My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1805: What are you afraid of? (Two chapters in one)

Spirit world.

As time goes by, the sun in the sky gradually sets to the west. After a while, it will get dark.

The pig-headed warriors who had gone out to collect food in the morning began to return to their newly built supply points one after another.

The originally empty warehouse had a small area filled with all kinds of food after being collected by the pig-headed warriors for the day.

"Captain, we picked a lot of food today. At this rate, we can fill up this warehouse in a week." A pig-headed warrior smiled at the handsome pig-headed logistics captain.

"Yes! Thank you for your hard work, everyone." The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain praised his subordinates with a smile on his face.

"We have collected several kinds of food today, and we can make a sumptuous dinner tonight." The pig-headed warrior in charge looked at the increase in several kinds of food in the warehouse, and immediately brewed several dishes in his mind.

"We spent a lot of effort collecting this food, so you have to prepare a table for us!" The hungry pig-headed warrior said to the pig-headed chef who was in charge of the ladle.

"Don't worry! I will cook a feast for everyone tonight that will satisfy everyone." The pig-headed chef in charge said with confidence.

Then, he began to direct his assistants to select the ingredients for tonight's use from the warehouse.

"There is not enough firewood in the camp. Let me chop some firewood and come back!" Several pig-headed warriors saw that the chef and his assistant had taken a lot of ingredients, and they thought about going out to chop some firewood and come back to avoid having to wait for a while. There is not enough firewood for cooking.

When the pig-headed warriors who were about to go out to chop firewood were leaving the camp, the handsome pig-headed logistics captain who was chatting with his subordinates saw them and shouted immediately.

"Are you guys going to chop wood?"

"Yes, captain, we will prepare dinner later. You don't have enough firewood at the camp. Let's go chop some and bring back."

"You don't have to chop wood." The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain said.

"Ah, why?" The pig-headed warrior who was about to chop wood suddenly didn't understand when he heard his captain say this.

"In a while, the people who went to collect flame stones will come back. With the flame stones, the fuel will be enough for us to use for a long time, so we don't have to chop wood anymore." The handsome pig-headed logistics team leader explained.

"So that's it. With the flame stone, you really don't have to chop firewood." The pig-headed warrior who was about to go out to chop firewood heard his superior's explanation and immediately put the tools in his hands back to their original places.

As the sky gradually darkened, most of the sky began to be dyed a gorgeous red color by the golden sunset.

On the hill not far from the pig-headed camp where many birds lived, more and more birds that had gone out to look for food began to return, and their chirping sounds were endless.

"When are we going to find a time to go to that mountain to dig out some bird eggs?" A pig-headed warrior looked at the flock of birds that kept landing on the mountain in the distance and said to his companions.

"The captain said we won't go to that hill for the time being, so as not to scare the birds. Let's collect all the food that can be collected nearby." Another pig-headed warrior responded.

Seeing that the ingredients prepared by the chef are all ready, the sky is about to get dark, and the fuel has not been collected yet.

Just when the pig-headed soldier, whose stomach was growling with hunger, was about to take the firewood-chopping tools and chop some firewood for cooking, the pig-headed soldier who was on guard duty outside the camp ran into the camp and shouted loudly.

"He's back, he's back, the man who went to collect flame stones is back."

The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain who was drinking tea in the room heard the noise outside and walked out of the room.

Looking towards the gate of the camp, he saw his friend walking into the camp with the pig-headed warrior.

The eyes of all the pig-headed men present fell on the large bamboo basket carried by the pig-headed captain and his group, who had a brown birthmark on their foreheads.

Everyone saw that these large bamboo baskets contained many irregular red crystals of different sizes.

Everyone is familiar with these things. They are the kind of flame stones that can burn for a long time with just a few pieces.

"Finally back!"

"I'm exhausted."

"You don't know that there was a volcanic eruption where we went to collect flame stones."

"The volcanic eruption is really scary! If it were later, we might not be able to come back..."

The pig-headed warriors who collected flame stones placed the large bamboo basket on their backs on the ground, and then told their companions who gathered around them what they had experienced on the road today.

"You actually encountered a volcanic eruption." Hearing the stories of these companions who collected flame stones, the pig-headed warriors exclaimed in surprise.

While the pig-headed soldiers were chatting noisily, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead came to his friend.

"It seems like it's not easy for you to dismantle the Flame Stone this time!" The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain said to his friend.

"Yes!" The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead nodded tiredly.

"Come in and have a glass of water!" The handsome pig-headed logistics captain invited his friend into the house. When he saw the other person sitting down, he poured him a glass of water and then asked about the details of what happened on the road today. .

"On the way to the volcano, we didn't encounter anything difficult. The main reason was that after we collected the flame stones, we first encountered the Flame Bird, and then encountered the volcanic eruption..."

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead picked up the water glass, drank the water in one gulp, and then told his friends what happened on the way to step on the flame stone today.

The pig-headed captain, who had a brown birthmark on his forehead, took out his notepad and recorded the relevant matters while listening to his friend's story.

While the two pig-headed warriors were chatting, the sun on the horizon completely disappeared.

As night falls, the pig-headed chef begins to show off his skills.

The pig-headed warrior in charge of lighting the fire took out a large piece of flame stone from the big bamboo basket. He burned the flame stone with a fire igniter, and then threw the flame stone into the stove.

The flame stone burned by the flames quickly heated up, and then with a thin bang, flames ignited on the surface.

When the pig-headed chef saw the fire starting, he began to pour oil into the pot and prepare for cooking.

The sound of sizzling cooking sounded, and soon, the aroma spread around.


Blue Star.

