Chapter 130 The Spiritual Seed Appears

Not far to his left, Luo Hongping was sitting upright. The two even exchanged greetings before.

When Meng Zhenggong left some disciples behind, Chu Ning thought they were purging members of the Yin Demon Sect.

But after seeing Luo Hongping in the same group, he gave up the idea.

“It’s really strange to let these Yin Demon Sect disciples participate in this formation so easily.”

 All kinds of thoughts were spinning in Chu Ning's heart.

It’s a pity that we can’t find the answer now.

 After observing for a while, there was nothing special to do, and Chu Ning felt a little bored.

 So, I started to practice the exercises with my legs crossed.

The next drive formation here will undoubtedly affect your cultivation. Both body and spirit refining will no longer be convenient. Only body refining may be able to be maintained.

However, with so many people watching, Chu Ning would not take the Lingyuan Pill to practice.

As a result, Chu Ning could only practice the Qingmu Changchun Kung Fu according to the most basic method without any blessing.

“Fortunately, the concentration of this spiritual energy is pretty good. If you persist in practicing every day and absorb the spiritual energy at your own speed, it is still very possible to increase it by 1 to 2 points every day.”

Thinking like this, Chu Ning began to perform the Qingmu Changchun Gong.

 As time goes by, among this group of people, some people slowly begin to take turns casting spells.

These are mainly disciples at the seventh and sixth levels of Qi Refining. Their realms are low and their natural magic power is not that deep.

 Because it is only one person's rotation at this time, the impact is not very big, so the requirements are naturally not as high as before.

However, every time someone takes turns, one of the two Qi Perfection monks surnamed Yan and Liu will always take command and not give up any mistakes.

Chun Ning was also observing the rotation situation after withdrawing from the cultivation state.

 At this moment, I also discovered that the matching of personnel was obviously carefully arranged.

For example, I am currently at the sixth level of Qi refining, and I am paired with a monk at the ninth level of Qi refining.

 Some of the eighth-level Qi Refiners are paired with some seventh-level Qi Refiner monks who have entered the spiritual realm early.

 In this way, the casting time of each group of two people can be kept roughly the same.

 Avoid having a team that frequently changes casters.

 “Chun Ning is preparing to cast the spell instead.”

About three and a half hours after entering the formation, Chu Ning suddenly heard a message from the monk named Yan.

After hearing this, Chu Ning immediately stretched out his palm and performed the Qingmu Changchun Gong.

He also looked at Wang Weizhong opposite. When he saw the other person nodding slightly towards him, Chu Ning quickly pressed his palm against the stone pillar.

At the same time, Wang Weizhong's palm quickly evacuated.

 Mana was injected into the stone pillar, and immediately, Chu Ning felt that the mana was transmitted through the stone pillar to the mountain below where he and others were.

 But once this mana passed the range of the base of the stone pillar, Chu Ning could no longer sense it.

“The mana required for this stone pillar is actually not very strong. If you go by your real mana, it shouldn’t be a big problem to support it for three or four hours.

However, I have only shown the cultivation of the sixth level of Qi Refining now, and I will have to replace it in one and a half hours at most. "

Chun Ning made a judgment in her heart and turned her head slightly.

However, he saw that Wang Weizhong had already taken out a Huiyuan Pill and swallowed it, and started to regulate his breathing.

 I immediately felt relieved. With Wang Weizhong's ninth-level Qi refining level, even without the Huiyuan Pill.

 This amount of time is enough to restore mana, not to mention the Yuan Yuan Pill to help.

However, it is also because the monks surnamed Yan have requirements. Otherwise, most people will not need Huiyuan Dan.

For example, Wang Weizhong's spellcasting lasted four hours just now. Even if Chu Ning was at the sixth level of Qi Refining, it would naturally be enough time to restore his mana.

Chun Ning mentally calculated the approximate time and mana consumption, and when it was almost one and a half hours, he immediately signaled that he wanted to change people.

 Then under the command of the monk surnamed Yan, he exchanged with Wang Weizhong again.

 In the following time, Chu Ning and others repeated this.

 There was nothing wrong with it for the first day or two, but as time went by, many people already felt a little tired after entering the third day.

