My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1478: Unexpectedly attacked from both sides (two chapters in one)

"Are you the main technical staff member of the No. 9 project we are cooperating with the customer?" Wang Yan calmed down and asked Yan Xianchao.

"That No. 9 project! Yes, I am the main technical staff." Yan Xianchao nodded, a little confused as to why Wang Yan mentioned this project. This project should have ended!

“In the afternoon, the customer from the No. 9 project called me and told me that there were some problems with the project and we needed to send someone from our company to deal with it.

As the main technical staff of this project, I decided that you and I should go to the customer's side to deal with the problem of Project No. 9. "Wang Yan told Yan Xianchao that she was looking for him.

"There is something wrong with Project No. 9? Impossible! That project has been inspected several times, how could something go wrong?" Yan Xianchao was shocked when he heard that there was something wrong with the project he had handled before. .

Wang Yan shook her head and said, "I don't know exactly why there was a problem with Project No. 9. Only by going to the site to have a look may we be able to find out some clues."

In fact, Yan Xianchao was not worried at all when there was a problem with Project No. 9. After all, although he was the main technical staff at the time, the part he was responsible for had already been completed and had been verified by the quality inspection department.

If something goes wrong now, it will be someone else's responsibility and it has nothing to do with me.

In fact, he didn't want to go on a business trip, but Wang Yan caught his little tail that he had just escaped. Now that the other party wanted him to go on a business trip with him, he had no choice but to agree.

"We will leave for Yacheng tomorrow afternoon. I have asked someone to book the air tickets for us. You can go home from get off work early and rest!" Wang Yan said to Yan Xianchao, and then he was also preparing to pack up and leave work.

"Manager Wang, we are leaving tomorrow. Isn't it too urgent?"

"I don't want to be in such a hurry, but the customers from Project No. 9 are urging us to hurry up.

Of course, you can call the customer now and tell them, let's wait a few days and wait. If the other party agrees, I have no objection. "Wang Yan said to Yan Xianchao angrily. In fact, she didn't want to go all the way to Yacheng for a business trip.

"How can I convince the customers of Project No. 9! You really think highly of me." Yan Xianchao secretly complained in his heart after hearing what Wang Yan said.

"If there's nothing else, you can go out. I have to get off work." Wang Yan didn't want to talk to the thorn in front of her anymore.

"Manager Wang, I have some personal matters to deal with. Can I take a day off tomorrow morning?" Yan Xianchao thought of Fang Tiantian's illness and immediately said to Wang Yan.

"Is your family member sick? Okay, you don't have to come to the company tomorrow morning, but you have to meet me at the company before departure." Wang Yan is not an unkind person. After hearing Yan Xianchao's reason for asking for leave, he immediately clicked He nodded and agreed.

"Thank you, Manager Wang." Yan Xianchao didn't expect Wang Yan to agree to his leave so readily, with a bright smile on his face.

"This person..." Wang Yan shook her head secretly when she saw Yan Xianchao leaving her office.


After talking to his boss, Yan Xianchao immediately returned to his desk, packed his things, and then left the company and walked to the lobby on the first floor.

In the lobby on the first floor, he saw his good friend and Fang Xiamo's mother and daughter.

"Uncle is off work." Slowly said with a smile when he saw Yan Xianchao coming from the elevator in the distance.

Seeing that his good friend came down so quickly, Feng Zehuai asked very curiously, "Yan Xianchao, why did you come down so quickly?"

"I don't know either. I thought I would have to be trained by her for at least half an hour!" Yan Xianchao also responded with a dirty look, feeling that the tigress's attitude just now really changed his mind.

"It's weird." Feng Zehuai said.

"By the way, I'm going on a business trip to Yacheng with Tihu tomorrow." Yan Xianchao said.

"Going to Yacheng on a business trip? I remember there should be no projects there! Why do you suddenly want to go on a business trip with him?" Feng Zehuai asked.

Fang Xiamo listened quietly.

Yan Xianchao said, "It is said that there is something wrong with the No. 9 project. The customer is very urgent, so he and I have to fly to Yacheng tomorrow."

"That project has obviously been inspected, but there is still a problem." Feng Zehuai said with a frown.

