My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 118: Forcing the Realm Breaking Pill

Chapter 118: Forced to Subdue the Realm Breaking Pill

 “Do you want to run away?”

Chun Ning was extremely vigilant about the dangers he faced.

 But when he thought that a foundation-building monk might appear outside at any time waiting for him, he gave up the idea in his heart.

At the same time, he did not dare to let down any vigilance.

His consciousness continued to be released. In the middle of the process, he even took out a nourishing pill and drank it to restore his consciousness.

 An hour passed like this, and when it was confirmed that no one would come back, Chu Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when Chu Ning was about to take back his consciousness, he suddenly paused.

But at this moment, a stream of light quickly landed in front of his talisman.

But soon, Chu Ning immediately took back his consciousness, and at the same time he felt truly relieved.

 The person who came turned out to be Lin Changqing, and he was accompanied by six Qi Refining Stage disciples.

 It seems that he received someone from another city and arrived in the middle of the night.

Lin Changqing, who landed on the ground, flashed a hint of surprise at first, and the next moment, his expression suddenly changed.

The person disappeared in a flash, and then ran straight to Lu Miaoying's yard.

Looking at Lu Miaoying's body with a gloomy expression, Lin Changqing then flashed again and appeared in Chu Ning's yard.

 “Chun Ning!”

Hearing Lin Changqing's voice, Chu Ning walked out of the room.

At this moment, he looked at Lin Changqing with a puzzled expression.

"Deacon Lin? Why are you here so late?"

 As if he had no idea what happened just now, this is the best way Chu Ning can think of at this moment.

 Otherwise, he really couldn't explain how he could save his life from the Yin Demon Sect's foundation-building monk.

Lin Changqing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Chu Ning.

  Without answering Chu Ning's words, he quickly left again.

 After a while, Lin Changqing brought Chu Ning and everyone to Lu Miaoying's room.

 Seeing Lu Miaoying's body, Gu Xiaoqing's face was filled with sadness.

And Du Han's face was ashen.

 Under the eyes of him, the captain of the law enforcement team, someone in the sect was killed, which obviously made him feel uncomfortable for the proud man.

 “Have you noticed anything unusual?”

Lin Changqing's eyes swept over everyone.

 After seeing everyone shaking their heads, he immediately waved his hands and said:

"I don't blame you. The person who took action is obviously a monk in the foundation building stage. It's normal that you can't notice it."

 A monk in the foundation-building period?

 Hearing this, everyone present looked serious.

"Deacon, who are you? Is he the Yin Demon Sect again?" Du Han asked bitterly at this moment.

Lin Changqing nodded, "It should be them."

“This time the sect is recruiting disciples who practice the wood-attribute skills and the fifth and sixth levels of Qi refining to return to the sect, it is possible that the Yin Demon Sect learned the news.

The sect later sent an urgent message to bring everyone back before tonight, just in case.

Unexpectedly, I rushed there as soon as possible, but it was still a step too late. "

Lin Changqing shook his head, his cold expression also not pretty.

 “It’s you…”

Lin Changqing glanced at Chu Ning inadvertently.

“Your cultivation at the fifth level of Qi refining may be the reason why you are still standing here.

There are very few disciples of the fifth level of Qi Refining outside here, so they may think that we are only recruiting disciples of the sixth level of Qi Refining. "

Chun Ning heard Lin Changqing's explanation, and his face showed a hint of fear as he cooperated naturally.

"You handle the matter here, I will take them back to the sect immediately."

Lin Changqing finished speaking to Du Han and called Chu Ning and the six people who came with him just now to go out.

“Junior brother Chu.” Gu Xiaoqing took the initiative to speak out at this time.

 “Take care!”

Gu Xiaoqing spoke, and Shen Zhengquan also said "take care."

 Since the last ambush by the Yin Mo Sect, this person's attitude towards Chu Ning has changed greatly.

Chun Ning slightly arched his hands towards the two of them, and then, together with the others, took off into the sky on Lin Changqing's spiritual boat.

Flying all the way in the direction of Qingxi Sect.

  Taking the opportunity on the road, Chu Ning took a general look at everyone.

Four men and two women, the lowest is at the sixth level of Qi refining, while the highest has reached the eighth level of Qi refining.

Of course, after Chu Ning joined, he was also the "lowest".

Judging from the familiar aura of mana fluctuations on everyone's body, it is obvious that they are all practitioners of wood attribute techniques.

Perhaps it’s because of the previous incident where monks in the foundation-building stage sneaked in and killed him, and Lin Changqing’s habitual cold face.

Along the way, everyone's faces were a little serious, and no one talked.

