My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1798 The Limits of Aid (Two Chapters in One)


The giant wild boar felt that a small gash had been stabbed into its body. It was stunned for a moment and stopped in its tracks. Then it turned to look at the guy who was attacking it.

The human dressed in colorful clothes stepped on his body with his right foot at this moment, used the reaction force to draw out the weapon, and pulled back a certain distance.

Jiang Lingyu heard the roar of the alien beast coming from here, and rushed over quickly. Then she saw the scene where the alien beast at the beginning of the third stage was about to crush people, so she quickly took action to save people.

Jiang Lingyu, who pulled out the weapon from the giant wild boar beast and then retreated a distance, looked at the beast in front of her with a solemn expression.

With the blow just now, she only broke the earth armor covering the opponent's body and did not cause any substantial damage to the opponent. It can be seen that the strength of this giant wild boar beast in the early stage of the third stage is better than hers.

"This alien beast is very strong. I am no match for it. I can only delay it for a few minutes at most. You should quickly leave here with your injured companion." Jiang Lingyu said to the alien hunter who was sitting on the ground holding his injured companion. shouted.

"Okay, thank you." The leading middle-level second-level alien hunter thanked him quickly, then stood up, hugged his injured companion, and ran towards the other companions who had recovered.

"Xiao Wu is seriously injured, get me some hemostatic medicine quickly." shouted the leading second-level mid-level exotic beast hunter who came to his companions.

"This is a hemostatic potion." A hunter of exotic beasts immediately took out several hemostatic potions from his backpack and handed them over. Then the others opened the hemostatic potion and poured the hemostatic potion on the place where a big hole was stabbed in the stomach. .

The hemostatic medicine developed by this psychic research institute is really effective. After pouring the hemostatic medicine on the wound, the bleeding stopped immediately.

The alien hunters saw that the bleeding from their companion's wounds had stopped and breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, they heard the colleague with flowing blue hair yelling at them.

"You go quickly, don't stay here anymore..."

"Let's go." The leading second-level alien hunter in the middle stage picked up his injured companion who had stopped bleeding and shouted to the others. Then the group of alien hunters quickly retreated to a safe area.

Now is not the time to show off. Although they also sensed that the colleague with flowing blue hair had the cultivation level of the third initial stage, the strength of the giant wild boar and alien beast was very strong. Even if everyone stayed to help, they were afraid that In the end, it can only end up with heavy casualties.

In this current situation, retreat is the most correct choice.


The Superstar Wild Boar Alien Beast saw the leading group of middle-level second-stage alien hunter beasts escaping, and let out a cry of dissatisfaction, and then it went to chase the escaping humans.

At this time, Jiang Lingyu naturally would not let this strange beast chase the fleeing aborigines, so she immediately used her superpower.

The invisible realm opened at the moment Jiang Lingyu's eyes flashed with light golden light, covering the giant wild boar and beast.

The realm that could stop time indeed imprisoned the giant wild boar, but because the giant wild boar was stronger than Jiang Lingyu, it was only imprisoned for more than a second.


Originally wanting to chase down the escaping humans, he didn't expect that the enemies around him had such abilities. This made the giant wild boar and beast wary, and then it focused all its attention on Jiang Lingyu.

"I will then give those people two to three minutes to escape, and after this time, I will leave.

As for them, if they are chased by this strange beast again, they can only blame themselves for not living up to expectations..." Jiang Lingyu thought in her heart.

Although she rescued the aborigines just now, it was only something she did out of good intentions, and it did not mean that she was a bad person. Facing such a beast that was stronger than herself, she also had to bear the responsibility A big threat.

On the premise of ensuring that she could leave safely, Jiang Lingyu helped those people escape and bought them a few minutes, which was her limit.


The giant wild boar beast used its own mental interference ability, and Jiang Lingyu was hit head-on.

Because she was in the early stage of the third level like the opponent, although she couldn't beat the opponent, the abilities used by the alien beasts did not make her mind go blank like those escaped alien beast hunters, but only a sharp pain.

