My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1837 An act of kindness (two chapters in one)


Zhou Yue saw that the spiritual sword she used to attack the wild boar and beast did not hurt the opponent, but only chipped away a layer of the earth armor attached to the opponent's body.

She was very surprised, but she quickly reacted and found out the reason.

"What's going on? This spiritual weapon sword actually failed to hurt this strange beast... Oh, it must be because I forgot to inject spiritual energy into the spiritual weapon sword just now."

The wild boar launched a charge, but failed to hit the target. It grunted slightly angrily, and then used its right front hoof to dig the ground, preparing to launch a second attack.


The piercing humming sound spread outward, and the birds standing on the branches nearby closed their mouths in fear. Some insects in the grass all froze and remained motionless.

"Is it coming again?" Zhou Yue looked slightly nervous as she looked at the wild boar that was constantly scratching the ground and making grunting sounds.


A strong wind blew, and the surrounding vegetation rattled due to the sudden strong wind. The sun hanging in the sky was gradually blocked by a dark cloud blown by the wind.

However, the dark clouds were not dense, and the golden sunlight penetrated the gaps between the dark clouds, shining beams of light on the earth.

The spot where Zhou Yue happened to be was hit by the beam, and the golden sunshine shone on her body. The surface of her fair skin seemed to be coated with a golden light layer, making her look like she was wearing a golden dress. gauze.


The wild boar and beast looked at the human who smelled a bit sweet in front of him, narrowed his eyes slightly, snorted, and then rushed over quickly.

"Tap, step, step..."

The huge pig's trotters trample the ground, and the momentum generated by running is very amazing, giving people an illusion of overwhelming mountains and oceans.

Zhou Yue, who was holding the spiritual weapon long sword, pursed her lips and looked at the wild boar and beast rushing towards her with all her attention. When the opponent was five or six meters away from her, she quickly jumped to her side, and then kicked off with her right foot. Ground, quick reflex.

This time when she counterattacked, she did not forget to inject spiritual energy into the long sword as she had done before. A pale golden spiritual light bloomed on the surface of the long sword, and the power of the already sharp long sword suddenly increased.


The spiritual sword penetrated the earth armor covering the wild boar and beast, pierced its thick skin, and left a wound six to seven centimeters deep on its body.


The injured wild boar let out a sharp scream, turned around, and stabbed Zhou Yue with the sharp fangs protruding from its mouth.

The delicate and soft Zhou Yue was very dexterous. She twisted her slender waist, jumped up, and kicked the wild boar on the face. Then she jumped on its back and faced the wild boar and beast's back. He stabbed the sword twice quickly and then jumped off its back.


Instead of hitting the target, it suffered two more attacks on its back, leaving two wounds. This made the wild boar and beast very angry.

Now the three injuries on the body are not very serious, so the wild boar and the alien beast want to continue to violently attack the fragrant human in front of them, striving to take him down.

"Ha..." After succeeding one after another, Zhou Yue's confidence doubled. Looking at the wild boar and beast that turned into anger and glared at her, wishing to eat her, she smiled slightly, raised her left hand, and pushed the hanging hair behind her ear. .

Then, one man and one beast began a long back-and-forth battle.

On the leafy tree in the distance, Lin Fei took out a bag of potato chips from the dimensional space and ate it leisurely while watching Zhou Yue and the wild boars and beasts pecking at each other.

At this time, his eyes were looking at the position in front of him on the right. In that direction, he sensed three spiritual energy fluctuations, approaching here.


The sun in the sky is covered by dark clouds, and only a little sunlight shines on the earth through the gaps between the clouds. There is danger in the quiet environment. Alien beasts may suddenly emerge from the darkness and launch attacks at any time.

"Captain, it's almost noon. Let's find a place to have a meal first, and then look for strange beasts!" A young man with short hair said to the bald man who was leading the way.

"Let's walk forward. The area ahead is safer and we can have lunch there." The bald man turned his head and said to his companions behind him.

The girl wearing a peaked cap suddenly looked in a certain direction. She put her hands to her ears as if listening.

The young man with short hair and the bald man frowned immediately when they saw her move, and then stopped.

A pale golden aura bloomed in the ears of the girl wearing a peaked cap, and the inaudible sound from the distance quickly became clearly audible in her ears.

"Captain, there are people in front who are fighting alien beasts and are in a state of anxiety. The situation may not be good." The girl wearing a peaked cap said with a serious face.

"How many people are there on the other side?" the bald man asked.

"According to the noise heard by the superpower, there seems to be only one person over there." said the girl wearing a peaked cap.

"What are you talking about, there's only one person?!!!" The young man with short hair was shocked.

The bald man frowned, thought for a moment, and then said to his two companions, "Let's go over and take a look at the situation. If we can help, let's help!"

"Yes." The young man with short hair and the girl wearing a peaked cap nodded after hearing this, and then the three-person team began to rush towards the place where the noise was coming.


The dark clouds that blocked the sun merged with other dark clouds floating in the distance, and the area continued to expand, covering half of the sky.

Depending on how the weather is changing, it may rain. If it rains in the middle of winter, it will make you wet, but it will be very cold.

In this case, exotic animal hunters who are looking for exotic animals in the wild often choose to return to the city before it rains and wait for the weather to improve before going out for activities.


The scarred wild boar made a sharp roar. At this moment, the fragrant human in front of it no longer had the arrogant expression it had at the beginning, and a look of fear appeared in its eyes.


After a battle, Zhou Yue, who had consumed a lot of energy, was panting and dripping with sweat. This wild boar beast was tenacious beyond her expectations.

However, as the battle continues, the result can be imagined. The wild boar and beast in front of him will eventually die under Zhou Yue's sword.


Although the injuries on his body were not serious, there were many wounds and a lot of blood was lost, and his condition deteriorated rapidly as time went by.

