My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1811 Everything is under control (two chapters in one)

"How can it be so strong?"

After Qi Kaide withstood Lin Fei's attack, his head fell into chaos. He really couldn't accept that the other party had caused so much damage to him with just one move.


Suddenly, he found that he couldn't move his right hand, and then, the space spirit weapon worn on his ring finger automatically detached.


Seeing this scene, he knew what was going on. He wanted to stretch out his left hand to grab it, but it was too late. The separated space weapon quickly flew towards Lin Fei.

Looking at the silver-white space spiritual weapon that fell on his palm, Lin Fei immediately used his mental power to break the mark on it.


The moment the mental brand was broken, Qi Kaide felt that he had lost contact with the spatial spiritual weapon, and he roared angrily.

Although he was very angry because the space spiritual weapon was taken away by the enemy, the last trace of reason in his heart told him that he could not charge forward. The enemy was too strong and he would die if he charged towards him.

"Why is it just this little thing?" Lin Fei checked the contents of the space spirit weapon and found that there were only some snacks, which made him very disappointed. However, getting a space spirit weapon can be considered a small gain!

"Go to hell."

Qi Kaide injected spiritual energy into the spiritual weapon sword in his hand, and circles of invisible ripples emanated from the spiritual weapon sword and spread in all directions.

Then, he threw the sword in his hand towards Lin Fei hard.

"call out."

The spiritual sword blooming with spiritual light tore through the air and shot out like an air-piercing missile. The speed was so fast that ordinary people would not be able to track it with the naked eye.

Lin Fei looked at the oncoming spiritual weapon sword, and with a thought in his mind, he quickly controlled the spiritual weapon sword with telekinesis, making it unable to move forward half a meter in front of him.

The spiritual weapon sword was trapped. Logically speaking, Qi Kaide who threw the weapon should have been hit hard, but then, he discovered a scene that was incomprehensible.

Only when Qi Kaide saw that the sword he threw was imprisoned by Lin Fei with telekinesis, he stopped smiling and the corners of his mouth cracked, showing that his plan had succeeded.


With a loud shout, the spiritual sword instantly burst into dazzling light, and then with a bang, an earth-shaking explosion occurred that caught people off guard.

The people on the island were all shocked when they saw the big explosion. The leaders of each organization immediately opened the defensive barriers to resist the shock wave caused by the explosion.

The sea area below the center of the explosion was directly blasted down several meters, and the shock wave spread to all directions. Fortunately, there was an organization leader on the island who held up the defensive barrier.

Otherwise, all the vegetation growing on the edge of the island will be destroyed by this shock wave.

Black smoke flew into the sky, and as the explosion subsided, the sunken sea returned to its original appearance.

Lin Fei, who was standing at the center of the explosion and was most affected, did not suffer any damage.

Obviously, it was impossible to hurt him with such an explosion.

But at this time, looking at Qi Kaide, he could not be found anywhere. The moment the explosion happened, the instigator ran away without knowing where he was.

The series of actions he just performed were made to escape.

"Damn it! That guy escaped."

"It's really embarrassing that a fourth-level practitioner at the beginning of the stage ran away."

"There's nothing to be ashamed of. If he doesn't leave, he might die in that person's hands."

"I didn't expect that that person looked very young and had such a level of cultivation."

"He looks young! Maybe he is actually very old! Now he has some powers that can make him younger. Maybe he is already sixty or seventy years old."

"Keep your voice down! If he hears you talking about such a strong man behind his back and becomes unhappy, you will be doomed."

Members of various forces on the island discussed Lin Fei cautiously.

"I really think you can hide it from my eyes with this method!" Lin Fei's mental perception has been unfolding, and within the scope of his perception, he is fully aware of Qi Kaide's actions.

It seems that the other party used explosions to attract attention, then took advantage of the chaos to escape, and now disappeared without a trace.

In fact, it is only half right. The explosion just disappeared for a short time. If you want to take this opportunity to escape without a trace, even a practitioner at the beginning of the fourth stage cannot do it without special means of space transmission.

Lin Fei's perception was always open, and within his range of perception, Qi Kaide's situation was clearly clear.