 For disciples at the sixth level of Qi Refining, such high-intensity and frequent spell casting and recovery will undoubtedly consume a lot of spiritual consciousness and mental torture.

The monks surnamed Yan and monks surnamed Liu naturally saw all these things in their eyes. They looked at the flowing light below which did not move at all and frowned.

 Then, the two began to transmit messages to different people one by one.

"Chun Ning, have you recovered your mana? Once you recover, just go to sleep for a while. I will call you when you need to take turns."

Chun Ning heard the voice of the monk surnamed Yan. He nodded slightly and stopped practicing.

 He just lay down on the ground beside him and rested.

 In fact, Chu Ning is not as tired as other disciples at the sixth level of Qi Refining.

  After all, not only does his actual mana reach the eighth level of Qi Refining, but his spiritual consciousness is also stronger than everyone here.

 Furthermore, even if he is tired, practicing divine arts is undoubtedly the most effective for him.

 But in order to follow the crowd, he still followed the arrangement and chose to sleep.

After sleeping like this for several hours, Chu Ning was woken up again by the monk surnamed Yan.

Chuning sat up, and soon, the voice of the monk surnamed Yan came to his ears again.

  "Use your skills to adjust your condition, and prepare to replace it after one stick of incense."

 In the next few days, Chu Ning would do these things repeatedly like everyone else.

  Casting spells to dispel formations, exercising energy and regulating breath, and sleeping.

 Ten days flew by.

At this moment, Chu Ning could clearly feel the restless atmosphere around him.

Unlike high-level monks who often stay in seclusion for several years or even decades, disciples in the Qi refining period cannot reach this level of intensity in either their realm or their state of mind.

Being restricted to one place for ten consecutive days without moving, even if you can practice and rest, is a kind of torture for many people.

In just ten days, Chu Ning also discovered that the flowing light underground seemed to be a little stronger.

 It seemed as if something was about to fly out of the stream of light.

“Everyone should cast spells and practice with peace of mind. It won’t take long before the spiritual seeds will appear in the world. Everyone has contributed to the sect, and the sect will not treat everyone badly!

It's best not to have any other thoughts, otherwise..."

The monk surnamed Yan did not choose to transmit the voice at this moment, but spoke directly so that everyone could hear clearly.

These words are meant to be both soft and hard.

At the same time that the monk surnamed Yan said these words, the monk surnamed Liu who had left before came to the rear of the crowd with one person.

Seeing this person arriving, the monk surnamed Yan suddenly flashed his figure and came to the side of a person who was finishing his rotation and preparing to meditate.

Immediately, in the person's astonished eyes, a golden light lit up in the hand of the monk surnamed Yan, and then it hit the person's head directly.

The sixth-level Qi Refining monk died before he had time to react.

 “Sneaking and cheating, this is the end!”

  While saying this, the monk surnamed Yan glanced at several people coldly.

 Suddenly, the crowd, which was still a little restless, calmed down at this time.

The monk surnamed Yan threw the disciple's body behind him, and the newly arrived sixth-level Qi Refining disciple was sitting in the place of the previous one.

At this time, Chu Ning realized that it turned out that those disciples who had not been named before were prepared as backup at any time.

Chun Ning can think of this, and others can naturally think of it too.

 Thinking about the remaining dozens of people, there are people in various realms, including the ninth level of Qi refining and those who have reached the perfection level of Qi refining.

This hand is obviously telling everyone that everyone present is not indispensable.

 As for being unable to play a role in driving the formation, the fate is already doomed.

 Although everyone was a little stunned by such a cruel and ruthless approach.

 But as the monk surnamed Yan killed the chicken to scare the monkeys, everything in the mountain peak returned to normal.

 In the next few days, everyone continued to drive the magic circle in turns.

 Soon, five days passed.

By this time, Chu Ning and others had been in the spiritual realm for a month and a half, and it had been half a month since they started driving the magic circle.

 At the outskirts of the spiritual realm, several Golden Core Stage monks are still guarding there.

 The only difference is that there were five people here at first, but now there are four.

Fat Elder Xie, red-robed monk Gui Elder, black-faced old man Elder Zhu, and silver-haired old woman Elder Mu are all there.

