Chapter 145 Hidden Spirit Vein

Chuning raised the talisman ring in his hand, emptying all the true talisman spells inside.

 Then he casually took out five red fire talismans from the storage bag.

Waiting for the cooldown period of a quarter of an hour for the true talisman spell in the talisman ring to pass, then integrate all five red fire talismans.

At this moment, Chu Ning saw a red talisman pattern appearing in the middle of the talisman ring in his palm.

 “Character species!”

 Chun Ning suddenly started muttering softly.

 After the previous big breakthrough, the hidden talent of the True Talisman Spirit was released by Chu Ning.

  After using the true talisman spell a hundred times, the talisman species can be condensed, and the spell can be activated without the help of the talisman ring.

Crimson Fire Talisman Chu Ning has integrated and used it a lot before. After condensing 5 more pieces just now, it has reached a hundred times.

Chu Ning has now sensed that even if he uses up the few true talisman spells in the talisman ring, he can easily cast this spell.

Thinking of this, Chu Ning immediately raised his hand, and five small-arm-sized pillars of fire were emitted, directly consuming the true talisman spells in the talisman ring.

Then he looked at the talisman in his palm with flashing eyes.

“The second talent of the Noon Fire Spirit is to use fire attack spells to double the spell attack power.

I just don’t know if the talisman spells made using this red flame talisman are equally effective. "

While thinking this, mana surged around Chu Ning's body and poured into the talisman in his palm.

  After converting the true talisman spell into the condensed talisman type, it will be the same as the spell you practice.

Of course it is not the same as a talisman, but requires its own mana to support its use.

 The next moment, Chu Ning raised his hand.

 Suddenly, a red flame as thick as a bowl flew out of Chu Ning's hand and hit the wall made of Lingyan directly.

 Suddenly, the entire stone room was filled with sparks.

 “It’s really useful!”

Chun Ning’s eyes brightened.

 Whether it was from the thickness of the red flame or the fluctuation of mana, he could clearly feel that this red flame was different from the previous one.

 The intensity of a single red flame has indeed doubled.

“Now you have mastered a fire spell, let’s just call it Red Flame!”

Chun Ning smiled slightly, and then, an extra jade slip appeared in his hand, which was the Fierce Flame Jue.

“This method is said to be extremely difficult to practice, but I want to give it a try.”

Muttering in his heart, Chu Ning carefully sensed the spell formula in the jade slip.

 After a while, Chu Ning raised his head, his eyes thoughtful.

“The initial practice of this Fiery Flame Technique is not to directly transform into monsters.

 Instead, start with the very basic fireball technique to improve your fire control ability. "

Chun Ning was a little surprised, but his hands were already moving.

Hands were raised, and a ball of fire appeared on each side.

Chuning did not send it out, but slowly brought the two fireballs closer.


As soon as the two fireballs came into contact, they exploded the next moment.

Chun Ning immediately cast a spell to protect himself to avoid being burned.

 Then he shook his head, condensed the two fireballs again, and tried to fuse them.

This time, the two fireballs merged into less than one tenth, and then exploded again.

Chun Ning was not discouraged and started trying again.

Time after time, Chu Ning forgot about food and sleep until he tried hundreds of times.

The two fireballs in Chu Ning's left and right hands finally merged together and did not explode.

 Unexpectedly, the two fireballs merged together but did not become larger.

This fireball is still the same size as before.

“Throwing such a ball of fire will be twice as powerful as before!

 Plus the bonus of your own noonfire spirit spell.

If used in a battle of wits, it would probably cause people to suffer big losses directly.

 According to this Fierce Flame Technique, it is not just about fusing two fireballs.

  But there should be 10 groups! "

Chun Ning’s eyes flickered uncertainly against the flames.

But he also knew that it was not easy to do this.

 The current fireball fusion is still very slow and has no maneuverability at all in a battle of skills.

 To truly fuse fireball attacks during a spell fight, the fusion must be completed at the moment when the spell is cast in the same hand.

 This kind of difficulty is more than 10 times higher than the fusion just now.

 And to do this, there is no other way than a large number of connections.

So, Chu Ning began to repeat the fireball fusion technique again.

 One day later, Chu Ning walked out of the stone room.

 In his mind, he was still thinking about the process of practicing the Fiery Flame Technique.

“With the talent of my noon fire spirit body, the speed of fusing these two fireballs has increased a little bit over the course of a day.

 To truly achieve instant fusion, I am afraid it would be extremely difficult to complete without ten days to half a month of practice.

 And this is only the most basic. No wonder it is extremely difficult to practice the Flame Splitting Technique. "

Chun Ning murmured secretly in his heart, and he also had a direction for his next focus on practicing magic.