Therefore, many people now think that Qi Kaide has escaped, but Lin Fei has locked his location through perception.

To the northwest, there is an extremely weak spiritual energy wave. This spiritual energy wave is Qi Kaide. He just took advantage of the explosion to disguise himself, covered his figure with a spiritual weapon, and reduced the spiritual energy wave on his body. , and then ran away quickly.

Everyone on the island thought that the crisis was completely resolved, but at this time, they saw Lin Fei raise his right hand.

"What does he want to do?"

"Fire, fireball?"

Everyone saw that after Lin Fei raised his hand, a fireball the size of a millstone appeared in his hand.

Although there was a long distance, everyone on the island beach could sense that the fireball in the distance was emitting very terrifying spiritual energy fluctuations.

"Go away." Lin Fei said, and then he waved his right hand forward, and the fireball created by his hand shot out like a gust of wind, heading towards the northwest direction that represented the location of Qi Kaide's spiritual energy fluctuations. flew over.

Qi Kaide, who used his spiritual weapon to become invisible and ran away quickly, suddenly felt something chasing him behind him, and he immediately looked back.

When he saw a blazing fireball the size of a millstone, he was stunned for a moment, and then he started to sense it.


He has the strength of the initial stage of the fourth stage. Compared with others, he can clearly perceive the terrifying power contained in this fireball.

His originally pale face turned pale in an instant. Qi Kaide tried his best to escape. He didn't care about hiding his body, and the spiritual energy in his body suddenly exploded.

After reappearing, everyone on the beach on the island shouted.

"Damn it, that guy didn't escape."

"He used a spiritual weapon to hide himself."

"He's finished now."

The fireball the size of a millstone that Lin Fei shot was no ordinary fireball. It was an exploding fireball containing a large amount of psychic energy, and its explosive power was astonishing.


Qi Kaide kept moving and changing directions in the sky, but the terrifying fireball behind him could not be shaken off. In the end, the terrifying fireball exploded two or three meters behind Qi Kaide.


In fact, under Lin Fei's control, this fireball was able to catch up with him a long time ago. Lin Fei considered that the location was too close to the island. If it exploded, the island might not be able to withstand the power of the small fireball explosion, so he deliberately delayed it for a while. .

More than ten kilometers away from the island, a small bursting fireball containing a huge amount of psychic energy exploded.

The small fireball, which was originally the size of a millstone, initially collapsed inward, instantly became the size of a pigeon egg, and then immediately expanded again.

With this contraction and expansion, the temperature of the fireball increased many times, and its size also expanded dozens of times.

Due to the distance, Chikaide, who wanted to dodge, had no time to dodge. He released all his spiritual energy and formed a strong energy barrier around his body, hoping to withstand the power of the small fireball explosion.

It's a pity that with his initial stage four strength, the defensive barrier created by the spiritual energy he mobilized is simply unable to withstand the explosive power of the exploding fireball.

Almost instantly, the energy barrier he constructed shattered, and then his whole body was swallowed up by the exploding fireball.

On the island, in the eyes of everyone, a dazzling fireball appeared over the distant sea. This fireball was very huge, with a diameter of nearly a hundred meters.

Terrifying heat waves emitted from the fireball, and a large area of ​​​​the sea was instantly boiled due to the extremely high temperature. Countless water vapor floated into the sky and condensed into a large rain cloud in the sky.

The fireball exploded, with flames like meteors flying around, and the terrifying shock wave directly exposed the seabed of the sea below.

The waves flew up, tens of meters high, and then surged in all directions.

The people on the island looked at the power of the fireball explosion in the distance, which was like a small sun falling into the sea, and they were all frightened and lost their minds.

"Wave, wave."

"It's a tsunami."

Everyone saw waves of tens of meters high caused by the explosion in the distance rushing over quickly, and some people couldn't help but scream.

"There is no way to resist such a huge tsunami!" The leaders of each force looked at the tsunami that was tens of meters high and several kilometers long. Such a long length was simply not something they could handle.

The speed of the waves was very fast, and within a short time they arrived four or five kilometers away from the island.

