My Talent Can Constantly Evolve

Chapter 160: Lin Zhengzhi's surprise

Time passed, and three days later, Lu Heng got Lin Zhengzhi's reply and became his student smoothly.

Originally, entering the University of Science and Technology must have taken the college entrance examination, but because Lu Heng made a significant contribution in the research project of Qi Neng armor, he proved himself.

Therefore, the school leaders handled special affairs and allowed him to directly enter Jiangnan University of Science and Technology to study.

After becoming Lin Zhengzhi's student, Lu Heng frantically supplemented various professional knowledge every day, and spent a lot of time studying the longevity exercise.

And during this time, his strength has hardly grown at all.

The main reason was that his body had not completely recovered, and no matter how hard he cultivated, it would not help him, so he simply lay down.

Now if you want to get out of this predicament, you can only practice the longevity gong, and there is no other way.

However, the longevity exercise is not that easy to practice.

The more Lu Heng studied the Longevity Gong, the more he hated his lack of understanding.

He found that with his current talent, he could not comprehend the mystery of the longevity gong at all, let alone cultivate the longevity gong.

Therefore, the most urgent question now is how to quickly improve talent.

Or in other words, how to get tons of highly toxic plants faster.

After all, for now, the only way to evolve talent is to eat highly poisonous plants.

‘No, I have to find a way to solve this problem, otherwise, when will I be able to practice the Long Sheng Gong? ’

Lu Heng's mood is very urgent.

Because the more he studied the longevity gong, the more he discovered that the longevity gong was tailor-made for him, and the more eagerly he wanted to practice it.

Just imagine, if you can practice the longevity gong, then you will not have any worries next time you encounter such a situation where you are in a desperate situation and overdraw your body.

At that time, you can use the longevity gong to repair injuries and quickly repair the damage to the body.

In this way, even if you are in a desperate situation, you have the possibility to turn around.

This advantage can become its own trump card.

Of course, the benefits go far beyond that.

After practicing Changsheng Gong, he not only has the trump card to turn over from desperation, but he can also use it to comprehend martial arts and martial skills.

‘Although this experience left me seriously injured and left incurable sequelae, it also made my practice of breaking the saber to an almost perfect level. ’

Lu Heng recalled the experience at that time.

At that time, after the potential of his body was fully stimulated, not only did his strength skyrocket, but his own strength and speed were greatly improved.

Moreover, his thinking was exceptionally clear and sharp, and he suddenly understood the essence of the saber-breaking technique, reaching a very high level.

Therefore, Lu Heng thought that if he could practice the longevity exercise, he could take the initiative to find this kind of opportunity to push himself into a desperate situation.

At that time, as soon as your physical potential is stimulated, you can quickly comprehend martial arts and exercises, and practice them to a high level at a very fast speed.

Even in the future, when you break through the master, you can use this method to understand the realm of martial arts.

After all, for countless ninth-level warriors, the reason why they couldn't become masters was because they couldn't understand the truth of martial arts and couldn't find a way.

Therefore, this longevity gong is very important to me.

Only by practicing the Longevity Gong can the above assumptions be established.

Otherwise, every time you stimulate your potential, your body will be hit hard, and you won't have enough lives to play like this.

‘I originally thought that this longevity exercise could only help me heal the sequelae of my body, but now it seems that the benefits are far more than I imagined. ’

‘Hey, it’s a pity that I can’t fully understand the mystery of this exercise. ’

Lu Heng frowned slightly.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a sigh in his heart and decided to go directly to Professor Lin in the afternoon and tell him that he wanted to study highly poisonous plants from another world.

Otherwise, we can't keep spending like this all the time, can we?

If you continue to consume it like this, you will not be able to learn the longevity gong, nor will you be able to cultivate normally, and the gap with others will definitely widen.


In the afternoon, Lin Zhengzhi's office.

dong dong dong-

Lu Heng knocked on the door.

Soon, Lin Zhengzhi's voice came from the office.

"Come in."

Lu Heng quickly pushed open the door and entered.

As soon as he entered the door, he gave Lin Zhengzhi a salute, then went straight to the subject and said, "Teacher, I have something I want to discuss with you."

Hearing this, Lin Zhengzhi slowly raised his head, looked at Lu Heng and said, "What's the matter, let's hear it."

