My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1801 Setting sail (two chapters in one)



There was a strong wind blowing on the street, and it felt chilly on my body.

After calling the police, the two girls working in the nightclub stood on the roadside outside the alley, waiting anxiously.

While waiting for the investigators to arrive, they heard screams coming from the alley from time to time, which made the two girls very scared.

"Brother Wang, will he be okay?" the long-haired girl said with a worried look.

"It'll be okay, Brother Wang is a practitioner!" the short-haired girl comforted.

"But the man who attacked Brother Wang is also a practitioner, and judging from his fierce look, he seems to be very powerful." The long-haired girl did not relax because of the comforting words of her companion.

"This..." The short-haired girl thought for a while, and it seemed that it was indeed the case. Suddenly, the two girls became more and more worried about Wang Xian's personal safety.

But a few minutes later, a car with the logo of the Superpower Administration drove out from the far corner and quickly stopped in front of the two girls.

Four investigators from the Superpower Management Bureau got out of the car. The leader was very young and looked to be in his early twenties.

"Mr. Investigator." When the two girls saw the investigator arriving, they felt relieved and their nervousness calmed down.

They knew that as long as the investigators arrived, there would be no big problem in this matter.

"Where is the crime scene you mentioned?" Rosen asked the two girls.

"It's in that alley." The two girls said in unison, pointing to the dim alley in the distance.

Luo Song nodded when he saw this, then he winked at his companion, and then he took the lead and walked towards the alley.

One of the other three investigators followed Luo Song, and the other two quickly ran to the side street, preparing to go around and block the other end of the alley to prevent the murderer from escaping from the other end of the alley.

"Should we follow up and take a look?" the girl with long hair asked her companion.

"Isn't this bad?" The girl with short hair thought for a while and said.

"The investigators are here. The gangster can't make any waves. Let's follow him and take a look. As long as we don't get too close, there will be no problem." The girl with long hair said.

"Yeah." The short-haired girl was convinced by her companion, and then the two girls quietly followed the two investigators who had entered the alley.

In the dim alley, at first, the eyes could not adapt to the environment and could not see clearly. However, after entering the alley, Luo Song and his companions quickly adapted and were able to see the alley clearly. some situations.

If it were the security officers handling this, they would need to turn on the lights.

"Tap tap tap..."

The sound of slight footsteps sounded in the dim alley, which was particularly clear in such a quiet environment.

Luo Song and his companions cautiously walked forward for a distance, and soon they saw a lot of vines scattered on the ground.

At the same time, they also saw two people lying unconscious on the ground.

"This..." The investigator wearing glasses who followed Luo Song into the alley was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.

Luo Song was fascinated by the vines here. Similar scenes flashed through his mind, and then the appearance of a human boy appeared in his mind.

"This must have been done by you again, right?" Luo Song muttered to himself.

"Captain, what did you say?"

"Nothing. How about checking on those two people first?"


The bespectacled investigator nodded and quickly went to check the physical condition of the two unconscious people.

"Captain, these two people are seriously injured and need to be sent to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible..."

"Yeah." Luo Song nodded, then turned to look at the two girls hiding behind the telegraph pole in the distance and said.

"You two, stop hiding and come over to see which one is the victim?"

The two girls who were discovered heard the words and ran over immediately. Then they took out their mobile phones, turned on the flashlight and shined it on the ground, then quickly pointed at the injured figure on their hands and said.

"He is the victim."

After saying that, the two girls immediately walked up, squatted down and looked at the unconscious Wang Xian, and shouted.

"Brother Wang, are you okay, Brother Wang!!!"

"He is just injured and comatose now. Just send him to the hospital for treatment. Don't shout. It's not good for him." The investigator wearing glasses reminded the two girls.

The two girls immediately closed their mouths, and then looked at the unconscious Wang Xian with tearful eyes.

An ambulance was called, and a moment later, the perpetrator and the victim were put into the ambulance and taken to the hospital.

The attack in the alley became hot news the next day.