The severe pain in her head caused Jiang Lingyu to move a beat slower, but her reaction was already faster than that of the giant wild boar, so although her movements were a beat slower, she was still able to avoid the opponent's impact.


I thought I could knock the opponent away with one blow, but I didn't expect it to be dodged. The giant wild boar roared with dissatisfaction, and then continued to launch the same move.

In this way, Jiang Lingyu endured the mental interference exerted by the giant wild boar and beast, and dealt with it.

One minute came quickly, and Jiang Lingyu, who was out of breath, immediately turned around and retreated.


After a fierce attack failed to capture the opponent, the giant wild boar's anger surged. At this time, when it saw Jiang Lingyu retreating, it naturally would not let the opponent go easily, and took steps to pursue.

Jiang Lingyu ran into the thick grass as tall as one person, and when she saw the strange beast chasing after her, her mood suddenly became solemn.

"This strange beast seems to be chasing after me! Next, I can't stop for a moment."

Jiang Lingyu ran with all her strength, and the giant wild boar and beast following behind him gritted its teeth and chased after it, vowing to kill it.


The sun sets in the west, and the bright red sunset dyes the sky red, and it will be dark soon.

In the wilderness, which is becoming more and more dangerous, in the relatively flat fields on the outskirts of the Eastern District, there are two figures running fast one behind the other.


The panting Jiang Lingyu ran away towards the city without stopping. The giant wild boar beast behind her with the first stage of third-level cultivation had been chasing her for more than ten minutes and was still chasing her.

"Is this a strange beast chasing me all the way into the city? If that's the case, it would be terrible." The panting Jiang Lingyu thought in her heart with some worry.

At this moment, there was a roar in the distant sky.

Jiang Lingyu looked up and saw what appeared to be an aircraft called a helicopter flying in the sky.

"Director, there is an alien beast chasing the alien hunter." Through the glass window, Han Xue soon saw a giant creature on the ground chasing humans.

She activated the detection weapon in her hand and instantly knew the strength of the strange beast.

"Fly over there." Xie Yurong said, Han Xue nodded, and then told the pilot to fly over where the alien beast was.

"Huh? That helicopter seems to be flying towards me." Jiang Lingyu, who was running for her life, felt a little confused when she saw this, and the giant wild boar chasing her behind also noticed this situation.

"Here we are, Director." Han Xue said.

"Yes." Xie Yurong nodded, and then she opened the door of the helicopter. When she jumped out of the helicopter, she immediately launched her mental perception and immediately locked onto the alien beast with the third-level initial cultivation level on the ground.


Jiang Lingyu was stunned for a moment when she saw the helicopter hovering in the sky above her head. What surprised her even more was that someone seemed to jump out of the helicopter.

This is hundreds of meters high in the sky! Wouldn't you fall to death if you just jumped out like that?


Flames ignited on Xie Yurong's body as she jumped out of the helicopter. Her human body disappeared and turned into a blazing ball of flames. Immediately afterwards, a shape occurred, and a fire phoenix formed in the sky.


The giant wild boar was frightened when it saw this scene. It immediately stopped chasing Jiang Lingyu, turned around and ran away.

At this moment, Jiang Lingyu was also stunned. She subconsciously stopped and looked at the fire phoenix flying in the sky in front of her.

The fire phoenix with a wingspan of more than 20 meters quickly rushed towards the escaping giant wild boar beast.

Those running on the ground were definitely not as good as those flying in the sky. After a while, the fire phoenix collided with the giant wild boar and beast.


The explosion shook the earth, and the blazing flames enveloped the giant wild boar and alien beast.


A shrill beast roar came from the sea of ​​fire. After a while, the giant wild boar beast that had been chasing Jiang Lingyu was swallowed up by the flames and made no sound.

When the giant wild boar died, the flames quickly gathered and then disappeared. On the ground stood a beautiful woman in uniform with a bright face and a slim figure.

"It's an investigator from the Superpower Administration!!!" Jiang Lingyu saw the uniform Xie Yurong was wearing and immediately recognized the other person's identity.

