My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1488 The Bloodthirsty Tree (two chapters in one)

As Lin Fei searched unscrupulously, the plant seemed to be a little alive, and it actually moved on its own without any wind.

Seeing the other party's reaction, Lin Fei discovered that this strange tree was a spiritual plant, but he didn't know if it would bear fruit.

The spiritual plant in front of him looked a little weird, not full of life at all. This was the first time for Lin Fei to encounter such a spiritual plant.

When Lin Fei was surprised, the strange spiritual plant Yaoyao stood up unsteadily.

This weird spiritual plant used its roots to make two legs, giving it the ability to walk, but its speed is a bit slow.

"Boss, outside..." At this moment, Tan Boying actually left and came back.

When he saw the weird spiritual plant, he was stunned for a moment, and then exclaimed, "This... there is a bloodthirsty tree here!!!"

"It turns out this thing is called the Bloodthirsty Tree." Lin Fei was stunned, and then asked, "Why are you here? Didn't I ask you to wait for me outside?"

"Boss, my companion found a group of people coming this way in the distance. Judging from their dress, they seemed to be guards from the Forging City. They will find the dead robbers later. I want to ask, what should we do? Answer them..."

"Just answer truthfully, there is nothing to hide..."

"Okay." Tan Boying nodded and looked at the bloodthirsty tree in the distance.

"You know this thing."

"Well, this thing is called the Bloodthirsty Tree. It can devour the flesh and blood of living creatures and is very dangerous..." Tan Boying looked solemnly at the standing spiritual plant and introduced it to Lin Fei.

The bloodthirsty tree is also a type of spiritual plant, but the bloodthirsty tree is somewhat different from the spiritual plant that everyone knows.

In the Kingdom of Rama, the number of bloodthirsty trees is very small. In fact, there were many bloodthirsty trees hundreds of years ago, but later the bloodthirsty trees became too harmful to the people living in this area. Only to be artificially eliminated.

Nowadays, various cities still have relevant laws and regulations. As long as the bloodthirsty tree is discovered, it will be destroyed immediately, so it is even more difficult to see traces of the bloodthirsty tree.

However, although the bloodthirsty tree is very dangerous, as a spiritual plant, it has one good thing.

As a spiritual plant, it will naturally absorb the spiritual energy floating in the air. After the bloodthirsty tree has devoured the flesh and blood of the creature, it will absorb the spiritual energy floating in the air for cultivation.

Over time, something called spiritual crystal will condense in the heart of the bloodthirsty tree. This is a crystal that contains a large amount of spiritual energy and vitality.

Moreover, this kind of spiritual crystal can be directly practiced by practitioners. It can not only speed up the practitioner's practice, but also improve the practitioner's physique.

For ordinary practitioners, the spiritual crystals of the Bloodthirsty Tree are very attractive.

After listening to Tan Boying's introduction, Lin Fei looked at the bloodthirsty tree with a hint of enthusiasm.

The spirit crystal of the Bloodthirsty Tree is extremely rare. If you encounter it rarely, you can't miss it.

Through Tan Boying's introduction, Lin Fei learned about the habits of this bloodthirsty tree, and his doubts about why the bones of those gray-haired four-legged beasts appeared in the mushroom tree were solved.

Judging from the situation in the cave, Lin Fei felt that those gray-haired four-legged insect beasts were probably just the breeding rations of this bloodthirsty tree spirit plant.

The bloodthirsty tree spirit plant cultivated a large area of ​​mushrooms, and it used these strange mushrooms to feed those gray-haired four-legged insects.

Whenever the bloodthirsty tree spirit plant needs to devour the flesh and blood of a creature, it will catch and devour the gray-haired four-legged insect beast that comes to eat the mushrooms. Only then will the white bones of the gray-furred four-legged insect beast appear in the mushroom bush. scene.

Under normal circumstances, the bloodthirsty tree spirit plant devours the flesh and blood of creatures and cannot deal with those bones... This is why Lin Fei saw so many white bones of gray-haired four-legged insects appearing in piles among the mushroom bushes.

After clearing up the doubts in his heart, Lin Fei smiled slightly, feeling that this bloodthirsty tree spiritual plant was really a powerful spiritual plant, and he actually came up with such a breeding plan.

"Boss, are you ready to deal with this bloodthirsty tree spirit plant?" Tan Boying asked.


"Do you need my help?"

"No need, I'll just do it myself." Lin Fei shook his head and asked Tan Boying to go out first, letting him and his fellow exotic beast hunters deal with the incoming Forge City guards.

