My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 2450 Unable to rescue (two chapters in one)

The forest in front of us is quite large, and it will take a long time to pass through.

In addition, it is raining now, and the road conditions in the forest are much worse than usual.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead is now entering the forest. Although he is anxious to pass through as soon as possible, the road conditions do not allow it, so he can only pass slowly.

The rain falls from the sky, falls on the trees, and is blocked by the leaves. Some places are not rained on.

When the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead passes through the forest, he tries to choose places with less rain to walk.

Although he is wearing a straw raincoat now, it cannot block the rain 100%.

Choosing to pass through places with less rain or places where the rain does not fall can minimize the body from being wetted by the rain.


There was a sound in the bushes not far away. When I first heard this sound, I thought there was a snake in the bushes.

When the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead passed through this kind of forest before, he would more or less encounter snake attacks.

Now hearing the hissing sound, he immediately became alert, holding the dagger in his hand tightly, and looking at the bushes not far away vigilantly.

The bushes ahead are the only way to go, so there is no choice but to keep going forward.

If the snake in the bushes takes the initiative to attack, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead does not mind sending the other party a way.

However, things are different from what he imagined.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead stood outside the bushes and waited patiently for two or three minutes. The snake that hissed in the bushes showed no signs of attacking.

He didn't want to continue to waste time with the other party, so he took the initiative to push aside the bushes and walked in.

As a result, after walking a few steps, he found some strange plants shaking.

These plants look like morning glories, and they make snake-like hissing sounds when shaking.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead saw these plants, and the vigilant expression on his face eased, and then he cursed.

"Damn, it turns out that it wasn't a snake that made the sound. I wasted a lot of time."

At this time, the sound of wind and rain suddenly became louder, and the rain fell from the sky, twice as much as before.

The wind couldn't pose a big threat to the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead, because he was now in the woods, and these trees blocked the strong wind, and the wind falling on him became very small.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead stepped over the plants that made a hissing sound and moved forward quickly.

A moment later.

After walking in the woods for more than an hour, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead finally walked out of the woods.

The mountains in the distance felt close at hand, but it was a case of running to the mountain.

Now that the mountains seemed very close, it would take much longer than expected to run to the foot of the mountains.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead now regretted choosing the mountains in the distance to find a new shelter.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world. It has taken a lot of time to get here. If you give up now, the sunk cost will be too high. You can only go down this road until the end.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead looked up at the cloudy sky, praying that the weather would not continue to deteriorate. Then he took a step and continued to move towards his destination.


The sound of wind and rain intertwined and echoed in the air. In such bad weather, almost no one could be seen in the wild.

Some caravans who did not know that there had been an attack by strange beasts in Zecheng chose to stop their journey because the weather was too bad, hiding in some safe places, waiting for the weather to improve before setting off to Zecheng.

"Stop, don't run."

A figure ran wildly in the rain, and several soldiers with weapons were chasing him behind him.

Some residents heard the noise outside and stuck their heads out to watch.

They saw that the soldiers were chasing people, and they quickly retracted their gazes and closed the doors and windows of their homes, fearing that they would cause trouble.

The fleeing figure fell down the guardrail and fell to the ground, splashing a lot of water.

The soldiers who were chasing him finally caught up with him. Seeing the target get up and try to escape, a soldier stepped forward and kicked him over.


The figure screamed after being kicked, his facial features twisted in pain, and his face turned pale.

He struggled to get up and run away, but the soldiers had already rushed over and controlled him.

"Sir, I am innocent!"

"If you are a good person, why are you running?"

"I, I have something at home."

"Stop talking nonsense, come back to the government office with us."

The soldier punched the other party several times, and the shrill wailing sounded on the street.

Some residents secretly looked at the situation outside through the cracks in the door. Seeing that the arrested suspect had been punched several times, they were so scared that they trembled all over and dared not look outside again.

After a morning search, the soldiers arrested many people.

Almost every suspect who was caught was crying out for injustice, but the soldiers turned a deaf ear to them and put them on prison vans and sent them to the government office for interrogation.

An old residential area, the houses here are decades old.

The residents living here are not well off and can only eat meat twice a month.

At this moment, in a house that looks decent, a rebel is sitting at a table and drinking tea leisurely.


Suddenly, thunder roared, and it felt as if thunder was right beside one's ears.

Ordinary people living here were trembling with fear, and some children were directly frightened to tears by the terrible thunder.

The rebel looked calm, put down the teacup in his hand, raised his left hand and touched the scar on his face, muttering to himself.

"It's still raining today, it seems that the plan needs to be changed."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a knock at the door.

The rebel with a scar on his face heard the movement, his calm face disappeared, his eyes became sharp, he turned his head to look at the door, and his hand pressed on the weapon on his waist.

"It's me."

A familiar voice sounded outside the door, and the rebel with a scar on his face got up and walked to the door, and then opened the door.

A short figure appeared at the door, and walked in immediately after the door opened.

"Why are you here?" The rebel with a scar on his face closed the door and asked his companion.

According to the original plan, everyone went their separate ways after entering the city.

Now he took the initiative to find the door, something must have happened.

The short rebel took off his raincoat and hung it on a rack not far away. Then he sat down at the table, took an empty teacup and poured himself a glass of water.

The rebel with a scar on his face was not in a hurry. He sat down at the table and waited patiently for the other party's reply.

He drank a cup of hot tea to warm himself up, because the chill brought by the heavy rain quickly subsided.

