"Tat Tat Tat..."

Zha Gaotian ran forward with a torch in his hands. During this period, he encountered many swarms of insects and strange beasts besieging him.

Breaking through again and again, after running for a long distance, it stopped when it was sure that no enemy was chasing it.

At this time, it discovered a very serious problem, that is, it lost its way.

It was surrounded by waves of insects and strange beasts before, and it was forced to walk into side roads one after another. After several times in a row, it can still recognize the passage it walked through, which is so strange.

"Damn it, it's too bad, I lost my way. This Abyss Grotto is indeed the most dangerous place on the island." Liao Gaotian gasped slightly and said to himself.

"Tat Tat Tat..."

Just as Zhu Gaotian was resting on the spot and recovering his strength, suddenly there was a burst of dense footsteps coming from behind it.

Zha Gaotian suddenly turned around, picked up the weapon stuck on the ground, put on a guard posture, and then squinted and stared at the dark place ahead.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and then a figure approached the edge of the area illuminated by the light of the torch. The outline changed from blurred to clear. It was a lizardman wearing chain mail.

It has a thin face, sunken eye sockets, bloodshot eyes, and a lot of green blood stains on the originally delicate and clean chain mail

"Second uncle?"

Zha Gaotian's eyes widened, with ecstasy on his face, he moved the torch to take a look, and found many familiar faces, all of them were Second Uncle's subordinates.

I didn't expect to meet the second uncle and the others here, and it didn't take much effort...Zhu Gaotian was about to meet him, when suddenly his expression changed, he pointed the weapon in his hand at everyone, and shouted sharply.

"Don't come here, all of you don't move, or my halberd won't recognize anyone."

A group of lizard men who were about to move forward stopped and looked at Zhu Gaotian with doubts on their faces. They didn't know what their young city lord was going to do.

"How do you prove your identities?" Zhu Gaotian said, staring at the lizard warriors in front of him.

The second uncle Gaotian, who looked a little tired, had a gratified smile on his face seeing his nephew like this.

"Very well, you are not careless in this situation. It seems that I took you to the east coast swamp eight years ago, and the group of change-of-appearance changeling beasts I met impressed you deeply."

Among the lizardmen, a lizardman warrior with two scars on his face testified, "Young City Master, the younger one also went to the east bank swamp with the team eight years ago.

At that time, I was attacked by those phantom beasts when I was going to the toilet. I fought with them before I put on my pants. Later, I was outnumbered and almost fell. Fortunately, the young city lord arrived and rescued me. "

When Zha Gaotian heard this, he immediately remembered the scene where the lizard warrior was struggling with those strange beasts without wearing his pants. The scene was really interesting.

"Haha, it's really you." Only Zhu Gaotian and the person involved knew about such a shameful thing. So far, Zhu Gaotian had no doubts and greeted his companion happily.

Holding a torch, it looked over one by one. At this time, everyone's clothes were dirty and torn, everyone's eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and their faces looked haggard.

After Zhu Gaotian read them one by one and counted the number of people, his heart was quite heavy.

It learned from its third uncle that its second uncle had brought a total of thirty-five experienced warriors into the Abyss Grotto this time, and within half a day, there were only fifteen left.

"Everyone set off from Juyan City in the morning and came all the way to the Abyss Grotto to find the detoxification spiritual plant. You probably haven't eaten anything since you came in. Are you hungry now? I brought you dry food and water."

Zha Gaotian unpacked the bags on his back and distributed dry food to the lizard warriors.

Including the second uncle Zha Gaotian, the eyes of all the lizard warriors suddenly lit up, staring at the dry food that Zha Gaotian took out from his backpack, as if staring at the most precious treasure in the world.

After Zhao Gaotian's father fell into a coma, the team found out that the city lord, Zhao Zhanfeng, was about to die, and hurriedly set off from Juyan City to the Abyss Grotto to find the legendary spiritual plant that can cure all poisons.

After entering the Dark Abyss Grotto, he encountered many attacks along the way, and the companion who was responsible for carrying the dry food also died in one of the attacks.

So when they exhausted more than half of their physical strength and needed to eat when they were hungry, there was nothing to eat.

Afterwards, they could only go on hungry and hungry, hoping to hunt and kill some edible strange beasts, but unfortunately, the sky was not as people wished, and they killed the incoming enemies again and again, leaving behind only inedible strange beasts .

In the process of distributing food, Zha Gaotian noticed that the lizard warriors were more or less wounded. Some of them even had their arms broken and disappeared with their sleeves. blood.

Zha Gaotian, who walked along the way, did not encounter any strong enemies. At most, he only encountered strange beasts at the beginning of the third stage. It asked with some doubts. "Second Uncle, what a powerful beast you have encountered? How come everyone was injured so badly."

Hearing this, everyone who was gorging hungrily froze at the same time, and the haggard Second Uncle Gao Tian whispered, "When we first entered the Dark Abyss Grotto, we were able to calmly deal with the attack, but after a long distance , we're in big trouble."

"What's the trouble?" Zhu Gaotian asked.

"As we walked, we found that we had lost our way. When we were about to return to the ground to make a long-term plan, we found that all the guiding signs we had made before were gone.

Then we tried our best to return to the ground, but no matter how we walked, we couldn't get out. As time went by, the more we wanted to go out, the more we walked in the opposite direction to the depths of the Abyss Grotto. "Zhu Gaotian's second uncle said.

"How could this be? Even if the criss-cross passages here make it easy to get lost, as long as we are willing to mark them.

According to the slope of the terrain here, if you want to go out, you can still go out after spending some time. How could you go in the opposite direction and go deep into the dark abyss grotto. "Zhu Gaotian frowned and said.

"We don't know about this, anyway, the facts are like this, and I don't need to tell you what happened.

The deeper we went into the depths of the Abyss Grotto, the more violent the attacks we encountered were. Some strange beasts with mid-level and high-level strengths also appeared frequently, causing us huge casualties. "Zhu Gaotian's third uncle said.

After hearing his second uncle's narration, Zhu Gaotian's heart sank, and then he shook off the bad thoughts in his mind, changed his tone, and asked his second uncle a little more relaxed.

"Second Uncle, you don't seem to be surprised that I will come to the Dark Abyss Grottoes at all!"


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