My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1808: Mutation, Earthquake (two chapters in one)

On the endless sea, there was a cruise ship traveling quickly. When the cruise ship came to a place more than ten kilometers in front of the island, it stopped immediately.

Then a tall man with a beard flew up from the cruise ship and hovered in the sky.

After this man flew out, a dozen more men flew out from the ship and flew to his side.


"Follow the plan."


A dozen strong men in light blue clothes nodded, and then quickly flew to the island ahead. When they flew a certain distance, they immediately spread out and flew to different directions on the island.

“After I broke through, I kept thinking about how I could defeat these guys in one fell swoop.

The Purple Orchid organization really helped me a lot this time! "The man with a beard on his lips looked at the departing subordinates, with a sinister smile on his generous face.


On the island, the leaders of the various organizations who came to the island were sitting on chairs, leaning back on the chairs, closing their eyes and concentrating, waiting for the arrival of the last participant.

Time passed very quickly, and the agreed time came quickly, but at this time, the last participant still had not arrived.

"What is that guy doing?"

"It's already been a while, why haven't they arrived yet?"

"Forget it, leave him alone. Since he didn't come as scheduled, we can just start by ourselves."

"That's not good! If that guy doesn't admit it afterwards, there will be a lot of trouble again."

"It's him who didn't come as promised. It's none of our business if he breaks the promise."

"That's right! If he doesn't admit it, we can just unite and suppress him."

"Hurry up and start! My time is very precious. If you finish it early, I have to go back early. There are still a lot of things waiting for me to deal with!"

The leaders of the various organizations present discussed it with each other, and then decided to ignore the guy who didn't come as promised.

Fan Xiyun heard these people discussing and making a decision. She knew that the topic was about to come next, so she looked at Lin Fei sitting next to her and said.

"Mr. Lin, it's time to start."

Lin Fei, who was playing with his phone, nodded when he heard this, then quit the game and put his phone back in his pocket.

"Fan Xiyun, let's get started! List all the businesses your organization wants to do." A middle-aged man with gray hair urged Fan Xiyun impatiently.

Fan Xiyun looked at this man, the corners of his mouth raised, revealing a sneer.

When the leaders of various organizations present saw Fan Xiyun's expression, the smiles on their faces immediately dissipated, and then they said to Fan Xiyun with a cold face.

"Fan Xiyun, what do you mean?"

"You came all the way here to get us here. Are you kidding us?"

"If you really are playing tricks on us, you know the consequences."

Fan Xiyun ignored these guys, but turned to look at Lin Fei again, and then said, "Mr. Lin, I'll trouble you next."

"Yes." Lin Fei nodded, and then looked at the leaders of various organizations who glared at them expressionlessly.

Spiritual energy fluctuations surged, and third-level peak spiritual energy fluctuations emanated from the bodies of each of the leaders who came to attend the meeting.

Regarding the conversation between Fan Xiyun and Lin Fei just now, the leaders of their organizations were not fools, and they immediately understood what was going on.

"Fan Xiyun, you are looking for death." The gray-haired middle-aged man yelled, and then stood up. The spiritual energy fluctuations on his body rose. Among the leaders of the organizations present, he was considered the strongest. Stepping into The peak of the third level has lasted for decades.

"..." Fan Xiyun said nothing and looked at each other quietly. The members of the Purple Orchid organization who came to the conference room to attend the meeting were very nervous.

Their faces turned pale and cold sweat ran down their foreheads, but they saw Fan Xiyun sitting motionless. Out of trust in Fan Xiyun, they clasped their hands and gritted their teeth and persisted.


A loud clap sounded in the conference room, and everyone's eyes were attracted.

"I am Wu Yin's friend. She is busy with some things and can't get away.

I met her not long ago and she told me something about you. "Lin Feifeng said calmly to the leaders of various organizations whose bodies exuded spiritual energy fluctuations.

