My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1644 The Limit of Division (Two Chapters in One)

After all, when an ordinary caravan encounters a flying alien beast with a high-level third-level cultivation, there is no other option but to wait for death.

After all, you can't fight, you can't escape, you can't escape.

"This alien beast is so ugly!" Lin Fei looked at the giant gray earthworm alien beast locked on him. Of course he was not afraid, and he directly expressed his disdain for the ugliness of this alien beast.

"Roar..." The giant gray earthworm beast, which didn't know that Lin Fei was disgusted by its appearance, roared at Lin Fei, and then rushed towards him full of malice.

The huge gray wings flap forcefully, bringing up a gust of wind. Although the giant gray earthworm beast is huge, it is a natural flying expert.

As it flapped its huge pair of gray wings, it immediately disappeared from the spot and appeared in front of Lin Fei. It opened its huge mouthparts and bit Lin Fei in one bite. It wanted to swallow Lin Fei in one bite. ah! ! !


Lost target.

After one bite, the giant gray earthworm beast realized that it had not bitten Lin Fei. It then patrolled around, looking for the whereabouts of its target.

"I'm here!" The voice came from behind, causing the giant gray earthworm beast to immediately turn its head and look behind it.

"Roar..." After discovering Lin Fei, the giant gray earthworm beast flapped its wings again and attacked him.

However, this fierce attack was still in vain.

Two consecutive attacks failed, letting the strange beast know that the enemy in front of him was very fast and he simply couldn't catch up.

But it doesn't want to give up, because its racial talent allows it to speed up its evolution as long as it devours prey of the same level.

At this moment, Lin Fei was emitting high-level third-level spiritual energy fluctuations, which was much higher than the mid-level second-level spiritual energy fluctuations he deliberately emitted in the past.

This is very attractive to exotic beasts who want to evolve.

After playing with the ugly giant gray earthworm beast in front of him, Lin Fei raised his right hand and pointed his index finger at the opponent.

Only a crisp crackling sound was heard, and then a bright silver-white electric light shot out from his fingertips.


Just as he was thinking about how to take down Lin Fei's giant gray earthworm beast, he was caught off guard and hit by a sudden silver-white electric light.


The lethality of the bright silver-white electric light was astonishing. It even broke the body of the ugly giant gray earthworm into two pieces with one blow.

Green juice splashed out from the broken body parts of the ugly giant gray earthworm beast.

An unacceptable fishy smell filled the air.

"This defense is too weak! It can't even catch one of my moves."

Lin Fei, who casually launched an attack, mocked the ugly giant gray earthworm beast whose body was broken in half.

But as soon as he finished speaking, something unexpected happened to Lin Fei.

"Roar..." The ugly giant gray earthworm beast whose body was interrupted by the bright silver-white electric light let out a shrill roar of pain.

If the body of an ordinary alien beast is beaten into two pieces, then its subsequent outcome can be said to be certain death.

But this ugly giant gray earthworm beast was different. It was split into two by the bright silver-white thunder and lightning that Lin Fei casually shot.

A pale golden aura suddenly bloomed from the wound, and in an instant, fresh flesh and blood quickly grew.

After the pale golden aura dissipated, two identical ugly giant gray earthworm beasts appeared in the sky.

They all stared at Lin Fei who looked surprised, their eyes full of hatred.

Yes, this ugly giant gray earthworm beast has eyes, but the eyes are relatively small. If you don’t observe carefully, you might think that this ugly giant gray earthworm beast has no eyes.

"It can actually regenerate a severed limb. No, this is not just regeneration of a severed limb, it splits directly into two individuals."

"Roar..." Two ugly giant gray earthworm beasts roared at Lin Fei at the same time. From their roars, one could hear how much they hated Lin Fei.

If looks could kill, Lin Fei would have been pierced through thousands of holes by now.


After the roar, a green water arrow shot out from the breath of the two strange beasts.

Lin Fei saw two strange beasts attacking him with disgusting liquid, and he immediately dodged.

