

As the number one general under White Wolf, Red Fox had heard about it for a long time. Originally, it relied on its own strength and didn't take it seriously. However, after meeting today, it finally realized how powerful the opponent was.

If it hadn't made a decisive decision just now and abandoned one of its paws, it would have died here today.

"The intensity of the spiritual energy fluctuations in the red fox has been infinitely close to the peak of the third level, and it may break through in the near future. By then, the White Wolf side will have the combat power of two third-level peaks... The situation is not optimistic!"

The seriously injured flying squirrel beast was thinking worriedly as it fled towards the northern area of ​​the Moon Moon Mountain Forest.


There is a bright moon in the sky, and under the silver-white moonlight, you can see everything in an open area without the need for lights.

But at this moment, in front of the mine where Xiaobai lived, wooden sticks were stuck around the grass. The tops of the sticks were tied with activated luminous stones. The bright white light made the entire grassland in front of the mine look like day.

Except for the herbivorous beasts that were eating fruits and fresh grass, thousands of carnivorous beasts gathered in the middle of the grass, looking at the meat mountain not far away with salivation.

That mountain of meat was piled up from pieces of cut meat. According to the red-eyed owl, the 'chief steward', these were the meat of fourth-level alien beasts.

Fourth-level alien beasts are even more powerful than Lord White Wolf. There is no alien beast in the Wangyue Mountain forest that has broken through to the fourth level.

Now, thanks to Mr. White Wolf, they are lucky enough to enjoy such rare food, and they feel that they were right to choose to surrender in the first place.

Xiaobai squatted on the side of the meat mountain, looking at the younger brothers who had reached the highest level of loyalty. He thought to himself that when the boss comes next time, he must let him accept the psychic ore that he has dug up during this period.

"Why is the red fox so slow?" The red-eyed owl standing behind Xiao Bai muttered softly.

Xiaobai sensed a very strong spiritual energy wave in the distant woods and said, "It's coming."


The red fox jumped out of the woods, followed closely by the bald monkey and the timid looking sika deer.

"Sorry, I'm late." The red fox brought the monkey beast to Xiao Bai, while the sika deer beast went to the herbivore beast to eat fruit.

Xiaobai's eyes fell on the bald monkey beast and asked, "Were you attacked on the road?"

"Well, it encountered a spy from the north, and I happened to bump into it." Red Fox said.

"Master White Wolf, if Master Red Fox hadn't saved me this time, I wouldn't have been able to see you. Those guys in the north are so abominable." The monkey beast said angrily.

Xiaobai narrowed his eyes when he heard this, pondered for a moment, then turned to the red-eyed owl and said, "You will go to the north on my behalf tomorrow and ask that stupid tiger what it means?"

"Ah?" The red-eyed owl was stunned for a moment, and then nodded. In fact, it really didn't want to take this job because it felt that the tiger beast to the north was too rude.

"We'll wait until I break through. There's no rush to start a war now," Red Fox said.

"Well." Xiaobai said, "It's not easy to start a war now, but it didn't follow the rules and sent spies to sneak over and hurt my people. It's okay for me to ignore it."

After a brief chat, Xiaobai realized that his little brother had been enduring this for a long time, and then announced the start of the banquet.





All kinds of beast roars erupted together, resounding through the forest.


Rongcheng, nine o'clock at night.

"It's getting late. You have to get up early to go to work tomorrow, Monday. I'll go back first." Lin Fei stood up and said.

"When I go home this time, my mother asked me to bring a lot of dried bamboo shoots. I'll give you a portion." Wang Xiaoru said, getting up and heading to the kitchen.

Lin Fei, who was waiting for Wang Xiaoru to get the dried bamboo shoots, looked at Zhou Yue and saw that she was taking selfies of herself with her mobile phone. The focus of every photo was on the necklace around her neck. It seemed that this birthday gift from Lin Fei She really likes the gift!

"Zhou Yue, just take a few pictures. Don't be so narcissistic." Lin Fei couldn't help teasing when he saw Zhou Yue's enthusiasm for taking pictures.

"I want you to take care of..." Zhou Yue, who was happy, turned back and rolled her eyes at Lin Fei, and continued to take selfies. She planned to choose the photo she was most satisfied with and post it to her friends circle later.

Lin Fei was about to speak when Wang Xiaoru came over carrying a bag of dried bamboo shoots.

"So much? You should keep some for yourself!" Lin Fei said.

"I still have a big bag!" Wang Xiaoru said with a smile.

Lin Fei nodded, reached out and took a bag of dried bamboo shoots, put it into the dimensional space, said "I'm back", then activated the space teleportation ability and returned to Ping'an Garden Community.

Shortly after Lin Fei left, Zhou Yue also stopped taking selfies. She took off the necklace around her neck and put it into a wooden box.

At this time, Wang Xiaoru, who was sitting on the sofa nearby, said, "Xiaoyue, are you going to take a shower?"

"Yeah." Zhou Yue nodded.

"Lend me your necklace to wear." Wang Xiaoru said.

"Okay!" Zhou Yue handed the wooden box in her hand to Wang Xiaoru, then went back to the bedroom to get her nightgown and take a shower.


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