My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 2447 A Different World (two chapters in one)

"I hope God will bless me and prevent what I think from happening."

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead looked at the thunder and lightning flashing by, praying secretly in his heart.

However, things often develop in the opposite direction of what you want.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead had just finished praying in his heart when a bright silver-white thunderbolt fell from the gloomy sky and hit a tall tree not far from the cave.


The thunder exploded, and the movement was so loud that the head of the pig-headed captain, who had a brown birthmark on his forehead, hurt a little.

The sounds of wind, rain and thunder floated in the air, covering a large area.

Many tall trees were struck by lightning and turned into burning torches.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead stood at the entrance of the cave and looked out, looking at the burning tree in the distance with a helpless expression on his face.

"I'm really afraid of what will happen."

"I hope this thunder will disappear soon."

A large amount of rain fell from the sky, fell on the ground and flowed to low areas.

The rainwater gathered together and formed small rivers.

Fortunately, there are flood discharge areas around here, so flash floods can easily form.


His stomach growled. After working for a long time, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead was hungry.

He retracted his gaze from the distance and turned back to the cave.

The leftover meat from exotic animals was cut into pieces and strung together with branches, and then the picked mushrooms were strung together.

The kebabs with mushrooms were grilled next to the fire. After a while, a very unique aroma began to fill the cave.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead devoured mushroom kebabs. After eating and drinking, he took a few wild fruits to relieve his tiredness.

The downpour continued, and the gloomy sky enveloped an increasingly larger area.

If someone looked down at the ground from an altitude of 10,000 meters at this moment, they would find that the area covered by dark clouds at the beginning has expanded more than ten times.

When the rainy season arrived in previous years, the areas where it rained were not as exaggerated as they are now.

It’s really strange that things have turned out like this this year.

At this moment, everyone living in this area does not know that this year’s rainy season has changed a lot compared to previous years.

Everyone spent the rainy season step by step and based on past experience.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead rested in the cave for a moment. When he woke up, the sky had already darkened, and soon it would become completely dark.

At this time, he found that the situation outside had changed.

"What's going on?"

"I have been squinting for more than an hour. Why did such a big lake appear in the distance?"

The cave where the pig-headed captain, who had a brown birthmark on his forehead, was located was at a high place, so he didn't have to worry about being flooded by rain.

Looking down into the distance, you can have a panoramic view of most of the surrounding areas.

After a short nap, I woke up and looked outside. I found a lot of rain in the low-lying areas.

It is not an exaggeration to use lakes to describe the areas flooded by rainwater. According to the current changes, the areas flooded by lakes will only continue to expand, at least two or three times.

The pig-headed man captain, who had a brown birthmark on his forehead, was not in a hurry, but now he found that the area around him was constantly being flooded by rain, and he felt a little anxious in his heart.

“This rain continues and by tomorrow morning, even if it stops, the area around me will be flooded.

At that time, the place where I am will become an isolated island. If I want to leave, I have to swim out. "

The pig-headed captain, who had a brown birthmark on his forehead, was worried but had no solution.


Silver-white lightning flashed across the dark clouds, and more rain fell from the sky in an instant.

At this time, the frequency of thunder is much lower than that of more than an hour ago, and the tall trees around will not suffer.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead stared at the bad weather outside, thought for a moment, and sighed.


"This is the situation now. It's useless for me to worry."

"Let nature take its course!"

The pig-headed captain, who had a brown birthmark on his forehead, couldn't think of a way and chose to give up thinking about this issue.

If the surrounding area was flooded by rain tomorrow and he had to swim if he wanted to leave, then he would just swim.


In Zecheng.

Many soldiers can be seen busy in various low-lying areas. Because of their previous experience, these soldiers did not have much difficulty in draining the water in the low-lying areas.

"Captain." A soldier came to his superior and shouted.

"What's the matter?" the soldier captain asked.

"There is a problem with five drainage trucks." Xiao Bing replied.

