My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1368 The monster is completely awake (two chapters in one)

Lin Fei smelled the strange fragrance of flowers in the air and observed the appearance of these sculptures.

Due to the baptism of time, the appearance of these sculptures are blurred, but after thinking about it, I know that these sculptures are some kind of local cultural symbols in Malay.

I heard Wang Zhui say before that the stronghold on the island was built seventy years ago. Over the years, no more than ten investigation teams have performed missions here, so nothing is stored inside.

Because no one had maintained it for a long time, it was not surprising that after Lin Fei followed the group into the stronghold, he saw that it was in tatters.

After the three researchers from the Concept Research Institute entered the stronghold, they immediately ran towards a certain location in the stronghold.

In order to protect their safety, the investigators followed closely behind them.

The place where the three researchers from the Psionics Research Institute came was very spacious. This spacious location is usually used to house large and heavy equipment.

However, over the years, few people have come to this stronghold, so there is no heavy equipment in this place.

There is nothing here, what to do next! After spending so much time and going through a lot of hardships, how could he just come here to check in, take a photo and then go back... Lin Fei complained in his heart.

He knew that it was the turn of the three researchers from the Psychic Research Institute to unfold what was to come, so he stood aside and watched their next actions expectantly.

At the same time, the three researchers from the Psychic Research Institute were muttering something.

"The dean told us before we left that the problem started with us. We must solve the problem this time. Otherwise, in a few years, we in Malay will suffer disaster." The man in sunglasses said softly. .

"According to the news sent back by the investigation team that came here before, the strength of that thing may be stronger than we previously expected... In my opinion, if we want to solve it this time, the success rate is not as good as we thought. So high." Qi Zhimin said worriedly.

"Although the news sent back before said that he has become stronger again, for some unknown reason, he suddenly became very weak. This is our opportunity. If we delay it any longer, it will be even worse for us." The man in sunglasses retorted.

"Well, it's been more than a month. It was weak before, but now no one knows whether it has recovered..." Qi Zhimin said.

"Don't argue anymore. I'm going to start. Please be quiet." Miss Zhao interrupted the argument between the two, and then she took out a green crystal stone from her backpack and held it in her hand.

As soon as Miss Zhao opened her mouth, Wu Hua and Qi Zhimin immediately shut their mouths and stopped arguing.

It was finally about to begin... Lin Fei saw Miss Zhao making some preparations with a serious look on her face, and he knew that the most critical part of the mission was finally about to begin.

This woman called Miss Zhao, whose real name is Zhao Yunli, is obviously not suitable to participate in this operation, but she was brought along. Her role will be revealed soon.

Lin Fei stood in the distance and looked out at the gap between the walls.

He found that the strange tentacles in the distance were gone, and at the same time, he felt that the floral fragrance in the air was getting stronger and stronger.

Just when Lin Fei was about to start sensing and find where those weird tentacles were now, a powerful psychic wave suddenly erupted from Zhao Yunli who was well prepared in the distance.

"No, my body can't use the strength anymore." An investigator shook his body and found that he couldn't stand still, and he immediately screamed.

"Everyone hold your breath, there is something wrong with these floral scents in the stronghold." Jin Zhenghao, the team leader, also noticed something was wrong and shouted quickly.

It's a pity that this reminder is too late, everyone has already inhaled a lot of floral fragrance.

Strange, why do I feel like my body is fine... Lin Fei moved his hands and feet, and mobilized the fluids in his body, and found that everything was normal.


Zhao Yunli in the distance suddenly bloomed with a pale golden aura, and invisible ripples spread around.

Then, in the blink of an eye, the stronghold that was already in tatters due to no one taking care of it turned into a brand new stronghold in the blink of an eye.

"This is a fantasy." Lin Fei saw through the nature of the change in front of him at a glance.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Except for Zhao Yunli and Lin Fei, everyone in the investigation team fell to the ground.

