Xitan Town is a small town. According to the census a year ago, the town’s permanent population is about 200,000. Among the dozen or so towns under the jurisdiction of Rongcheng, its population and area should be regarded as the smallest. up.

The head of the local Ability Management Bureau is a second-order peak practitioner, and he is currently having a meeting with his subordinates.

"According to the information provided by the informant, at 1:10 p.m., Liu Dazhong will take most of his men in the club to receive the goods at the wharf not far from Meihua Village, which they invested in and built recently.

This time is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and we must take them all down. "The director Li Dezhuang said.

Moreover, the informant clearly pointed out that Liu Dazhong paid a high price to hire two practitioners to escort him some time ago," investigator Lin Huadong analyzed.

Lin Huadong's analysis has won the approval of many people. The investigators are not afraid to fight those gangsters, but are worried that such a situation will scare the snake

There were two third-tier practitioners escorting them. They really had no idea. If Liu Dazhong escaped, it would be difficult to catch him.

"Boom, boom, boom." Director Li Dezhuang tapped the table with his fingers, and the investigators who were discussing in the meeting fell silent immediately. They were a little puzzled when they saw the confident smile on their director's face.

Li Dezhuang said with a smile to his subordinates, "I have already thought about what you are worried about, in order to be able to complete this arrest operation smoothly.

I asked for support from Rongcheng yesterday, and Rongcheng replied to my request this morning. They will send someone to help. Don't worry, the arrest mission this time will not be a problem. "

When all the investigators knew that Li Dezhuang had asked for support from Rongcheng and had received support, they all showed reassuring smiles on their faces.

After all, everyone knows the strength of the Rongcheng Ability Administration Bureau. Since they will send personnel, then this time the action is appropriate.

Lin Huadong asked curiously, "Director, how many people did Rongcheng send to support us?"

"One." Li Dezhuang took a sip of water from the teacup on the table and said.

After everyone heard Li Dezhuang's words, the smiles on their faces stagnated, and their hearts popped up, "Why did you send someone to help!"

Without waiting for his subordinates to ask, Li Dezhuang explained, "This helper who came to support us is a fourth-level practitioner. I don't need to say who he is!"

Four levels of cultivators? The investigators attending the meeting were astonished.

There used to be only one practitioner at the fourth level in Rongcheng, but Xie Yurong, the director of the bureau some time ago, successfully broke through to the fourth level, and now there are two.

Xie Yurong wanted to sit in Rongcheng to lead the overall situation, and it was impossible for her to leave Rongcheng and come to Xitan Town to handle such a small case in person unless it was necessary.

In this case, the fourth-level cultivator who came to Xitan Town to support him could only be the legendary temporary worker Lin Fei.

Lin Huadong calmed down, and he said, "Director, asking four levels of practitioners to come to support us in handling such a small case, wouldn't it be a bit of a big deal!"

The other investigators nodded secretly, it really feels like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

"I don't know why Rongcheng sent this level of reinforcements, anyway, after I called, that's how the other party replied to me.

Let's not think about it so much, the stronger the helping hand, the better, there is no reason to think that the helping hand is too strong. "Li Dezhuang said with a smile.

Lin Huadong and the others nodded, and then they re-discussed the arrest plan that had already been drawn up, and tried their best to make no mistakes in this operation.

"Buzz buzz." The phone in Li Dezhuang's pocket vibrated.

He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and looked at it, with a joyful smile on his face, and then he signaled everyone to suspend the discussion and answer the phone first.

"Hello Director Li, I'm Lin Fei."

"Hi Mr. Lin."

"I was entrusted by Secretary Han to participate in this arrest operation. I am currently in the reception hall of your bureau. Is it convenient for you to come over and meet?"

"Mr. Lin, wait a moment, I'll go find you right away."

After hanging up the phone, Li Dezhuang said to his subordinates, "Our help is here, and there is nothing to discuss about the action plan. Let's adjourn the meeting now!"


In the reception hall of the Xitan Town Ability Management Bureau, Lin Fei sat on a stool and made a phone call. Not long after, Li Dezhuang brought several cadres to him.

"I've looked forward to it for a long time, I really didn't expect that the helping hand sent by the superior this time would be you, Mr. Lin! It's really beyond our expectations." Li Dezhuang said with a smile, while extending his right hand to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei smiled politely, got up and stretched out his hand to shake the other party, and then he said, "Director Li, we are all on our own, so let's skip the polite words! When are we going to leave?" Catch that smuggling gang?"

"It's fine now, just wait for me for a few minutes, I'll gather the staff and we'll set off." Li Dezhuang said.

Eight or nine minutes later, more than a dozen vehicles drove out from the Ability Management Bureau of Xitan Town. Including Lin Fei, a total of 31 investigators participated in the arrest operation this time.

Except for Lin Fei, the strongest investigator among the investigators was Li Dezhuang at the peak of the second stage, followed by Lin Huadong at the high stage of the second stage.

The location of this operation is not in Xitan Town, but in a village about five or six kilometers away from Xitan Town.

This village is called Plum Blossom Village.

The name of the village is a bit strange, because there are no plum blossoms here. I don’t know why such a name was chosen. Maybe it has changed for hundreds of years, so that the plum trees that used to have disappeared with the passage of time.

The convoy of Lin Fei and his team did not drive directly to the target location, but got off the car at a long distance away and proceeded on foot.


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