My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 986 Side Effects of Ointment

Hou Cun, who was wearing a patterned shirt, sat down on the sofa opposite the bald man, and then said with a smile, "I didn't expect that! Hou Peng, who was chased and beaten by several girls in the village when he was young, is now a The big brother of the club."

When Hou Peng heard Hou Cun mentioning his childhood scandals, his face darkened immediately, and he said angrily, "It's all from the old Huangli calendar many years ago, who didn't have any scandals when they were young, you have something to say, and if you have nothing to do, hurry up." Get the hell out of me."

"I'm going back to China this time to find someone. You have a lot of contacts in Rongcheng. Help me find someone." Hou Cun was not joking about Hou Peng, he took out a photo from his pocket and handed it to him.

Hou Peng took the photo and found that it was a beautiful and elegant woman with long hair and shoulders. He said with a smile, "This woman is quite beautiful! What do you want her for?"

"You don't need to know why you are looking for her. I will pay you 1 million after the matter is completed." Hou Cun said lightly.

This kid from Houcun has made a fortune abroad! Such a high price... Hou Peng picked up the wine glass on the table in front of him and took a sip of wine, then said.

"Rongcheng is so big, it's not easy to find someone. I want 1.2 million, and you have to pay 200,000 as a deposit first."

"Yes." Hou Cun did not bargain for Hou Peng's price increase, and agreed immediately.

Then he transferred a deposit of 200,000 yuan to the other party with his mobile phone, added some information about the woman in the photo, and then got up to leave.

After Hou Cun left, Hou Peng immediately called his younger brothers and summoned them to come to the private room to explain the matter of finding someone.



The sound of the door opening came from the direction of the bathroom, and Wang Xiaoru came out after taking a shower.

She came to the living room and said to Lin Fei and Zhou Yue who were sitting on the sofa watching a movie, "It's getting late, you two should go to bed early!"

Lin Fei looked at Wang Xiaoru, and was about to answer but was stunned. In the past, Wang Xiaoru was wearing pajamas and pajamas, at most short-sleeved, but this time she actually changed into a silk black suspender/belt nightdress.

The thin shoulder straps hang on the weak shoulders, and the two white arms are fully exposed. The muzzle is not very low, and it is not conservative. Above the knee, revealing the fair calf.

Seeing Shen Wufeng staring blankly at her, Wang Xiaoru pulled her nightgown shyly with her fingers.

"Lin Fei, how about the pajamas I helped Xiaoru choose, do you think it's pretty?" Zhou Yue asked with a smile.

Lin Fei came back to his senses, and immediately praised, "This nightdress is very beautiful, Zhou Yue, you have a good eye."

"My vision has always been good." Zhou Yue said confidently.

Wang Xiaoru smiled and said, "Xiaoyue helped choose this nightdress, among other things, wearing this dress in summer really feels much more comfortable than the style of pajamas and pajamas."

"Then let's do this for today! It's getting late, I'm going home now, Zhou Yue, don't watch movies, go take a shower and go back to bed!" Lin Fei said, getting up.

"Okay, okay, save the rest of the movie for next time." Zhou Yue nodded and turned off the TV.

Afterwards, Lin Fei said goodnight to Wang Xiaoru and Zhou Yue, and then used the space teleportation ability to return to his home in Ping'an Garden Community.


In the north area of ​​Rongcheng, there is an old community of some age near the outskirts.

When Shen Wufeng woke up again, it was already the morning of the next day.

Last night, because of the new neighbor's move-in, he fell asleep very late, but for some reason, although he slept late, he woke up a little early.

And this time he slept very soundly and soundly, he didn't have the uncomfortable feeling of being stiff and sore all over when he just woke up, but his stomach was very hungry and he kept growling.

"Huh." Shen Wufeng, who rolled over and got out of bed, found a strange thing. The wound on his knee that he hit the electric pole yesterday did not hurt anymore.

Unwrapping Qin Shiyu's wound bandage, Shen Wufeng looked at his scabbed wound in shock and muttered to himself.

"Miss Qin's healing ointment is really powerful. My wound has scabbed in the past few hours. The price should not be cheap."

The growling of his stomach interrupted Shen Wufeng's thoughts, he opened the door and walked out of the bedroom, looked at Qin Shiyu's bedroom, thinking that at this point in time, the other party should still be lying in bed dreaming sweet dreams.

Went to the bathroom to wash up, came to the kitchen lightly, and simply scrambled a few eggs. Shen Wufeng ate two bowls of rice to eliminate the hunger in his stomach, but he still didn't feel completely full , but it's out of food.

He was too lazy to do it again, quickly cleaned up the dishes, Shen Wufeng changed into a refreshing telephoto outfit and went out.

After Shen Wufeng left home, not long after, with a "click", Qin Shiyu, who was wearing pink pajamas, came out of her bedroom.

As she walked towards the bathroom, she muttered, "Although the healing ointment is very effective, the side effect is that it consumes a lot of energy in the human body. You can't just eat white rice and scrambled eggs."

The current time is more than seven o'clock in the morning, which is the morning rush hour for work and school.

People coming and going on the road, the rushing crowd and the continuous flow of vehicles reveal the impetuous life of people today.

Looking at the people in a hurry, Shen Wufeng, who is resting at home today, walks unhurriedly on the road alone, which makes me feel a little bit emotional.

He took a leisurely walk along the way, and by the way, he ate several big meat buns at the breakfast stall that hadn't been closed yet, filling his stomach that wasn't completely full.

"Miss Qin gave me such a good healing ointment, I have to return some courtesy, otherwise the words are too unreasonable."

Shen Wufeng, who was sitting on the chair, ate half of the big meat bun in his hand, and then finished the small half bowl of freshly ground soybean milk on the table.

Then he got up and walked to the breakfast stand, ordered some buns, fried dough sticks, and soy milk, and after paying the money, he returned home with the breakfast packed by the boss.



Opened the door of the house with a key, Shen Wufeng walked into the living room with breakfast in his hand, and saw the elegant roommate with long hair and shawl watching TV, he asked, "Miss Qin, I brought you some Do you want breakfast?"

Qin Shiyu looked away from the TV, turned to look at Shen Wufeng, and said with a smile, "Okay! Thank you, Mr. Shen."

When the two came to the restaurant, Qin Shiyu pulled out a chair and took a seat. Shen Wufeng put the breakfast in front of her, and then said to her.

"Miss Qin, turn right when you leave the neighborhood. There is a breakfast stall across the street every morning. If you want breakfast in the future, you can go there."


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