My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 132: Each shows his or her own strength, the battle for spiritual seeds

Chapter 132: Each shows its own strength, the battle for spiritual seeds

 After the alchemy furnace exploded, a red cannon figure appeared.

The elder named Gui appeared in the air with a pale face.

The next moment, he suddenly turned into a red light without saying a word, and flew away in a completely different direction from everyone else.

His natal magic weapon was destroyed, his cultivation was damaged, and his vitality was severely damaged.

 Even if you participate in the fight at this moment, you will only end up with the end of your body and mind.

 Several Jindan monks from the Yin Demon Sect are not chasing the red-robed elder at this moment.

 Instead, he chased the green-robed Elder Yang and the silver-haired old woman, Elder Mu, in front.

 “Xie Chang!”

At this moment, the black-faced elder Zhu yelled through gritted teeth.

Being called by the first name by the black-faced Elder Zhu, the fat Elder Xie was not angry, but his face no longer had the usual smile.

Sighed lightly, and then said to Elder Zhu whose surname was Hei:

"Lao Zhu, you can leave too. The Yin Demon Sect's target is the spiritual seed. If you don't stop it, you can leave on your own."

“Why?” Elder Zhu yelled.

"Jie Jie, stop talking nonsense." The thin old man in black from the Yin Demon Sect interrupted at this moment.

 “Go to the front to help, leave this to me.”

Hearing this, the fat elder Xie ignored him and flew forward on his own.

 The expression of the black-faced Elder Zhu changed slightly, and he also chased after him.

 But after only chasing for twenty miles, he was stopped by the skinny old man in black.

 The situation that was originally five versus five has now become six versus three.

Even though the green-robed Elder Yang, the silver-haired old woman Elder Mu, and the black-faced Elder Zhu used their special skills, they could only contain the three of them.

The remaining two Yin Demon Sect Golden Pill monks, together with the fat Elder Xie, headed straight for the Qingxi Sect.

 Hundreds of miles, for the Golden elixir monk, only takes a moment.

  When three people flew up.

When he saw that Xin Wuya's mana-transformed palm was still grasping the wood spirit species, but he was not able to fully control it.

 Suddenly there was an expression of joy on his face.

As for Xin Wuya, after watching the three people flying over, a hint of ice flashed across his elegant face.

 His eyes looked directly at the three people, and finally fell on the fat elder Xie Chang.

“Thank you, senior brother, when my master studied you as a casual cultivator, you were quite talented and powerful.

Recruiting you into the Qingxi Sect will give you a lot of resources to help you achieve the Golden Elixir Path.

But why did you repay kindness with hatred and rebel from your sect? "

Facing Xin Wuya’s questioning, Xie Chang’s eyes flashed with guilt, but he quickly returned to normal.

“The old man, the sect master, was really kind to me back then.

He told me more than once that with my talent, if I could get the chance, it would not be impossible to enter the Nascent Soul stage.

 At the time I was just sighing, how could opportunity be obtained so easily, but I didn't expect..."

When Xie Chang said this, there was a hint of heat in his eyes.

“There are disciples of the Qingxi Sect who can accidentally enter the spiritual realm, and there is still hope that they can see spiritual seeds appear in this life.

  Hey, Master Xin has a good plan.

Although I have already said that if this spiritual seed is obtained and it belongs to you, let five of me guard the restriction, I have already made plans to receive the spiritual seed.

Although on the surface many things were discussed with us, the key information was kept from me. How could I not know how to thank someone if I behave like this? "

Xie Chang sneered again and again at this moment.

 Xin Wuya's elegant face was very calm at the moment, and even the chill seemed to have disappeared.

 He just looked at Xie Chang indifferently and said without any emotion:

"Why is it being hidden from you? Elder Xie should know it himself. If it weren't for you, there wouldn't be so many Yin Mo Sect disciples lurking in this sect."

 “So what?” Xie Chang had a hint of sarcasm on his face.

“You, Xin Wuya, already knew that there were disciples of the Yin Demon Sect among the people who entered, but you still used these disciples of the Yin Demon Sect to help you drive out the formation.

For this reason, even if you know that some disciples will be attacked and killed by people from the Yin Demon Sect after entering the spiritual realm, you don't care. "

 Speaking of this, the sarcasm on Xie Chang's face became even stronger.

“Of course, you won’t care. After all, you have sacrificed batch after batch of sect disciples for this spiritual seed.

 What if the news would leak out and people from the Yin Mo Sect would find me? "

 Xin Wuya did not get angry when he was ridiculed by Xie Chang. He just looked at Xie Chang calmly.

“Do you think you can get this spiritual seed by helping the Yin Demon Sect? Don’t you think it’s ridiculous?”

“I never expected to get this spiritual seed.” Xie Chang chuckled.