"That's right! The inspection has obviously been completed, and there was a problem with the delivered project, so I had to fly all the way to Yacheng with him to deal with the matter." Yan Xianchao lamented... a business trip or something is the worst. Disgusted.

"Xianchao, how many days are you going to go this time?" Fang Xiamo asked.

"The specific number of days to go depends on the situation there. Is it serious? If it's fast, it will take two or three days! If it's slow, I don't know how long it will take." Yan Xianchao said.

After talking about the business trip, the four people left the company.


The spiritual world is the area guarded by the first town.

Since the last time the students of the Practitioner Academy were attacked by pig-headed people and alien beasts, the Spirit Realm Station in the First Town has sent dozens of reconnaissance teams to conduct reconnaissance in the area near the railway tracks.

The location where the attack occurred is in the north-west direction, about 36 kilometers away in a straight line, in a depression surrounded by forests.

A reconnaissance team was surrounded by more than a dozen alien beasts. Six or seven minutes later, more than a dozen bodies of alien beasts were lying in a mess beside the creek.

After kicking the body of the alien beast lying on the ground, investigator Wang Daimo pulled out the dart from its body, wiped the blood stains on it, and put it back into the equipment bag.

"Speaking of which, the new batch of practitioners from the cultivator academy who came to the spiritual world for further training should have passed through the world passage and arrived at the station by now!"

Teammate Sun Jingping looked at the time on the mechanical watch and said, "It's almost time. We should have arrived at the station. I wonder if there are any particularly top-notch talents among these trainees."

Teammate Zhao Kunxiong laughed. "I'll find out after I complete this reconnaissance mission and go back."

Teammate Zhou Yunjie echoed, "We have been out for three days. We really want to return to the station early and take a hot bath."

Li Zhiwei, the captain in charge of security, urged, "Are you okay? If so, we will continue to investigate."

Afterwards, the reconnaissance team continued to move forward according to the predetermined plan, and tried their best to eliminate all remaining pig-headed remnants in the area they were responsible for.

The environment of this depression is obviously different from other places. There are trees with wide leaves growing everywhere, and it rains from time to time, giving people the illusion of being in the deep Blue Star tropical rain forest.

The group did not choose a relatively flat place to walk, but walked along the bank of the creek. The surrounding environment was humid and hot, and the coolness of the creek made the team members a little more comfortable.

Looking at the huge leaves swaying around him from time to time, Zhao Kunxiong couldn't help but whisper, "The environment here is too bad. It's really not a place for normal people."

"After all, the temperature here is over 30 degrees..." Captain Li Zhiwei took the initiative to walk in front, looked around and said.

At this moment, Zhao Kunxiong suddenly frowned slightly and looked behind him, "Wait a minute, I sense someone is approaching us..."

Li Zhiwei was slightly startled, "No! Is there anyone else coming to this place?"

Although he asked this question, Zhao Kunxiong had awakened the 'perception enhancement' ability after all, making his perception ability far superior to that of other teammates.

After hearing Zhao Kunxiong's warning, others immediately became alert.

Wang Daimo asked cautiously, "Where are those people?"

Zhao Kunxiong frowned, activated his powers, tried to focus his attention, and sensed the direction where the abnormality was found.

"It should have come from behind us. Because the distance is too far, I can't tell whether my perception is 100% correct."

"I don't know if the visitor is a strange beast, one of our own, or the pig-headed men we have been looking for?"

Zhou Yunjie took off a spiritual weapon crossbow from his back and gave his teammates a look.

"Ready to fight."

At the same time, at the creek where the previous reconnaissance team had fought with the alien beasts.

About twenty-five pig-headed men arrived here. Their equipment was a little simple and their clothes were a little shabby. It seems that they had been in this forest for a long time, otherwise they would not have become so embarrassed.

"There are broken arrows on the ground." The pig-headed man with tattoos on his face squatted down and picked up a broken arrow from the ground. He narrowed his eyes slightly, stood up and glanced around.

"These dead alien beasts still have residual warmth on their bodies. It can be seen from their fatal wounds... that it was not a battle between alien beasts."

Judging from the respectful attitude of others, this pig-headed man with tattoos on his face is the leader of this team.

