My Sweet Physician Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1247: Reconciliation 1

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As long as the video is completely damaged, this matter will pass.

The big deal was just a bit of doubt.

The general manager didn't expect Kitanozawa to rush over and be rough. When he reacted, it was too late to evade. Kitanozawa had already grabbed the video.

I was about to slam the camera on the ground, and suddenly a flower in front of my eyes and a sudden pain in my hands.

In the shock of everyone, Nangong Nuannuan did not know why the legs were so long. He kicked the hand above Kitano Zeyang directly above his head, and the camera held in his hand also flew, just flying to Nangong Nuannuan to warm his hands in.

Kitanozawa turned pale, watching Nangong warm, but the other party gave him a mocking smile.

"Master Kitano, did your Yamato Royal Family teach you this way? Make as much as possible with the country of Camino, destroying bilateral friendship. Full of filth, lie, and a series of lies, the previous moment also accused us of the representative of Camino Tuan, I don’t even need the image in the next moment, trying to ruin the video."

Xia Anchen, who was already handsome by the goddess Nuan Nuan, said immediately, "Why don't you have a face anymore, why do you want to look like your image? It seems that the royal family has no quality!"

Nuan Nuan: "The real members of the royal family are still very qualified. But you also know that the world is so big, where is there no scum? It is just a rat **** under the banner of the royal family, but there is no way to enter the royal family tree."

Kitanozawa: ...! ! !

From the Yamato country delegation: ...! ! !

Although the anger in their hearts almost turned into flames, they really couldn't keep Nangong warm at the moment.

After that, Nangong Nuan Nuan handed over the camera to the front desk personally and asked the front desk to release the video.

Because it is an international hotel, and it is in the capital of Yamato, there are many people from other countries besides the Yamato nationals. At this moment, they all stop to see what is going on.

Kitanozawa was so annoyed in his heart that he didn't expect that he just said the chunky man in the country of Camino, and it had evolved to the point where he had to ruin his future.

To see that Nangong Nuannuan has come to the front desk to let the front desk play the video, Kitano Ze can only walk to the Camino State delegation, and said to Nangong Nuannuan: "Stop playing, what requirements do you have? "

Nangong Nuan Nuan looked at the other person with a good time, "Does it feel a little late for Master Beiye to say this sentence now?"

Kitano Zeger. "I just said something casually, even if he is not a Camino, I might say so. Why do you raise this matter to the height of the country? Could it be that the Yamato and the Camino clashes must be Is the country different?"

"It's you who say that the Camino people will become oily when they are 16 years old, you are the ones who say that the Camino people don't understand the etiquette, and you are the ones who said that the Camino delegation broke the friendship. It’s you guys. Mr. Kitano, your memory has always been bad. Are you sure that the game will not drag the Japanese national team?"


Seeing that the progress is already being adjusted, Kitanozawa really has no choice but to say: "I am willing to accept the settlement. You see how much mental damage you need to pay me, but don't play this video again!"

Zhou Jimin also hurried over to order Nangong Nuannuan said: "Since the other party has already gotten out of the short pile, we should not make things too ugly, otherwise it will damage the friendship between the two countries."

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