My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 150: Open a cave, a fairy (1W words please subscribe)

Chapter 150: Opening a Cave and Immortal (1W words, please subscribe)

 After entering the heart of the mountain, the three of them immediately showed joy on their faces.

 In front of them, there was another spiritual vein.

 The three of them immediately noticed the level of this spiritual vein with just a slight induction.

 “Second level spiritual veins!”

Jiang Hongguang was surprised.

“And the grade of this second-order spiritual vein is not low, I am afraid it has reached the middle-grade level.

Spiritual veins of this level are only found on Thousand Fantasy Island and the top twenty islands. "

 Speaking of this, Jiang Hongguang's face suddenly became serious.

 Because he knows very well what it means to have this Deng spiritual vein.

The hidden spiritual vein he discovered before was only a second-level low-grade one, which had already attracted the master of Beilin Island, who had perfected his Qi refining skills, to take action.

If they knew that there was a second-level mid-grade or above spiritual vein in this island, I'm afraid the six major families would be tempted.

Chun Ning saw the expression on Jiang Hongguang's face and naturally understood what the other party was thinking.

His brows raised slightly. He had never thought that there was such a level of spiritual energy in Feihong Island.

 Although it seems that this spiritual vein is a bit small.

But after all, the level is high, and such spiritual veins may indeed attract the covetousness of foundation-building monks.

Chun Ning was about to speak, but Jiang Hongguang had already taken the lead and said:

“Fellow Daoist Chu, this spiritual vein has just been discovered, and no one except the three of us knows about it.

   My husband and I can swear with our hearts that we will never reveal a single word about this matter to anyone else. "

Before Chu Ning could speak, Jiang Hongguang continued to speak:

“After all, there are three people in our family, and this spiritual vein is still a little small for us to open a cave.

How about you, Taoist friend, open a cave in this spiritual vein, and we can open it in another place. What do you think, Taoist friend Chu?

Of course, if fellow Taoist Chu has other arrangements for that spiritual vein, the arrangement of fellow Taoist Chu shall prevail. "

Chuning couldn't help but take another look at Jiang Hongguang when he heard what he said.

Although this spiritual vein is small, it is about 30% smaller than the previous spiritual vein.

 There is no problem at all in opening two caves.

But now, Jiang Hongguang was so straightforward, which made him a little surprised.

However, Chu Ning also knew that all of this was naturally based on the strength he had shown before.

After thinking about it for a while, Chu Ning also came up with the idea:

 “In that case, thank you very much, Fellow Daoist Jiang!

My cave is built here. Naturally, I won’t be able to use the other spiritual vein. Fellow Daoist Jiang can make his own arrangements. "

Jiang Hongguang immediately smiled and waved his hands:

“Fellow Taoist Chu was joking, you helped save this island, and this spiritual vein was also discovered by fellow Taoist.

 Speaking of which, the fact that another spiritual vein can completely belong to us is because of the light of fellow Taoists. "

 After speaking, Jiang Hongguang continued:

“In this way, there are originally few people around here, but I will go back immediately to send a message to the whole island, and this Yanfeng will not be able to come again in the future.

However, Fellow Daoist Chu, you'd better set up a formation here. "

“Formation!” Upon hearing this, Chu Ning felt that it made sense, but at the same time he was a little confused.

How could he know this thing?

Yu Yuanxiu on the side seemed to know what Chu Ning was thinking, and reminded:

“This thing is not too difficult. There are corresponding formation plates and flags for sale in the Cen family’s store on Qianhuan Island, and they all come with how to use the formation.”

When Chu Ning heard this, he immediately nodded and said:

"Okay, thank you two fellow Taoists for reminding me. I will open the cave first, and then I will go to Thousand Fantasy Island to have a look."

“In that case, we won’t disturb Fellow Daoist Chu.”

Jiang Hongguang immediately said goodbye and left. After all, they also knew that opening a cave was a relatively secretive matter.

Chun Ning naturally would not stay. After sending the two of them out of the mountain, they returned to the mountain.

 After another careful exploration.

 Chun Ning's face unconsciously showed a hint of joy at this time.

Jiang Hongguang was conservative in what he said. The section that everyone saw just now is of relatively low quality among this spiritual vein.