The bright full moon hangs high in the sky, and the night sky is like a black curtain, dotted with many stars twinkling like diamonds.

Observe the starry sky above your head carefully, and occasionally you can see shooting stars flashing across the night sky.


The wind is howling on the boundless sea, and the waves are getting bigger and bigger. The cruise ship sailing on the sea rises and falls, riding the wind and waves in an orderly manner, heading towards the destination.

It is already 12:30 in the morning, and the members of the Purple Orchid organization on the cruise ship, except for the driver in the cab who is on duty, are already resting in their respective bedrooms.

Originally, the sky was clear and clear, and the bright moon and stars in the sky could be clearly seen. However, as time gradually passed, patches of dark clouds floated in the sky, covering the entire sky and earth.

The moonlight and starlight falling from the sky were also blocked by this sudden dark cloud.

This sea area where the wind roared suddenly became pitch black, and it was impossible to see even one's fingers.


Deafening thunder exploded in the sky, and bright silver-white electric lights lit up continuously in the dark clouds.

The sea area that was originally covered by dark clouds was so invisible that the flash of electric light would occasionally light up the sea area.

"Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock..."

After a burst of lightning and thunder, huge raindrops fell from the flashing clouds in the sky.

The raindrops hit the cruise ship, making a crackling sound.

Soon, these raindrops quickly connected into threads, dancing in the violent wind and rain.

Passengers resting in each room on the cruise ship were not awakened by the thunderstorm outside. This shows that the sound insulation effect of the rooms on the cruise ship is quite good.

"Old Wang, why did it suddenly rain so heavily? It's so strange." A member of the Purple Orchid Organization walked into the cab and said to the captain sitting in front of the driver's seat.

"The weather at sea is unpredictable, and it's normal for a heavy rainstorm to suddenly fall. It's your first time traveling, so you find it strange." The captain, who was in his fifties, explained to his companions with a smile.

"That's it!" The member of the Purple Orchid Organization nodded. He looked at the sky in the distance that was flashing with electric light and the waves that were getting bigger due to the strong wind, and he couldn't help but feel worried.

"The wind and waves are so strong now, isn't it dangerous?"

The expression on the experienced captain's face was calm and calm, without any panic at all, "Don't worry, nothing will happen. Our cruise ship will not be damaged in any way even if it encounters bigger waves than this." …”

"That's good. I'll go to the restaurant to get some late-night snacks. Do you want me to get one for you?" a member of the Purple Orchid organization asked.

"Get me some donuts." The experienced captain thought for a moment and said.

"You're so fat and you still eat donuts!" a member of the Purple Orchid organization said, looking at the bloated figure of the experienced captain.

"I've already planned to lose weight after this mission, so before that, I wanted to enjoy one last sweet treat."

"Okay, what drink do you want?"

"Bring me a cup of coffee with milk."

"Oh, this is really an energy bomb combination..." The members of the Purple Orchid organization shook their heads helplessly, and then left the cab.

The wind and waves outside were getting bigger and bigger, and the captain's face, which was originally calm and calm, gradually became serious.

"It doesn't make sense! The previous weather forecast said that even if there is a storm in this sea area, it will not be of this level. What's going on?"

The huge luxury cruise ship originally sailed steadily in such wind and waves, but as the weather became worse and worse, the shaking of the ship's hull began to increase.


"Wow, wow, wow..."

Lightning and thunder, wind and rain, and heavy rain continued to hit the cruise ship.

The waves, blown by the strong wind, slapped against the hull of the ship, seeming to want to capsize the cruise ship.

"Old Wang, the rain is getting heavier and heavier!" The member of the Purple Orchid Organization returned to the cab after leaving, holding a bag with desserts and a cup of milk coffee in his hands.

"Yes, this weather is a bit unusual. In all my years of sailing, this is the first time I have encountered such a storm that intensified to such a heavy rain in such a short period of time." The captain said with a serious face.

"Here, here are the donuts and milk coffee you asked for." The member of the Purple Orchid organization handed the things in his hands to the other party.

The experienced captain took the food and started eating immediately. After all, in this bad weather, no matter how sad it is, it will not help.

"Our boat won't be capsized, right?" a member of the Purple Orchid organization said worriedly.

"Don't worry, although the bad weather situation has no tendency to slow down, the cruise ship we organized and spent a lot of money to build will never succumb to such bad weather." The captain said with confidence while eating sweets.

"Having said that, I feel that the boat is shaking more and more!" A member of the Purple Orchid Organization stretched out his hand to hold the chair next to him and sounded very worried.

"Relax, in such bad weather, with the strength of our ship's hull, nothing will happen. Of course, that is provided there is no attack by strange animals." The captain ate all the milk coffee and donuts in his hand, and then said.

As soon as he finished speaking, an earth-shattering thunder exploded above the cruise ship.


The bright silver-white electric light instantly illuminated a large area around the cruise ship. The two people in the cab looked at the things in front of them with the help of the electric light. Their eyes widened and their mouths opened wide, with horror on their faces. look.

"so big……!!!"

First, they were stunned by the giant creature that appeared in the sea ahead. Then the two people immediately came to their senses and glanced at each other. The meaning in their frightened pupils was full of disbelief.

"It's a strange beast!" The two people shouted in unison. The experienced captain panicked, while the members of the Purple Orchid organization complained with pale faces.

"Old Wang, you are such a crow! Speaking of strange beasts, strange beasts appear. Now, in such bad weather, we may be doomed."

After all, the captain was experienced. Although he was very panicked, he responded quickly. He raised his hand and glanced at the console in front of him, and then pressed a button that he had never pressed in so many years.


The piercing alarm sounded, and in an instant, almost all the passengers resting in their rooms on the cruise ship were awakened.


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