My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 2432: Killing the chicken to scare the monkey (two chapters in one)

The next morning.

The sun rose in the sky.

Because it had rained, the weather was very good.

The sky was clear, without a single cloud.

The golden sunlight spread across the earth, dispelling all the darkness that enveloped the ground.

There were strange beasts wandering in some places on the edge of the city, and after the sun rose, the strange beasts began to leave.

Because it had rained heavily before, there was a lot of water accumulation in various places.

Especially outside the city, there were more places with water accumulation.

A large amount of water vapor drifted, forming white fog covering various places.

In some places where no one had set foot, the white fog covered in patches, and the eyes could not see the situation in the white fog clearly.

The passing convoys avoided places covered by white fog. According to experience, these places are very easy to be attacked by strange beasts.

Last month, it was said that a convoy found a place to settle down at night. The next day, there was heavy fog, and the strange beasts took advantage of the fog to attack, causing heavy losses to the convoy.

Because the incident happened relatively recently, the convoys that are now active outside are trying to avoid getting close to the place where the white fog appears as much as possible.

Under the sunshine, Zecheng looked like it was wearing a beautiful dress.

If there hadn't been floods in some places in the city before, this kind of weather would still be very happy.

Some convoys arrived at the city gate early, waiting to enter the city.

But strangely, the city gate at the city gate was not opened at the time today, which made the people waiting at the city gate very confused.

"What's going on today?"

"Wouldn't the city gate be opened at this time?"

"Could it be that something happened in the city, so the opening of the city gate was postponed today."

"What could have happened?"

"It rained so hard yesterday, there might have been a flood in the city, and it is being dealt with now."

"If it was just a flood, it would not affect the opening of the city gate. Something more serious should have happened."

The passers-by waiting to enter the city at the city gate talked a lot, and everyone looked at the city wall.

They found that many fully armed soldiers were standing on the city wall, and the number was much more than before.

This was clearly a posture of being on high alert. The passers-by who were talking about it seemed to have some answers in their hearts, but no one said it out loud, fearing to cause some unnecessary trouble.

The city gate was opened.

The passers-by who were preparing to enter the city found that there were many more soldiers at the city gate today.

The weapons on these soldiers were newer, and the breath they exuded had a stronger sense of oppression.

Noticing the difference in the soldiers, the passers-by entering the city were more cautious, fearing to cause trouble.

"Stop." A convoy was inspected and suddenly stopped after passing.

"Sir, what do you want?" The manager of the convoy hurriedly stepped forward and asked with a smile, while taking out some money and stuffing it into the other party's hand.

In the past, the soldiers would accept the money, but today the other party refused it righteously.

"Check it again, especially that car, check it carefully." The captain of the soldiers pointed to an ordinary car in the convoy and said.

When the manager saw the car the other party was pointing to, his face changed suddenly.

After a while, the soldiers checked the convoy again and found some unregistered goods on a car.

When entering the city, the convoy must register all the goods and then submit them.

Now if a car is caught with unregistered goods, it will be fined a lot of money.

"Take them all back." The captain of the soldiers waved his hand, and all the people in the convoy were detained.

The steward was anxious when he saw it, and hurriedly said, "Sir, I will pay the fine, don't detain us!"

The captain of the soldiers snorted coldly, ignored the steward's words, and asked his men to take all the people back.

Yesterday, the rebels made a big fuss in the city, causing a lot of chaos.

Now the city is very strict, and the convoy was found to have some problems. In normal times, some money would be given as a fine, but now is different.

Many people who have not yet entered the city saw these scenes, and their faces showed surprised expressions.

Then some stewards of the convoys quickly took out the accounts and added some content to them.

Killing the chicken to scare the monkey had a very good effect. After that, the caravans that had not entered the city submitted their accounts very honestly, and then the goods in the caravans all matched.


The quiet inn became noisy.

After breakfast, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead walked out of the inn and strolled on the road.

Especially when he walked to the place where the battle took place yesterday, he saw many houses destroyed.

Fortunately, there was a fire yesterday, and the residents living in the houses came out in advance. When the battle broke out, the houses were destroyed and no residents were injured.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead came to a wall. He looked at the damage caused on the wall and judged the strength of the rebel yesterday.

According to the various traces of battle at the scene, it can be judged that the rebel yesterday had at least the strength of the third stage.

Such a strong rebel is already very strong. Only a small loss was caused last night, which is a good result.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead retracted his gaze and continued to walk forward. There were many small vendors selling things on the roadside.

The battle last night had an impact on the shops along the street, but it did not have much impact on these small vendors who came out to set up stalls.

There was a vendor selling cakes in front of him. When the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead passed by, he smelled the tempting fragrance and stopped.

At the other party's invitation, he tasted the pastries and thought they tasted good, so he bought some and put them in his backpack to eat on the road.

Any trouble caused by rebels in the city must be dealt with strictly.

Soldiers can now be seen everywhere searching for rebels. This operation has been going on for a long time. These soldiers have not rested for a long time, and the fatigue on their faces is very obvious.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise ahead. The pig-headed man captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead immediately looked ahead when he heard the noise.

Many soldiers escorted the convoy, and the faces of the convoy personnel were full of panic.

The pig-headed captain standing on the roadside with a brown birthmark on his forehead was filled with doubts when he saw this scene.