This bloodthirsty tree spiritual plant has a third-level high-level spiritual energy fluctuation, which is more powerful than ordinary strange beasts. When ordinary practitioners encounter it, there is a high probability that it will be devoured by it and only the bones will be left.

Lin Fei saw that the bloodthirsty tree spirit plant was still slowly moving toward him with his two inflexible legs, so he didn't wait any longer and directly attacked him first.

He raised his right hand and flicked his finger towards the Bloodthirsty Tree. A crackling silver-white electric light drew an arc in the air and hit the crown of the Bloodthirsty Tree.

"Boom." The electric light exploded, and the explosion caused by the current ignited the dead branches planted by the bloodthirsty tree spirit.

The flames rose and crackled.

The bloodthirsty tree that was burned by the flames did not move. Only a spiritual light appeared on its body, and the flames caused by thunder and lightning slowly extinguished.

Obviously, for this bloodthirsty tree spirit plant, this small lightning attack is not painful or itchy.

However, Lin Fei's random attack somewhat angered the bloodthirsty tree spirit plant.

The bloodthirsty tree spirit plant accelerated its movement towards Lin Fei. Although its movement speed was still a little slow, Lin Fei could tell that this guy was already trying his best.

It’s not surprising that this bloodthirsty tree spirit plant would be destroyed. Even if it is strong, it moves so slowly and is constantly being destroyed by nimble enemies. It will eventually be destroyed...

It was rare to encounter these rare spiritual plants, so Lin Fei naturally would not solve them all at once. He wanted to see the power of this bloodthirsty tree.

Lin Fei calculated the distance between the two sides, and then attacked the bloodthirsty tree.

A series of "cracking" and weakened silver-white thunder and lightning bombarded the body of the bloodthirsty tree spirit plant, making its tall body sway constantly, as if it would fall down the next moment.

The bloodthirsty tree spirit plant moving at full strength resisted the attack of silver-white thunder and lightning, and tried hard to get closer to Lin Fei, vowing to destroy this hateful enemy.

When the two sides were tens of meters apart, the bloodthirsty tree spirit plant took action. Many slender rattans turned into sharp weapons and swarmed towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei did not panic when attacked by these slender vines. He first quickly dodged to one side, and then hit him with a backhand lightning move.

Lin Fei's dodge speed was already very fast, but those rattan sticks seemed to be blessed by something, and the swing speed actually kept up with Lin Fei's dodge speed, and he almost caught up with Lin Fei who was dodging.

There were many ways to avoid it, and the slender vines like raindrops instantly surrounded Lin Fei.

The telekinesis barrier opened, and countless slender rattans hit the barrier built by telekinesis.

For a moment, the telekinetic barrier was hit with a dense banging sound, as if someone was attacking Lin Fei with several Gartley heavy machine guns.

"Crack." Fine cracks appeared in the barrier constructed by Lin Fei using telekinesis. As the attack frequency of the bloodthirsty tree spirit plant continued to increase, these spider web-like cracks were further expanding.

"This bloodthirsty tree spirit plant is extraordinary! A third-level high-level warrior can actually carry out such an attack."

Lin Fei knew how strong the telekinetic barrier was. Although he only used a small part of his power, he could still face an attack from the third level peak without any problems.

But now, the telekinesis barrier is being shaken by the attack of the third-level high-level bloodthirsty tree spirit plant. It is conceivable that the attack of this bloodthirsty tree spirit plant has surpassed its current level.

The attack of the slender rattan is not only powerful, but also very flexible.

The bloodthirsty tree spirit plant grasped a dozen of them and swung its densely packed slender canes to surround Lin Fei. It wanted to entangle Lin Fei and then slowly strangle him, just like he had devoured the bloodthirsty tree spirit plant before.

Just when the bloodthirsty tree spirit plant was about to succeed, Lin Fei said with a smile, "The tactics are good."

Then, with the spiritual energy in his body, he immediately punched the tree roots that were wrapping around him, and then escaped.

"Crash..." The broken tree roots fell to the ground. In less than a second, the injured tree roots grew back again.

Lin Fei quickly retreated while thinking to himself, "This bloodthirsty tree has good recovery capabilities. If an ordinary practitioner was entangled by it just now, it would be enough to kill it."

"Hua Hua Hua..."

Seeing the enemy escaping, the bloodthirsty tree spirit plant shook its body angrily and continued to chase Lin Fei, but its speed was unflattering... Come on!

Lin Fei thought for a moment and exited the hole dug by the gray-haired four-legged insect.

