My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 2412: Performance delivered to your door (two chapters in one)

"My Lords, I am really wronged!" The innkeeper cried and wailed, hoping that the soldiers would let him go, but he was hit hard in the stomach.

"Stop talking nonsense. You will know whether I have wronged you after the interrogation." The ferocious soldier cursed.

Then, the innkeeper was sent to the prison car and escorted away by several soldiers.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead looked at what was happening in the distance and shook his head.

"This man is really unlucky. The rebels who escaped before are still hiding in the city. This is a problem.

I hope to catch those escaped rebels as soon as possible, so that fewer such things will happen."

Back to the inn, the enthusiastic waiter appeared again.

"Sir, you are back!"

"Yeah." The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead nodded, and then he asked the waiter to prepare a table of sumptuous meals and send them to his room quickly.

"Would you like some wine?" asked the waiter.

"Well, give me a pot of wine." The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead agreed after a little thought.

I've been busy all day today and I'm very tired. It's easier to have a good sleep with a pot of wine.

The door of the guest room opened, and the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead walked into the room, and then put the money he earned today in the cabinet.

He came to the window and opened it to let the wind outside rush into the room.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead looked at the lively scene of people coming and going on the street, and couldn't help talking to himself.

"If they come here with me and see this scene, their expressions will definitely be very exciting."

The people in the pig-headed camp have not been to a lively city for a long time. If they come to Zecheng with the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead, everyone will definitely be very happy.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead admired the night view in front of the window, and the door was soon knocked. He didn't need to think about it to know that the waiter brought the dishes.

"Come in."

He called out to the door.

The waiter pushed the door open and put the dishes on the tray on the table.

"Sir, please eat first. I'll bring you some more dishes soon."

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead nodded and sat down to enjoy the sumptuous dinner.

Not long after, all the dishes were served. The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead drank and ate, feeling a little drunk.

After the meal, the waiter came to clean up the table. The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead washed up and went back to bed to rest.

Because of the wine, his head was a little dizzy, so he fell asleep in bed after a while.



Recently, the Supernatural Management Bureau has launched a vigorous action to catch some criminals hiding in the dark.


The crisp sound of birds rang in the sky, and several petite figures flew to the rooftop not far away, and then landed on a child.

The seven-colored flower, who had turned into a human, asked with a smile, "Did you find the target?"

"Chirp chirp... No, I didn't find it." The third sparrow said.

"Chirp chirp... There are few people here, so it's difficult to find the target." The second sparrow said.

"Chirp chirp... Let's look for the target in another place!" said the eldest sparrow.

The seven-colored flower nodded, and then it turned back to its original appearance.

The three little sparrows flapped their wings and flew up. The seven-colored flower jumped up and quickly landed on the back of the eldest sparrow.

The four little guys flew in the sky and went to crowded places to find the target.


A place near the suburbs is under construction. When this residential building is built, this area will become very lively.

The workers on the construction site have already rested. Because they have to get up early to work tomorrow morning, after dinner, they took a walk around for a while, and then all returned to the dormitory to have a good rest.

In the dead of night, a person sneaked out of the bushes in the distance.

This man was 1.9 meters tall, with gnarled muscles, short hair, and wearing a black T-shirt and blue jeans.

It was late, and there was no one around. Wearing this outfit and moving quietly, it was difficult for some ordinary people to notice him.

"Everyone can come out." The burly man took out his mobile phone from his pocket and called.

A few minutes later, a group of men dressed similarly appeared in the distance.

After the reunion, a younger brother next to the burly man said.

"Brother, are we really going to leave here tonight?"

The tall man said, "The Superpower Administration is hunting us everywhere now. If we don't leave tonight, we will be in danger."

The younger brother who didn't want to leave stopped talking after hearing this.

"Don't worry, leave here with me. I will find a comfortable place to settle everyone. When the storm is over, we will come back again." Seeing that the morale was low, the burly man quickly boosted morale.

After hearing this, the younger brothers' low mood immediately improved a little.

"Let's go." The burly man ran to the construction site in front.

His behavior was puzzling because the construction site ahead was underway and anyone with a discerning eye could see that if a group of people like this ran in now, they would likely be discovered by the workers on the site.

"Brother, if we go to the construction site ahead, we will be discovered by the construction workers, right?"

"It's okay. If we are discovered, we will just leave quickly."

"'s better to take a detour, it will be safer."

"Your idea is wrong. Crossing the construction site can save a lot of time. The investigators will definitely set up checkpoints in some places if they want to arrest us. If we go to the construction site and pass through quietly, the investigators will definitely not expect it."

The younger brothers thought this was the truth, and then they flattered him.

A group of people quickly came to the vicinity of the construction site, and then the burly man climbed over the wall and entered. After confirming that there was no one, he called the younger brothers to climb over the wall and enter.

In this way, all the criminals pursued by the investigators sneaked into the construction site.

Although this construction site is under construction, there are many places that have not been processed, and there are very lush flowers, plants and trees.

The burly man led his younger brothers into a lush forest. When they came out of the forest, they saw a very lush grass in the distance.

"After we pass that patch of grass, we will be free..." the burly man said with a smile.

"We have been wanted for the past few days, and we can't sleep well or eat well. It's too hard." The younger brothers said.

Everyone was very happy that they could get rid of the investigators' pursuit soon.

At this moment, a chirping of birds suddenly sounded not far away.

The burly man and his younger brothers looked at the place where the birds chirped, and then didn't care.

Just as these people were about to go to the grass in front and leave the construction site, a voice sounded not far away.


