My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1876 Cleanup Plan (two chapters in one)

On the endless sea, occasionally groups of sea creatures jump out of the water.

A figure flew quickly over the sea in the sky, startling many creatures that jumped out of the sea.

Lin Fei left the island with an active volcano and continued flying in one direction.

It was around two-thirty in the afternoon, and the hot sunlight from the sun hanging in the sky shone on my body, making me feel a little hot.

The golden sunlight shines on the azure sea, and the undulating sea surface stings the eyes with the reflected light.

Lin Fei, who was flying in the sky, was blinded by the sunlight reflected from the sea below. At this time, he took out his sunglasses from his own dimension and put them on.

It's been half an hour since we left the place where we had lunch. After flying on this vast and boundless sea for so long, we haven't found a second island yet.

Suddenly, huge water columns rising into the sky appeared on the horizon ahead.

These water columns can be clearly seen even from a long distance away, because they are so large.

Huge water pillars rose into the sky, appearing in Lin Fei's eyes like pillars connecting heaven and earth.

"Strange, why are there so many water columns? Could it be that there are many whale-like creatures spraying water there?"

Lin Fei thought about it in the sky, then deviated slightly from the angle and flew quickly towards the direction where the water columns appeared densely.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

One water column after another rose into the sky, reaching a height of thousands of meters.

When I flew closer, I discovered that the scale of these water droplets was larger than I imagined. Each water column was at least ten meters in diameter.

Lin Fei stood in the sky, looking at the water columns that continued to emerge from the sea below, and then looked at the water columns in the sky that rushed to the highest point and dispersed, falling with a sudden crash, turning a large area into a rainfall area.

After arriving here, Lin Fei discovered that it was not caused by a big whale at all. The specific cause would have to be checked under the sea to find out.

He thought for a moment, then activated his telekinesis power to prop up a barrier and quickly flew towards the sea below.

With a bang, the sea water was pushed away, and Lin Fei quickly sneaked into the depths of the sea against the barrier of telekinesis.

One hundred meters, two hundred meters, five hundred meters, one thousand meters.

When the depth of the dive exceeded one thousand meters, the calm waters became very chaotic, and the rapid water flowed around, constantly impacting Lin Fei's telekinesis barrier.

Lin Fei dived all the way, unimpeded by these terrifying turbulences, and headed towards the origin of those water columns.

When the depth reaches three thousand meters, it stands to reason that at this depth, the light on the sea cannot reach it, and the surroundings should be pitch black, but here it is not as pitch black as imagined.

Many jellyfish-like creatures emit hazy light, like small light bulbs, making the water area dreamlike and picturesque, very beautiful.

Lin Fei stopped diving and looked at the dense circular caves in front of him that continuously spurted water out.

Yes, once here, Lin Fei also came to the origin of the water column.

The circular caves in front of them are distributed irregularly and spit out water all the time. They seem to have endless power and are constantly creating water columns that can break through the sky.

"Those water columns are a magical landscape formed by the nature of this world!" Lin Fei started to sense and inspected, but found no signs of spiritual energy fluctuations in these circular caves.

He stopped and observed for a while, then turned around and swam toward the sea.

With a bang, a figure flew out of the water. After Lin Fei came out, he quickly increased his flying height, and then began to cross this wonderland created by nature.

The pitter patter.

Heavy rain caused by dense water columns covered a large area of ​​​​the sea. Lin Fei passed through the hazy rain curtain and continued flying along the east side at an extremely fast speed.

According to the information previously obtained from Ji Xiaoxiao, it is said that there are humans in this world. Lin Fei wants to see what the human country in this world looks like?

However, according to the progress of his search today, he should not be able to find the human kingdom for the time being.


The spirit world, the pig-headed camp.

After a peaceful night, when the morning sun rose, the pig-headed warriors who had had breakfast began to speed up the construction of the camp.

They had to build the last unbuilt areas of the camp before the sun went down today.

The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain was on the scene directing his subordinates to build some needed things in the camp just like the previous days.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead did not take other pig-headed soldiers to patrol the surrounding area today, but went out alone.

"Captain, I suggest we build a bathhouse this time...!"

"Yes, captain, let's build a bathhouse. The temperature will drop in a few days. We can't take cold water when the temperature drops!"

"Although cold water is not impossible, it would be best if there is hot water..."

Several pig-headed warriors came to the handsome pig-headed logistics captain and suggested to him to build a bathhouse.

The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain looked at the subordinates in front of him, listened to their suggestions, thought for a moment, and spoke.

"We had no plan in advance to build a bathhouse. If we want to add it now, there is no place in the camp."

The pig-headed soldier heard this and immediately said, "There is no place for a bathhouse in the ground. We can set aside a piece of land next to the camp to build a bathhouse. It is used for bathing anyway. It does not mean that the bathhouse must be built in the camp."

The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain thought for a moment, then pointed to a big tree outside the camp and said, "Okay, then you can build a bathhouse under that big tree!"

"Okay, thank you, Captain." The pig-headed soldiers were all very happy when they heard that the handsome pig-headed logistics captain allowed them to build a bathhouse. Then, they began to go to the big tree to level the land and do some work to build a bathhouse. preparation.

The pig-headed camp was very lively, and everyone's faces were full of relaxed smiles, but there was one pig-headed soldier who didn't have much smile on his face.