Only the old man in green robe who had always been silent was not here at the moment.

 The four Jindan monks each sat cross-legged on a stone, closing their eyes and meditating.

At this moment, the fat elder Xie suddenly opened his eyes and said slowly:

"These disciples have been here for a month and a half."

As soon as he said these words, the other three people also opened their eyes one after another.

"It has indeed been a month and a half." The silver-haired old woman glanced at the area where the restriction was located, and a look of concern flashed on her face.

“According to the plan, it should have been half a month since the Five Elements Universe Formation became the driving wood attribute mana, but I don’t know what the situation will be.”

Hearing what the silver-haired old woman said, the fat elder Xie smiled and said:

"Elder Mu, why should you worry? Your junior must have a lot of good things with him. Even if the aura breaks out, he must have enough means to resist it."

"That being said." The silver-haired old woman did not deny her care and continued. “But we don’t know how powerful the impact of the aura bursting out from the spiritual species is.”

The old man in red robe also joined in the conversation at this moment, looking at the restricted area with a look of expectation on his face.

 “I am lucky enough to see the spiritual seed obtained for the last time in this life, and this life is considered to be in vain.

The last time we heard about someone obtaining spiritual seeds was more than a hundred years ago. "

The old man named Hongpao also said slowly at this moment:

“Yes, it will take at least hundreds of years for the aura within the spiritual species to reappear after it has been dormant.

 It’s hard to even hear about it, let alone have the opportunity to witness it. "

"It's strange to say that this spiritual seed is obviously transformed by spiritual energy, but why can't it be refined? I heard that after the spiritual energy in this spiritual seed is absorbed, it will escape and become dormant."

 The fat elder Xie was astonished at this moment.

 But his words did not receive an answer from many people. Obviously, no one had an answer to this question.

 “Elder Yang is back!”

 At this moment, several people looked in one direction.

As the silver-haired old woman Elder Mu finished speaking, a figure in green robe appeared in front of the four of them. It was the taciturn elder in green robe who had broken the formation with the four of them before.

He didn't say anything after he arrived, and just nodded slightly to everyone as a greeting.

 Then he flew straight to a stone and sat down cross-legged.

“Elder Yang, the sect leader won’t come in person?” It was the fat Elder Xie who spoke first.

The old man in green robe nodded, and then continued:

“The sect master’s intention is that I come here and keep an eye on it together, while he sits in charge of the sect.

 When the spiritual seed appears in the world, he will come there. "

 Speaking of this, Elder Yang in green robe looked at the old man in red robe named Gui.

“Return to the elders, according to those disciples who came out of the spiritual realm before.

Your youngest disciple Shang Rui, at first everyone thought he had also gained the aura of aura.

 But it was a bit strange that he didn’t leave the spiritual realm with him later. "

When the old man named Gui in red robe heard this, he was startled for a moment, and then he sighed:

“Then I must have not obtained it. This disciple has the spiritual root of fire, wood and earth. He has always had good opportunities and his ability to understand is also strong.

If he can obtain the aura of aura, his future achievements may be higher than those of his brothers.

 But he didn’t come out with him, so he must have failed to obtain it. "

When the fat old man heard this, he smiled and said:

“Indeed, during these two aura outbreaks, it would be most appropriate if the disciples could obtain the aura of aura, and there would be no need to be confined to the inner sect like those disciples in the morning.”

Elder Mu, the silver-haired old woman, sighed softly at this moment and said:

“I hope we can succeed in one fell swoop this time. For this spiritual seed, our Qingxi Sect has paid too much over the past few decades.

 Especially the low-level disciples in the sect, they have made too many sacrifices, not to mention others, just us.

 The disciples of the sect master have entered the most, and of all those present, few disciples have fallen among them. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent.

Perhaps ordinary low-level disciples don’t care that much.

 But in the past few decades, they have indeed had more or less disciples enter the spiritual realm.

 Some of it was because there was a need within the sect and there was no way around it. After all, as the sect leader, Xin Wuya had sent many of his true disciples, so they naturally couldn't refuse.

Sometimes, they also have the idea of ​​letting their disciples go inside to look for opportunities.

 The outside of the spiritual realm became quiet, but at this moment, there was another scene in the spiritual realm.