With Lin Fei's strength, he was naturally able to easily dodge the attacks of the two ugly giant gray earthworm beasts.

When the two green water arrows hit the air, they immediately fell from the sky a thousand meters high.

Free fall, but after a while, the two water arrows turned into raindrops, falling on a large area of ​​leafy vegetation.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

When this large area of ​​leafy vegetation was showered by green raindrops falling from the sky, a horrifying scene immediately occurred.

I saw a puff of white smoke emitting from these leafy vegetation, and then the vibrant green vegetation a second ago.

In the next second, withering began to appear, and after a while, a large area of ​​vibrant green land turned into death.

After the leafy vegetation that had been soaked died, the matter was not over yet, and the white smoke dispersed in the wind.

There were some ordinary herbivorous animals that were happily eating the crisp green grass and did not notice the white smoke that was blown away by the wind.

Just like this, they inhaled some white smoke mixed in the air, and then blood immediately appeared from their mouths and noses, and they fell to the ground.

In just a few minutes, no one in this group of hundreds of herbivores survived.

The green liquid spit out from the mouth of the scary, ugly giant gray earthworm beast is actually poisonous, and it is quite toxic.

"Sizzling, sizzling, sizzling..."

Lin Fei, who escaped the attack of the ugly giant gray earthworm beast, immediately waved his hand.

The bright silver-white electric light condensed into shape in an instant, and then hit the two ugly giant gray earthworm beasts that spit out green liquid from their mouths.

"Boom, boom."

Two huge explosions sounded almost at the same time, and the two ugly giant gray earthworm beasts that were hit by the bright silver-white lightning were split into two parts again just like they did at the beginning.

"Huh? You can still continue to split." Lin Fei used his lightning power to break the ugly giant gray earthworm into two pieces. When he saw the pale golden aura emerging from the opponent's wound, he couldn't help but feel excited. Passionately interested.

"Aren't you capable of splitting? Well, let me see where your limits are."

The ugly giant gray earthworm beast was beaten into two by Lin Fei's first attack, and became four by the second attack.

After the number increased, the ugly giant gray earthworm beasts were preparing to launch a siege on the human being in front of them. As a result, just when they were about to attack, they were greeted by many more bright silver-white electric lights.

The powerful thunder and lightning attack made the ugly giant gray earthworm beasts completely unable to resist. They were beaten into two pieces again, and then reborn again with their limbs broken off.

The number increased from four to eight.

Lin Fei had already decided to see where the division limit of this ugly giant gray earthworm beast was. As soon as the opponent's division was completed, he immediately greeted the opponent with thunder and lightning.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Thunder and lightning attacks again and again hit the ugly giant gray earthworm beast.

In the sky, the number of ugly giant gray earthworms began to increase rapidly.

After several rounds of attacks, one hundred and twenty-eight ugly giant gray earthworm beasts appeared in the sky.

According to the law of one turning into two, these one hundred and twenty-eight ugly giant gray earthworm beasts should turn into two hundred and fifty-six next time after being attacked.

But when Lin Fei was about to take action, something went wrong with these one hundred and twenty-eight ugly giant gray earthworm beasts at the moment he was about to take action.

The life breath on the ugly giant gray earthworm beasts began to weaken rapidly, and then Lin Fei watched them die one by one, falling from the sky like raindrops.

In just half a minute, only one of the 128 ugly giant gray earthworm beasts was left in the sky.

It turns out that the limit of division of this ugly giant gray earthworm beast is one hundred and twenty-eight!

Once it reaches this amount, it will consume a lot of its own spiritual energy. If it cannot support it in the future, it will eventually lead to the collapse of its entire system.


Seeing all of his clones disappear, and the ugly giant gray earthworm beast whose body was already weak and disfigured, I felt frightened and angry.

It has never encountered such a situation. In the past, the enemies it faced would retreat in fear when they saw that it could continuously divide and increase the number of individuals.

