My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 125: Flame and wood twins, perfect Qi refining

Chapter 125 Flame and Wood Twins, Perfect Qi Refining

After walking for a few miles in the direction directed by Ling Xiaobai, Chu Ning came to the foot of a mountain.

After feeling it carefully, Chu Ning asked Ling Xiaobai strangely:

“Xiao Bai, the spiritual energy here is indeed stronger, but it doesn’t seem to be too strong?”


 After Ling Xiaobai’s spiritual consciousness transmitted the message, he directly got out of Chu Ning’s sleeve.

 Then he walked forward on the ground and showed Chu Ning the way.

Chuning followed the other party, first climbed halfway up the mountain and went around to the other side, then turned and started walking down along the not too steep rock wall.

 Entered a mountain col blocked by this mountain peak.

As soon as Chu Ning entered the mountain col, she felt a completely different intensity of spiritual energy from the outside.

“It turns out that there is a different world between these mountains.”

Chuning looked up and saw that the place was surrounded by tall peaks.

If you could fly normally, you would be able to spot this place from above.

 But now that everyone can only walk, naturally no one will go to the top of the mountain to check out such a place.


 At this time, Ling Xiaobai urged.

Chu Ning followed the little guy and continued walking forward, and actually got into the belly of another mountain peak.

After walking a short distance like this, Chu Ning felt that the surrounding temperature was obviously rising.

 And the further we walked, the hotter we felt.

 Fortunately, the heat was not unbearable. Chu Ning just performed the Qingmu Changchun Gong once and immediately felt refreshed all over his body.

At this time, a man and a beast finally came to a cave.

Black sand, green trees, and red fruits, three colors intertwined before Chu Ning's eyes.

In this small cave, there is actually a large area of ​​spiritual plants, as many as dozens of them.

These spiritual plants are somewhat like the cactus in Chu Ning’s memory, but they are more than a person tall and grow on a piece of black sand.

 There are five or six spiritual beads hanging on each plant.

 The spirit fruit is fiery red and is as big as a goose egg.

“This is...the Flame Wood Twin Fruit?”

 Looking at these spiritual fruits, Chu Ning was a little unsure.

He vaguely remembered that he had seen this kind of spiritual fruit in a jade slip before, but the jade slip mentioned that this fruit was almost extinct in some nearby mountains of cultivating immortals.

 So Chu Ning didn't pay full attention at the time, and he wasn't very sure at the moment.

Chun Ning walked forward slowly and observed it carefully.

“It is indeed the Flame Wood Twin Fruit!”

Chun Ning whispered softly, with a hint of surprise in his tone.

It is rumored that the flame-wood twin fruit can only grow in places with extremely strong wood and fire auras.

It contains extremely pure wood-attribute and fire-attribute spiritual energy.

 What’s even more rare is that the auras of the two attributes are extremely balanced.

Whether it is taken directly or used to refine elixirs, it is an excellent medicinal material.

 Just ordinary monks, if they are not practicing the wood and fire dual attribute skills, they cannot take it.

If the elixir cannot absorb the spiritual energy of two attributes at the same time, it will be interfered by the rich spiritual energy of the other attribute, which can easily cause the mana to go out of control.

However, this elixir is the treasure of a monk with dual spiritual roots of wood and fire.

Wood generates fire, and these two attributes are naturally related to each other. Disciples with the dual spiritual roots of wood and fire often practice this type of technique.

If you can take this kind of spiritual fruit, or the elixir refined from this kind of spiritual fruit, your cultivation will be greatly improved.

With these thoughts running through his mind, Chu Ning took out the jade box in his hand.

Although this kind of spiritual fruit is useless to him who has only practiced wood attribute skills, how can he come back empty-handed after entering the treasure mountain.

More than thirty Yanmu twin fruit trees were picked by Chu Ning. At this moment, Chu Ning’s eyes fell on the seedlings next to several Yanmu twin fruit trees.

I don’t know if these seedlings grew up after the spiritual fruits fell. There are actually thirty or forty plants.

“Although this Flame-Wood Twin Fruit has higher requirements for absorbing the spiritual energy of wood and fire attributes, there may not be a suitable place in the outside world.