"It's over, there are still people on our cruise ship!" Someone suddenly remembered that his companion was still on the cruise ship and shouted loudly.

But in this situation, it’s hard to save yourself, so how can you save the people on the cruise ship? Everyone didn't know what to do for a while.

And just when the island was about to be submerged by the waves, everyone suddenly discovered that the waves in the distance seemed to be frozen.

The waves caused by the explosion of the exploding fireball eventually formed an extremely terrifying tsunami.

Allowing it to rage around will cause considerable ecological impact.

The tsunami was caused by himself, so Lin Fei naturally had to find a way to deal with it, so he froze these waves with his superpower.

In a flash of inspiration, the tsunami, which was tens of meters high and several kilometers long, turned into ice in less than half a minute, and the affected sea below also froze.

Everyone on the island beach looked at the ice spreading in the distance. Their eyes widened and their mouths opened wide. They didn't know what to say at this miraculous sight and could only remain silent in shock. .

When the aftermath of the explosive fireball explosion subsided, there was no psychic fluctuation above the sea within Lin Fei's range of perception. Qi Kaide, who wanted to kill everyone, was left with nothing left by the explosion.

Lin Fei turned around and flew towards the island. He came to the sky not far away from everyone in the Purple Orchid Organization and said to the people from various forces whose eyes were all on him.

"The people who disturbed us are gone. Let's continue to discuss the things we didn't finish just now!"

When the leaders of various organizations and their subordinates heard what Lin Fei said, they looked at each other for a moment.

Anyone who has seen the scene just now, as long as there is no brain problem, already knows what to choose, and there is no need to ask.

Afterwards, everything progressed as Lin Fei thought at the beginning. Everyone chose not to cause trouble with the Purple Orchid Organization in the future, and promised that when Wu Yin comes back, they will personally prepare gifts to explain their irrational behavior. Come to apologize.

"Miss Fan, I have taken care of Wu Yin's matter, and I will go back next." Lin Fei said to Fan Xiyun.

"Ah?" Fan Xiyun didn't expect Lin Fei to go back now. She was stunned for a moment, and then said to Lin Fei, "Mr. Lin, thanks to you this time, we solved the dilemma. You can come back to the base with us! We There’s going to be a big thank you party.”

"No, I still have things to deal with, and I have to rush back now." Lin Fei said.

When Fang Xiyun heard that Lin Fei said that he wanted to go back to deal with things, she couldn't hold on anymore, so she thanked Lin Fei again.

Then, she and her companions watched Lin Fei disappear into the horizon.

"Mama... I'm right! That human is very scary." The ice blue dragon that had been hiding in Fan Xiyun's pocket said to Fan Xiyun with his mental power after Lin Fei left.

If it were in the past, Fan Xiyun might still not be able to understand the fear of the ice blue dragon towards Lin Fei. After seeing what Lin Fei did just now, she can say that she now has a deep understanding of it.

"I didn't expect Mr. Lin to be so strong. A practitioner in the early stages of the fourth stage cannot launch such a powerful attack." Fan Xiyun said.

The Ice Blue Jiao did not speak, but just nodded. Then, the forces of various organizations left the island in an orderly manner, boarded their own cruise ships, and then left.

As for Chikaid's cruise ship and the people he brought with him, they all became prisoners of the Purple Orchid organization. Later, the Purple Orchid organization will use these captives to demand compensation from their organization.

The leaderless Hongyan Society will not fall apart because of Qi Kaide's death. They will introduce a successor later, and in order to appease the anger of the Purple Orchid Organization, the successor needs to cut off a large piece of flesh to compensate.

Regarding what happened on the island, as the leaders of various organizational forces leave and return to their bases, relevant information will spread like mushrooms after a rain.

The leaders of various organizations who have been waiting quietly to see what happens, no longer have anyone who dares to have bad thoughts about the Purple Orchid Organization after learning about this incident.

It can be said that Lin Fei came out to help Wu Yin solve the problem this time and achieved unexpected results. At least for a long period of time, no one will dare to target the Purple Orchid Organization.


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