Chun Ning didn't care, and naturally he wouldn't take the initiative to ask a few people.

 His vigilance is no less than that of anyone else.

The intermediate-grade talisman in his hand is always in his hand.

 Fortunately, although the night was dark, the journey was normal.

  When Lin Changqing flew everyone to the outer door and landed, everyone was obviously relieved.

“You all should go back and have a rest, and gather at the outer gate dojo after dawn. The sect will make its own arrangements.”

Lin Changqing finished speaking to a few people and asked them to leave to their own devices.

Chuning now has his own yard, so naturally he won’t have nowhere to go like last time.

 He went straight to his own yard, feeling strange.

 After all, he had only stayed in this yard for one night before, and the yard was empty and didn't feel very lively.

Chuning looked at the sky. It would be dawn soon, and he had no pajamas at the moment.

I simply took out the orchid from my storage bag and planted it in the corner of the courtyard.

As for other things, Chu Ning had no intention of fussing with them.

“This time I am calling back to the sect, if my guess is not wrong, it is very likely that I am going to enter the secret mission place.

I don’t know how long it will take to come back after I go there. It’s too long to keep this orchid in the storage bag.

As for other spiritual plants, let’s wait until they come out. "

Muttering a few times in his heart, Chu Ning returned to the room, sat cross-legged, and took out the wooden sword made of Black Night Iron Soul Wood.

At this time, the wooden sword had turned into a solid wood color. Chu Ning tried to sense it with his spiritual sense, but there was no trace of wood spirit in it.

“It seems that this sword is completely useless.”

Chun Ning sighed softly. This wooden sword, which was originally extremely hard, now gave Chu Ning the feeling that he could break it with just a light break.

Putting away the wooden sword again, Chu Ning still chose to practice the divine arts, just to replenish his energy after not having any rest that night.

 After practicing for about an hour, the sky became brighter. After finishing the exercise, Chu Ning felt refreshed and then headed towards the outer gate dojo.

Not long after leaving the door, I saw Mu Ling, whom I hadn't seen for a long time, just leaving the yard.

 “Senior Sister Mu!”

Chun Ning said hello to the other party, and Mu Ling was slightly stunned when she saw Chu Ning.

“Hey, Junior Brother Chu, didn’t you go to Fangshi? Why are you back?”

“He was summoned by the sect.” Chu Ning answered truthfully.

Mu Ling raised her head and looked at Chu Ning, and said with some surprise:

“The sect has called you back? To participate in the mission, you must be at least the sixth level of Qi Refining. You are only at the fifth level of Qi Refining.”

Chun Ning shook his head, "I don't know this."

 Then he looked at Mu Ling and said with a smile: "Congratulations to Senior Sister for entering the seventh level of Qi Refining."

After hearing this, Mu Ling immediately waved her hands and said:

“What’s the point of congratulations? I spent more resources than you, but my qualifications are too poor.

If you don’t gain anything from participating in the sect mission this time, you won’t think about what happens next. "

Chuning was also a little surprised when he heard this.

“Senior sister also wants to participate in that sect mission?”

Mu Ling nodded, and the two of them went to the outer ashram together.

On the way, Chu Ning once again confirmed with Mu Ling that the other party was going to participate in the mission.

Furthermore, Mu Ling also mentioned that it was Elder Mu of the sect who took the initiative to mention her participation in the mission.

Although many of the other disciples speculated about the reason for calling everyone together this time, not many actually knew that they were going to participate in the sect's mission.

 After hearing these words, Chu Ning felt a little less uneasy.

After all, Mu Ling is the junior of the Jindanqi elders. Even she will participate. It seems that this task is not too dangerous.

The two of them walked all the way to the outer gate dojo. At this moment, people came one after another from different directions.

In addition to people like Chu Ning and others who came from the outer sect, there were also many handyman disciples who came.

Chu Ning saw a few familiar figures from a distance, such as Luo Hongping and Lu Yunfang, whom he hadn't seen for a long time and had been neighbors for a while.

 These two people are both at the sixth level of Qi Refining, so it seems reasonable to be summoned this time.

 The other person was Shang Zhaoxiang, whom Chu Ning had known since he first joined the sect.

In addition, there are also some handyman disciples in Ding District, most of whom are at the fifth level of Qi Refining.

Unlike Chu Ning's face, which was as calm as water at this moment, most of these people's faces showed a hint of excitement and anticipation.

When Chu Ning and Mu Ling came to the dojo, there were two monks who looked like they were in the foundation building stage at the entrance of the dojo. "Fifth level of Qi refining? Go to the west area."