“But when the Yuanying monks from the Yin Mo Sect agreed to gain enlightenment, they could give me some spiritual energy.

 And based on his experience in condensing the Nascent Soul, he helped me condense the Nascent Soul.

This is enough. "

 Speaking of the latter part, Xie Chang's eyes were filled with heat.

Hearing this, Xin Yuanya sighed slightly.

"Elder Xie, you are seeking skin from a tiger..."

“Alright, Xin Wuya.” The one who spoke at this moment was a bald man among the two Yin Demon Sect Jindan monks.

“Stop being pretentious, our Yin Demon Sect will collect the spiritual seeds and we can spare your life.”

"Want a spiritual seed? Dreaming!" Xin Wuya suddenly snorted coldly at this moment.

At the same time, there was a jade talisman in his hand, and it shot out along with the jade talisman.

 The next moment, a large formation covering all areas within the outer gate of Qingxi Sect lit up.

What surprised the other three Golden Core monks was that the illuminated area of ​​​​the formation actually included Xin Wuya and the spiritual species.

Not only were the three of them surprised, but the other three Jindan elders of the Qingxi Sect, who were fighting and escaping at the same time, also had surprised expressions on their faces.

 “The Qingxi Sect’s protective formation?”

The fat old man Xie Chang had a surprised expression in his voice.

 The next moment, he couldn't help but sneer.

“Well, you are such a master of the Qingxi Sect, but I underestimated you.

I didn’t expect you to be able to calculate the overlapping position of the spiritual realm and the real world, and even the sect-protecting formation quietly expanded here.

 Presumably even the other elders may not be clear about it. "

As he said that, Xie Chang's eyes glanced at not far away, the green-robed Elder Yang, the silver-haired old woman Elder Mu, and the black-faced Elder Zhu who had stopped fighting.

Xin Wuya did not answer his words at this moment. He just glanced at the three remaining Jindan elders of Qingxi Sect.

The next moment, the three people turned into three escaping lights at the same time, shooting towards the sect-protecting formation.

The people from the Yin Mo Sect still wanted to stop them, but the three of them moved suddenly and the distance was so close.

In the blink of an eye, the three of them arrived outside the formation.

At the same time, all three of them had a jade talisman in their hands.

The three people holding the jade talisman flew directly into the formation without any hindrance.

When Xin Wuya saw this, a smile flashed across his face, and his steady voice sounded in the air.

“Three elders and disciples, join me in defending against the enemy!”

Within the Qingxi Sect, when the previous incident occurred, many disciples were already looking at the sky at a loss.

At this moment, as Xin Wuya’s words came out.

Many disciples from the inner sect dispersed and landed in different places in the formation.

 The three elders of the Golden Core stage were also located in different positions in the formation.

Seeing this scene, the people from the Yin Mo Sect and the fat Xie Chang did not look anxious.

Xie Chang even smiled coldly and said:

“Xin Wuya, as far as I know, the Qingxi Sect’s sect-protecting formation requires five Jindan monks to exert its greatest effect.

The power of this sect-protecting formation has not been fully utilized. Do you think you can stop the six of us from joining forces to break the formation? "

 “What if you add me?”

Just when Xie Chang finished speaking, a voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately, an old man with white hair and beard appeared.

 “Tong Wanqing?”

 Seeing this old man, Xie Chang's face was full of surprise.

 “Elder Tong?”

At this moment, many disciples in the Qingxi Sect looked at the white-haired and white-bearded old man slowly coming out in surprise.

 This person is clearly the elder Tong who appeared in the Baibao Pavilion with the cultivation level of Qi Refining.

“Tong Wanqing, I didn’t expect you…

  No, you were injured before and your golden elixir was shattered, and your consciousness was seriously injured and you fell into the Qi training period. It is absolutely impossible to recover. "

Xie Chang was surprised and uncertain when he spoke, and then coldly snorted:

“It seems that you just used some kind of secret method or magic weapon, and you are not really a golden elixir monk.

However, even so, how long can you sustain it based on your true cultivation level during the Qi refining period? "

 “Stop talking nonsense, break the formation!”

At this time, the bald and golden elixir monk from the Yin Demon Sect directly interrupted Xie Chang's words.

As soon as he said these words, the six golden elixir monks in the air took action one after another.

 Suddenly, various rays of light struck towards the Qingxi Sect’s protective formation.

 “Five elements breaking the forbidden talisman!”

Looking at the various lights emitting from the hands of the six golden elixir monks, Xin Wuya looked solemn in the Qingxi Sect's protective formation.

 This is a truly high-end, top-grade talisman.

He continued to cast spells to maintain his powerful hand, trying to completely control the wood spirit species.

On the other hand, together with the other Jindan monks and the inner disciples, they formed a defensive formation.