The sun rose, and the golden sunlight shone from the horizon, cutting through the darkness that shrouded the night.

At the base of the Purple Orchid Organization, the relevant personnel who had been patrolling outside for a night began to take over the shift with their companions.

As time went by, the entire base became more and more lively.

Dozens of members of the Purple Orchid Organization who were at the second level and above came to the surface and walked towards a dock on the edge of the island.

Lin Fei stood at the edge of the pier and looked into the distant sky. Groups of seagulls were circling under the blue sky, swooping down to the sea from time to time, catching small fish one by one, and then flying towards the island. .

Fan Xiyun, wearing a white shirt and straight trousers, came to Lin Fei and said, "Mr. Lin, you had a good rest last night."

When Lin Fei heard the familiar voice, he looked away, turned his head to look at the other person, and said with a smile, "Have a good rest."

After saying that, his eyes fell on Fan Xiyun's chest. Many members of the Purple Orchid Organization were paying attention to Lin Fei, because until now, they had not paid much attention to this guest who was said to be invited by the president. His strength is somewhat doubtful.

At this time, when these members of the Purple Orchid Organization saw this guest, their eyes fell on Fan Xiyun's chest. They frowned and thought to themselves, why is this guest so rude.

As the person being stared at, Fan Xiyun did not feel that Lin Fei's gaze was rude to her, because she knew that Lin Fei was looking at the little guy hiding in her breast pocket.

Today, a group of us went on a trip to meet people from other organizations. Fan Xiyun did not intend to bring the ice blue dragon with her, but the little guy clamored to go with her, so she took it with her.

After getting permission to go out together, the little guy suddenly thought of the terrifying existence among the people who were traveling together, and it couldn't help but tremble again.

If Fan Xiyun had not followed, the Ice Blue Jiao would not have followed. Although it was very afraid of Lin Fei, in order to protect Fan Xiyun, it finally bit the bullet and did not regret it.

"There are living things in your pocket!" Lin Fei said curiously as he sensed the breath of life and spiritual energy fluctuations in the pocket on Fan Xiyun's chest.

Fan Xiyun smiled, then reached out and patted the pocket on his chest, "Xiaobing, come out and say hello to Mr. Lin."

The ice blue dragon, which had already noticed that the terrifying human being was in front of it, was extremely frightened at the moment. Now when it heard Fan Xiyun calling it out to say hello, it hesitated for a while, and then slowly poked its head out of its pocket. come out.

"Mr. Lin, good morning."

"It's you! I didn't expect you could make yourself so small." Lin Fei said in surprise when he saw the ice blue dragon sticking his head out of Fan Xiyun's pocket.

"Can I retract?" After the ice blue dragon said hello, he raised his head and looked at Fan Xiyun and asked.

"You kid, go back!" Fan Xiyun smiled helplessly, and after receiving permission, the ice blue dragon immediately retracted his body into his pocket.

"This little guy seems to be afraid of me!" Lin Fei said.

"It must be more afraid of strangers!" Fan Xiyun said sheepishly, without explaining the ice blue dragon's fear of Lin Fei.

"Alien beasts are also afraid of strangers?" Lin Fei thought for a moment, then said nothing more and turned to look at the seabirds hunting in the sky in the distance.

After a while, a cruise ship appeared on the endless sea.

"The ship is coming." Many members of the Purple Orchid organization said subconsciously when they saw the cruise ship appearing on the horizon.

This time we needed to go to the meeting place with people from other organizations by boat, so everyone gathered here after breakfast.

After seeing the cruise ship appearing on the sea level in the distance, about half an hour passed. The cruise ship, which could accommodate more than 150 people, docked at the edge of the pier.

"Mr. Lin, we can board the ship." Fan Xiyun greeted Lin Fei after the cruise ship parked.

"Yes." Lin Fei retracted his gaze from the distance, nodded to Fan Xiyun, and then he took the lead in boarding the cruise ship in front of him under the guidance of the other party.