A middle-aged foundation-building monk glanced at Chu Ning and spoke directly.

Chuning immediately walked towards the west, and then he inadvertently glanced at Mu Ling who was standing aside.

I found that another foundation-building monk made no demands on Mu Ling. He just glanced at her and let him in directly.

"Is it possible that these fifth-level Qi Refining monks can't go on the mission together? Then why are they gathering together?"

Chuning thought and shook his head slightly.

 Then he consciously came to the west area and sat down.

Then Shang Zhaoxiang may have seen Chu Ning, but he also took the initiative to step forward and sit next to Chu Ning.

“Junior brother Chu, long time no see.”

Shang Zhaoxiang took the initiative to speak, and Chu Ning immediately stood up and cupped his hands towards him.

 “Senior Brother Shang!”

Shang Zhaoxiang still had a smile on his face, then looked at Chu Ning and said with envy:

“We haven’t seen each other for more than a year, but Junior Brother Chu has actually reached the fifth level of Qi refining. This speed of cultivation is really enviable.”

"It's just better luck." Chu Ning didn't know if the other party knew that he went to the outer gate and Yanjifang, so he simply didn't mention it at this time.

What surprised Chu Ning a little was that Shang Zhaoxiang didn't even talk about this aspect.

Even Chu Ning thought that the other party would talk about Cao Dongxin casually. After all, the two were neighbors before, and Cao Dongxin later disappeared.

However, Shang Zhaoxiang didn't mention it at all. He just chatted with Chu Ning about some interesting things that happened in Lingzhi Fangding District.

While chatting like this, more people came one after another.

Chuning looked around and found that the total number of zero and zero totals turned out to be more than 400 people.

“The reason why the sect wants so many disciples of wood attribute skills is because of the so-called Five Elements Universe Formation.”

Chun Ning was listening to Shang Zhaoxiang's chat at the moment, and his mind was not on this at all.

 After a short while, a voice suddenly sounded in the dojo.

 “Welcome to the sect master!”

 As these words fell, the entire dojo suddenly seemed like a cauldron exploded.

 “Sect Master?”

 “Sect Master!”

 Everyone spoke out one after another, and at the same time they all raised their necks and looked forward.

Chun Ning was also slightly surprised at this moment.

After entering the sect, he naturally heard some news about the sect master.

It is said that the leader of the Qingxi Sect, Xin Wuya, is a late-stage alchemy monk, and his strength is well deserved to be the first in the entire sect.

Even among the heads of the seven major sects in the Qingxia Mountains, his strength is at the top.

This is different from the fact that the Qingxi Sect is at the bottom of the seven major sects in terms of strength.

 However, like most of the people in this dojo, Chu Ning has only heard of his name but has never seen him.

 In fact, after entering Qingxi Sect, he had seen many monks in the foundation-building stage, but he had never seen any monks in the golden elixir stage.

Looking forward, Chu Ning soon saw a figure appearing out of thin air in the mid-air in front of the dojo.

This man has a middle-aged face and is wearing a green robe. There is a faint fairy aura floating around his body, as if he is inextricably connected with the heaven and earth.

His eyes were clear and peaceful, but when everyone raised their heads slightly to look at him, everyone felt that those eyes were looking at them, looking directly into people's hearts.

 “The strong man of golden elixir!”

Chu Ning felt a chill in her heart at this moment. The sect leader was clearly standing there without making any movement, but his aura was so powerful that everyone could clearly feel it.

“Disciples.” Xin Wuya’s voice sounded in everyone’s ears at this moment.

“This gathering of everyone is actually to participate in a major event related to the rise and fall of our sect.

These things cannot be done by disciples who are not in the Qi Refining Stage, and those who are not in the Wood Attribute Kung Fu. All of you here are the most suitable people. "

Xin Wuya's voice was not loud, but in Chu Ning's ears, it had a refreshing feeling.

That heartbeat actually beat with the rhythm of Xin Wuya's words.

Chun Ning felt a chill in his heart, but he didn't dare to make any move.

“Those who participate in this task will be rewarded by the sect with an intermediate magical weapon and several elixirs and elixirs.

Those who can make great contributions to the mission can be directly promoted to the inner sect's true disciples and master the secret method of the great way! "

 With Xin Wuya's words, everyone was already a little excited, but at this moment, almost all of them had excited expressions on their faces.

 As a disciple in the Qi Refining Stage, being able to contribute to the rise and fall of the sect is enough to excite many people.

 Now, Xin Wuya's promise has made almost everyone eager to try.

 “Elder Zhu, return to the elders!”

As Xin Wuya finished speaking, two more figures appeared next to Xin Wuya.

