My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1371 A father can never win against his daughter (two chapters in one)

In this situation, he could only carry her home and let her stay for one night... Lin Fei muttered in his heart, and then leaned over to carry Ning Yu.

After so many years, after careful calculation, Lin Fei had carried the drunken Zhou Yue on his back many times. It seemed that he was experienced and would have no difficulty doing the same thing again.

"Well, it's a lot worse. I can't compare to that idiot." Lin Fei, who was carrying Ning Yu on his back, felt the softness on his back and muttered in his heart.

Carrying this woman on his back, for Lin Fei, the only feeling may be that... this woman is not as pressured as Zhou Yue puts on him.

He raised his head and looked at the sky because the lights in the city were so bright that he couldn't even see the stars in the sky. Only the bright moon could be clearly seen.

"call out!"

Suddenly, a firework shot up into the sky in the distance and bloomed in the dark night sky. A group of people were shouting and screaming over there, not knowing what they were doing.

"Someone is setting off fireworks!" Ning Yu, who was lying on Lin Fei's back, suddenly woke up and looked at the fireworks that bloomed from time to time in the sky with misty eyes. Then he put his mouth to Lin Fei's ear and whispered, "Lin Fei , I want to go to the beach and watch the sea.”

Hey, what does "looking at the sea" mean? Do you mean that any woman, after being drunk, will scream to see the sea?

Ning Yu's words immediately reminded Lin Fei of Zhou Yue's previous drunken urge to go to the beach to watch the sea and catch fish.

"Lin Fei, I want to go to the beach." Seeing that Lin Fei didn't respond to her, Ning Yu muttered something in Lin Fei's ear again.

The faint smell of wine and fragrance mixed together, lingering on Lin Fei's body, and the moist air coming from his ears made Lin Fei's ears itchy.

Lin Fei, who was about to pick his ears, immediately said to Ning Yu on his back.

"We are in Shengxin Plaza now. If we want to see the sea, the nearest one is Qingxi Town. We can't drive to Qingxi Town, which is dozens of kilometers away to see the sea, right?"

After being drunk, Ning Yu still had some sanity left. After listening to Lin Fei's words, she felt that it was really unreasonable to drive to Qingxi Town to see the sea now, so she settled for the next best thing.

“Since we can’t see it yet, let’s go to the nearby Shengxin Park to see the lake!

It's not far from here, it takes about twenty minutes to walk, is that okay? "

If it were an ordinary person, carrying a drunk woman for more than 20 minutes would definitely be too much, but for Lin Fei, this was a piece of cake.

"Okay, but you have to promise me that after you go to the park and see the lake, you can't make any other requests." Lin Fei said to Ning Yu.

"Yeah." English nodded gently.


Because the location of Shengxin Park is somewhat remote, the park is quite lively during the day, but after nightfall, it becomes very peaceful.

On the way to the park, Lin Fei found Ning Yu sleeping soundly on his back again.

During this time, there were only a handful of people walking in Shengxin Park.

When these people saw a boy carrying a girl into the park, strange expressions suddenly appeared on their faces.

"Hey, hey, these people! Can your thoughts be healthier?" Lin Fei noticed those people, looked at him, and secretly complained in his heart.

The lake in the park is in the center. It takes about six or seven minutes to walk from the intersection of the park to the inside.

The further inside, the quieter it becomes.

At this moment, there were only dim yellow street lamps illuminating the cobbled path, and the moths that kept swooping towards the street lamps. There was no one else around.

Lin Fei carried the light Ning Yu on his back and walked quickly towards the lake in the distance along the path at his feet.

The temperature difference inside and outside the park is quite obvious. It feels much cooler after entering.

A gust of wind suddenly blew, and Ning Yu woke up on Lin Fei's back.

"We're here so soon!" Looking at the lake so close, Ning Yu thought to herself as her head felt dizzy, and then she asked in Lin Fei's ear. "Lin Fei, what time is it now?"

"It's five past ten." Lin Fei, who just used telekinesis to take out his mobile phone from his pocket a minute ago, replied.

The destination has been arrived, Ning Yu patted Lin Fei on the shoulder, "Let me down!"

Lin Fei let go and Ning Yu jumped off Lin Fei's back.