 In fact, the other section of this spiritual vein has reached the quality of the second-order high-grade spiritual vein.

“If this spiritual vein were bigger, I’m afraid it would have reached the standard of establishing a sect.

 Now it is used to decorate the cave, even I think it is a bit luxurious. "

With this thought in mind, Chu Ning's movements did not stop at all.

This was the first time he opened his own cave. Chu Ning started to take action based on his own reality.

 First of all, a training room, a talisman-making room, and a rest room are naturally necessary.

Chuning naturally placed it where the spiritual veins were of the highest quality.

Chuning opened six caves above the part of the spiritual vein with the highest quality.

 Soon, several more rooms were opened not far away as spirit animal rooms.

 Of course, there are also those for Ling Xiaobai and the iron rock beast.

However, Chu Ning reserved some more, considering the possibility of raising other spiritual beasts later.

 The cave is probably complete.

Chuning looked at the large area in front of him and began to feel a little dizzy.

 For him, there is another very important thing, which is the Medicine Garden and Spiritual Field.

 After all, he has a lot of spiritual plants to plant.

It’s just that the soil on the top of the hill is not spiritual enough. If he wants to open a medicine garden, he will need to dig up half of the hill.

 This is mainly because this is a hidden spiritual vein.

 Otherwise, with such a high-grade spiritual vein, the soil above is definitely full of spiritual energy.

So, Chu Ning took the Iron Rock Beast to start clearing the wasteland.

 Fortunately, there is a depression next to the hilltop here, which can be used to pile soil.

 Otherwise, just having so much dirt would be enough to give Chu Ning a headache.

 In a few days, Chu Ning dug down half of the mountain top, but did not dig any further.

His place is actually quite conspicuous. If it weren't for Jiang Hongguang's order, he wouldn't be able to go here.

It is estimated that as long as someone takes a look, they will find out.

 And if you dig deeper, any immortal cultivator can easily feel the spiritual veins below.

“It seems that we have to go to Thousand Fantasy Island to buy a set of formations first.”

Thinking like this, Chu Ning walked out of his training room.

The only thing that worries Chu Ning is that because he has opened up a large number of spiritual fields and medicinal gardens, the scope of this cave is quite large.

 Coupled with the fact that I have relatively high requirements for the prohibition of these formations, I wonder if the Nacen family will sell such formations.


Chun Ning called Ling Xiaobai out.

“You guard the cave and don’t let anyone get close to it.

 If any monks come, scare them away. "

 Ling Xiaobai responded with a "嘤" sound.

Chu Ning left with peace of mind.

The little guy is already a first-level advanced spiritual beast. If he can practice and advance, he will probably not be too far away from breaking through to a second-level spiritual beast.

 Ordinary monks at the ninth level of Qi Refining are probably not necessarily its opponents.

 As long as no outsiders come, no one on the island can threaten it.

 As for the Iron Rock Beast, it cannot stay here yet.

This guy simply made a contract using magic according to the method he got from the disciples of the Spirit Beast Room before.

 Still, you can only drive yourself.

Although Ling Xiaobai usually teases the other party, it is still not enough to give full command when things happen.

So in order to avoid unnecessary complications, Chu Ning still took him away in a spirit animal bag.

 When entering and leaving Feihong Island again, Chu Ning will naturally not disturb Jiang Hongguang and his wife again.

 Going directly through the teleportation array, we arrived at Thousand Fantasy Island.

Then he made some inquiries and went straight to Na Cen's shop.

Not far from the teleportation array is the Fangshi of Thousand Fantasy Island. The six major families of the Thousand Island Alliance all have their own shops in the Fangshi.

This Cen family’s shop is called Cen Gongfang.

 It can be recognized at a glance.

Chuning took a look around Fangshi and found that the other Chen family and Liu family also called them this way.

It seems that in this Thousand Lakes and Thousand Islands, the names of the six major families of the Thousand Island Alliance are themselves signboards, and naturally they are more recognizable.

Although the name of Cen Gongfang is not particularly famous, the place is quite well built.

 A small three-story building with an extremely delicate and elegant shape.

Chuning walked into Cen Workshop and was immediately greeted by a monk.