 Complete the instant fireball spell first, and then fuse the two fireballs to complete it.

 Later, increase the number of fireballs.

 During this period, Chu Ning was not prepared to stay and practice.

 There is also trading among casual cultivators here, and the talismans in his hands can still be sold.

 This is also his next method of earning spiritual stones in the Thousand Lakes and Thousand Islands.

His own family knows his own affairs, and he has the Yinmu Spirit Body and the Wuhuo Spirit Body, so he can practice quickly.

  However, to be able to achieve the current speed of cultivation, various resources are inseparable.

 If you want to maintain this cultivation speed in the future, these resources will naturally have to keep up.

 It is absolutely impossible without spiritual stones.

 Chun Ning is not planning to sell some specific talismans and talismans learned from Qingxi Sect here.

After all, he was still too sensitive, and Chu Ning was worried that some clues would be revealed.

However, common talismans such as low-grade fire talisman, black ice talisman, rejuvenation talisman, etc. don't matter.

 As for the more advanced ones, he also has other preparations in hand.

These days, by analyzing the source of the talisman, he has not only mastered the method of making the sword-sealing talisman and the Xuanshui talisman.

He also mastered several kinds of talismans.

The low-intermediate-grade talismans are a little exaggerated when taken out, but the elementary-mid-grade and elementary-high-grade talismans are completely sellable.

Now he is starting to be known as a Talisman Master among casual cultivators, which will also help him prepare to join the island recruitment in ten days.

Chuning came to the place where casual cultivators trade.

He randomly found an open space, took out a table, and then took out all the various talismans in his hand.

At the same time, a sign was erected next to it with the prices of various talismans written on it.

 He has already gone to explore the markets of Thousand Fantasy Island.

 I learned that throughout Qianhu Qiandao, the level of talisman making is actually not high, and there are very few intermediate talismans.

As for the elementary talismans, they are available, but the price is 20% higher than what Chu Ning asked for in Nayanjifang before.

 The same is true for most other magical instruments and elixirs.

This is probably the disadvantage of not having a large sect. Without systematic cultivation and inheritance of immortal cultivation skills such as the Alchemy and Talisman Array, it is still relatively difficult to cultivate a large number of talents.

 The formation is an exception because of the presence of the Cen family.

I heard that the ancestors of the Cen family had received the inheritance of ancient formations, and this family is indeed very talented in understanding formations.

After Chu Ning put the talisman out, soon someone came up to ask about buying it.

Although Chu Ning's method of making talismans was obtained by analyzing the source of the talisman, the quality of the talisman made was only higher than that of the spiritual talisman method he had learned before.

 Plus his price is not higher.

Those who came to buy basically bought it as long as they saw it.

“It seems that there will be no shortage of people using talismans in the Thousand Island Competition twenty days later.”

Chun Ning thought to himself, but he was not afraid. When it came to using talismans, no one had the advantage over him.

 Even if others had it, no one would be willing to use it like him.

 In the next ten days, Chu Ning spent two or three hours every day selling talismans in casual cultivating places.

 The rest of the time, he stayed in the stone room of the inn to practice, and the days passed quite quickly.

 After leaving the inn that day, Chu Ning did not go to the place where talismans were sold.

Instead, he came directly to a large square on the south side of Thousand Fantasy Island.

 This will be the venue for the Thousand Islands competition ten days later.

 At the same time, islands that need to recruit manpower will also recruit here in advance.

Chun Ning has read all the information on the jade slips provided by Chen Wangdao during this period of time.

Although this place is known as Thousand Lakes and Thousand Islands, there are about four to five hundred islands where monks actually live and practice.

 The remaining islands either have no spiritual veins.

 Either it is occupied by monsters and is not suitable for monks to live in.

 These islands are not only different in size, but also in aura.

Chuning had already identified several targets before. When he entered the dojo, he looked for their names and walked over.

"Our Hanshui Island has been fully recruited." "Eighth Qi Refining Level, if fellow Taoists contact us earlier, we can still consider it."

 Our Fengpo Island is now fully recruited. "


Chun Ning suddenly frowned slightly after visiting several islands in succession.

These islands are indeed recruiting people well, but many of them have already been invited by monks on the island who are familiar with them.

Like Chu Ning, who had no one to recommend him at all, he couldn't find a suitable place to join for a while.

Chuning’s eyes couldn’t help but flicker after walking around again.

Several islands that he had previously intended to recruit were no longer available.

Even the top-ranked big islands that he didn’t want to have too much contact with before are no longer recruiting at this moment.