"You people, taking advantage of her busy schedule, to unite to attack her organization, is really a despicable act."

When the leaders of each organization heard that Lin Fei was scolding them in front of them as if nothing had happened, their anger suddenly jumped to the top of their heads, "Boy, what did you say?"

The members of the Purple Orchid Organization looked at Lin Fei in horror. They did not expect that this young man would humiliate these hostile forces like this.

"Here I go, is this person crazy?"

"If any one of these people comes out, we are no match. They are trying to kill us!"

Lin Fei ignored the leaders of various organizations who stared at him and wanted to tear him into pieces, "I have an appointment with a friend and I have to go back as soon as possible, so I won't talk nonsense to you.

Now I give you two choices, one is to kill them all by me, and the other is to promise me not to cause trouble for the Purple Orchid Organization again. "

"..." Except for Fan Xiyun, everyone present was stunned when they heard what Lin Fei said.

In their opinion, this young man with no psychic fluctuations in his body had something wrong with his head, so he said such a thing.

"Are you crazy?"

"Holy shit, there's something wrong with this guy's head."

"Fan Xiyun, did the person you brought take the wrong medicine when he went out?"

Originally, the leaders of each organization were still very angry because of Lin Fei's matter. Now after hearing what Lin Fei said, they all concluded that Lin Fei was abnormal, and the anger in their hearts immediately dissipated a lot.

As the leader of an underground organization, it is really beneath his status to compete with a family member who has a mental problem.

Of course, the other person who just insulted me still has to pay a price. He can spare his life, but he must keep one of his limbs.

"..." Fan Xiyun still didn't speak, sitting on the chair without making any movement, and the members of the Purple Orchid Organization were extremely nervous at this moment.

After all, the spiritual energy waves emitted by the leader of the hostile forces hit him head-on, making him breathless and his clothes soaked with sweat.

Lin Fei saw these people's eyes returning to Fan Xiyun, and he immediately stood up. The chair scraped against the floor and made a harsh sound, which drew the eyes of the leaders of various organizations back to him.

"Choose! Choose one or two." Lin Fei said expressionlessly to the leaders of these organizations in front of him.

"I am a mud horse..." The leaders of various organizations felt like thousands of alpacas rushing through their hearts, and their anger erupted again.

The situation at the scene is like a needle pointing to a awning, and a war is about to break out at any time.

The gray-haired middle-aged man was about to teach the young man with a mental problem in front of him something strange.


There was an earth-shattering roar, and then the ground began to tremble.

"what happened?"

"Is there an earthquake?"

"This island is not in an earthquake zone and there is no possibility of an earthquake."

"Yes! It definitely can't be an earthquake, and there are no underwater volcanoes hundreds of kilometers around. There is something wrong with this vibration."

The sudden tremor of the earth and the deafening roar washed away the tense atmosphere of the scene, and then everyone began to evacuate the building used for meetings.

The gray-haired middle-aged man walked out of the building first, and his subordinates waiting outside immediately came forward.


"What happened?" The gray-haired middle-aged man

"I don't know! But there was a bolt from the blue just now." The subordinate replied.

"Look at that..." Suddenly someone pointed at the sky in the distance and shouted. As the shout rang out, everyone looked in the direction pointed by the shouting person's finger.

I saw a dark cloud flying in the distant sky. This dark cloud moved very fast. In just four or five seconds, it arrived at the center of the island, where people from various organizations were.


Lightning flashed and thundered, and the lightning flashed frequently in the dark clouds, letting everyone know that the deafening roar came from the dark clouds.

Immediately afterwards, the dark clouds covering the island expanded rapidly. In less than half a minute, the entire island was shrouded in dark clouds.

Everyone who looked up at the dark clouds above their heads could see the bright silver-white electric light flashing faster and faster in the dark clouds.

"Tap tap tap..."

A group of people from the Purple Orchid organization walked out of the meeting place. Lin Fei looked up at the sky, and it unfolded its senses to investigate.