For a time, the six golden elixir monks were unable to defeat the sect-protecting formation even with the help of the Five Elements Breaking Talisman.

After about a cup of tea, the bald man from the Yin Demon Sect snorted coldly, took out a blood-red elixir full of blood evil breath, and threw it into his mouth.

It turned out to be a blood evil pill.

It's just different from the blood evil pills carried by the previous Qi Refining Stage disciples.

The bald man's elixir, both in color and in the blood-evil aura, was countless times stronger.

At the same time, there was a claw-shaped magic weapon in his hand.

"Don't leave any backup, take advantage of the fact that Xin Wuya wants to control the wood spirit species and is unable to drive the sect-protecting formation to counterattack. Let's fight quickly. We can't afford it if the wood spirit species is controlled by this guy and taken into his body. "

As soon as the bald man said this, the other Golden Pill monks also took out the Blood Evil Pill and drank it.

 And one after another offered a magic weapon.

Even Xie Chang was like this.

 Suddenly, the **** aura of the six golden elixir masters rolled over their bodies, and their realm auras also continued to rise.

After the six people were completely enveloped by the blood evil energy on their bodies, they were like six blood demons, floating in the mid-air.

 At the same time, the magic weapons of six people were activated at the same time.

A red and black light mixed with blood evil energy flew out from their respective magic weapons and struck at the sect-protecting formation.

"Yin Mo Zhan! These people are actually willing to use their magic weapons to seal Yin Mo Zhan."

The dark-faced elder named Zhu's face changed slightly at this moment.

Just after he said these words, several red and black rays of light hit the sect-protecting formation one after another.

 Suddenly, the entire formation began to tremble slightly, seeming to be on the verge of collapse.

 Seeing this scene, the expressions of all the disciples in the Qingxi Sect suddenly changed, and many disciples in the Qi Refining Stage became a little panicked.

Xin Wuya's face darkened at this moment, he pinched the magic formula with his hands, and several rays of light shone on the jade tablet in front of him.

 Suddenly, the tremors of the entire array weakened a lot, and then slowly stabilized again.

But at the same time, his giant magical hand seemed to have faded a bit.

The wood spirit species that was originally captured was about to be broken free.

Seeing this scene, Xin Wuya was shocked and immediately focused on the giant hand again.

 Outside the main formation guarding sect, the six golden elixir monks saw this and immediately stepped up their attack.

There is no longer Yin Demon Slash, but the spell attacks containing the blood evil atmosphere also make the sect-protecting formation tremble.

 Obviously, according to this situation, even if the formation can still be sustained, it will eventually be broken.

“Sect Master, please give me the jade tablet to protect the array.”

At this moment, Elder Yang, who was wearing a green robe, suddenly spoke out.

 Hearing this, the rest of the Qingxi Sect were slightly surprised.

Xin Wuya glanced at Elder Yang and threw the jade token directly towards him without saying a word.

The old man in green robe took the jade token, placed it in front of him, opened his mouth and sprayed out, and immediately, a blue-white round elixir spurted out from his mouth.

At the same time, streaks of blue-white light shot out from the round pill and fell into the jade tablet.

But at the same time, the green and white round pill in front of the green-robed Elder Yang was also shrinking rapidly.

As these white lights fell into the jade tablets, the light that had originally dimmed in the protective formation suddenly became brighter.

At the same time, the spells that were originally fired at the protective formation actually bounced back at this moment.

 Attacked the six Jindan monks who originally issued the spell.


 The bald man who bore the brunt was hit by this spell and immediately spat out a mouthful of blood.

 The blood evil aura in his body was actually a bit weaker.

The remaining Golden Core cultivators did not feel well either. They were backfired by the sect-protecting formation, and everyone was more or less injured.

 For a while, the attack stopped.

“Good! You actually tried your best to destroy the golden elixir and also protect this formation. Brother Yang is so courageous.”

Xie Chang looked at the old man in green robe and said in a complicated tone:

“Use the power of this golden elixir to nourish the formation and launch a counterattack. Once it starts, it cannot be stopped, and it may even destroy the elixir and disappear.

How virtuous and capable he Xin Wuya is, to let Brother Yang protect him like this. "

The round pill that was originally the size of a goose egg in front of the old man in green robe is now only the size of a finger and is still shrinking.

 Looking at it, it will turn into nothingness.

 The aura of the green-robed elder is also constantly weakening, and the black hair on his head has now turned into the same white hair as the child elder.

The wrinkles on his face are even deeper, and his whole body is aging at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, he raised his head, his eyes unwavering.

 “Just because he is the head of my Qingxi Sect.”

As soon as Qingpao Elder Yang said these words, everyone in the Qingxi Sect was slightly moved.

 “Elder Yang!”