After that, other people boarded the cruise ship one after another.

After everyone boarded the ship, the person in charge of controlling the cruise ship in the cab began to start the cruise ship and sail towards the depths of the sea.

Fan Xiyun is leading the team this time, why not Deacon Zhang?

That's because someone must be in charge of the Purple Orchid organization's base now, and Deacon Zhang is doing everything, so it's most appropriate for him to stay behind.

Fan Xiyun, as Wu Yin's junior schoolmate and an important person in charge of the research department of the Purple Orchid Organization, is the most suitable person to be responsible for the meeting with people from other organizations, besides Deacon Zhang.

"This cruise ship is quite luxurious..." Lin Fei thought to himself as he followed Fan Xiyun and inspected the decoration inside the cruise ship.

"Mr. Lin, this is your room. I'm next door to you. If anything happens, you can call me or knock on my door directly..." Fan Xiyun opened a room and said to Lin Fei said.

"Okay." Lin Fei nodded and walked into the room.

When I came to the window, through the glass window in front of me, I could see the sea and the sky, with white waves rolling in.

By the way, this luxurious cruise ship has four floors in total, and Lin Fei is currently on the top floor.

"We won't arrive at our destination until tomorrow. If everything goes well, after the matter is resolved, I will go back directly and won't attend the celebration party." Lin Fei looked at the sea view outside the window and said to himself.

At this time, his cell phone rang. He took it out of his pocket and took a look. It was a message from Zhou Yue.

"Are you busy?"

"No! What's the matter?" Lin Fei replied.

"My elementary school classmate just sent a message saying that we will have a class reunion tomorrow evening. Will you be able to come back tomorrow?" Zhou Yue asked.

"I'll be done with everything tomorrow and I'll have time to go back." Lin Fei said.

"That's good……"

The two chatted for a while, and then Zhou Yue said that there were guests at home, so they ended their chat.

Lin Fei put away his phone and went to the bed in the room to lie down.


He got up a little early in the morning and felt a little sleepy. After closing his eyes, he fell asleep after a while.

In the next room, Fan Xiyun came to the desk, pulled out a chair and sat down, turned on the computer and prepared to process some files.

At this time, the pocket on her breast trembled, and the ice blue dragon poked its head out.

Fan Xiyun looked down and said with a smile, "It must be quite boring to stay in your pocket all the time! Come out and do some exercise!"

The ice blue dragon nodded, and then he climbed onto Fan Xiyun's outstretched palm.

After he landed, his body quickly grew in size. At first it was only the size of a finger, but in the blink of an eye, it became more than ten meters long.

"Mama, it's a rare time to come out, why are you busy with work again?" Binglan Jiao saw Fan Xiyun tapping on the keyboard and said immediately.

"Things have not been handled well, and I feel very uncomfortable, so even if I go out for a trip, I will continue to do these things." Fan Xiyun looked at the computer screen in front of him, typing on the keyboard, and answering Binglan Jiao's questions.

"Oh." The ice blue dragon nodded, and then crawled around the room. After moving for a while, it came to the corner and leaned against the wall, hovered its body, and then began to doze off.

After the cruise organized by Purple Orchid set sail, it headed towards its destination in an orderly manner.

When they were heading to their destination, several organizations also boarded their own cruise ships and sailed towards the same destination.

Compared to the Purple Orchid Organization, which took dozens of members to the destination, other organizations took many more people, at least a hundred people.

Although the Purple Orchid Organization held a meeting this time to discuss the sale of its properties at a discount, it invited people from many different organizations.

Logically speaking, if the number of people invited by the party exceeds the Purple Orchid Organization, it will feel much easier. However, the invited organizations are still very careful to make complete preparations and beware of the Purple Orchid Organization's fraud.

News about this meeting also began to spread to the outside world, and many organizations that did not come to the meeting were waiting to see the show.

Everyone generally believes that once the Purple Orchid Organization sells its properties at a discount to those organizations that go to the meeting, there will definitely be some friction in the future.


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