Lin Fei was worried that something might happen to these people, so he immediately stepped forward to check their vital signs and found that they were in good physical condition, but had fallen asleep.

"Hey, wake up." Lin Fei shook Wang Wei and found that no matter how he called him, he couldn't wake up.

At this moment, the only ones still awake at the scene were himself and the woman named Zhao Yunli.

In front of Zhao Yunli, a green crystal was floating. This crystal was the one she held in her hand before.

This green crystal seemed to have been melted, turning into a ball of liquid, twisting and turning, and finally the crystal turned into an animal shape.

This animal has a single horn on its forehead, a very strong body, and six legs.

"Ms. Zhao, what are you doing?" Everyone around him was asleep and couldn't wake up. Although Lin Fei was just watching the excitement from the beginning and observed their next development, when something like this happened , he felt that he still needed to ask.

Seeing that the other party did not respond, Lin Fei stepped forward. At this time, he found that Miss Zhao had her eyes closed tightly and seemed to be unable to hear what the people around her were saying.

"I'm really convinced. Now everyone is either sleeping or closing their eyes and not talking. If I hadn't come to help you this time, you guys would probably be wiped out." Lin Fei looked at the situation in front of him and said, I complained in my mind.

Taking the Malay people directly to leave the island was not among Lin Fei's options, because that would mean that the assistance mission had failed.

After all, I came to provide assistance on behalf of the government. If it failed like this, it would be too shameful... I had to find a way to break the situation.

Lin Fei's eyes fell on Zhao Yunli. He felt that the life breath on her body was gradually weakening. He estimated that this woman might die in less than two or three minutes.

You can't die in front of me like this now. If this spreads out, it will have a very bad impact, and it will make me, a foreign aid, seem incompetent... Lin Fei muttered in his heart.

Lin Fei, who had made up his mind, raised his hand and put it on Zhao Yunli's shoulder. Just when he was about to activate the light of life ability to save the other party, he didn't expect that the fantasy in front of him would take a new turn.

I saw the small crystal unicorn floating in front of Zhao Yunli, emitting a pale golden aura.

Groups of golden spiritual light flew in from outside and gathered indoors.

Occasionally, psionic light groups fly into the crystal wolf in front of it, as if it is absorbing these psionic light groups.

As this crystal unicorn wolf absorbs more and more spiritual light groups, the spiritual energy fluctuations emitted by it are also rapidly increasing.

It turns out that the weird tentacles are related to this thing!

Lin Fei held Zhao Yunli's shoulder with one hand and used the light of life ability to treat his body. He stretched out his other hand directly, trying to take down the crystal unicorn wolf in front of him that was constantly absorbing the spiritual light group. .

Anyone who is not a fool knows that the key to breaking the situation now is the crystal unicorn in front of him that is constantly absorbing psionic light groups, so we just need to get rid of it.

As if sensing Lin Fei's hostility, the crystal unicorn wolf that was close at hand suddenly glowed with dazzling spiritual light, and then an extremely powerful spiritual attack hit Lin Fei.

The power of this mental attack is at the beginning of the fourth stage. If someone else was hit by this mental attack, they would become an idiot even if they were not dead.

"You dare to resist." Lin Fei sneered, then mobilized his mental power to counterattack it.

In front of Lin Fei's mental power that was as big as the ocean, the opponent's mental power attack was instantly defeated.


At the moment when his mental power was defeated, countless cracks appeared on the crystal wolf in front of him, and then it collapsed.

"Huh?" At the moment when the crystal unicorn wolf collapsed, Lin Fei saw an illusory diamond-shaped crystal appearing where it originally floated.

This illusory diamond-shaped crystal only existed for less than a second, and then disappeared.

The next second, all the illusions in front of him disappeared, and the stronghold returned to its original shabby appearance.

Zhao Yunli, who had her eyes closed tightly, also opened her eyes at this time. She stumbled and leaned back. If Lin Fei hadn't reached out to help her, she would have sat on the ground at this moment.