 Take it out yourself. Even if you can't plant it, the value should be high. "

With Chu Ning thinking this way, he simply squatted down and prepared to dig up all the seedlings on the ground.

 However, when he squatted down, his expression suddenly changed.

 The next moment, Chu Ning had straightened up and at the same time used Thunder Step and dodged to the side.

Almost at the same time, under the black sand, two dark pliers came out and pinched the place where Chu Ning had just stood.

Immediately afterwards, a crab monster, mainly red, with two heads but a colorful belly, emerged from the black sand.

  jumped up and rushed towards Chu Ning.

 “Red fire two-headed scorpion?”

Chuning almost subconsciously held his breath, and then immediately took out the intermediate magic weapon Qingguang Bead from the storage bag.

 The next moment, a red mist spewed out from the mouth of one of the heads of the red fire two-headed scorpion.

However, when the crimson mist floated in front of Chu Ning, it was immediately isolated by an invisible air barrier.

Chu Ning, while using the Thunder Step to dodge again, quickly took out a few Breeze Talisman and Entrapment Talisman from the storage bag.

As the breeze talisman was activated, the crimson mist immediately dissipated.

At the same time, another beast trap talisman in Chu Ning's hand was also activated.

 A white spiritual restraint fell on the body of the red fire two-headed scorpion.

 But it only took a moment for the fire scorpion to break free.

At the same time, the fire scorpion's body suddenly grew in size, and it actually became as big as a calf.

 It happened to block the entrance of the hole.

Chun Ning fired several more Cangmu Sword Techniques in succession, but these wood-attribute spells had little effect on the red fire double-headed scorpion.

As for the talisman in Chu Ning's hand, the low-grade and high-grade red flame talisman must have a worse effect on monsters with fire attributes.


Chuning called out.

Ling Xiaobai, who had been watching the excitement before, suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed an ice attribute pillar towards the red fire double-headed scorpion.

However, the red-fire two-headed scorpion was very flexible in the air. It swooped forward and escaped the magical attack.

Looking at the red-fire two-headed scorpion rushing toward him, Chu Ning continued to hold his breath. At the same time, he also dodged and avoided the opponent's pincers again.

At the same time, I was cursing secretly in my heart.

“Is this a first-order high-level monster?”

 Judging from the aura of this monster, it is indeed a first-order high-level monster.

However, looking at the defense and intelligence of this monster, Chu Ning would never believe that this monster is only a first-level high-level monster.

At the same time as the figure flashed, Chu Ning had a sword-shaped magical weapon in his hand.

It is the high-level water attribute attack magic weapon obtained from the disciple of the Chuan Gong Hall.

Looking at the red-fire two-headed scorpion that was charging at it again, Chu Ning raised his short hand to inject mana into it, stretched out his hand and poked forward.

 Suddenly, a water spell condensed from the short arm.

 Then the moment the fire scorpion collided, it hit the monster.

 Suddenly, the red fire double-headed scorpion gained a layer of white light, and its red color became a little weaker.


At this moment, Ling Xiaobai, who had lost his "mouth" in a previous blow, also let out an angry cry.

 He opened his mouth and spit out another stream of white light.

 Because this scorpion was hit by Chu Ning's water magic weapon, it did not jump up for a while.

This white light accurately fell on the red fire two-headed scorpion, and suddenly, a layer of ice appeared on the outside of the entire scorpion.

 Ling Xiaobai's spell directly froze the red fire double-headed scorpion.

But at this moment, the red light surged from the body of the red fire two-headed scorpion, and it looked like it was about to break through the ice.

Chun Ning frowned when he saw this.

He was about to reach out and take out an intermediate water-attributed talisman from his storage bag, then his thoughts changed, but he stopped again.

“I don’t know how long I will stay in this spiritual realm and what dangers I will encounter. I can still save a little bit of the high-level talismans on my body.

 To deal with this kind of monster, using an intermediate talisman is a bit too extravagant. "

  Instead of taking out the talisman, Chu Ning had a dark shield in his hand.

I have always thought that I might have developed some new attack method before, but Chu Ning didn’t have the chance to try it, so I can give it a try today.

 “Xiaobai, stop it, let me do it!”

Chun Ning stopped Ling Xiaobai who continued to spray out ice spells.