He was probably at the fifth level of Qi refining. When he saw Chu Ning, he said enthusiastically:

“What does this senior want to buy and sell? We all have alchemy and talisman arrays in Cen Workshop.

Of course, the most powerful thing is this formation. "

Chuning was a little surprised when he heard this.

He always thought that this Cen Workshop only sold things for setting up formations, but he didn't expect that it was quite comprehensive.

Taking this opportunity, Chu Ning also took a rough look.

However, I found that the grades of these talismans and magical instruments are not too high.

This talisman turns out to be the highest grade talisman, and there are only three or two kinds. As for the quality, it is naturally not as good as other talismans.

  It is quite accurate with his previous judgment on the overall talisman level of Thousand Lakes and Thousand Islands.

As for magic weapons, Chu Ning only saw mid-level magic weapons.

 Shaking his head, Chu Ning asked directly to the monk:

 “How can I choose this formation?”

“Senior, let me know your needs, and I can choose the existing formation flag formation plate for my fellow Taoists.

If there is no suitable one, you can also ask the clan to help refine it.

Fellow Taoists can also ask the formation masters in the clan to arrange it, which is the fastest. "

Hearing what this monk said, Chu Ning shook his head slightly.

He would definitely not consider asking an array master to arrange it. In this case, his cave would be exposed.

So, Chu Ning said to the guy:

“The formation I want to deploy has relatively high requirements and can probably cover an area of ​​two hundred acres.

 It must have a covering effect, and at the same time, it can be separated and restricted, and some areas must also have a spirit gathering effect.

 The protective ability should be relatively strong, the higher the better..."

 Hearing Chu Ning's words, the monk in front of him who was at the fifth level of Qi Refining suddenly showed a look of surprise on his face.

 When Chu Ning finished speaking, he immediately said:

"The formation requirements required by senior are too high. Please wait a moment, I will go and talk to the shopkeeper."

After Chu Ning nodded in agreement, the guy immediately turned around and went up to the second floor.

 At this time, Chu Ning also saw other monks coming in.

They all came to inquire about this formation, and one of them bought an ordinary formation.

It is a simple masking effect, but the price is really not low, it actually costs 500 spirit stones.

 This made Chu Ning couldn't help but click his tongue.

 If the formation you bought yourself is of really high quality, the price will probably be quite high.

 He does have some wealth, but he still needs to practice in the future.

 After this talisman is no longer sold in large quantities, his source of income is not as stable as before.

“Perhaps you can find a shop in this market and find someone to sell talismans for you?”

 This thought came to Chu Ning's mind.

He has only sold talismans in the place where casual cultivators gathered before, and he has not yet understood how to open a store in the market of Qianhuan Island.

 But he thinks this is a good idea.

Just when Chu Ning was thinking this, the guy from before came back to him again and again.

“Senior, please come upstairs. Our shopkeeper is waiting for you upstairs.”

Chuning heard this and nodded lightly.

 He also felt that the formation he wanted would be difficult to satisfy with just one assistant.

This Cen family is known as the number one formation family in Qianhu and Qiandao. Their boss is willing to come out in person, so Chu Ning is naturally worried.

The waiter took Chu Ning up the stairs, but directly asked Chu Ning to go to the third floor.

This actually surprised Chu Ning. He originally thought that the second floor would be a relatively advanced place for trading formations.

After going up to the third floor, the guy took Chu Ning directly to a room with a tea room. He invited Chu Ning to come in while he retreated.

The teahouse obviously has some kind of restrictions. Chu Ning can't see inside, but people can easily walk in.

 However, when Chu Ning stepped forward, he was slightly startled.

In the tea room, there is a tea table, and behind the table sits a woman in white with an extraordinary temperament and a white gauze on her face.

It turned out to be that Fairy Cen.

Chun Ning was close at this moment and felt it for a moment, and it turned out to be the aura of the foundation-building monk.

Dang even raised his hands and saluted:

 “I’ve met Senior Cen!”

“Fellow Taoist Chu, please sit down. There is no need to call me senior. Just call the little girl “Fellow Taoist.”

No wonder he is so highly regarded by the male cultivators in this thousand lakes and islands.

Chun Ning also sighed secretly in his heart.

This Fairy Cen's voice is extremely pleasant, and it makes people feel very comfortable.

 I really want to see her face under the veil.