But the enemy in front of him was addicted to fighting, and was about to fight to the limit of its division.

"Roar..." The ugly giant gray earthworm beast was full of unwillingness and roared at Lin Fei, whose expression remained unchanged.

"The limit is one hundred and twenty-eight! I'm a little disappointed..." Lin Fei said with a smile.

"Phew." A ball of green liquid spurted out from the mouth of the ugly giant gray earthworm beast, then spread out in mid-air, turned into fine raindrops, and enveloped Lin Fei.

The telekinetic barrier condensed and formed, blocking all the green liquid that enveloped Lin Fei.

Seeing that his attack failed again, the ugly giant gray earthworm turned around and ran away.

In this brief confrontation, it could be said to have been completely defeated. If it did not escape, it knew that it might die in the hands of this human being.

"It's too late to run away now." Lin Fei muttered to the ugly giant gray earthworm beast that flapped its wings and quickly fled in the distance.

Then, he raised his left hand, and in an instant, a huge fireball with a diameter of two meters appeared on his hand.


The huge fireball shrank rapidly, and within a short while, in about two seconds, it turned into a small fireball the size of an apple.

"call out."

As Lin Fei's thoughts moved, the small fireball containing a huge amount of spiritual energy compressed in his hand burst out, chasing the ugly giant gray earthworm beast that was escaping quickly in the distance.

The ugly giant gray earthworm beast that escaped looked back behind it and found that the terrifying human was not chasing it. It was relieved in its heart.

However, at the next moment, it saw an orange-red light point flying rapidly towards it.

When the mind was wondering what this light spot was, it discovered that the speed of the light spot that was shooting towards it suddenly increased sharply.


After letting out a low growl full of confusion, the orange light spot flew in front of the ugly giant gray earthworm beast.

It's a fireball, a small fireball. How could it be a small fireball?

Just as the doubts emerged in his heart, the next second, the ugly giant gray earthworm beast saw this ordinary little orange fireball quickly shrinking inward, and then suddenly expanded.

There was a boom.

A terrifying big explosion occurred thousands of meters high in the sky, and a terrifying heat wave and earth-shattering noise spread to all directions.

After Lin Fei's small exploding fireball exploded, the ugly giant gray earthworm beast disappeared. Apparently, not even the dregs were left after being blown up by this terrifying big explosion.



And just after the big explosion, one after another beast roars came from the dense forest below.

In Lin Fei's perception, waves of spiritual energy were rapidly approaching him.


In the forest as far as the eye can see, there are large trees hundreds of meters high with lush branches, and their fallen dead leaves are spread on the ground in a thick layer.

Accumulation over hundreds of thousands of years has made the soil beneath this forest rich in nutrients.

Suddenly, an earth-shaking big explosion exploded in the sky. The terrifying sound caused the trees in a large area of ​​​​the forest to shake and make a rustling sound.

The forest was originally silent, but just after the big explosion, the dark land began to shake.

Then, a series of dense banging sounds appeared in the forest.

One after another, ugly giant gray earthworms emerged from the ground, and they all looked towards the sky in unison.

Somewhere in the sky, they received the resentful revenge signal sent by their companions before they died.


In this forest occupied by a clan of ugly giant gray earthworm beasts, roars rang out one after another.


The huge wings flapped, and one ugly giant gray earthworm beast flew out of the forest one after another, heading in the same direction.

"Damn it, I didn't stab you in the nest, why did so many people come out all at once...?"

Lin Fei looked at the dense gray figures flying towards him below, he was stunned for a moment, and then he started to complain.


Nearly five hundred ugly giant gray earthworms emerged from the forest ground.

They gathered together and flew towards Lin Fei in the sky with great ferocity.

These ugly giant gray earthworm beasts have different strengths. The strongest ones are at the third level and the weakest are at the first level.

Such a large number of ugly giant gray earthworms gathered together, and if they attacked a human city, it would be an extremely terrible disaster.


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