The wild boar knew that it could no longer fight the humans in front of it, and began to have the idea of ​​​​retreating. It looked around, ready to escape at any time.

One party was preparing to escape, and the other was preparing to take advantage of the victory to pursue the other party. Just when these two opponents, each with their own thoughts, were preparing to take further action, the thick grass in the distance suddenly shook for a while.


The sudden movement in the grass made Zhou Yue and the wild boar and beast immediately pause and look towards the place where the movement came from.

"Isn't it another alien beast?" Zhou Yue muttered worriedly. One wild boar alien consumes a lot of her energy. If a few more alien beasts appear, she will definitely be unable to bear it.

The wild boar with a keen sense of smell looked at the swaying grass in the distance and clearly smelled some human scent. For a moment, its mood suddenly became extremely nervous.

The human in front of it is no longer something it can beat. If more humans come out, it may not even have a chance to escape.

Three figures walked out of the thick grass. The bald man and his two teammates looked at Zhou Yue, who was confronting the wild boar and beast in the distance. Such a beautiful woman made their eyes flash with surprise.

"This person is so beautiful!" Even if she is a girl, she can't help but show surprise.

The young man with short hair did not expect that the person fighting the wild boar and beast one on one would be a beautiful woman. However, when he sensed the spiritual energy fluctuations emanating from the other party, he was very surprised. Can't figure it out.

"The psychic energy fluctuations radiating from her body are at the high level of the second level. With such strength, how come it took so long to deal with a wild boar beast that is in the middle of the second level?"

The same doubts arose in the minds of the bald man and the girl wearing a peaked cap at the same time. Although humans were of equal strength, they were no match for the same level of alien beasts.

But when humans are a small level stronger than alien beasts, it's quite easy to deal with them.

In front of her eyes, Zhou Yue's spiritual energy fluctuations were obviously stronger than those of wild boars and beasts, but looking at her appearance, there were fine beads of sweat on her forehead, and some of her hanging hair was soaked with sweat and stuck to her skin.

The red lips were slightly raised, and he was panting continuously. It was obvious that he was having a hard time fighting the wild boar and beast, which was very unreasonable.

The three experienced exotic beast hunters did not think about other aspects at all, that is, the beautiful colleague in front of them was an office worker with little combat experience.

No matter how hard they thought, they would never have thought that Zhou Yue was usually an office worker, because in their opinion, no one would dare to act alone if they were not an experienced senior colleague leaving the city to hunt exotic beasts in the dangerous wilderness.

"It's a human, that's good." Zhou Yue breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the person coming out of the grass was not a strange beast. However, the next actions of the three people made Zhou Yue a little unhappy.

"Let's go..."


Following the bald man's order, he and his two companions quickly rushed towards the wild boar, which had suffered many injuries and was in extremely poor condition due to excessive bleeding.


The wild boar was very panicked when it saw humans surrounding it. Then it turned around and ran away.

The young man with one-inch hair saw the wild boar and beast escaping. He immediately raised his right hand and used his awakened power to block the wild boar and beast from a distance.

A pale golden aura bloomed in the hands of the young man with 1-inch hair. The air under the wild boar's feet became extremely thick. Invisible chains condensed and formed, tripping the wild boar that was about to escape.


The wild boar that fell to the ground screamed in panic, and it quickly got up from the ground. At this time, two alien hunters also rushed to it.


The bald man raised a big hammer with pale golden aura in his hand, and aimed it at the head of the wild boar and beast, making the opponent dizzy.

The girl wearing a peaked cap waved the iron rod in her hand and struck the wild boar and beast's back violently, paying special attention to the wounds punctured by Zhou Yue. The wounds exploded and aggravated the injuries.


The wild boar's eyes were red as it screamed in agony. It turned its head in circles, forcing the surrounding alien hunters back.

But at this time, it was surrounded and had no chance to escape.

"This, I can do it alone. If you do this, wouldn't my previous fight be in vain?" Zhou Yue stood there stunned as she watched the three exotic beast hunters deal with the wild boar and beast wildly. Looking at this scene, I complained in my heart.

The three bald men couldn't hear Zhou Yue's complaints at the moment. They just wanted to help their colleague.

A mid-level second-level alien hunter and two early-level second-level alien beast hunters dealt with a wild boar alien beast that had mid-level second-level strength but was in extremely poor condition. The opponent was defeated step by step.

Seeing that the wild boar was about to die under the siege of three exotic hunters, the wild boar, unwilling to die like this, immediately let out a shocking howl.


In the eyes of the three exotic beast hunters, the wild boar beast, which had more and more wounds on its body and whose mobility was constantly weakening, was just making a death struggle by howling like this.

Just when they were about to increase their attack intensity and kill them in one fell swoop, the ground suddenly trembled slightly.

Although the frequency of earth tremors is not high, it is still very clearly felt by keen hunters of exotic beasts.

"What's going on?" The young man with 1-inch hair stopped attacking, asked doubtfully, and looked at the captain beside him.

"Earthquake? Impossible! We are not in an earthquake zone. Where did the earthquake come from?" said the bald man who was the captain.

A pale golden aura bloomed in the ears of the girl wearing a peaked cap. She once again made a listening gesture and listened carefully to what was going on around her.

A few seconds later, the girl wearing a peaked cap, whose expression changed slightly, said to her companion.

"No, there is a giant creature running towards our location at great speed."

"Ah?" The young man with 1-inch hair was stunned on the spot when he heard this, "How big is the giant creature?"

"I'm not clairvoyant. I can only hear sounds. I can't determine the specific size." The girl wearing a peaked cap rolled her eyes at her teammates.

"Then what should we do now? Do we need to evacuate?" The young man with short hair turned to look at the bald man and asked.


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