"What's going on? How come the light of this spiritual seed overflows outside the Five Elements Universe Formation?"

“Is it possible that a spiritual seed is about to appear?”


Outskirts of the formation, where thatched huts were built, disciples practicing other attribute techniques walked out of the houses one after another.

Everyone looked at the place where the formation was set up with expressions of surprise and uncertainty on their faces.

 Before this, the stream of spiritual seeds could only be seen within the formation.

Even if you get so close, you can't see anything.

 When everyone realized this, many people showed a hint of ecstasy on their faces.

 Some people are even already taking steps to go there.

 But just when a few people left the living area and headed to the place where the formation was set up, dozens of monks wearing uniform robes and serious and cold faces suddenly appeared.

These people are actually all composed of disciples who are above the ninth level of Qi refining, and the leader is also a disciple who has perfected Qi refining.

 “Law Enforcement Hall.”

 Seeing these dozens of people appear, the few people in front of them stopped immediately, with a look of fear on their faces.

 Obviously, these dozens of monks from the Law Enforcement Hall are quite intimidating among the crowd.

 Several people immediately turned around and walked back.

“Everyone must stay where they live. Anyone who leaves without authorization will be shot to death!”

  The cold words of the monk who had perfected Qi Refining reached the ears of everyone, and no one of these disciples broke in.

However, everyone's eyes were still looking at the place where the formation was set up.

 At this moment, within the formation.

Whether it was the person driving the formation who was injecting mana into the stone pillar or the person taking a rest, their faces all showed expressions of excitement.

 That great stream of light can be seen even by the outside world, so how can they turn a blind eye.

On the top of the mountain where Chu Ning and the others were, the two monks surnamed Yan and Liu looked at each other, with a hint of joy on their faces.

 But soon, the two returned to normal.

 “Keep calm, continue to drive the formation, don’t stop.”

The words of the monk surnamed Yan sounded at this moment, making everyone with strange expressions dare not make any strange move at this moment.

Chun Ning looked at all this in surprise, his eyes flickering.

 Of course he has also realized that the spiritual seed should appear soon.

Moreover, as everyone's mana continued to be poured into the stone pillar, the flow of light became stronger and stronger.

 Vaguely, there seemed to be a cyan light group emerging from the stream of light.

 About an hour passed like this.

 “Chun Ning, prepare to take turns.”

Chuning suddenly heard the voice of monk surnamed Yan.

He turned his head and saw that an invisible white aura had appeared on Wang Weizhong's forehead.

  It seems like beads of sweat are gathering at any moment.

 This is obviously a situation where mana is consumed to a very large extent.

This made Chu Ning reveal a strange look in his eyes. He had never seen this senior brother work so hard before.

 Obviously this is because the spiritual seed is about to appear, so he wants to keep driving the formation.

“Is there any other explanation for this?”

Chun Ning was a little confused, but he had already gathered his magic power and stretched out his hand.

Then after Wang Weizhong nodded reluctantly.

Chuning immediately put his hand on the stone pillar and completed the replacement of personnel.

Until this moment, the monk surnamed Yan glanced at Wang Weizhong coldly and moved away.

At this time, he also realized the critical moment and stared closely at everyone's every move.

  Didn't even look at the stream of light below.

Under his supervision, although there were several people like Wang Weizhong who wanted to hold on, they were all forced to change.

 In the blink of an eye, another hour passed.

 The green light underground became more and more dazzling, almost making everyone's faces turn green.

 At this moment, everyone also saw it.

The green light cluster like a seed has appeared from the ground, and seems to be about to break out of the ground at any time.

 Just when everyone thought that with just a little more effort, it would be done.

Suddenly, a cyan stream of light burst out, and it actually directly impacted the formation's large cyan light pillar.

The large cyan light pillar collapsed instantly, and the cyan light that originally emitted from the five mountains in the sky also collapsed instantly and bounced back.

  turned into streaks of green light and flew towards various mountain tops.

Faintly, there seemed to be several streams of light that followed the blue light and penetrated into the five mountains before they collapsed.

At the same time, the cyan light group under the stream of light rose into the sky and flew rapidly towards the sky.

 (End of this chapter)

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