My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 2402: Ginger is still spicy with age (two chapters in one)

On a busy street in Zecheng, two figures wearing bamboo hats were strolling on the street.

A few cavalrymen suddenly appeared in the distance. They urged their mounts to speed up and shouted to passers-by to get out of the way.

People walking on this street quickly retreated to the left and right, and some people who couldn't dodge in time fell to the ground.

After the cavalrymen left, the chaos on the street improved.

Many passers-by cursed in a low voice, and then looked around vigilantly to see if there were other soldiers.

"It's a bit messy here!" said the short investigator.

"It's a bit messy." The tall investigator echoed.

After the two had breakfast this morning, they came out of the inn and wandered around the city, collecting all kinds of information.

Along the way, the two investigators also had a certain understanding of the prosperity of this city.

The frequent encounters with soldiers on the road made the two investigators very confused.

"Is there going to be a war?"

"With such frequent mobilization of soldiers, there is a high probability that there will be a war."

"Is this to prepare to deal with us?" The short investigator guessed.

"It is unlikely. We have also investigated the situation of those soldiers. They are so weak that coming to the forest to fight with us is tantamount to suicide." The tall investigator shook his head.

"Who are they going to fight with?"

"How should I know?"

" would be great if there was a place to sell intelligence here."

"Such a big city, there must be such a place..."

"We are unfamiliar with the place, how can we find a place to sell intelligence?"

"That is a problem."

After all, the two investigators came to this city for the first time. If they want to find a place to sell intelligence, they can't just ask someone.

Just when they were confused, some discussions of passers-by came into their ears, which immediately made the two investigators' eyes light up.

Sometimes, the discussions of some ordinary people contain valuable intelligence, and this kind of intelligence is the easiest to obtain.

Two investigators listened carefully to the conversation of some passers-by. After a while, the passers-by dispersed, and the two investigators looked very serious.

"They said that a group of strange beasts are coming to attack the city." The short investigator said.

"If this news is true, it is a bit dangerous for us to stay here..." said the tall investigator.

"Are we going to leave here?"

"We just got here yesterday. If we leave now, we will only have the information on hand. I am unwilling to do so."

"Actually, I don't plan to leave immediately."

"Then let's continue to stay here to collect information."

"Those strange beasts are going to attack the city, it shouldn't be so fast."

"There is a teahouse over there. Let's go and have some tea and snacks. Maybe we can get some special information."

The two investigators discussed for a while, and then walked to a teahouse a hundred meters away.

This teahouse is six stories high, and there are many guests sitting in the lobby on the first floor.

Above the second floor are private rooms, and the number of people is much less than that on the first floor.

When the two investigators walked into the teahouse, the waiter immediately came over and greeted them warmly.

"Welcome, two guests."

"Find us a seat in the lobby on the first floor." The short investigator said.

It is definitely not easy to go to the private rooms upstairs to collect intelligence. There are so many people sitting in the lobby on the first floor, which is a good thing for the two investigators.

"Okay." The waiter greeted the two investigators warmly and took them to sit at an empty table in the lobby on the first floor.

The two investigators asked for a pot of tea and some snacks, and ate snacks leisurely while listening to the guests chatting around them.


A carriage was driving fast on the street, and the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead sitting in the carriage frowned.

The successive failures made him very unhappy.

But in the current situation in the city, he had no way to solve this problem.

This time he came to this city to secretly find people from the Chamber of Commerce to cooperate.

The identity of the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead is even harder to expose, so he has to be very careful.

"Sir, we're here." The coachman stopped the carriage and shouted to the guests in the carriage.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead, who was thinking about the problem, stopped his thoughts and got off the carriage.

This is another new Chamber of Commerce station. The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead asked, but the guard's answer was the same as before.

"Can I ask when your president will be back?"

"Sorry, I don't know about this either."

"Uh..." The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead wanted to say something else, but the other party spoke first.

"When our president went out, he said that he had important things to deal with and couldn't come back in a short time, so if you want to find him, wait a while! At least seven days later."

"Okay, thank you." The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead clasped his hands and turned back to the carriage.

The driver, who was drinking water, saw the guest coming back soon, because he had seen this situation many times before, so he was not surprised.

When the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead was about to get on the carriage, the driver said something that caught his attention.

"Sir, the presidents of these chambers of commerce should be preparing for military supplies, so you should stay in the inn to rest for the next few days!"

"Huh?" The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead looked at the other person in surprise, and then asked.

"Old man, how do you know they are going to prepare military supplies?"

The older coachman raised his hand to smooth his beard and said with a smile, "I have lived here for decades, and this happened when there was war here.

So I guess that the presidents of these chambers of commerce should be preparing military supplies. "

"That's it." The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead suddenly brightened up and understood the reason. Then he thanked the coachman and handed over some copper coins.

The coachman took the copper coins, the smile on his face became brighter and brighter, and then he said many things.

Although the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead had visited this city many years ago, he was still very unfamiliar with this city.

Now that the coachman provided all kinds of information, some of the doubts in his mind were solved.


After the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead got into the car, the driver shook the reins and the carriage started again.


There was a sound in the quiet guest room. The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead returned to the inn and immediately returned to his guest room.

"Tons, tons, tons..."

After drinking several cups of tea, the dryness of the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead disappeared. Then he took out a piece of paper from his backpack, which was a map.

I bought this map when I went out just now. The terrain drawn on the map is some of the conditions around Zecheng.

