My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 2419: Expulsion (two chapters in one)


The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and the clouds above his head were getting darker and darker.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead was on his way non-stop, wanting to return to the city before the rain came.

Unfortunately, the sky did not follow people's wishes. With the sound of thunder, the rain began to fall.

At this time, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead was still a long way from returning to the city.

Bean-sized raindrops fell from the sky, hitting the flowers, plants and trees, making a rustling sound.

The constantly rising strong winds blew some trees down, and a large number of leaves fell and fluttered in the air.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead raised his hand and touched his face to wipe off the rain on his face.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and he had to find a place to hide from the rain.

The surroundings were relatively empty, and there was not even a place to shelter from the rain.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead was a little anxious. Fortunately, he was experienced. If there was no place to shelter from the rain, he would create one himself.

He took out his weapon and walked quickly to the woods in the distance.

This forest was not small in area. When he came to the forest, the range of influence of the wind outside was weakened.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead found a high slope and quickly dug with the weapon in his hand.

After the sharp weapon was injected with spiritual energy, it was very convenient to use as a digging tool.

In a few minutes, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead dug out a place that was big enough for him to live.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and heavy rain fell from the sky. Although there were lush trees blocking it, the rain still fell from the gaps between the trees.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead hid in the dug cave. Looking at the heavy rain falling outside, he raised his hand to wipe his face, and then took off his wet clothes.

When digging the cave just now, he did not forget to pick up some dry wood, so at this time, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead could light the fire.

The swaying fire emitted heat waves, making the cave dry and warm.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead roasted the fire and thought about what to do next. As long as the rain did not last a whole day, he would have a chance to return to the city before dark.

If the rain continued to fall and there was no sign of stopping before dark, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead would have to spend the night in this forest tonight.


The stomach made a sound. I hadn't eaten lunch yet, and it was time for dinner, so I was quite hungry.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead opened his backpack and took out some dry food. These foods were bought in the city and tasted pretty good.

After a simple meal, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead continued to look out of the cave.

The hazy rain curtain covered a large area, limiting the visual distance of the eyes.

Occasionally, lightning illuminated some dim places.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead looked at the heavy rain outside and prayed in his heart that the rain would stop soon.

Looking down from a high altitude, you will find that the rainfall range of this rain is very large.

The place where the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead is located is relatively light. Zecheng is covered by large dark clouds, and rainwater is continuously pouring into the city.

Fortunately, there is a wide lake around Zecheng. The rainwater poured into the city by this heavy rain is discharged outside the city through various drainage facilities and flows into the wide lake.

With such a reservoir, Zecheng is difficult to be flooded by rainwater.

Two investigators stood in front of the window, watching the heavy rain outside.

According to the existing information, it should be the rainy season, so there will be many rainy days in the future.

The two investigators watched the rain outside for a while, then sat down at the table and poured tea into the cups.

They came here from afar to collect intelligence, and suffered a lot on the way. At present, they have collected a lot of intelligence, and the results are still relatively rich.

With the arrival of the rainy season, it will be a little difficult to collect intelligence, but the two investigators are not worried about it.

They chatted for a while and decided to speed up the speed of collecting intelligence next.

Although it is safe for two people to act together, the efficiency is greatly reduced, so next, they have to act separately.



Thunders appeared frequently, and the deafening thunder echoed in the woods.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead who was roasting a fire in the cave was dozing against the wall and was awakened by the sudden thunder.

He looked up and looked outside the cave, confirmed that there was no danger, closed his eyes again, and then dozed quietly.

There are no strange beasts in this forest, so the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead does not have to worry about being attacked by strange beasts when resting.

As time went by, the sky became darker and darker.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead rested well, and when he woke up, the sky outside was almost pitch dark.

It was dark, and the idea of ​​rushing back to the city after the rain stopped was gone.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead looked at the rain outside depressedly, then picked up the wood beside him and threw it into the bonfire.


The bonfire pile was added with wood, and some flames flew.

After all, he had many experiences, so the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead quickly adjusted his mentality when he encountered such a thing.

He took out food from his backpack again. He strung it with branches to heat it up.

After eating and drinking, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead continued to take a nap with his back against the wall.

Although he has rested well and is not sleepy now, he should rest as much as possible.

In case of emergency, he can deal with it in a full state of mind.

When it started to rain, the wind was very strong, and many flowers, plants and trees were shaken violently by the wind. Now it has been raining for several hours, and the wind has begun to weaken, and the flowers, plants and trees are no longer destroyed by the strong wind.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead listened to the sound of rain outside and continued to disperse at will.

Suddenly, there was a roar of an animal, which made the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead, who was resting with his eyes closed, open his eyes immediately.

Previously, this forest was explored and no strange beasts were found. Now there are beast roars. I hope it is not a strange beast coming here.

The roar of the beast is looming and is obscured by the sound of the pattering rain.

If the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead had not confirmed that he heard the roar of the beast, he would have thought it was an illusion.

The location where the roar of the beast came from suddenly became quiet, and the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead looked into the distance.

Because it is dark now, it is pitch dark outside, so he can't see clearly whether there are creatures in the dark area.

If it is a strange beast emitting spiritual energy fluctuations, it can be locked through perception.

For ordinary creatures, their position can only be identified by some created movements.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead stared at the dark area and listened carefully.

A strange sound sounded, a branch was stepped on and broken, the sound was very crisp, it was definitely not an illusion.

"It's not a strange beast."

"No threat to me."