The bloodthirsty tree spirit plant was too tall to leave the cave. In desperation, we had no choice but to give up chasing the enemy and return to the original place to restore its spiritual energy...

After a while, calm returned to the cave dug by the gray-haired four-legged insect beast, and the bloodthirsty tree spirit plant remained motionless.

Looking at the unattractive bloodthirsty tree spirit plant in the distance, Lin Fei, who was a little disappointed with it, muttered, "Didn't this guy awaken any interesting powers?"

Lin Fei decided to test the bloodthirsty tree again and took a few steps forward. This time he wanted to cut off the opponent's roots to force him to use his full strength.

"Peng..." Lin Fei raised his right hand, and several flaming small fireballs were born out of thin air. With a wave of his hand, these small fireballs shot out quickly and turned into flaming arrows.

According to Lin Fei's control, these flaming arrows were shot from several directions.

Along the way, the vines planted by the bloodthirsty tree spirits were mercilessly attacked by flaming arrows.

In a short time, many thin vines were interrupted by flaming arrows, and countless branches were set on fire.

Following Lin Fei's flaming arrow attack, the bloodthirsty tree spirit plant was completely enraged. It felt that this enemy was simply bullying others. It had already let him go, so why was it still so ungrateful?

"Hua Hua Hua..."

All the slender vines planted by the bloodthirsty tree spirit came to life, like steel whips, they were dancing continuously...

Some of the slender canes that were closer to Lin Fei were whipped directly towards Lin Fei's position.

such a pity! Their length was still a bit shorter. Lin Fei stood motionless, and those slender canes couldn't hit him.

"Hua Hua Hua..."

The bloodthirsty tree spirit plant climbed up again. It moved with all its strength and slowly moved towards Lin Fei's position. As the bloodthirsty tree slowly moved step by step, the slender vines also began to slowly move towards Lin Fei approached.

Lin Fei, who was standing still, suddenly got inspired and felt that he could try what he wanted, so he immediately activated his 'invisibility' ability to hide his own spiritual energy fluctuations.

As the spiritual energy fluctuations in his body weakened rapidly until they were completely unperceivable, the bloodthirsty tree spirit plant immediately froze on the spot. Maybe it thought that the hateful enemy had escaped!

Afterwards, the bloodthirsty tree spirit plant returned to its tree pit to restore its spiritual energy as before.

After all, every time it rises from the ground, it consumes a lot of spiritual energy. It doesn't mean that it gets up just when it comes to mind. If the spiritual energy is insufficient, the bloodthirsty tree spirit plant can only stay where it is.

"Tsk, I didn't expect that the sudden flash of inspiration actually came true."

After all, the bloodthirsty tree is a plant. The test of exploring the outside world is to sense the surrounding spiritual energy fluctuations, so as to locate the target's location.

When Lin Fei used the 'Concealment' power to hide his own spiritual energy fluctuations, no more spiritual energy fluctuations were emitted from his body.

In the bloodthirsty tree spirit plant's perception, the place where Lin Fei was was empty. Although the enemy that it considered very hateful was standing there and not moving at all, it just couldn't observe it.

The bloodthirsty tree spirit plant that lost its target shook its body, and then slowly moved forward. Soon after, it returned to its tree pit, quietly motionless.

Immediately afterwards, with Lin Fei's keen perception, he discovered that the injuries that the bloodthirsty tree spirit plant had just suffered were recovering at an incredible speed.

In just a few minutes, the bloodthirsty tree spirit plant's wounds recovered as before.

Lin Fei admired in his heart, "This guy's recovery ability is stronger than many healing powers."

Ordinary spiritual plants only have the effect of gathering spiritual energy, and their recovery ability is not very powerful. When injured, they can only recover slowly.

For example, the recovery capabilities of the plants Lin Fei transformed with the light of life are not much better than ordinary plants.

Moreover, he also asked Qise Hua how its own recovery ability was and whether it was very strong.

As a result, Lin Fei's recovery was that the seven-color flower's recovery ability was not strong. After being injured, it would take a long, long time to recover.

But! The Seven-Colored Flower itself is very tough and not easily injured. This is probably due to its shortcomings in self-recovery ability!

"Let me see the limit of your self-recovery ability! Don't let me down..."

With a flash of inspiration, Lin Fei waved his hand, and a small fireball fell to the ground.

The small fireball that landed on the ground changed its shape under Lin Fei's control, turning into a vivid little fire snake, which looked a little cute.


PS: Thanks to "Hou Linlin" for the 100-point reward.

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