Because her head was still dizzy, she fell to the ground and immediately lost her balance. She shook her whole body and fell to the side. If Lin Fei hadn't quickly helped her up, she would have fallen to the ground now. .

The two sat by the lake, quietly watching the bright moon reflected on the lake. The quiet park made people feel peaceful physically and mentally.

"It's almost time, we should leave." After about ten minutes, Lin Fei said to Ning Yu who was sitting next to him.

When there was no response, Lin Fei turned around and found that Ning Yu fell asleep again at some point.

Xiaoru is better! Never get drunk... Lin Fei carried Ning Yu on his back again.

In a flash of white light, the two disappeared by the lake.


The weather is very good today, the sun is shining brightly outside the window, and there is not a cloud in the sky.

When Ning Yu woke up in a daze, she was shocked by the strange environment in front of her.

Then, she glanced at the quilt covering her body, gently opened it and looked inside, and found that her clothes were all intact, which made her immediately relieved.

"My head hurts a little!" Ning Yu reached out and rubbed the center of her brows, muttering softly.

The phone on the bedside table rang. She took it over and took a look. The caller was the assistant her father had arranged for her.

The other party was Dad's spy. When he saw that it was her call, he naturally had no interest in answering her call.

The phone rang for a while, and then stopped ringing. The other party also knew better and stopped making this call.

"Dong dong dong."

Ning Yu had just put down her phone when she heard someone knocking on the door. She could guess who was outside, so she quickly got out of bed, walked to the door, and opened the door with a click.

Lin Fei stood at the door with disposable toiletries in his hand and said. "Ning Yu, you're awake."

"Well, Lin Fei, thank you for last night!" Ning Yu said with a smile, thinking that it was great to meet a friend like Lin Fei.

"You're welcome. I've prepared breakfast. You can go wash up and come over for breakfast!" Lin Fei handed over the disposable toiletries in his hand.

Ning Yu nodded, took the disposable toiletries handed over by Lin Fei, and under his guidance, walked into the bathroom to wash up.

After a while, many clouds appeared in the originally cloudless sky, blocking the hot sunshine.

The colorful flower on the balcony was a little depressed because there was another woman in the house, which seriously restricted its free space.

"Chirping... Seven-color flowers, when are we going out!" The three sparrow brothers flew into the balcony and asked the seven-color flowers in the flower pot.

"Let's leave now before that strange woman sees me." Qise Hua crawled out of the soil, stood on the edge of the flowerpot and kicked her calves a few times, shook off the soil stuck to her feet, and then jumped To the sparrow boss.

"Chirp chirp... let's go."

"Shh... let's keep it down."

Then, the little sparrows flew out of the balcony carrying colorful flowers and flew towards the ancient tree protection area.

Fried dough sticks, tea eggs, sesame balls, spring rolls, soy milk, and various kinds of steamed buns... Ning Yu looked at the breakfast on the table, turned to Lin Fei, and said sheepishly, "Lin Fei, there's no need to give it to me." So much preparation.”

The visitor is a guest... Lin Fei said with a smile, "I didn't prepare anything specially. I usually eat like this. Please sit down quickly!"

"Oh." Ning Yu naturally didn't believe that Lin Fei would eat so much breakfast alone. She nodded. After sitting down, Lin Fei handed her a pair of chopsticks.

"By the way, there's still milk in the refrigerator."

"No need to get milk, I just drink soy milk."

This was the first time the two of them had breakfast together. Lin Fei ate the steamed buns quietly. Ning Yu felt that the atmosphere was a bit dull. She thought about it and said.

"Lin Fei, the several alien beasts attacking the city in the past few days are a bit unusual, especially the incident in the river city in South Vietnam. There were too many casualties."

Lin Fei swallowed the bun in his mouth, and did not reveal any relevant information just because Ning Yu was a friend. He said in an ordinary person's tone, "I don't know the specific situation. I'll just wait for the relevant department to issue an announcement."

"Oh." As a journalist, Ning Yu also knew that what happened in the past few days was of great importance. Even if Lin Fei knew it, it was normal not to tell him.

The atmosphere at the table became dull again.

"Hey..." Lin Fei sighed inwardly, thinking that when he had breakfast with Zhou Yue and Wang Xiaoru, there had never been such an atmosphere. It usually ended in laughter and slapstick.

"Well... I'm staying at your house. If your girlfriend finds out, she won't be angry, right?"