The captain of the pig-headed man with a brown birthmark on his forehead began to sense and carefully explored. He did not find any spiritual fluctuations in the dark area, so he was not worried.


The roar of the beast sounded again, this time at a very close distance.

The captain of the pig-headed man with a brown birthmark on his forehead took a burning wood from the campfire and threw it to the location where the roar of the beast appeared.

The fire slid through the air, and a wet beast came into view.

"Get out."

The captain of the pig-headed man with a brown birthmark on his forehead shouted in a cold tone, and this ordinary beast was startled and fled away with its tail between its legs.

After driving away the uninvited guests, the area around the cave became quiet again.

The captain of the pig-headed man with a brown birthmark on his forehead thought for a while, lay down beside the campfire, and then closed his eyes to rest.


Blue Star.

A white light flashed in the quiet living room, and Lin Fei's figure appeared out of thin air.

The matter of going to Tashi City to collect herbs was settled. Next, he would contact Wang Xiaoru and tell her about it.

He took out his mobile phone from his pocket, opened the social software, found Wang Xiaoru's chat box, and sent a message to the other party.

Because he was very busy at work, Wang Xiaoru couldn't see the message in time.

After Lin Fei sent the message, he put his mobile phone aside and waited patiently for Wang Xiaoru's reply.

He picked up the water cup on the coffee table and drank a sip of water, then turned on the TV.

Recently, there are many new restaurants advertising, and they all look good.

Lin Fei watched the TV commercials and wrote down the locations of these new restaurants. He planned to visit the stores when he was free later.


His stomach made a sound, and Lin Fei looked up at the clock hanging on the wall and found that it was time for lunch at noon.

He got up and left the living room and went to the kitchen to make lunch. After more than half an hour, the simple two dishes and one soup were ready.

Fried meat with garlic moss, steamed sea bass, tomato and egg soup, with fish and meat, rich nutrition, Lin Fei enjoyed lunch with relish.



Wang Xiaoru returned to her office after a meeting.

She forgot to bring her mobile phone when she was in the meeting just now. When she returned to the office, she pulled out a chair and sat down. She took out her mobile phone from the drawer and saw the message from Lin Fei at once.

"I have already got the herbs you need for you. When is convenient for you, I will send those herbs to you."

Wang Xiaoru smiled brightly after reading the message from Lin Fei, and then she sent a voice message to Lin Fei.

"I will be in the office in the afternoon. You can come to see me anytime."

There was a sound of running water in the kitchen. Lin Fei, who had finished lunch, was washing dishes.

The mobile phone on the table rang. It happened that he had also washed the dishes. Then he wiped the water stains on his hands with a dry cloth and went to the restaurant to pick up the phone.

After listening to the voice message from Wang Xiaoru, Lin Fei came to the living room and turned off the TV.

As soon as he thought about it, the space teleportation ability was activated, and he disappeared in the living room in an instant.

The scenery in front of him changed, and Wang Xiaoru appeared in front of him with a smile on her face.

"You are here!"

Lin Fei smiled and nodded, then he opened the dimensional space, and baskets appeared instantly.

Wang Xiaoru looked at the herbs in the basket and apologized to Lin Fei.

"You are welcome, it is not difficult to get these herbs."

"How much are these herbs?"

"You don't have to pay me, these herbs are all picked in the wild, zero cost."

"Ah?" Wang Xiaoru looked puzzled after hearing this.

"What's wrong?" Lin Fei asked.

"Although this kind of herbs is not rare, you have spent a lot of effort to collect so many herbs at once." Wang Xiaoru said.

"Did you forget that I have telekinesis?" Lin Fei said with a smile, collecting these herbs is quite easy.

Seeing that Lin Fei insisted on not taking money, Wang Xiaoru stopped forcing him.

Then she asked, "Have you had lunch? If not, I will treat you to a meal."

"I have already eaten."

"Is that so!"

"You haven't eaten yet? Hurry up and have lunch."

"I'm not very hungry."

"Even if you're not very hungry, you have to eat something, otherwise you won't have time to eat in the afternoon when you're busy."


After Lin Fei's persuasion, Wang Xiaoru nodded and left the office to have lunch.

Lin Fei used the space teleportation ability to leave and returned home.

There was a sound of birds singing from the balcony, and Lin Fei, who had just returned home, came to the balcony.

A few petite sparrows were startled when they saw Lin Fei, and hurried away.

"I said that this sound of birds singing was a little strange."

Lin Fei looked at the sparrows that left and turned back to the room.

Today, Qi Se Hua and the three sparrows went out early, and I don't know when they will come back.


Spiritual world, the next morning.

The sun rose in the sky, and the sunlight fell into the woods through the gaps in some clouds.

There were many water droplets hanging on the branches, reflecting very beautiful colors under the morning sun.

The rain that had been falling all night finally stopped, and at this time, there were frequent bird calls in the woods.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead opened his eyes and climbed up from the ground. He threw all the remaining wood into the bonfire, and then looked outside the cave.

Because of the rain, there was plenty of moisture in the woods, and many places were filled with white mist.

Looking upward, you can see the golden sunlight falling into the woods through the gaps between the trees.

Occasionally, the wind blows, and the trees sway gently, and the sunlight shining into the woods will move with it.

"The rain has finally stopped."

"Let's have breakfast next and set off to return to Zecheng immediately."

The rain stopped, and the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead was in a very good mood. He stood up, stretched his body, and then took out the dry food to heat it up.

After breakfast, he put out the bonfire and walked out of the cave.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead identified the direction and then walked out of the woods.

………… (End of this chapter)

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