"Have someone fix it immediately, don't delay our drainage plan." the soldier captain ordered.

"Yes." Xiaobing nodded, but he did not leave immediately to convey the order.

"Do you have anything else to report to me?" the soldier captain asked doubtfully.

"Captain, the rain is getting heavier and heavier. I think we need to apply for more drainage trucks to ensure everything is safe." Xiaobing expressed his thoughts.

After listening to his subordinates, the captain of the soldiers saw that they were uneasy, and then smiled and comforted them, "You don't have to be so nervous. I said that if you have ideas, you should boldly put them forward. Even if they are wrong, I will not blame you."

After hearing these words, the nervous mood of the soldier disappeared at once.

The captain of the soldiers thought for a while, nodded slightly, and said to his subordinates.

"Your idea is good. I will submit an application to my superiors later."

The soldier saw that his suggestion was adopted, and a happy smile appeared on his face. Then he turned and left to convey the order of his superiors.

In the wind and rain, many soldiers wearing straw raincoats can be seen driving drainage vehicles.

The hazy rain curtain obscured the figures of these soldiers, making it difficult to see them clearly.

Under the eaves in the distance, in the shadows, a short figure observed the soldiers who were draining water in the distance.

"These people are really hard-working."

"Since you are dealing with floods for the residents in the city, I will spare your lives now."

The rebels sneaked into the city to create chaos and slap the government in the face.

It's raining so hard now, it's a good time to fish in troubled waters.

But after walking around on the road, all they met were soldiers trying to solve the flood, which made the rebels who wanted to create chaos unable to do anything.

After all, their purpose is to resist the rule of the pig-headed lord, and they will never be soft in attacking the minions of the government.

But if they take action to deal with these soldiers now, a large area of ​​the city will definitely be flooded by rain, and ordinary residents will definitely suffer. So there is no way to do it.

The small rebels observed the soldiers who were busy in the distance, and seeing that they did not stop for a moment, they retracted their gaze, turned around and left, disappearing in the hazy rain curtain.


Blue Star, Tianhai City.

In the quiet office, there is a graceful figure sitting in front of the computer, slender fingers jumping quickly on the keyboard, a crackling sound rang out, echoing in the room.

After a while, the sound of fingers tapping the keyboard disappeared.

Zhou Yue, who has a hot body, leaned back, raised her arms and stretched.

The clothes on her body became tight instantly because of the stretching action, and the seductive curves became more distinct.

"Finally done."

After working for an afternoon, Zhou Yue finally finished the work at hand.

After she stretched, she reached out and picked up the water cup on the table, ready to drink a sip of water to quench her thirst.

The cup was empty, Zhou Yue got up and went to the water dispenser to get water.

Before, Lin Fei gave him a few packets of scented tea to drink. After Zhou Yue poured the water with the cup, she opened the drawer and looked for the packets of scented tea that Lin Fei had given her before.

"Just put some in, too much will make the taste very heavy."

Zhou Yue put some scented tea in the cup, waited for half a minute, and tasted it. The unique fragrance and taste made her squint her eyes.

"This scented tea tastes really good."

"Lin Fei has been away for a few days. I wonder if he has finished his work?"

Zhou Yue took a few sips of tea, put the cup back on the table, then took out her mobile phone, opened the social software, found Lin Fei's chat box, and sent a message to the other party.

The message was like a stone sinking into the sea, with no response at all.

Zhou Yue saw this situation and knew that Lin Fei was still busy, so she stopped sending messages to Lin Fei and watched short videos instead.

There was still half an hour before getting off work. The work at hand was done, and now I could only do something else to kill time.


Watching short videos to kill time, half an hour passed unknowingly.

The sky outside gradually dimmed, the afterglow of the sunset dyed most of the sky red, and the tall buildings were covered with gorgeous clothes.

It was time to get off work, and many people came out of the office building and walked quickly to the nearby public transportation station.

Because Zhou Yue lived close to her workplace, she didn't have to squeeze into the bus like many employees who were getting off work.