"Teacher, this is the case. I want to carry out a project independently. The project of the project is to study otherworldly plants." Lu Heng said bluntly.

He didn't specifically explain the highly poisonous plants, mainly because he was afraid that Lin Zhengzhi would have doubts after hearing it.

Anyway, as long as Lin Zhengzhi can be persuaded to agree to study this topic, then it is logical to report on highly poisonous plants.

After all, otherworldly plants also include highly poisonous plants from the otherworld.

"Oh, tell me your reason."

Lin Zhengzhi sat up straight and said calmly.

He was curious why Lu Heng thought so.

Why did Lu Heng not study so many creatures, but insisted on studying plants from other worlds?

Also, with Lu Heng's current ability, how can he independently study this topic?

"There are two reasons." Lu Heng took out the rhetoric he had thought of for a long time.

"The first reason is that sooner or later we have to counterattack the other world, and as a warrior, I have the opportunity to become the main force in the counterattack of the other world."

"So I thought that if I could learn about some otherworldly things in advance, it would be of great help in the future."

Hearing this, Lin Zhengzhi smiled with relief: "Okay, this reason is very good, I accept it, what about the second reason?"

Hearing the words, Lu Heng continued: "The second reason is that I found that alien plants are very different from native plants, which are mainly reflected in the different reactions in living organisms after taking them."

"I want to find out the reason for this, and see if it's because the way that otherworldly plants absorb and consolidate Qi is different from that of native plants."

This reason is not fabricated by him, he is indeed very curious about the reason.

The last time he was experimenting with Silver Frost Flower and Water Spring Grass, he found that Silver Frost Flower from another world could enhance his talents like ginseng, but the native plant, Water Spring Grass, could not.

Although it was said that after eating the water spring grass, he also had symptoms of headache and coma, but his talent did not improve at all.

So this shows that plants from other worlds are very different from native plants, which are also poisonous plants.

This result may be due to the different ways of consolidating Qi in these two types of plants.

Behind the desk, after hearing Lu Heng's second reason, Lin Zhengzhi involuntarily raised his glasses and looked at Lu Heng seriously.

He didn't expect Lu Heng to discover such details.

You must know that there is no such knowledge in textbooks. Even he, a scientist specializing in biology, has only discovered this in recent years.

As a result, Lu Heng, a freshman who just entered the university, actually noticed such hidden details.

"Lu Heng, how did you find out about this?" Lin Zhengzhi couldn't help asking.

"Teacher, it's like this..."

Lu Heng thought of the right words when he spoke quickly.

At this time, naturally, he couldn't tell the fact that he had eaten all kinds of highly poisonous plants, and he could only find another reason.

The reason Lu Heng looked for was that when he was looking for information, he noticed these details by accident, and then took the time to integrate the information and analyze and study it, and finally came to this conclusion.

Of course, he wasn't lying about finding information.

During this time, he did spend a lot of time on it, trying to figure out why the highly poisonous plants from other worlds could allow him to evolve his talent, but the native highly poisonous plants could not.

If you can figure this out, you might be able to figure out the reasons and principles of your own talent evolution.

On the other hand, Lin Zhengzhi couldn't help showing an excited look on his face after listening to Lu Heng's complete speech.

He found that Lu Heng was really a good material for scientific research. He could notice such hidden details just by looking at the data.

This insight and research spirit is really rare.

Of course, if he knew that Lu Heng was looking for the reason with the result, he would definitely not think so.

"not bad!"

Lin Zhengzhi stood up, walked around the desk and came to Lu Heng and said, "You can find these details so keenly, which is enough to prove that you can achieve results in this subject, so I agree to your request."

"Starting from tomorrow, you will independently carry out the project and study otherworldly plants."

Hearing this, Lu Heng was overjoyed.

Immediately afterwards, he hurriedly hit the snake and followed the stick, and said: "Teacher, then I have to report to some otherworldly plants first."

"That's natural." Lin Zhengzhi nodded and said, "When you go back, prepare a report and make a list. I'll check it for you first and then report it."

"Okay." Lu Heng agreed immediately.

Then he said goodbye and left, hurried to write the report.

Due to his strong motivation, he acted particularly quickly, and it took only an hour to write the report.