With this thought in mind, Chu Ning said politely:

"I don't dare. The senior is a foundation-building monk. The junior should be respectful and don't dare to talk about friendships with the same generation."

When Fairy Cen heard this, her bright eyes fell on Chu Ning.

 “Respectfully? I’m afraid not necessarily.

I asked my maid to invite Taoist Master Chu to come over, but Taoist Master Chu refused very simply. "

 While saying this, Fairy Cen’s consciousness shrouded Chu Ning’s body.

Chu Ning felt that the pressure was not strong, and it did not appear to be malicious. Instead, his expression remained normal at this moment, and he raised his hand again and said:

“Senior, don’t be surprised, it was actually the female Taoist friend who came that day who came unexpectedly.

I think as a senior, I would not approach a junior for no reason.

 I was worried that other people had ulterior motives and left directly under the guise of seniors. "

Cen Xianzi withdrew her consciousness, chuckled and said:

“So, it’s true that I didn’t think well. I should have come to you myself that day.”

“I don’t dare bother senior.” Chu Ning quickly handed over his hand again.

 “Fellow Daoist Chu, please take a seat!”

 The Cen fairy pointed at the position opposite her.

Chun Ning had nothing to hesitate and immediately sat down in front of him.

“My name is Cen Zijin, and I’m probably about the same age as Fellow Daoist Chu. I just asked Fellow Daoist to stop calling me “senior” because I really meant it.”

This Fairy Cen slowly spoke while brewing tea:

 “Those who are always called seniors and seniors always feel like they are being called old.”

Chun Ning was slightly startled when he heard this, but he understood why the other party was like this, so he said directly to Cen Zijin:

 “Then I will listen to my fellow Taoist.”

Hearing this, Cen Zijin glanced at Chu Ning in surprise.

Even though his face was still covered with a veil, Chu Ning saw a smile in his eyes.

“Fellow Taoist, please taste this spiritual tea.

Thousands of lakes and islands are extremely suitable for growing spiritual tea, but in terms of quality, our Cen Gongfang is undoubtedly the best. "

As Cen Zijin was speaking, he waved his hand and handed a cup of spiritual tea to Chu Ning.

Chuning reached out and took it, took a sip, and suddenly felt the spiritual energy flowing, and her mouth was fragrant.

 “Good tea!”

Chun Ning sighed in admiration, then went straight to the topic and said:

"Fellow Daoist Cen, the main reason I came here is to buy some things for setting up the formation."

 “I’ve heard it from people in the market.”

Cen Zijin responded casually, and then took out a set of formation flags directly from the storage bag.

“This set of formation flags was just researched and refined by me, and it embodies a lot of my insights into formations.

Although it is somewhat different from the top-level magic circle of our Cen family, it is not enough to be used as a similar protective formation.

 It cannot cover such a large range yet.

But if it is used to arrange it in a cave, I believe that no monk in the thousands of lakes and islands has the strength to break through this formation. "

Cen Zijin’s voice was somewhat calm, and his words were not modest.

However, I think of the fact that the other party is called the first array mage of Thousand Lakes and Thousand Islands by the outside world.

Chuning still chose to believe in the other party.

At this time, Cen Zijin’s words continued.

“Furthermore, this array does have the function of gathering spirits, and it can be regarded as meeting the needs of fellow Taoists.

As for the bans that need to be divided into different areas, I haven’t considered that.

 But it’s not difficult. You just need to give me a few days and make a few formation flags, and I can meet your needs. "

 Speaking these words, Cen Zijin looked directly at Chu Ning's face.

“I wonder if fellow Taoists are satisfied with this formation?”

After hearing this, Chu Ning did not answer directly, but asked:

“Fellow Daoist Cen, isn’t this formation worth a lot of money?”

Cen Zijin nodded and shook his head.

"I just said that this formation was just developed by me. To say that it is of high value, the effectiveness of the formation level is indeed one of the best in this Cen workshop.

Although this thing took me a lot of effort, it is not a scarce treasure after all.

  As for the value, it’s entirely up to me to decide. "

 Hearing what Cen Zijin said, Chu Ning was silent for a long time.

 Then he spoke again:

“I don’t know what conditions Daoist Cen has. I don’t think you can buy it directly without taking the spirit stone.”