"It's time to get off work."

"What to eat in the evening?"

Zhou Yue put away her mobile phone, turned off her computer, and left the office with her bag.

Some people met Zhou Yue on the road and greeted her.

Zhou Yue left her workplace and was about to go to a nearby restaurant for dinner when a handsome young man quickly came over and stopped her.

"Coach Zhou, are you off work?"

"What's up?"

"I want to apply for gym memberships for my company's employees. I don't know if it's convenient for you. I want to consult..." the handsome young man said with a smile.

Zhou Yue was not a rookie. She knew what the other party was thinking after a little thought, so she declined politely.

"I'm not familiar with the business of applying for memberships. I'll let someone who specializes in this business introduce it to you!"

The handsome young man was a little anxious when he heard this. "It doesn't matter if you're not familiar with it. Just give me a general introduction.

It just so happens that there is a newly opened restaurant nearby. The chef's skills are very good. I'll treat you to a meal and we'll talk while we eat."

Zhou Yue saw that the other party was so persistent, and some of the company's businesses had cooperation with his family's company, so she didn't refuse again.

"My car is parked over there, please follow me."


The two walked forward and turned a corner at the intersection. A cool sports car was parked in a parking space on the side of the road.

At this time, several girls were seen taking pictures with the sports car as the background and chatting.

"This sports car is so cool."

"I checked online, this sports car costs four or five million!"

The handsome young man heard the content of the girls' chat, and a smug expression appeared on his face. He turned his head and glanced at Zhou Yue beside him. Seeing that the other party looked calm, the smug expression on his face immediately subsided.

"Ladies, please make way."

The girl who was taking pictures heard a voice coming from her side, and immediately stopped taking pictures and turned her head to look.

"Handsome guy, is this your car?"

"Yes." The handsome young man nodded, and then took out the car keys from his pocket.

The door of the passenger seat opened, and the handsome young man made an invitation gesture to Zhou Yue in a very gentlemanly manner.

Originally, these girls who were taking pictures saw such a handsome and rich opposite sex, and wanted to exchange contact information to get to know each other.

As a result, when they saw Zhou Yue, they were immediately amazed by her exquisite appearance and hot body, and they felt ashamed of themselves. For a while, they were all silent and stared at Zhou Yue.

The two got in the car, and with a rumble, the expensive sports car started up and disappeared at the end of the street in a short while.

Several girls looked at the direction where the sports car disappeared, muttering to themselves.

"That woman is beautiful, but why is her figure so good? God is too unfair!"


In a dark cave in the spirit world, a white light appeared out of thin air and disappeared in a flash.

Lin Fei solved the swarm of insects and used the space teleportation ability to come to another fork in the road.

He stood beside the dark cave and raised his hand to create a fireball.

The orange-red fire dispelled the surrounding darkness, and suddenly saw the flowing stream continuously injecting cold stream water into the cave.

Lin Fei observed the dark cave and found that the internal space of the cave was very large.

He thought for a while, and then jumped into the dark cave.

The fireball followed into the cave and helped Lin Fei dispel the surrounding darkness.

Slowly descending, after more than ten minutes, Lin Fei had not reached the bottom of the cave.

The stream water pouring into the cave looked like a waterfall at this time.

In order to reach the bottom of the cave as soon as possible, Lin Fei accelerated his descent. After more than ten minutes, he finally reached the bottom of the cave.

The ground was not flat, and it became a little slippery because of the moisture.

Lin Fei snapped his fingers, and the fireball that illuminated him immediately split.

In less than three seconds, a fireball split into dozens of pieces, and each small fireball quickly expanded to the size of the original fireball.

Dozens of fireballs radiated flames together, illuminating an area of ​​hundreds or thousands of square meters at once.

Lin Fei saw the surrounding environment clearly at this time. This place was rocky and there were many black grasses growing on the rocks.

These black grasses seemed to be afraid of light. When the fire appeared, the slender leaves of the black grass immediately shrank into a ball.

………… (End of this chapter)

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