 Then he took a thunderous step and rushed forward.

The red fire double-headed scorpion happened to break through Ling Xiaobai's freezing spell at this moment. When he saw Chu Ning, he rushed towards him, and two black and slightly purple pincers immediately clamped down.


The two pliers did not hit Chu Ning, but they hit Chu Ning's dark shield.

The next moment, the red fire two-headed scorpion flew directly from the place and hit the rock heavily. This heavy blow seemed to stun the two-headed red fire scorpion.

He turned over on the ground and did not get up.

When Chu Ning saw this, he rushed over again with a thunderous step, holding his shield.

The red-fire two-headed scorpion also discovered Chu Ning. When Chu Ning came to him, the scorpion's tail swept towards Chu Ning.


It was almost completely the same as the previous scene, the scorpion tail hit the dark shield hard.

 And the red fire two-headed scorpion flew up again and hit the rock heavily.


Looking at Chu Ning's slightly violent attack, Ling Xiaobai who was watching the battle was a little shocked.

 Then, the red-fire two-headed scorpion was knocked away by Chu Ning again and again with his shield.

 After five times, the red fire double-headed scorpion was unable to move at all.

 Then Chu Ning took the shield and smashed it on the ground again and again.

 After a while, the scorpion was completely unable to move.

Although the shell of the Red Fire Two-Headed Scorpion is still intact at this moment, there is a faint wisp of red venom flowing out of one of its mouths.

 Apparently, Chu Ning's internal organs had been completely damaged by the continuous impacts.


It was only at this moment that Ling Xiaobai came over and looked at Chu Ning.

 “Let you little guy save some spiritual energy.”

Chuning smiled.

Of course, he also had the idea to try his hand at the red fire two-headed scorpion.

Before this, he mainly used the Thunder Step and Tiangang Fist when attacking in the Jiuyan Body Refining Technique.

Chun Ning also wanted to see how effective his ordinary physical attacks were in addition to this secret method.

Now it seems that as long as there are suitable weapons, the power is also very good.

This red fire two-headed scorpion has such a strong defense that it can be smashed to death by myself. Of course, this trick can also be used against other opponents.

Picked up the dark magic weapon in his hand and looked at it. It seemed that it was not damaged. Then Chu Ning took it back into the storage bag.

 Then he took out the jet-black knife that he had kept for the bottom of the box since he got it from the storage bag, and slashed at the red fire double-headed scorpion's pair of pincers and the scorpion's tail with his hand.

 Put the two most valuable parts of this monster into the storage bag.

Chun Ning used his spiritual consciousness to sense the black sand again. After making sure that there were no other monsters, he came to it and dug out all the flame wood twin fruit seedlings.

 Then he carefully packed it in a jade box and put it into a storage bag.


At this time, Ling Xiaobai called out to Chu Ning again.

"go inside?"

Hearing Ling Xiaobai's call, Chu Ning looked at a dark small cave going down ahead and hesitated slightly.

But after thinking about it, he continued walking towards the cave.

Since there is a first-level high-level demonic beast, the Red Fire Two-Headed Scorpion, in this cave, it stands to reason that there should be no other demonic beasts.

 The spiritual energy in this cave is already so strong that it can support the growth of the flame-wood twin fruits.

However, Ling Xiaobai said that the spiritual energy inside was more intense, which made Chu Ning slightly curious.

Of course, Chu Ning did not dare to be careless. He used his spiritual consciousness to sense it first.

 Then he released the puppet bird and flew in first.

 What makes Chu Ning feel pity is that the cave entrance extends downwards diagonally, exceeding a distance of 100 feet.

Even this puppet bird can't find its head.

After hesitating for a moment, Chu Ning let the puppet brain continue to explore the path ahead, and then slowly walked down the passage.

After walking about fifty feet in this way, the scene detected by the puppet bird on Chu Ning's magic mirror changed slightly.

 The shot of this passage turned out to be a cave only five feet in size.

 The next moment, what made Chu Ning couldn't help but open his mouth.

In this cave, pieces of fiery red crystal stones of different sizes are scattered everywhere, there are actually dozens of them.

“Could this be the Fire Spirit Crystal?”