The burly man stopped immediately after hearing the words, and then turned his head to look, and the other younger brothers did the same thing.

The moon in the sky emitted silvery moonlight, providing lighting for places without street lights.

Under the gaze of a group of lawbreakers, a short figure was found.

"It's a child."

"How could there be a child here at night?"

"I thought it was an investigator, and I got scared."

"Don't worry about him, let's go."

Just as the criminals were about to ignore the child in the distance and continue to leave, the ground around them suddenly cracked and green vines grew one after another.


The bald man was shocked and stunned for half a second. His younger brother was not much better.

"Get out of the way."

"Save me."

Although he was reminded, the younger brother reacted very slowly and was entangled by the green vines.

No matter how he struggled, he couldn't get rid of the vines and could only call for help from his companions.


One of the younger brothers took out a knife and cut off the vines. He just rescued his companions, but he was entangled by another vine.

Countless vines continued to attack the criminals, and many of them were knocked unconscious and then entangled tightly.

The strongest leader struggled to hold on, veins on his forehead throbbing, and he looked angrily at the chilling child in the distance.

This abnormal situation happened after the child appeared.

Anyone with a little IQ knows that these vines are related to the child.

"We have no grudges against you, why do you do this to us?" The burly man shouted angrily.

"You don't look like good people, do you need any reason to deal with people like you?" Seven-Colored Flower said coldly.

"Damn it."

"Since you force me like this, I will fight you..."

As soon as the voice fell, the burly man burst out all the spiritual energy in his body.

"This guy has awakened his superpowers." Seven-Colored Flower saw the changes in the target's body, and there was a little surprise in his eyes.

The burly man became stronger and stronger, and a pair of arms grew on his back. This arm was not a human arm, but a hairy one, similar to the arm of an ape.

There were vines entwined around, and the plush on his back grabbed the vines with both hands and destroyed them easily.

"You are quite strong!" Qi Se Hua praised.

After the burly man used his supernatural power, his reason seemed to disappear.

His eyes were red, and then he stomped on the ground.

A strong air wave spread out in all directions, and two shallow pits appeared on the ground.

The next second, the burly man came in front of Qi Se Hua, swung his fist and hit Qi Se Hua fiercely.

Don't think that the criminals will show mercy just because Qi Se Hua looks like a child.


The punch missed, and the ground exploded directly after being hit, and the loud sound spread around.

"I'm here." Qi Se Hua shouted to the criminals who were looking for him.


The burly man opened his mouth, and the sound coming out of his mouth was like a beast's roar.

Then, he pounced on Qi Se Hua again, and this time no one punched him, so he was kicked by Qi Se Hua.



The huge force penetrated his body, causing the burly man to let out a shrill scream.

Qi Se Hua looked at the criminal who was kneeling on the ground, holding his stomach, and curled his lips in disdain.

"How can you be so strong?" The criminal who was severely injured released his supernatural power, regained his sanity, and looked at Qi Se Hua in disbelief.

"There is no need to explain to you." Qi Se Hua threw another punch.

The criminal who was hit fainted with white foam in his mouth.

At this point, all the criminals present fainted.

"Done." Seven-Colored Flower clapped his hands, and then began to collect the spoils.

Suddenly, a light came on in the distance. Seven-Colored Flower, who had just collected some spoils, noticed that many people were approaching here.

After a little thought, he knew what was going on.

The sound of the battle just now spread to the surroundings. The workers' dormitory not far from here must have heard it. The sleeping workers were awakened, reported the matter, and then came to check together.

"What a pity." Seven-Colored Flower muttered softly, and then took some of the spoils and quickly evacuated to a distance.

The three little sparrows standing on the branches saw Seven-Colored Flower leave, and immediately flapped their wings and flew away with Seven-Colored Flower.

The construction workers came to the battle scene, looking at the messy site and the unconscious criminals, all of them widened their eyes in shock.

"Call the police."

"Yes, yes, call the police."

The construction worker who reacted took out his mobile phone to call, and a moment later, the nearby security guards arrived at the scene.

When they took a few photos of these people, the database immediately showed that these people were wanted criminals.

After a while, the investigators arrived at the scene.

All the wanted criminals were handcuffed, moved to the escort vehicle, and sent to the Supernatural Management Bureau.


Qisehua stood on a big tree, looking at the lively scene in the distance, muttering.

"These people really don't leave me anything!"

On a branch not far away, three little sparrows were combing their feathers. Hearing what Qishehua said, the third sparrow spoke.

"Chirp... It's a pity for those spoils."

Qisehua smiled and responded, "Forget it, don't think too much. While it's still early, let's find other targets."

Then, the four little guys left and continued to look for targets in this area to rob the rich and help the poor.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

Originally, this area was undergoing large-scale development, and many construction sites were very quiet at night.

However, some criminals wanted to escape from Rongcheng through these construction sites. They happened to meet Qi Se Hua who was looking for a target to rob the rich and help the poor tonight, so a fight was inevitable.

The security guard arrived at the scene and found that it was a wanted target, and then called the investigator.

The same thing happened many times tonight, which made the security guard and the investigator have an idea in their minds.

"These criminals are so unlucky."

The performance that came to the door for free was a welcome thing for the security guard and the investigator.

Qi Se Hua and the three little sparrows also made a lot of money tonight. They counted the spoils and were very happy.

At one o'clock in the morning, many escort vehicles could be seen on the street. Some people who were going home after eating supper were curious when they saw so many escort vehicles.

………… (End of this chapter)

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