"What's going on with these people?"

"Why were you detained by these soldiers?"

"Is it related to the rebels?"

Because he had seen some people related to the rebels captured by soldiers before, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead now saw this scene, and his first thought was that these people had encountered the same thing.

"What's going on with these people?" a passerby with a meat bun in his hand asked the people around him.

"They said there was something wrong with the accounts they handed in when they entered the city, and they were detained by the soldiers." One person answered.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead heard some comments from people around him and immediately understood the reason for the matter.

He looked at the people detained by the soldiers and thought that these guys were quite unlucky.

"It's really bad luck to be used to scare the monkeys. There's just something wrong with the accounts. I just need to pay more fines afterwards. There shouldn't be any danger to my life."

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead thought to himself based on his own experience, and then he walked towards an empty carriage in the distance.

He got up early today and there were not many carriages on the street, so now that he saw an empty carriage, he had to occupy it quickly to avoid being boarded by others.

"Hello, sir, where are you going?" The driver asked immediately when he saw the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead approaching him as he finished eating the steamed bun in his hand.

After telling the coachman the address, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead got into the carriage and started heading to the place where the mission was issued.

Because of the rain, many people were unable to go outside to do tasks.

Now that the rain has stopped, when the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead came to the place where he received the mission, he saw a lot of people.

Looking around, there was no end in sight of the dense crowd.

Fortunately, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead took on tasks that required strong strength, so there were fewer people competing with him.

After spending some time and accepting a mission, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead left the crowded place and walked to where the carriage was parked.

"There are so many people today!" The driver looked at the crowd in the distance and said in surprise.

"Yes." The pig-headed captain, who had a brown birthmark on his forehead, nodded.

"Sir, have you received the mission?" the coachman asked.

"I've received the mission. Please take me to the city gate." said the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead.

The carriage started and ran quickly to the city gate.

There were many people going in and out of the city today. Due to the increased guarding by soldiers, the speed of entering and leaving the city was more than half as slow as usual.

When the carriage arrived, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead got off the carriage and paid the fare, then quickly lined up behind the team leaving the city.

The sun in the sky moves slowly, and the sunlight falling on my body gradually becomes hotter.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead had been waiting in line for a long time and had not yet left the city.

Suddenly there was a sound of horse hooves behind them, and people in the queue looked towards the place where the sound came from.

As far as the eye could see, I saw many cavalry.

"Get out of the way quickly."

Someone shouted loudly, and passers-by who heard the sound immediately moved to both sides of the street.

A wide road suddenly appeared in the middle of the road. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, these cavalry quickly passed through the city gate.

The passers-by present were very confused as to what these cavalrymen were doing out of the city at this time.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead speculated that these cavalrymen leaving the city might be dealing with matters related to the rebels.

This was a small episode. Although many people paid attention to it, because there were not many clues, everyone could not speculate on some specific circumstances, so attention quickly shifted.


When the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead came out, some of the muddy areas at the city gate that had been made dry by the rain became dry.

The temperature is gradually rising, and many places are beginning to become dry again. However, near the lake not far away, the humid situation still exists.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead looked towards the lake shore and found that no one was picking up dead fish on the lake shore today.

He looked away, then stepped forward.

Next, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead had to hurry up and go to the place where he was doing the mission.

Today's mission is relatively simple. Unlike before, you need to find a strange beast and kill it to get some scales and other things.

However, the journey to the place where the mission is to be done is relatively long, and there is a high probability of encountering a strange beast along the way.

The main reason why many people dare not take this mission is that if they encounter a strange beast on the road, they will have to spend a lot of physical strength and spiritual energy to deal with it.

It is easy to deal with on the way to the destination, but if you encounter a more dangerous strange beast on the way back, you may suffer.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead went forward all the way, but he did not encounter any strange beasts, but he was very vigilant.

He kept paying attention to the surroundings and was wary of some hidden places hiding strange beasts.

When it was close to noon, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead, who had a smooth journey, encountered some troubles.

A small river blocked the way, and there were several strange beasts lying on the grass on the river bank, wet all over, basking in the sun.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead saw the situation of these strange beasts and guessed that they might have accidentally fallen into the river before, and finally climbed ashore to dry their wet hair.


The strange beasts were stunned for a few seconds when they saw the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead, and then they got up from the ground happily.

Looking at the strange beasts that kept approaching, they all knew what these guys wanted to do next.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead looked at the strange beasts with a serious face, and then drew his weapon to prepare for the battle.

Suddenly, a sharp sound rang out in the sky.

After hearing the sound, the strange beasts looked up at the sky. These guys seemed to be scared and gave up attacking the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead, and turned to run away.

"What's going on?"

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead raised his head and looked up at the sky. He observed the location where the sound came from and found a huge strange beast with golden feathers flying slowly in the distance.

This strange beast was more than ten meters long and looked very handsome. Its sharp claws flashed coldly under the sunlight.

Because of the distance, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead could not detect the strength of the strange beast.

At this moment, the strange beast did not focus on the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead, but looked at the prey that fled in panic.


The roar of the beast gradually faded away, and the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead put away his weapon and muttered to himself.

"It didn't target me, but went after those guys. I'm lucky today."

…………(End of this chapter)

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