Looking at the scene on the mirror, Chu Ning was filled with surprise.

Without rushing forward, Chu Ning let the puppet bird fly around in the small hole. After confirming that there were no other creatures or abnormalities, Chu Ning continued to walk down the passage.

 Then he walked all the way to the entrance of the small cave.

Chuning used his spiritual consciousness again at this moment, scanned it, and once again confirmed that there was no danger, then he actually stepped into the cave.

 “What a rich fire-attribute aura!”

As soon as he entered the cave, Chu Ning couldn't help but sigh.

Just now, the puppet bird could only provide a line of sight, but now, when Chu Ning was in the cave, she suddenly felt different.

Even though he was only practicing wood-attribute skills, Chu Ning could still feel the rich fire-attribute aura.


Ling Xiaobai called out at this moment.

 For him, who is of the ice type, being in a place with such a strong fire attribute undoubtedly makes him a little uncomfortable.

When Chu Ning saw this, he simply put Ling Xiaobai into the spirit beast bag.

 Then, he slowly walked to the fiery red crystal stones he had seen before.

After squatting down and taking a look, Chu Ning let out a murmur of surprise.

“It’s really a fire crystal.”

 He had dug up the Earth Spirit Crystal before, so he could recognize it at a glance.

Thinking that there were dozens of fire crystals inside, he took out the tools from his storage bag and started digging without hesitation.

He already has a very good idea of ​​the value of spiritual crystals, so he naturally knows how much wealth it is.

These fire crystals vary in size, with the small ones only being as big as a fist.

The big one is twice as big as the piece of earth spirit crystal that Chu Ning got before.

Chun Ning carefully dug out piece by piece.


While Chu Ning was digging for the Fire Spirit Crystal, he was outside the big cave where Chu Ning killed the Red Fire Two-Headed Scorpion.

 A rather handsome young man slowly appeared.

The man held a map in his hand and looked up at the cave. A hint of expectation appeared on his slightly arrogant face.

Then he quickly walked into the cave, and when his eyes touched the situation inside the cave, his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

"How could this happen? Where are the Flame Wood Twin Fruits?"

The handsome young man's eyes immediately fell on the red-fire two-headed scorpion lying on the ground, and various expressions such as shock and anger flashed across his face.

“Have these twin flame-wood fruits been picked in advance?

I spent so much money to get the news and put in so much effort to leave the position and come here just for these flame-wood twin fruits.

Now, someone has picked it first? "

 The face of the handsome young man was twisted and full of anger.

 According to Zongli's request, he should have gone out when the ban was opened a few months ago.

But he hid it from everyone and did not follow him out.

 The main reason is that at the place where the formation was set up, the handsome young man learned from a junior fellow apprentice that there were Flame-Wood Twin Fruits in the place where he originally teleported.

 Just because I happened to see a first-level high-level monster, I didn't go in.

He spent a lot of means and costs to obtain information from the other party, and even went against his clan's orders, just for the sake of the twin fruits of wood and fire.

At this time, the spiritual fruit he wanted was captured first. How could he not be angry?

The young man quickly came to the red-flamed and scorpion-headed man, took a brief look, and his face became even more ugly.

"This monster died not long ago, and I just came in from the outside again, so..."

The handsome young man glanced at it, and his eyes immediately stopped at the dark entrance.

With his eyes flickering, the person rushed directly to the entrance of the cave and was about to step into the cave.

But after just raising his feet slightly, he stopped and retreated instead of advancing. Instead, he retreated out of the large cave.

Then, he hid his figure between two rocks.

But his eyes looking towards the big cave shone with coldness.

Chu Ning, who was in the small cave at the bottom of the mountain at this moment, naturally didn't know that someone else was coming from the outside.

The distance between this cave and the **** is more than 200 feet, which is far beyond the range of his spiritual consciousness.

Chun Ning carefully dug up each piece of Fire Spirit Crystal and put it into the storage bag.

 He even used his spiritual consciousness to carefully explore it, not even missing the nearby ground.

 After making sure that he didn't miss any piece, Chu Ning put everything away.

Then the puppet bird was placed in front to explore the path, and the person also walked along the **** passage toward the entrance of the cave.

 (End of this chapter)

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