I saw a lot of soldiers mobilizing on the street before, and then the garrison in the city was going to form their troops.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead bought a map in advance to familiarize himself with the surrounding terrain, and then made full preparations based on the formation of the garrison in the city.

If things went to the worst, he would be able to escape safely by then.


"There is actually a very rugged mountain road here."

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead looked at the map carefully and discovered a terrain in the northwest of Zecheng that was very different from the surrounding area.

This kind of terrain is not suitable for action. If the alien beast chooses to attack Zecheng, there is a high probability that it will not attack from this direction.

If something happens later, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead will escape from this direction, and the chance of successful escape is very high.

"Dong dong dong."

There was a sudden knock on the door.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead was looking at a map. When he heard someone knocking on the door, he immediately put the map away and called out to the person outside the door.

"Come in."

The waiter pushed open the door and walked in, holding a plate of steaming pastries in his hand.

"Sir, this is the pastry you ordered earlier."

"Yes." Lin Fei nodded, then motioned for the other party to put the pastries on the table and leave.

The waiter put down the pastries and was about to leave. Suddenly he thought of something and spoke.

"Sir, the city has been uneasy recently. I suggest you not to go out these days."

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead looked like he didn't care much and said, "Although there are soldiers being mobilized frequently, they won't attack us civilians, right?"

"This..." The waiter thought for a moment and then said softly.

"If you accidentally offend those soldiers, they will arrest you. If you don't pay, you will be imprisoned for a while."

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead frowned, "Okay, I understand, thank you."

"You're welcome." The waiter left the guest room and closed the door.

"He reminded me that when I go out tomorrow and see the soldiers being mobilized, I have to stay away from them." The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead touched his chin and said to himself.


The sky is getting darker and there are fewer people on the street than yesterday.

There were fewer people going shopping tonight than last night. Everyone noticed that the atmosphere in the city began to change. In order to avoid trouble, many people chose to stay at home after dark.

In the teahouse, the two investigators paid their bills and left.

They stayed in this teahouse for a long time today and collected a lot of gossip. It can be said that they gained a lot.

Next, the two investigators were looking for a place to eat. They visited some surrounding restaurants and found that the restaurants were almost full.

"Go to the opposite street and have a look." The short investigator suggested.

"Yeah." The tall investigator nodded, and then the two of them left the busy street and headed to a less crowded street to have dinner.

"Hey, you two, stop here."

There was a sound behind them, and the two investigators who were about to enter the restaurant to eat stopped and turned their heads to look.

A pig-headed soldier holding a weapon came from a short distance away and said to the two investigators, "You are acting suspiciously. Take off your hat and show me what you look like."

"???" The two investigators did not expect to encounter such a thing and fell silent.

"Hurry up." The pig-headed soldier had an impatient look on his face.

The two investigators took off their hats, and the pig-headed soldier took a serious look.

Then he took out a wanted warrant from his pocket and compared it, then turned and left.

"Fortunately, we changed our appearance, otherwise we would have been exposed." The short investigator touched his pig head and said with a smile.

"Let's go!" said the tall investigator, and then the two put on their hats again and walked into the restaurant in front of them.

More than half an hour later, the two investigators who had finished their meal stopped a carriage on the side of the road and returned to the inn where they stayed.



Lin Fei burped. He had just eaten two large bowls of rice with toppings and was very full.

The streets were busy and brightly lit.

Lin Fei walked out of the restaurant carrying the packed rice with toppings. He crossed the road and walked towards the park not far away.

In the corner near the park, a white light suddenly appeared out of thin air and disappeared in a flash.

Thousands of miles away, in a hotel in Tianhai City, a white light appeared in the living room of a guest room, and then Lin Fei's figure appeared out of thin air.

There was a faint fragrance in the air, and Lin Fei was very familiar with this fragrance.

"Is Zhou Yue not back yet?"

Lin Fei turned on the light and put the packed rice on the coffee table in the living room.

Then he sat on the sofa, turned on the TV and waited for Zhou Yue to come back.

A moment later, the sound of the door opening was heard at the entrance.

Lin Fei looked up and saw a slim figure in front of him.

Zhou Yue was wearing a white shirt and a black tube skirt today. This ordinary workwear looked very fit on her body, with a unique charm.

"I'm so hungry, where is the food?"


Zhou Yue came to the coffee table, untied the bag, and took out the steaming rice.

"Eat slowly, don't choke." Lin Fei saw Zhou Yue eating quickly, and couldn't help but smiled and shook his head.

"Yeah." Zhou Yue responded, and the movement of her hands did not slow down.

"Didn't you have lunch at noon?" Lin Fei asked in confusion.

"Yes, I ate! But I was very busy this afternoon, so I was hungry early." Zhou Yue said, then she picked up the teapot on the coffee table and poured herself a glass of water.

A moment later, Zhou Yue, who had finished dinner, burped contentedly.

"I'm going back." Lin Fei saw Zhou Yue finish dinner and got up to leave.

"Why are you in such a hurry to go back? Let's go shopping."

"Shopping again?"

Zhou Yue smiled and went back to the bedroom to change clothes.

Lin Fei waited for a few minutes, the bedroom door opened, and Zhou Yue, wearing a light blue suspender dress, came towards him.

"How is it? Does my dress look good?"

"It looks good."

"Hehe... Let's go!" Zhou Yue said with a smile on her face.

………… (End of this chapter)

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