My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1887 Plot (two chapters in one)

"Quack quack quack..."

This bird covered with black feathers kept looking at the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead, and then kept making sounds from its mouth, as if thinking about something.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead moved forward slowly in the snow. He spent some time and walked more than 20 kilometers away.

Along the way, he didn't find any prey that could be hunted. This made him very surprised, because when he left the camp, he thought that the snow had stopped today and it would be easier to hunt prey than yesterday.

Unexpectedly, hunting turned out to be even more difficult than yesterday. He had traveled so far without any gains.

Arriving at the foot of a hill, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead looked around and then started to return.

Because if you want to continue walking forward now, you are too far away from the camp. Even if you encounter prey, if the hunt is successful, it will not be easy to take it back.

Next, he would change his route on his way back to see if he could find prey that could be hunted by changing his route.

In the quiet camp, a few pig-headed warriors who stayed in the camp moved some of the snow accumulated in the camp outside.

The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain walked on the road exposed after the snow had been cleared. He first inspected the camp to see if there were any problems.

Then he left the camp and began patrolling the area around the camp.

It's snowy now, and everything is quiet as far as the eye can see, and not a single creature is seen. However, there may be some creatures that are not afraid of the cold, taking advantage of this snowy day to sneak into the camp and cause trouble.

Therefore, we must search carefully to ensure that the camp is safe.

When the handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain finished patrolling outside the camp and returned to the camp, a pig-headed warrior suddenly ran up to him.

"team leader."

"What's wrong? What happened?" The handsome pig-headed logistics captain asked when he saw the serious expression on his subordinate's face.

"I found a hole next to the warehouse..." the pig-head warrior reported.

When the handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain heard this, his face suddenly became serious, "Where is that hole? Take me there quickly to have a look."

Afterwards, the pig-headed warrior led the handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain and walked quickly to the location of the warehouse.

A hole with a diameter of more than 20 centimeters appeared next to the warehouse where the grain was stored. Some scratches were also seen on the wooden walls of the warehouse.

"Captain, I suspect that this hole was dug by rats. According to the scratches on the wall, the food in our warehouse should have been targeted." The pig-headed warrior expressed his suspicion.

The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain squatted down and looked at the dark hole in front of him. He frowned and thought for a while, and then said, "It's really possible as you guessed..."

"Captain, I'm going to get some rocks to plug this hole now, or what should I say?" the pig-headed warrior asked.

"Blocking it with rocks is one way, but if those rats now focus on our warehouse where we store food, they will definitely dig holes in from other places." said the handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain.

"Drill a hole in from another place?" The pig-headed warrior heard this and immediately scratched his head.

"Now go and prepare a bucket of boiling water for me." said the handsome pig-headed logistics captain.

"Okay." The pig-headed warrior nodded, and then left quickly. He went to the chef in charge and told him about the situation.

After a while, several pig-headed warriors carried several wooden barrels filled with boiling water and came to the handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain.

Probably out of safety reasons, I boiled a few more buckets of boiling water.

The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain looked at the wooden barrels containing freshly boiled water carried by his subordinates. He was worried that it would take too long. Because of the cold weather, the boiled water might get cold, so he immediately Have them pour boiling water into the hole.


Buckets after buckets of freshly boiled water were poured into the hole more than 20 centimeters in diameter by the pig-headed warriors.

The boiling water flowed down the tunnel quickly, and after a while, the pig-headed warriors present heard several shrill screams coming from the cave in front of them.


The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain launched a sensory search and found no psychic fluctuations under the cave.

It can be seen from this that the rats that dug this burrow are not exotic animals.

Then, there was a movement in the snow outside the fence surrounding the camp, and the handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain and his subordinates immediately looked over.

I saw several gray rat-like creatures lifting up the white snow and escaping into the distance in embarrassment.

"You plug up both holes." The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain ordered his subordinates.

"Yes." The pig-headed warriors responded in unison, and then began to deal with the tunnel dug by the escaped rat creatures.

Although now by pouring boiling water, those rodent creatures with evil intentions have been driven away, and the tunnels dug by them have been destroyed.

But this does not mean that those rat creatures will not come back to do evil things in the food in the warehouse. Therefore, the handsome pig-headed logistics captain needs to make some preparations to protect the warehouse from food being stolen.


As time went by, the sky gradually darkened. Although the sun had not set yet, many dark clouds began to appear in the originally clear sky.

At first, little snowflakes fell from the dark clouds. After a while, the snowflakes began to grow bigger, and the snowflakes became as big as goose feathers.

Goose-feather white snowflakes fell to the ground, and after a while, the snow in the silver-covered forest thickened by a small layer.

Because of the snow, the pig-headed warriors who were collecting food outside began to make their way back one after another.

The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain stood at the gate of the camp, greeting these subordinates who worked hard to collect food.

The pig-headed warriors sent a bunch of food they collected to the warehouse. They were busy for most of the day today and collected a lot of food.

Originally there was only enough food for a few days, but due to today's increase, there was suddenly a lot more edible food, enough for everyone to eat for nearly ten days.