She was shocked. After all, she was an alien from another world without an identity.

Now that such an investigator who could easily kill the first-level third-level beast appeared in front of her, she was extremely nervous.

"Are you okay?" Xie Yurong came to Jiang Lingyu and asked.

"It's okay." Jiang Lingyu, who has lived in the spirit world for a long time, has rich experience. She knows that when meeting people from the government, she must be calm and not show any abnormality. Faced with Xie Yurong's inquiry, she responded calmly.

"It's okay. Please be careful in the future and don't provoke this kind of strange beast that you can't defeat." Xie Yurong said.

"Yeah." Jiang Lingyu nodded.

Xie Yurong, who casually rescued an exotic beast hunter and had other things to do, jumped up immediately.

The flying spiritual weapon was activated, and after gaining the ability to fly, it paused in mid-air, and then Xie Yurong flew toward the helicopter hovering in the sky.

Jiang Lingyu saw this extremely powerful investigator flying into the cabin of the helicopter, and then the helicopter flew away.


When Jiang Lingyu was the only one left at the scene, the calm expression on her face immediately disappeared. She took a long breath and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"This investigator feels so oppressive!"

Jiang Lingyu muttered to herself, and then she walked towards the dead giant wild boar.

Xie Yurong, who has a fourth-level initial level of cultivation, has an astonishing power of fire attacks, which cannot be resisted by the giant wild boar.

"Oh, it's a waste." Jiang Lingyu said with regret as she looked at the giant wild boar that was roasted into char.

Just now, she was thinking that the investigator did not take away the dead giant wild boar beast, so she could come and pick it up. But when she came here, she saw that the charred beast had no value at all.

"It will get dark soon. I told my aunt that I would go to her house for dinner. I have to hurry back..." Jiang Lingyu looked up at the sun that was about to disappear in the sky, muttered to herself, then turned and left.

She only harvested one prey today, which is not ideal for her. She hopes her luck will be better tomorrow. Of course, she will not come to hunt in the wild fields on the outskirts of the Eastern District tomorrow.



In the helicopter, Xie Yurong returned to the cabin and deactivated the flying spiritual weapon. At this time, Han Xue said with a smile.

"Director, you roasted that strange beast to a crisp. What a pity."

Xie Yurong shook hands, feeling the surging spiritual energy in her body, and said, "I can't use this newly developed move as I want. When I attacked that strange beast just now, I used too much force."

"Yes." Han Xue nodded. At this time, she opened the folder in her hand and recorded what just happened in a simple sentence.

Xie Yurong saw Han Xue finishing what she was doing, and at this time, she said.

"When I was on the ground just now, I sensed the spiritual energy floating in the wild air. Indeed, as the latest results from the Psychic Research Institute said, the concentration has increased a lot."

"Yes." Han Xue nodded and said, "From the growth of vegetation on the ground, we can also find changes in the wild."

"Plants are the first species to feel the changes in the spiritual energy floating in the air. After that, changes should also appear on the alien animals.

It seems that in the next period of time, we have to plan how to deal with some new changes in the alien beasts. Xie Yurong thought for a while and said.

"When we get back to the bureau, will we call everyone for a meeting right away?" Han Xue asked.

"Let's wait in a few days! Let's talk after the New Year holiday. Everyone has been working hard during this period, so take a good rest." Xie Yurong said.

"Director, we have patrolled this area. It will get dark soon. Let's go back!" Han Xue said.

"Ten kilometers further, then we turn back..." Xie Yurong said.

"Okay." Han Xue then told the pilot of the helicopter Xie Yurong's instructions, and then the pilot continued to fly forward with the helicopter.

In the next section of the journey, Xie Yurong completely released the psychic energy fluctuations of his first stage of the fourth stage.

The extremely powerful spiritual energy fluctuations made the alien beasts on the ground tremble. Some of the third-level alien beasts and above looked at the human aircraft flying in the sky and hid their bodies.

What Xie Yurong did was a kind of deterrent, so that those beasts above level three would not dare to approach the city.


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