The pig-headed warrior, whose arm was injured and wrapped in white gauze, would look up at the sky from time to time while doing things, as if expecting something to arrive.

"Why do I feel like you have something on your mind?" A pig-headed warrior with a mustache suddenly asked.

The pig-headed warrior with white gauze wrapped around his arm was shocked when he heard this, and then his heartbeat began to accelerate, but the expression on his face did not change much, and he said very calmly.

"Nothing to worry about."

The pig-headed warrior with a mustache said, "You said you have nothing to worry about! I've been observing you for a while.

After breakfast, you look at the sun in the sky every now and then. What's so good about the sun? "

"Oh, you said this, I feel that the sun is too bright today, and it is so hot on my body, so I look at it from time to time." The pig-headed warrior with white gauze wrapped around his arm explained casually.

"It's not bad! Today's sun is cooler than the past few days." The pig-headed warrior with a mustache scratched his head without thinking much, and then continued to do the thing at hand.

The pig-headed warrior with white gauze wrapped around his arm felt relieved when he saw that his companion did not talk to him anymore.

At the same time, he secretly warned himself not to let others discover his strangeness again.

Last night, while the two pig-headed captains were away from the camp, he secretly sent a message to the Blue Star people.

So after dawn today, he has been waiting for the Blue Star people to appear.

"Well, come here." The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain suddenly greeted a pig-headed soldier who was digging the ground with a shovel.

"Captain, what are your orders?" The pig-headed warrior inserted his shovel into the ground, ran to the handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain, and asked.

"The camp will be completely built within today. By then we will need to create some water tanks in the camp to store drinking water. You will be responsible for making the water tanks from now on." The handsome pig-headed logistics captain ordered.

"Okay, Captain." The pig-headed warrior nodded, and then he started to make a water tank.

When they came to an open place outside the camp, they met the pig-headed warrior who was making a water tank. He first dug out a lot of clay from the ground with his own shovel.

Then he saw a light golden aura blooming in his hands, and the clay he dug out began to shape visibly with the naked eye. In ten minutes, a huge water tank was created.

The next operation process is the same. It takes a day to make a water tank that is enough for dozens of people to drink water.


After the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead came out of the camp, he came to the broad lake alone.

Those scavenging beasts had a gluttonous feast on the shore of the lake yesterday. After a night, only a few remnants were left.

The breeze blew, and the vegetation on both sides of the lakeshore swayed gently, making sparse sounds.

Occasionally, some creatures fly over the lake at low altitude, leaving some marks on the calm lake surface, and the rippling water waves spread in all directions.

The sun shines on the water, and the sparkling golden light makes people's eyes hurt.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead squinted and looked at the seemingly normal lake in front of him. He squatted down and picked up a football-sized stone from the ground.


With a loud shout, the stone was thrown out like a cannonball by the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead.


The stone hit the water, causing a wave of more than ten meters high. The huge noise shocked some creatures on both sides of the lake, and some ordinary birds flew up from the grass.

The water splashed on the water, and the water rose and fell. Some fish living in the lake were unlucky. The stone thrown by the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead happened to hit it, and was directly shocked to death. .

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead looked at these dead fish floating in the water. He didn't think about picking them up. He just looked at them as if waiting for something.

Time passed by minute by second, and suddenly, several spiritual energy fluctuations came from the bottom of the water.

Then several sizable shadows approached the surface of the water and ate the fish that were stunned by the stones thrown into the lake by the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead.

"There are quite a few strange beasts living in this lake."

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead felt the number of strange beasts eating fish and muttered to himself.

He came here to throw stones into the lake, just to test the water in advance and explore the situation in the lake first.

The strange beasts living in the lake dived back into the lake after eating the fish.

When the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead saw this situation, he stopped picking up stones and throwing them. Instead, he turned back to the valley to find his friends.


In the bustling pig-headed camp, the handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain had just finished giving instructions to several of his subordinates. He turned around and saw his friend back.

"How was it?" the handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain asked his returning friend.

"I went to the lake and did a little testing, and I attracted more than 20 strange beasts." The pig-headed man captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead related the incident of throwing stones into the lake and attracting several strange beasts. A friend told the story.

"You threw a stone into the lake, and it attracted more than twenty strange beasts. The density of strange beasts living in that lake is so high!" After hearing this, the handsome pig-headed logistics captain showed a surprised expression on his face. .

"Yeah, I'm quite surprised too. You know, we've been here to build a camp for several days.

During this period, the number of strange beasts that ran out of the lake was quite large. As a result, I casually tested it today, and so many strange beasts appeared again. " said the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead.

"Those strange beasts shouldn't be very powerful, right?" The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain thought for a moment and asked.

"Not strong. Of the more than 20 strange beasts I lured out by throwing rocks just now, the strongest ones are only in the middle of the first level." said the pig-headed man captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead.

"Is it big?" asked the handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain.

"Their size is about three to four meters. As for their specific appearance, I don't know because they haven't fully surfaced." The pig-headed man captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead recalled the scenes of those strange beasts eating fish. , replied.

"Okay, I understand... I have to plan carefully later on how to clean up those strange beasts in the lake in batches." said the handsome pig-headed logistics captain.


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