"The snow is getting heavier and heavier, why hasn't he come back yet?" The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain looked into the distance, wondering why his friend hadn't returned to the camp after the heavy snowfall.

More than ten kilometers away from the valley, a figure was walking slowly in the heavy snow. The goose-feather-like snow falling from the sky fell on him, making his hair and clothes stained with snow everywhere.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead went out today and searched a large area, but failed to find any edible prey, which made him very frustrated.

It was cold and freezing, and I looked up at the sky shrouded in dark clouds. The goose-feather snow was falling harder and harder. Even if the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead was strong, he still had to return to the camp. .

No matter how strong you are, if you don't keep warm properly, you will freeze to death due to body hypothermia if you stay in such a cold environment for a long time.

The pig-headed captain, who had found nothing but a brown birthmark on his forehead, slightly accelerated his walking speed and stepped into deep snow pits in the very thick snow.

Suddenly, he stopped fifteen kilometers away from the valley, and then looked with bright eyes at a location dozens of meters away in front of him.

Looking around, the surrounding area was completely white, and the location tens of meters ahead was unremarkable, with nothing out of the ordinary.

Ordinary people would just keep moving forward when they see this situation, but the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead is not an ordinary person.

Although he found nothing, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead did not choose to give up.

On the way back, he still expanded his senses to explore the surrounding situation, and at this time, he discovered weak spiritual energy fluctuations dozens of meters away in front of him.

Although the naked eye looked at the location where the psychic energy fluctuations appeared, nothing was found. However, the pig-headed captain, who had a brown birthmark on his forehead, believed that his exploration would not deceive him. There must be strange beasts in the abnormal place.

"I almost went back today with empty hands. Fortunately, I didn't give up my last hope." The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead murmured to himself, and then he continued to walk forward as if nothing had happened.

The distance of tens of meters was covered in a short time. When the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead came to a place where the snow was very thick, an abnormal protrusion appeared.

The thick snow pile several meters high in front of him burst violently, and then a snow-white creature flew towards the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead.

I originally thought that this ambush was a sure thing. After the snow-white creature swooped out, it turned out that it failed to knock down the prey and missed.

Through perception, he had already discovered that there was a strange beast lurking in the snow, so the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead had already been prepared.

When the opponent jumped out of the snowdrift, he immediately jumped behind him with great agility and easily avoided the opponent's flying attack.

"Tap, step, step..."

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead took six or seven steps back. After standing firm, he looked at the snow-white creature lurking in the snow in front of him.

This strange beast exuding psychic energy fluctuations looks a bit like a bear, but its claws are those of birds.

The body is covered with white hair, and some brown hair can be seen on the chin.

It seems that the cold wave suddenly dropped recently, and the entire forest became freezing. In order to adapt to the current environment, this strange beast shed its original brown hair and replaced it with snow-white hair.

Replacing the snow-white hair is like changing a layer of natural camouflage color. Lying down in the snow, it is really difficult to spot it if you don't observe carefully.


This strange beast that attacked the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead must have not eaten for a long time. It looked at the prey in front of it with bright eyes, let out a roar in its mouth, and then rushed forward quickly. .

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead did not have any panic in his eyes. Instead, he grinned and looked at the alien beast charging towards him with disdain, and then faced it head-on.

The battle broke out, and the surrounding snow was kicked up. Some trees in the distance were shaken by the aftermath of the battle, causing the snow on the trees to fall off.

This was not a close fight, and the winner was decided quickly.

A huge incision appeared on the neck, and hot blood spurted out, dyeing all the snow-white hair on the alien beast's body red.

With a bang, the alien beast fell to the ground, its chest heaving violently. After a while, the spiritual energy fluctuations and life breath on its body completely dissipated.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead stood in front of the dead prey, holding an ax stained with blood in his right hand.

Just now, he used the ax in his hand to chop the prey in front of him to death.

"It's hard for me to take such a big beast back home alone!"

The pig-headed man captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead looked at the strange beast in front of him that was over three meters tall and weighed over a ton, and knew that he could not bring the prey back alone.

So he decisively gave up and dealt with the prey in front of him alone.

Stepping forward, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead ran quickly to the valley a few kilometers away. He was going to call his companions in the camp for help.

Although it is freezing cold, the scavenging beasts in the forest are still active.

It is rare to see them usually, but as long as a strange beast dies, these scavenging beasts will swarm over in no more than an hour and a half.

The pig-headed captain, who had a brown birthmark on his forehead, knew quite a bit about the scavenging beasts in the forest, so he rushed back to the camp as soon as possible.

Half an hour later, a group of pig-headed men appeared not far away.

Led by the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead, these pig-headed warriors came to the dead beast.

"It's such a big one! Let's just say it has 1,500 kilograms of meat!" said the pig-headed warrior.

"The snow is getting heavier and heavier. Let's hurry up and deal with this strange beast." The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain who followed came and said to his subordinates.

"Yes." The pig-headed warriors responded in unison, and then began to deal with the strange beasts in front of them.

"You are still awesome! You can produce so much meat by yourself, enough for us to eat for many days." The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain saw his subordinates handling the dead beasts quickly, and turned to look at the people around him. Friend, said with a smile.


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