My Sweet Physician Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 3183: Arrest Shi Maowen 1

Biquge, the fastest update of the doctor's latest wife!

"How about Guangsheng? Ask Guangsheng!"

Shi Maowen was shocked, and quickly called Lu Guangsheng.

The phone was connected, and Lu Guangsheng said two words to him using their secret code. Then he said, "Okay, don't talk, I still have something to go out."

After all, Lu Guangsheng hung up the phone.

"How is it?" The Shi family looked at Shi Maowen nervously.

Shi Maowen exhaled, "There is no problem with Guangsheng."

"That's good, that's good!" Shi Qi nodded incessantly: "There is no problem on his side, there will be no accidents on the side of the president, otherwise the first person to control is him."

Shi Maowen nodded and felt quite reasonable.

"Then I went to the Executive Yuan."

Shi Gen nodded: "Be sure to give us news as soon as you go."

"I know."

Shi Maowen left the Shi family and got on his own car.

Seeing the door of the Shijia gradually away from him, he inexplicably gave birth to the idea that he might never return here.

Once this kind of thought rises, the bad hunch in my heart will grow like wild grass.

His sixth sense has always been very strong, so once this idea came into being, he felt that today it might be a bit fierce.

"Go to Sihai Road Villa." Shi Maowen ordered.

The driver and bodyguard stunned and immediately got off.

Sihailu Villa is not far away from the Shijia. There is a person he raises who looks exactly like him after surgery.

He usually teaches him to imitate his movements, to understand the relationship between the characters of the Executive Yuan and the family, and various current affairs.

It is said that raising a soldier for a thousand days is a temporary task.

At first, he was interested in this man, so that one day, he could become the one who replaced himself to block the gun.

Today, he really has a bad hunch. He dare not go to the Executive Yuan himself, and he can only let this person go for him.

If the president really dies, it is not too late to go to the Executive Yuan tomorrow. But if the president does not die, there is not only a substitute for the Four Seas Road Villa, but also a secret road leading to another place.

In this way, he can also get away quickly.

It is said that the cunning rabbit three caves, Shi Maowen is very glad that he has prepared a substitute for himself in advance. At that time, he thought that if he became president, some inconvenient things can be helped by someone to prove his absence.

When the car came all the way to the Four Seas Villa, Shi Maowen asked the driver to wait for him outside, and he quietly entered the villa area himself.

He doesn't come here often, no one knows.

There are only his stand-in and two women looking at him. After entering the house, the two women quickly stood up and looked at Shi Maowen with a panic.

Shi Maowen frowned and asked, "What about others?"

The two women were very nervous. The tense appearance made Shi Maowen's heart suddenly feel even worse, and his face turned white.

He stood there, staring at the two women in a daze, with a look of surprise, but he dared not speak.

At this time, the door upstairs was opened. Footsteps came from the corridor, and Shi Maowen's face was even more ugly.


He heard the footsteps of at least four or five people.

Soon people appeared at the stairs, and Shi Maowen stared staringly. Those people... wore all the flying eagle combat uniforms.

At this moment, Shi Maowen's head suddenly fainted, and his eyes were black.

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