 One is an old man with a black face, and the other is an old man wearing a red robe.

 What surprised everyone was that when these two people stood together with Xin Wuya, their aura was equally intimidating.

This made it almost easy for Chu Ning and others to identify that they were also Golden Core Stage monks.

“Disciples above the sixth level of Qi Refining will be led away first by Elder Zhu.”

“Disciples who are on the fifth level of Qi Refining, please return to the elders.”

 After saying that, Xin Wuya looked at Chu Ning and the others below with a smile on his face.

"What is the specific mission? Someone will tell you when it arrives. This sect master is waiting for all the disciples to return in triumph!"

With these words, the black-faced old man flew into the sky above everyone and released a huge flying boat nearly ten feet tall.

Nearly three hundred disciples who were at the sixth level of Qi Refining and above boarded the flying boat one after another.

This huge spaceship disappeared in a flash and disappeared into the sky.

“Is it too fast for me to see clearly, or is it just teleporting?”

Chuning looked at the huge flying boat that suddenly disappeared, and felt horrified in his heart.

“It is said that Jindan monks have the ability to move mountains and seas, and it seems that is indeed the case.”

Just when Chu Ning was thinking this, the figure of the sect leader Xin Wuya had disappeared.

At this moment, there is only one figure in the dojo, Elder Gui, who is wearing a red robe.

“You are all at the fifth level of Qi refining, and your cultivation is not enough. The sect has specially refined a batch of pills to help you improve your strength. After everyone takes them, you can find a place to practice on your own.

 You can break through to the sixth level of Qi refining in one day. "

 Elder Gui's voice rang in everyone's ears, and then he waved his sleeves, and pills appeared in front of everyone.

 “Breaking Realm Pill!”

At this moment, several voices suddenly sounded in the west area, full of complex meanings.

 Obviously, these disciples at the fifth level of Qi Refining are not completely ignorant of this elixir.

 Hearing someone say the name of this elixir, the more than 100 people remaining in the dojo had different expressions on their faces.

Except for a very few people who have never heard of this elixir, everyone else's expressions were either happy or shocked.

Shang Zhaoxiang and others all looked surprised at this moment.

As a handyman disciple, he has been stuck on the fifth level of Qi Refining for too long due to his low qualifications, and there is no hope of entering the sixth level of Qi Refining.

At this moment, there is a realm-breaking pill to help him break through, which undoubtedly makes him extremely happy.

 As for them, it doesn't matter that they can no longer improve their realm after taking the Realm-Breaking Pill.

In District D of Lingzhi House, there are many people who are stuck on the sixth or fifth level of Qi Refining for life. To be precise, except for the group of people who can be promoted to District C.

 Most of the rest will be stuck in these two realms.

So without any hesitation, Shang Zhaoxiang, who was beside Chu Ning, grabbed the elixir in front of him, then got up and walked to another more open place, and began to sit cross-legged.

Like Shang Zhaoxiang, there are more than seventy others.

Comparing to their neatness and joy, at this moment, Chu Ning looked at the pill that fell into his hand with a complicated expression.

Breaking Realm Pill, he had indeed heard the name of this pill.

 What he never expected was that the sect wanted to complete the so-called mission.

He actually used this kind of elixir to help people forcibly ascend to the next level, and he did not hesitate to cut off the path of many disciples.

Chun Ning's eyes swept over and found that there were nearly thirty people sitting here with complicated expressions.

 Except for one or two people who were slightly confused, they probably didn’t know the function of this elixir.

 The rest of the people looked hesitant or even questioning.

These people are either directly outer disciples, or they are young handyman disciples in Area C of Lingzhi Fang.

 While everyone was hesitating, the figure of Elder Gui flashed and appeared among the crowd.

 Suddenly, a powerful pressure fell on everyone.

“Why don’t you take the elixir? Are you worried that your realm will not improve in the future?”

Elder Gui's faint voice came.

“Don’t worry, although this elixir is similar to the Breaking Realm elixir, it is a secret elixir that has been improved by the sect.

 Although it will indeed affect the subsequent improvement of cultivation, it only lasts for one year.

Within this year, your cultivation will not be able to advance to the seventh level of Qi Refining. After this time, it will not be affected. "

Hearing Elder Gui's words, the hesitation and hesitation of most of the people gradually dissipated.

 “Take them all!”

At this moment, Elder Gui spoke again.

 With Elder Jindan’s explanation and under such pressure, most people immediately put the elixir in their mouths involuntarily.

The elder Gui nodded with satisfaction, then glanced at Chu Ning.

 “Why don’t you take it?”

 (End of this chapter)

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