"Ahem..." Lin Fei choked while drinking soy milk, and the image of a fool showing his teeth and claws flashed through his mind.

"Are you okay?" Ning Yu asked with concern, took out a tissue and handed it over.

Lin Fei waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter, she's not that stingy."

"Hey... it seems that more and more people regard Zhou Yue as my girlfriend... Well, okay! I am partly responsible for this, and I can't blame her entirely..."

Lin Fei thought for a while and felt that it was okay for this misunderstanding to expand. It was not a big deal to him anyway. He was now used to this setting.

"I'm sorry, I was too willful last night." Ning Yu, who had been drinking, could vaguely recall some of what happened last night, and apologized to Lin Fei very embarrassedly.

"It's okay." Lin Fei smiled slightly as he recalled Ning Yu's drunk appearance last night.

After eating breakfast, Lin Fei sent Ning Yu to the door who was about to leave.

"I'm leaving. I'll treat you to dinner later." Ning Yu smiled at Lin Fei with a bag in her hand.

"Okay!" Lin Fei nodded.

"Click...bang." The door opened and closed, and the house became peaceful again.

"Huh..." After sending Ning Yu away, Lin Fei let out a long breath. Then he turned on the psychic automatic vacuum cleaner at home and let the little guy work happily.

South District of Rongcheng, Xiushui Emperor Garden.

Ning Yu, who returned home, was about to go upstairs to take a shower when she happened to bump into her father, Ning Zhigang, walking downstairs.

When the father and daughter met, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense. Ning Yu greeted her father and walked past him.

As the helmsman of a group company, Ning Zhigang, no matter how majestic and eloquent he was in the eyes of outsiders, at home, faced with his irritated little daughter, he was defeated in just one day.

"Xiaoyu." Ning Zhigang called to his little daughter.

"Huh?" Ning Yu stopped and turned around.

"Why didn't you go home last night?"

"I was drinking with a friend and it was too late, so I stayed at his house for the night."

Ning Zhigang originally wanted to ask if the other party was a boy or a girl, but after thinking about it he still didn't ask.

"Dad, is there anything else? If not, I'm going back to my room."

Ning Zhigang pondered for a moment and then said, "I can agree to let you go to Neihe City for interviews, but I have a condition."

"Ah?" Ning Yu was stunned for a moment, not expecting that his father would let go, "Dad! Are you really willing to let me go to Inland River City?"

Ning Zhigang nodded and said, "I can let you go, but you must promise me that you must abide by the team leader's arrangements and cannot leave the team without permission."

Ning Yu nodded hurriedly, with a smile on his face, "Okay, I will follow the team leader's arrangements."

Ning Zhigang said nothing more and went downstairs.

Ning Yu really didn't expect that her father would relent, and her originally gloomy mood was filled with joy as if the sky had cleared up after the rain.

Ning Zhigang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard his little daughter coming up the stairs behind him humming a tune.

His wife Zhang Liyuan, who was watching TV in the hall, felt the change in her husband's mood and said angrily, "I don't even know what to say to you. At the beginning, I advised you not to veto Xiaoyu's decision to go to Neihe City like that. You prefer to Do not listen.

The results of it! This made Xiaoyu unhappy, but in the end he didn't agree to let her go. "

Ning Zhigang was nagged by his wife and said, "You know how to talk about me. Change positions with me. If Xiaoyu tells you this, I don't think you will agree at first."

"You...I'm not like you..." Zhang Liyuan retorted.

In the corner of the hall, the money turtle beast, which was much larger than a millstone, quietly looked at the noise in front of him and muttered in his heart, "I knew Xiaoyu would succeed in the end..."


"I know, I know..."

There were many cicadas lying on the trees on the roadside. They were chirping tirelessly. Jing Mu stood in the mottled shade of the trees and looked at the flower shop across the street.

Today is his first time to observe the mission target. According to the pre-made plan, he would come the next day after getting off the cruise ship.

But the plan could not keep up with the changes. Who would have thought that on the night he arrived in Rongcheng, he would encounter a strange beast attacking the city.

Shortly after falling asleep at the hotel where he stayed, he was forced to leave the hotel and, under the arrangements of the security guard, went to a nearby shelter to seek refuge.

Fortunately, things did not get worse and the incident subsided after a while.


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