Of course, there is another very important reason for so fast, that is, he has long thought about which otherworldly plants he wants to "research".

after an hour.

Lin Zhengzhi's office.

When Lu Heng appeared at the door of the office again, Lin Zhengzhi was stunned for a moment.

Lu Heng's speed was too fast.

With such a resolute work efficiency, it seems that he really loves this line of work.

Lin Zhengzhi thought with relief.

And because of this thought, his tone when he spoke to Lu Heng was a little kinder.

"Teacher, take a look first."

Lu Heng handed the report to Lin Zhengzhi.

Lin Zhengzhi immediately looked down.

After reading the entire report, Lin Zhengzhi felt really relieved.

Because from between the lines on the paper, he saw Lu Hengping's usual efforts.

He found that Lu Heng was really interested in studying otherworldly plants and had already learned a lot of related knowledge.

Without those knowledge reserves, he would not have been able to complete the report so quickly and in such detail.

"good very good!"

Lin Zhengzhi raised his head suddenly, his eyes full of approval.

After saying two good things in a row, he went straight to the point and said, "Your report is very well written. If there is nothing that needs to be changed, just report it directly."

"Thank you teacher." Lu Heng thanked.

In the list of this report, in addition to some non-toxic alien plants, he also listed three types of highly poisonous plants.

And he asked for a hundred of each of these three highly poisonous plants.

Now Lin Zhengzhi agrees to report this report, which means that he will soon get three hundred highly poisonous plants from other worlds.

So his talent will be greatly improved in the future.

"Don't thank me, it's all your own efforts." Lin Zhengzhi declined with a smile.

He said this from the heart.

Because Lu Heng only became his student a few days ago, he hasn't taught Lu Heng much yet.

That is to say, any achievements Lu Heng has achieved now have nothing to do with him.

What he is thinking now is that Lu Heng loves learning so much, and he loves to study so much, he will definitely achieve great results in the field of scientific research in the future, and he must guide him well.

"Lu Heng, I will guide you on this topic. If you have any questions or difficulties that need to be solved, you can come to me."

Lin Zheng said earnestly.

This is an exception for him, after all, Lu Heng is a freshman who has just entered the university.

Under normal circumstances, new students are directly thrown to the team leaders of each group to be brought, and they will not teach them hand-in-hand.

Because he himself has a lot of things to do.

The reason why Lu Heng is making an exception now is because he admires Lu Heng very much, and because he has a strong interest in the topics that Lu Heng studies.

On the other hand, Lu Heng naturally knew what Lin Zhengzhi's words meant.

This means that his research project has been highly valued by Lin Zhengzhi.

Although it is said that such emphasis will bring pressure, but in the same way, if the tutor attaches so much importance to it, then scientific research funding and research materials will not be a Thank you, teacher. "Lu Heng sincerely thanked him.

Lin Zhengzhi nodded with a smile, and then said, "Go ahead and wait until the report is approved."


Lu Heng said goodbye and left.

After returning, he continued to study the Longevity Gong and supplemented the knowledge of otherworldly plants.

After waiting like this for two days, the report he typed up was finally approved.

The scientific research funds and the otherworldly plants he needed were all approved and handed over to him.


That night.

Lu Heng's home.

Lu Heng placed three brand-new highly poisonous plants on the desk.

The three types of highly poisonous plants are called goldenrod, early sun grass, and dead root.

There were a hundred of each, but Lu Heng did not bring them all home, but brought ten of each.

After all, it is the first time to take these brand-new highly toxic plants, as long as one or two plants can take effect, there is no need to eat a lot of them at one time.

‘This time, you can’t eat it directly like swallowing dates, you have to taste it and study it. ’

If you have come up with these highly poisonous plants in the name of research, you will naturally have to come up with research results.

Otherwise, it will not be so simple to file a report and apply for other highly poisonous plants.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Heng picked up a golden whipweed, tore a little blade of grass and put it in his mouth.

As before, he had to test before eating to make sure that the toxicity of this highly poisonous plant would not occur in his body.

In particular, his body has not fully recovered, and he is not as healthy as before, so he has to be more careful.

After quickly swallowing the chrysanthemum leaves in his mouth, Lu Heng quietly felt the changes in his body.


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