The next moment, the black-faced Elder Zhu exclaimed, and then appeared in front of the green-robed Elder Yang.

However, the white round pill in front of the latter has completely disappeared at this moment.

 The Jindan elder, who was taciturn but full of energy before, is now as if he is dying.

People cannot even sit cross-legged in the air, but fall directly to the ground.

 Fortunately, the black-faced Elder Zhu appeared in time to protect the other party.

Tong Wanqing, who was far away, seemed to be touched when he saw this scene, and couldn't help but sigh slightly.

His appearance at this moment is also much older than before.

He no longer looks like a fairy with white hair and a childish face.


At this moment, outside the sect-protecting formation, the injured bald man was laughing wildly.

“Xin Wuya, it seems that for this spiritual seed, in addition to the ordinary disciples in the sect, you are even willing to sacrifice the Jindan Elder.

However, do you really think you can protect yourself like this? "

 With such wild laughter, the **** evil spirit on the bald man's body instantly dissipated.

 At the same time, a black energy emitted from his body.

The wild laughter also changed its tone at this moment, and turned into an extremely hoarse and old person.

“Xin Wuya, do you really think that breaking the formation like this can stump me?”

 An old and hoarse voice sounded in the air.

 The next moment, the expressions of several Jindan monks in Qingxi Sect all changed drastically.

 “Possessed by the Dafa, the evil old monster!”

Xin Wuya, who had been able to maintain his composure before, finally turned extremely ugly at this moment.

"it's me!"

The bald man continued to make that hoarse and old voice.

“Xin Wuya, although this sect master cannot come in person due to seclusion.

But this possession method is enough to bring out 60-70% of my strength.

You don’t think that your broken formation can really stop the attack of a Yuanying monk and several Jindan monks. "

 Hearing what the evil old monster said, Xin Wuya's face turned extremely gloomy.

The leader of the Yin Demon Sect is a genuine Yuanying monk, and there have been rumors that he has entered the middle stage of Yuanying.

If this is the case, as he said just now, he can exert 60% or 70% of his strength, which is also the power of the Nascent Soul monk.

With so many golden elixir monks helping out, although the Qingxi Sect’s sect-protecting formation is impressive, it cannot withstand it.

“Xin Wuya, it seems that you really want the entire clan to bury you.”

The old Yin Demon snorted coldly and raised his hands.

 Suddenly, two strands of black energy emerged from his hands, turning into two huge black fists.

Seeing this scene, the silver-haired old woman Elder Mu couldn't help but look at Xin Wuya eagerly.

 “Sect Master!”

Xin Wuya glanced at the wood spirit seed in his giant magic hand. There was a trace of unwillingness in his eyes, but he finally sighed softly.

 “Yinmo old monster, you win, I don’t want this wood spirit seed anymore.”

“Okay, I guess you are sensible.” The evil old monster laughed like a night owl.

“Hurry up and release the wood spirit seed and give it to me.”

Xin Wuya was good at cultivating qi, and his face was twitching slightly at this moment.

 After a while, the evil old monster became impatient and wanted to speak again.

Xin Wuya's giant hand transformed by mana turned into dots of white light in the air, and they all flew back toward him.

At the same time, he reached out and made a move, and the jade tablet that was originally in the Qingpao Elder Yang's place returned to his hand.

 The next moment, the protective restrictions in the air opened.

The cyan light group that was originally trapped suddenly shot into the air, and then flew out of the hole in an instant.

 “Wood spirit species!”

 Seeing this ball of green light, even the evil old monster possessing the bald man couldn't help but look happy at this moment.

The fists that originally transformed into two black fists now turned into a giant black palm, grabbing directly towards the group of green light.

But at this moment, a white light palm almost the same size as this palm also appeared in the air.

He actually grabbed the blue light group first.

 “Be bold!”

Seeing this scene, the evil old monster let out a loud roar.

 The **** palm suddenly sped up.


 With a loud noise, the two giant palms struck together heavily.

 Suddenly, a powerful spiritual pressure spread in all directions.

Seeing this scene, Xin Wuya's expression changed drastically and he quickly activated the protective formation, completely opening the protective system.

Xie Chang and other Jindan monks outside also fled one after another.

Even they must be wary of the aftermath of the Yuanying monks' battle.

At this moment, in the sky, after two giant hands collided, no one was able to catch the cyan light group.

The light group suddenly turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

The giant white hand saw the wood spirit species escaping and disappeared instantly.

Seeing this scene, the evil old monster suddenly shouted angrily:

 “Who is hiding there, sneaking around, looking for death?”

 The roar echoed throughout the air, but there was no sound.

The evil old monster's black hand grabbed the big white hand in the direction it came from, but there was no gain.

 It was as if the giant white hand had never appeared.

 (End of this chapter)

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