The curly-haired pig-headed man standing next to it whispered, "It seems that the Blue Star people the Lord Commander mentioned passed by here."

Looking at the road ahead with traces of people walking on it, the pig-headed man with the tattoo on his face said nothing nonsense and ordered, "They should not be far from here. Find them. If they are Blue Star people, kill them directly."

"Yes!" The curly-haired pig-headed man respectfully accepted the order and led his men in pursuit along the direction of the reconnaissance team.

Looking at the five pig-headed men in simple clothes, they walked out of the grass by the stream with alert expressions. From their postures, it could be seen that the opponent was ready to fight.

These pig-headed men were talking quietly. Because they had never learned the common language of the spirit world, they could not understand their chatter.

Zhao Kunxiong, who was lying behind the lush vegetation, quietly gestured towards Li Zhiwei and asked silently, "It's a pig-headed man... What should we do now? Should we attack them?"

Li Zhiwei was silent for a while, still weighing the pros and cons in his heart.

Zhou Yunjie, who was next to him, had already made a judgment, pulled out a special arrow from his back, put it on the bowstring of the spiritual weapon crossbow, lowered his voice to the limit, and said, "Look at them, they are coming towards us. of."

Not far away, Wang Daimo, squatting in the grass, seemed to be thinking about it with him. He had already held a special dart in his right hand, ready to take action at any time.

Li Zhiwei looked at Zhao Kunxiong on the side, raised his finger and pointed at the pig-headed man walking in the front.

"I'll leave that pig-headed man to you."


Zhao Kun, who was lying on the ground, grasped the idea, picked up his spiritual weapon long bow, put his index finger on the bow string, took a deep breath, aimed at the target, and prepared to bend the bow and shoot the arrow.

But at this moment, a change suddenly occurred.

The pig-headed people chatted loudly, seeming to disturb the strange beasts hiding in the jungle.

There was only a sound of rapid running appearing on the side of the woods. The footsteps were very dull. It can be imagined that the creature that made this sound was very huge.

"The footsteps are so loud!!"

"Everyone, be careful and prepare to fight!"

The five pig-headed men standing next to the stream bank immediately turned around and clenched the weapons in their hands. Unexpectedly, the Blue Star people were not found, but they had to face an unknown enemy first.

The three-meter-tall black shadow rushed out of the forest and got close to the pig-headed men in just a few seconds.

Before they could react, one of the pig-headed men closest to the black shadow was struck first. The other party raised its sharp claws and slashed at it.

"Ah..." A cry full of terror sounded in the forest.

"Damn! It's a strange beast. Everyone, follow me. Support will be here soon."

The emotion of fear boiled instantly. The leading pig-headed man did not care about rescuing his companions, and a light golden aura appeared in his hands.

With both palms slapping out, a dozen wind blades shot rapidly towards the back of the alien beast.

"Roar..." After being hit hard by more than a dozen wind blades on its back, the alien beast let out an angry roar.

The swift claws swung out again, cutting a pig-headed man directly into several sections like chopping melons and vegetables.

"Ah..." Looking at the sharp teeth and claws of the three-meter-tall giant beast, as well as the prey torn into pieces by it, the expressions of the investigators hiding in the dark changed greatly.

It's a speeding dragon beast, and it's still at the beginning of the third level.

According to existing records, this kind of strange beast has often appeared in the forest recently, and its number has been increasing. It is one of the more difficult beasts to deal with at the moment.

At this moment, Zhou Yunjie finally figured out why the frequency of their investigation team's encounters with strange beasts decreased after entering this depression.

With such a powerful alien beast living here, how could other weak alien beasts dare to stay here?

Zhao Kunxiong frowned, his eyes filled with disbelief. His perception, which had been strengthened by supernatural powers, actually failed at this moment.

"...Are we going to launch an attack again?" He looked at captain Li Zhiwei and asked.

Li Zhiwei shook his head and made a decision, "That strange beast is not easy to mess with. Let's withdraw for now."

While the speeding dragon beasts did not notice them and were still feasting on their prey on the ground, they could safely retreat not far behind them.

However, at this moment, a series of dense footsteps suddenly came from behind them.


PS: Thanks to "Book Friends 2021030110401561230" for the 200-point reward.

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