 Only some islands in the back with first-order spiritual veins even took the initiative to find Chu Ning after seeing him.

If Chu Ning, a monk at the eighth level of Qi Refining, joins, they will naturally welcome it.

It’s just that the small island with the first-level spiritual veins really can’t meet Chu Ning’s cultivation requirements.

 “This Taoist friend is invited!”

 While Chu Ning was hesitating, a voice rang out.

Chu Ning turned around and saw a yellow-robed monk with an eighth level of Qi refining standing not far from him.

This monk was about fifty years old. When he saw Chu Ning looking over, he immediately cupped his hands and said:

“In Shimodian Xiangfei, do fellow Taoists also want to find an island as a place to stay?

I wonder if you are interested in chatting with Tian and other fellow Taoists. "

Chuning glanced at the other party, shook his head and said:

“I don’t know fellow Taoists, so I’m not interested.”

After Tian Xiangfei heard this, he saw Chu Ning was about to leave, and immediately smiled slightly and said:

“Fellow Taoist, wait a minute. I see that you have been wandering around here for a long time, but you haven’t found a suitable island to join.

 Tian and several fellow Taoists are also in the same situation. We intend to form a team to directly compete for the qualification of this island, and would like to invite fellow Taoists to join us. "

Chuning, who was about to leave, heard this and looked at the other party in surprise.

 “Form a team to qualify for the island?”

Chun Ning just thought about it for a moment and understood the meaning of this statement.

 Chen Wangdao did tell him before that the Thousand Islands War could not only be a competition between islands to win the management rights of better islands.

At the same time, if there are monks who think they are stronger than the island owners, they can also issue a challenge.

As long as you win, you can also obtain the qualifications of the island owner accordingly.

 As for the owner of the original island, should he stay or find another island?

ˆ is decided by the new island owner.

 There is only one stipulation in this law, that is, the number of challengers can only be half of the number of people participating in the original island competition.

So relatively few people choose this method. After all, the island owners of these islands have been operating here for many years, and there are many late-stage Qi refining monks on the islands.

 As for the newly formed team, it is not easy to successfully challenge with half the number of late-stage Qi Refining monks.

 In addition, to use this method, you also need to hand over a large amount of spiritual stones to the Thousand Islands Alliance.

 If the challenge fails, the spiritual stone belongs to the challenged party.

Chun Ning went through the matter in his mind, and quickly shook his head and said:

 “I’m sorry, I’m not interested.”

Chun Ning is indeed not interested in suddenly teaming up with strangers to fight for the island.

If it is just a challenge between islands, exchanging islands will also create difficulties.

 But after all, there are many such situations in every Thousand Islands Competition, and everyone is used to it.

 But it is different to take the island directly from other people's hands. This hatred can be deep.

The owners of the islands here have been operating here for many years and have some connections. Such a high-profile feud is not in line with Chu Ning's original intention of stable development.

Seeing that Chu Ning did not agree, the middle-aged monk took a deep look at Chu Ning and left.

Chuning continued to spin around at this moment. After all, there were hundreds of islands with spiritual energy here, and he wanted to see if there were any suitable ones.

After walking a few steps, Chu Ning saw another person in front of him, but it was a middle-aged monk who looked to be in his forties.

“This fellow Taoist, let’s go to Jiang Hongguang, the owner of Feihong Island. I don’t know that fellow Taoist wants to find an island to join.”

 Feihong Island?

 Hearing the man who claimed to be the owner of the island, Chu Ning’s mind immediately flashed information about the island.

 This island is a lower-middle-class island among the thousands of lakes and islands. It has a first-order spiritual vein and is of average quality.

 But this spiritual vein is too small, so although the island is not small, it is not well-known among the entire Thousand Lakes and Thousand Islands.

“I’m going to see if there are any islands recruiting, but the level and size of your Feihong Island’s spiritual veins are not my ideal place.”

Hearing what Chu Ning said, the man named Jiang Hongguang didn't think about it. After looking at it, he suddenly said:

 “Fellow Taoist, can you take a step to speak?”

Facing Chu Ning’s confused gaze, the person continued to transmit:

“A new spiritual vein has been discovered on this island. If nothing else happens, it should be a second-order spiritual vein.”

Chun Ning, who was originally uninterested, heard a hint of surprise in his eyes and continued to look at Jiang Hongguang.

After the latter nodded again, Chu Ning also sent a message:

“Fellow Daoist Jiang, let’s find a place to talk in detail.”

When Jiang Hongguang heard this, his face suddenly showed joy. He stretched out his hand and led Chu Ning to the side.