The short rebel said, "I met a lot of soldiers on the way back. They were guarding every intersection. I couldn't go back, so I had to come to you."

The rebel with a scar on his face frowned when he heard this, "I don't know what happened, but the soldiers' search efforts increased this morning."

The short rebel laughed when he heard this. Seeing him laugh, the other party said unhappily, "What's so funny about this?"

"The reason why those soldiers increased their search efforts is because I killed a few people this morning."

"Isn't it just killing a few people? There's no need to make such a big fuss!"

"The few people I killed were weapons suppliers."

The rebel with a scar on his face fell silent when he learned the identities of the few people who died.

If it were just ordinary soldiers who were killed, the government would be furious, but it would not increase the search efforts like it is now.

After all, every weapons supplier has a backer behind them. Now that they have been killed, the backers behind them must be very angry.

Therefore, pressure is put on officials, so that officials in charge of this matter can draw more soldiers to hunt down rebels.

"Are you being too impulsive?" said the insurgent with a scar on his face.

At the beginning, they had planned to deal with the weapons supplier, but that was to be carried out when the plan was about to end.

Now that the group has sneaked into the city, the plan has only been carried out for less than one-third. Killing the weapons supplier now will increase the difficulty of some subsequent tasks.

The short insurgent is a rebellious person. After hearing the doubts raised by his companions, he said indifferently.

"It's okay. It doesn't affect the overall situation. If you feel too much pressure, you can find a chance to leave now. I will help you with your task."

The insurgent with a scar on his face was a little angry after hearing this, and his face suddenly showed an unhappy expression.

"Humph, I'm afraid that others will be affected. For me, even if the difficulty of the task becomes greater, I can easily handle it."

The two insurgents chatted while drinking tea.

There was a noisy sound on the street, and the noise told me that soldiers had come to this block.

Some houses were knocked, and the people inside did not respond at first, pretending that they were not at home.

The soldiers knocking on the door outside had run out of patience, and they kicked the door open directly, and then several soldiers rushed into the room to search for the rebels.

There were cries one after another, and some people were taken away by the soldiers. Although some people were not taken away, they couldn't help crying when they saw the messy room.

These ordinary people could only cry and shout for injustice, and there was no need to think about resistance.

Once they disobeyed these soldiers, they were equivalent to rebels.

At that time, these soldiers could kill them, and they would have no place to seek justice even if they lost their lives.

The two rebels listened to the movement on the street, and their calm expressions had some ripples.

At this time, the soldiers began to approach where they were. If the other party came in to search, there was a probability that they would be taken away.

"What are you going to do if the soldiers who are searching want to take us away later?" said the rebel with a scar on his face.

"What else can we do? Kill them." said the short rebel.

"..." The insurgent with a scar on his face remained silent. He didn't like to confront the soldiers head-on, but when it came to that, he could only kill the soldiers and then escape to hide somewhere else.

The footsteps on the street were getting closer and closer. The two insurgents hid their weapons in the compartments of the ceiling.

Just as they thought that the soldiers were about to knock on the door, a large group of soldiers not far from them suddenly stopped and turned away.

The footsteps gradually faded away. The two insurgents looked at each other and were very confused.

"Why did they leave?" said the insurgent with a scar on his face.

"You ask me, how can I know?" said the short insurgent.

The door of the house opened.

Two insurgents walked out of the room and stood under the eaves looking into the distance.

Although it was raining now, the rain blocked the view and made it difficult to see the situation in the distance.

But standing under the eaves, you can still see a large number of soldiers leaving.

The soldiers who came to this block to search for insurgents left for some unknown reason, and did not even take away some suspects they had just arrested.

It can be seen that something serious must have happened.

If it was not a particularly serious matter, the soldiers would not have left these suspects who had been arrested with great difficulty.

Many houses on both sides of the street opened their doors and whispered curiously.

A few people stepped forward to rescue their relatives who had been captured. Some people did so first, and others followed suit.

After a while, all the captured people returned to their families.

The two insurgents frowned, and they thought of a possibility.

"Have our people been discovered?" said the insurgent with a scar on his face.

"It is likely that this is what made those soldiers leave so anxiously." said the short insurgent.

"Should we go and have a look?"


The two rebels left the room in their straw raincoats and walked quickly under the eaves of some houses.

The location they were heading to was exactly the direction the soldiers left. In order not to attract the attention of the soldiers, they kept a considerable distance.

With their own strong strength, the two rebels would naturally not lose their target.

After following the soldiers all the way for about six or seven minutes and crossing several streets, the two rebels heard the sound of fighting.




The fierce fighting sounded everywhere and could be heard from a long distance.

Many soldiers came from all directions and surrounded the scene where the fierce fighting was taking place.

In a farther place, some soldiers could be seen carrying heavy weapons.

The two rebels looked very ugly when they saw this scene.

It was not night now. Once there was a conflict with so many soldiers, even if the two rebels were strong, there was a high probability that they would be entangled and unable to escape.

"What should we do now?"

"If we rush in to rescue, we might end up in the same situation."

"You mean we should wait and see, and rescue again if there is a chance?"

"Yes, that's the only way we can do it now. If he is caught, we can kill a few more minions to avenge him."

The two rebels discussed in a low voice, and finally gave up rushing into the encirclement to rescue their companions.

It's not that they are cold-blooded, they had discussed this situation before coming.

If they can save, they will save, and if they can't save, they won't force it, this is the consensus of all the rebels.

…………(End of this chapter)

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