Cen Zijin chuckled.

"Fellow Daoist Chu is smart. If you want spiritual stones, I just need to spread the word. I believe there will be many monks in these thousands of lakes and islands who can pay a high price."

 There is really no need for me to take it out and give it to fellow Taoists.

However, I want to use this set of formation flags to make a deal with Daoist Fellow Chu. "

"Deal?" When Chu Ning heard this, he looked at the other party with some doubts.

 “Not bad, deal!”

Cen Zijin nodded slightly and continued without waiting for Chu Ning to ask again:

"If my guess is correct, the elementary high-grade talismans that fellow Taoists used in the competition a few days ago were made by themselves, right?" Chu Ning nodded, and had nothing to hide.

 After all, he had sold a lot of talismans at the place where casual cultivators traded.

At this time, he seemed to vaguely guess something.

Cen Zijin saw Chu Ning admitting, so he followed:

“The deal I want to make with my fellow Taoist is that I will give this formation flag to my fellow Taoist.

 As for Daoist friend Chu, he handed over the talismans he made to our Cen Workshop for sale. "

Chun Ning heard that Cen Zijin’s words were not much different from what he expected, so he asked curiously:

“Fellow Daoist Cen, the formations of Cen Workshop are so famous. In the short period of time I was here, many people came in one after another to inquire about purchasing.

The grade of my talisman is not very high, and it may not be as attractive as your formation. Why would you want to sell my talisman? "

When Cen Zijin heard what Chu Ning said, he didn’t hesitate and said directly:

“You Taoist friends may not have been here for a long time in Thousand Lakes and Thousand Islands, but you must have heard of it.

 The six major families of the Thousand Islands League are both cooperative and competitive.

  In external situations, we are naturally cooperative.

 But internally, each company hopes to obtain more resources and enhance its own strength. "

Chuning nodded, and there was nothing he couldn't understand about this.

 A structure like the Thousand Islands League is indeed prone to this phenomenon.

Cen Zijin continued:

“Although our Cen family has made great achievements in formations, we are very average in other aspects.

Whether it is making talismans, refining elixirs, or refining weapons, they are much worse than other families.

 So in terms of resource acquisition speed, it is far slower than the other five companies.

Fellow Taoists also know that this formation is not often needed. If you buy it once, you may not need to buy it for decades.

The reason why Taoist friend just saw a lot of customers in Cen Workshop is because the Thousand Island Competition has just been completed and some monks have to arrange it.

 Otherwise, there are not many people here. "

Hearing this, Chu Ning felt a little enlightened.

 At this time, he understood that Cen Zijin came to him.

After thinking for a while, Chu Ning asked the other party:

“The talisman is for sale here, what kind of transaction method is Daoyou Cen going to make?”


As soon as Cen Zijin said these words, Chu Ning said directly and calmly:

“Fellow Daoist Cen, let’s talk about how to trade this formation with spirit stones.”

Fifty-five points, what a joke.

If he finds a shop in this market and hires someone to help sell the talismans, he will definitely make more than 50% profit.

Hearing Chu Ning's refusal so simply, Cen Zijin was slightly startled.

 Then, she chuckled and said:

"Why do you have to do this, fellow Taoist? The number of shares can naturally be discussed.

 Otherwise, you take 50% and we take 45%. "

Chuning shook his head, and then said directly:

"There is no need to discuss the price. Eighty-two. If fellow Daoist Cen agrees, we will make a deal directly."

 Hearing Chu Ning's words, an angry look flashed in Fairy Cen's bright eyes.

 Unconsciously, the cultivation of the foundation-building monks was revealed.

Chun Ning was immediately shocked and took a sip of the spirit tea.

 The other hand is already placed on the storage bag.

 Seeing Chu Ning's actions, Cen Zijin's eyes flashed.

 Suddenly his momentum dissipated, and then he said softly with a smile:

“Fellow Taoist, can’t you understand me?

It is not easy for me, a girl, to take care of this Cenjiafang.

 The family is under a lot of pressure. "

Chuning saw Cen Zijin on the opposite side dissipate his momentum and took his hand slightly away from the storage bag.

He said with a wry smile:

“Fellow Daoist Cen, please stop joking with me. You are a foundation-building monk. His talent for formations is the best among all. No one in the family dares to show shame.”