 In this dojo, every island has a high platform.

 The smaller island's platform is about one foot in area, while the larger island's is several feet in area.

There is a ban outside each island. This ban not only has the effect of isolating sound, but also has a certain defensive effect.

 This actually surprised Chu Ning.

 Enter the high platform of Feihong Island, there were two people sitting inside, both of them were women.

Jiang Hongguang pointed to a beautiful middle-aged woman of similar age to him and the younger woman beside him and said:

"This is my Taoist companion Yu Yuanxiu and my sister-in-law Jiang Lan. I haven't asked my Taoist friends for their names yet."

Chun Ning cupped his hands towards the three of them, "Chun Ning, my fellow Taoist just said..."

“Fellow Taoist, wait a minute!” Jiang Hongguang interrupted Chu Ning and then took out a talisman.

Chuning saw that the other person was holding a insulation note, so he didn't say anything.

Jiang Hongguang will activate the talisman, and suddenly, a light shield will envelope the four people.

It was only then that Jiang Hongguang opened his mouth and said:

“I’m sorry, Fellow Daoist Chu, I’m used to being more cautious.”

Chun Ning smiled and did not answer.

Jiang Hongguang then continued:

“Fellow Daoist Chu, from what you just said, you should have some knowledge of our Feihong Island before.

There is indeed only one small first-order spiritual vein in Feihong Island, so only three people from our family were in charge of this island before.

 But recently, we accidentally discovered that there is a second-order spiritual vein inside. "

When Jiang Hongguang said this, he kept paying attention to Chu Ning's expression.

Seeing that Chu Ning didn’t show much expression, he continued:

“Although this spiritual vein is not big, it is a second-level spiritual vein after all. It should be no problem to support one or two more people in their cultivation.

 At the same time, we are also worried that other islands will take the initiative to challenge and compete if they know about it.

I just want to recruit another Taoist friend to take charge of this island together. "

Chun Ning roughly understood what the other party meant at this moment, and his heart suddenly moved.

 He also understood why the other party came to him.

Among the three people, Jiang Hongguang and his wife are both at the eighth level of Qi refining, while Jiang Lan is at the seventh level.

 In their view, their own "eighth level of Qi refining" cultivation is a powerful supplement, but it will not pose too much of a threat to them.

 For Chu Ning, if what the other party said is true, it is indeed a good choice.

 Having second-level spiritual veins, the relationship between everyone on the island is not complicated.

Thinking of this, Chu Ning said:

“I wonder if Fellow Daoist Jiang can take me to the island to have a look. If it is true as Fellow Daoist said, I am still willing to join.”

“Of course, you can take fellow Taoists there now.”

With that said, Jiang Hongguang dispersed the sound insulation cover, and then the four of them went directly to the teleportation array on Qianhuan Island.

 There are teleportation arrays on every island, which indeed makes Chu Ning feel very convenient.

As soon as he entered Feihong Island, Chu Ning felt it for a moment, and then raised his eyebrows slightly.

 The aura here is much worse than that of Qianhuan Island. It is obviously like the first-order spiritual veins.

However, since the other party said that he had second-level spiritual veins, Chu Ning would not rush to a conclusion.

“Fellow Taoist, please follow me.” Jiang Hongguang said, Yu Feng was flying in front.

 Then, when he came to a barren mountain on the island, he suddenly stopped.

“Fellow Daoist Chu, the spiritual vein is in this mountain.

 The spiritual energy in this channel is condensed and does not disperse, so it cannot be sensed outside. "

 Speaking, Jiang Hongguang took out a formation flag.

“In order to worry about someone breaking in by mistake, I specially purchased a simple formation to set up here.”

As he spoke, Jiang Hongguang took out the formation flag and waved it.

The fog of the formation dissipated, and the four of them followed into the heart of the mountain. Chu Ning immediately sensed the intensity of spiritual energy that was completely different from the outside world.

“Hey, I really didn’t expect that there is a hidden spiritual vein here.”

Chun Ning was also quite surprised at this moment.

 The so-called hidden spiritual veins refer to those spiritual veins whose spiritual energy condenses and does not disperse due to special reasons.

And now there is one in front of Chu Ning.

Chuning reached out and patted Ling Xiaobai out of the spirit beast bag.

The little guy is the best at this kind of thing.


Under the curious gazes of the three people, Ling Xiaobai poked his little head out, turned around, and then sent a message to Chu Ning's spiritual consciousness.

After listening to this little guy’s words, Chu Ning also walked straight towards Jiang Hongguang and said:

 “Fellow Daoist Jiang, I have joined.”

 (End of this chapter)

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