"I failed. Please leave this island quickly and tell my boss that we have failed. Please ask the Blue Star Alliance for help."

After opening her eyes, Zhao Yunli's eyes were confused, her mind seemed a little confused, and she repeated the same words in her mouth.

"Miss Zhao, don't be so anxious! The matter is not as serious as you think. The crystal unicorn wolf has been broken." Lin Fei said to Zhao Yunli in a calm tone, and at the same time he stretched out his hand to point to the crystal fragments that fell to the ground.

"Huh? What happened? Why did it break? And why is my body in such good condition?"

Zhao Yunli stared blankly at the crystal fragments on the ground. At the same time, she also discovered that her body had returned to the healthy state it had been five years ago.

"I just saw that the life breath in your body was constantly declining, and you would die soon, so I took action to treat you." Lin Fei said lightly.

Regarding Zhao Yunli's physical condition, the Malaysian Institute of Psychic Energy has tried many methods and used many resources, but it has not been able to cure it. Now it is unexpectedly cured by the foreign aid from China in front of it. alright.

Zhao Yunli stared blankly at the Chinese cultivator in front of her who was several years younger than herself but whose strength was unfathomable.

"Miss Zhao, can you tell me what you were doing just now?" Lin Fei asked Zhao Yunli.

Zhao Yunli was silent for a moment, and then said to Lin Fei, "This stronghold has always been our research base in Malay. The reason why this island was set up as a nature reserve is..."

Before he finished speaking, the ground suddenly shook.

"Oops, that monster is completely awake." Zhao Yunli said with a panicked expression.

"Monster? What monster?" Lin Fei looked confused.

There was something above... Lin Fei raised his head and looked up. He saw tentacles glowing with light golden light squeezing in from the gap in the roof.

These strange tentacles stretched into the house, touching here and there, as if they were looking for something.

Lin Fei suddenly felt a gaze looking at him. He turned around and saw that outside the crack in the wall on his right, there was a huge eye looking in.

"You hidden guy, you finally showed up." Lin Fei smiled slightly, then flicked out a fireball with his fingers.

The football-sized fireball flew out with a whoosh and hit the huge eye.

With a "bang" sound, the fireball was scattered by its tentacles when it was three meters away from the huge eye.

Just when this strange beast was about to roar at the little thing in front of him, he saw that figure suddenly flashing in front of him.


Lin Fei raised his right palm and slapped the eyes of the strange beast in front of him.


With a shrill beast roar, the alien beast hit by Lin Fei's palm flew backwards and fell heavily in the distance, creating a huge wave.

This wall with cracks, because of Lin Fei's palm, directly opened a large hole as high as one person, and the sunlight from outside shone in, making the somewhat dark room much brighter.

"Miss Zhao, you take care of the sleeping people here, and I'll get rid of that strange beast." Lin Fei said to the stunned Miss Zhao, and then walked out.

"Ah? Mr. Lin Fei actually knocked that monster away with one palm? That monster was a fourth-level alien beast!

According to the news from the previous investigation team, after so many years, the monster is now about to break through to the middle of the fourth stage. "


Outside the stronghold.

Lin Fei looked at the strange beast that was getting up again. It was an octopus beast that was nearly thirty meters tall and had a blue body. However, its tentacles were different from those of ordinary octopuses. Instead, they were jellyfish tentacles.

This tentacle is translucent and glows with a light golden aura.

"Tsk... When I came out, I had already decided to complete this assistance mission within one day and then return to Rongcheng. I can't ruin my return plan because of you."

Activating his telekinesis power, Lin Fei rose into the air, and the tide fell to the point where the alien beast could fly past.

This blue octopus with only jellyfish tentacles saw the hateful enemy flying towards him, and then waved his tentacles glowing with light golden light and hit Lin Fei.

Facing the tentacle attack from the alien beast, Lin Fei moved left and right, easily avoiding all its attacks, and was in front of the opponent in an instant.


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