After Lin Fei explored it, he found something interesting. The corners of his mouth raised without hesitation, and a smile appeared on his face.

Fan Xiyun, who was standing next to Lin Fei, turned to look at him, "Mr. Lin, what happened?"

"There will be a good show soon." Lin Fei said with a smile.

And as soon as he finished talking to Fan Xiyun, something new happened in front of him.

I saw a bright silver-white electric light falling from the clouds and hitting the crowd on the island.


The power of the electric light is astonishing. The crowd it hits is where some second-level high-level practitioners gather. If it is hit, there will be many casualties.

The people attacked by lightning were the subordinates of the gray-haired man who had been at the peak of the third level for many years, so he immediately took action to protect his subordinates who were about to be hit by lightning.


The figure shook, and the gray-haired middle-aged man disappeared in an instant and appeared above his subordinates. Then he stretched his hands over his head and opened an energy barrier.


Thunder and lightning struck the barrier, making a deafening explosion, and the splashing lightning dissipated in the air.


The person who was almost killed by lightning turned pale with fright, and then shouted to the leader of his family, "Here we go again."


Thunder and lightning fell one after another from the dark clouds in the sky. The middle-aged man with gray hair held up a barrier with a serious face to resist.

As the thunder fell again and again, its power continued to increase. Although it could not break the barrier held up by the gray-haired middle-aged man, it consumed a lot of his spiritual energy.

The leaders of other organizations who saw this scene did not step forward to help, but immediately led their subordinates to evacuate towards the beach.

Everyone is not a fool. This situation is obviously someone secretly playing tricks. It is very disadvantageous to continue to stay on the island. Returning to the cruise ship is the most correct choice at the moment.



When everyone came to the beach, the person running in front suddenly hit an invisible wall, fell to the ground, and screamed in pain.

"Damn, we're trapped here." Someone punched the invisible wall in front of them with their fists, and then shouted.

The leaders of the organizations present immediately united to get out of trouble.

"Let's all work together to attack the invisible wall in front of us..."

After the words fell, all the practitioners present immediately launched an attack with all their strength.

"Boom boom boom..."

As the attack continued, a pale golden aura appeared on the surface of the invisible wall. At this time, under successive attacks, it did not feel broken at all, but was instead thickening.

Seeing this scene, everyone stopped attacking. A practitioner who had awakened the exploration ability used his superpower, and then his face suddenly turned pale.

"This wall will absorb the spiritual energy contained in our attacks to strengthen itself. The more we attack it, the stronger it will become."

"Trough... this kind of method is that guy..." A short-haired leader heard this, his mind turned around, and he immediately thought of a certain character.

"That woman Fan Xiyun is so resourceful that she even teamed up with that guy to trick us."

At this time, Fan Xiyun, who didn't know that he had taken the blame, was still standing in front of the building where the meeting was held. The group of people quietly watched the gray-haired middle-aged man struggling to protect his subordinates from the attack of thunder falling from the sky.

"Fan Xiyun, you despicable woman..." The grey-haired middle-aged man, who was struggling to support himself, angrily cursed Fan Xiyun who was watching the show.

"It's none of my business, and I don't know why it's like this." Fan Xiyun said.

"It was you who asked us to come to this island. Now that something like this happened, you said it had nothing to do with you. Who would believe you?" the gray-haired middle-aged man said angrily.

Then he didn't want to listen to the other party's explanation anymore, and turned to his frightened subordinates.

"Why are you still standing there stupidly? If you don't retreat to the beach quickly, I won't be able to support you and protect you all the time."

"Yes, President." The subordinates reacted belatedly and hurriedly retreated towards the seaside.

The gray-haired middle-aged man saw his subordinates evacuate, and he also retreated.

And the thunder and lightning falling from the dark clouds in the sky seemed to be locked on him, and they actually chased him and attacked, as if they were determined to kill him.


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