Cen Zijin's bright eyes flashed when he saw Chu Ning's unwillingness to eat.

Then he said seriously: "Fellow Taoist, eighty-two is impossible, why not..."

 Half an hour later.

Chun Ning walked out of Cen's Workshop with a normal expression.

 After a lot of verbal fighting, the two finally completed the transaction with relative satisfaction.

Chuning finally agreed to a transaction ratio of 64.

 The most important reason for agreeing to this share ratio is of course the identity of the Cen family.

The other party is, after all, the leader family of the Thousand Islands Alliance.

Although Chu Ning seemed to be indifferent before, he had actually been observing Cen Zijin's actions.

Although Fairy Cen has a high level of cultivation, it is obvious that the city is not very deep, and Chu Ning can still figure out the intention of every move.

If it were an older fox, Chu Ning would not dare to make mistakes easily.

He has also been paying attention to the other party. If the other party really uses strong measures, Chu Ning will naturally consider it if he relies on others.

 Fortunately, this Fairy Cen did not really use her power to overwhelm others.

 But Chu Ning also knows when enough is enough.

At the same time, the important reason why Chu Ning would choose to agree to this share is the set of formation flags in the opponent's hand.

 Such a good thing is really not something he can buy with spirit stones now.

 So even if it were really calculated, he would not suffer a loss.

However, Chu Ning also has one condition, that is, he cannot reveal that he made the talisman.

What Chu Ning can foresee is if the Cen family can really come up with a batch of high-quality talismans.

And if Cen Zijin finds another way to promote it.

This Cen Workshop's talisman business will definitely not be bad.

 This will inevitably compete for the business of the other five companies.

And if the other five families knew that these talismans were made by Chu Ning, it would be tantamount to offending them invisibly.

 This is something Chu Ning is absolutely unwilling to do.

 He just wants to practice peacefully.

 This point, Cen Zijin did not agree to at first.

Her original intention was to use the talisman made by Chu Ning as a gimmick to become an instant success.

 After all, Chu Ning was already well-known for his talisman fighting skills in the Thousand Island Competition.

 But when Chu Ning insisted on the request and claimed that if he did not agree to this, there would be no deal.

 That Fairy Cen finally agreed.

Correspondingly, Chu Ning originally wanted to take away 65%, but finally relented and changed to 60%.

 And Fairy Cen also made a request, that is, a supply of one thousand talismans every ten days.

 Among them, more than 60% should be primary and high-grade talismans.

 Otherwise, the quantity will increase again.

Chun Ning was very embarrassed about this at first, but finally reluctantly agreed.

 In my heart, I didn’t take this talisman to heart at all.

 Making a hundred talismans every day is really not a problem for him with a very high success rate.

Of course, he still has to act very difficult in front of the other party.

 At the same time that Chu Ning walked out of Cen Workshop.

On the third floor of Cen Gongfang, Cen Zijin looked at Chu Ning's leaving figure with a smile in his bright eyes.

“A hundred talismans a day should be enough to squeeze him out.

 In fact, as long as his high-quality talismans are driven by it, our own talismans can also be sold. Generally speaking, we can naturally make a lot more money. "

Cen Zijin muttered softly.

Remembering how Chu Ning had been bargaining with her just now, refusing to accept the offer, she suddenly thought deeply.

“Obviously he looks cautious, but when facing me, a foundation-building monk, he is neither humble nor overbearing.

 This person is quite interesting.

It is said that he has just entered Thousand Lakes and Thousand Islands not long ago. Before that, he should have seen some big things in the world. "


Three days later, Chu Ning walked into Cen's workshop again and got a complete set of formation items from Cen Zijin.

 At the same time, he also gave the other party a thousand talismans.

Chun Ning only said that there were still a lot of paintings left, and Cen Zijin didn't care.

 At the same time, Chu Ning also gave Cen Zijin a portrait.

 Tell the other party that a person named Liu Ping will be responsible for the talisman transaction in the future.

The location of this intersection cannot be on Qianhuan Island, but on Caiwu Island, which is crowded with people.

  Cen Zijin can also designate one person to go to the transaction.

Although Cen Zijin found it a little troublesome, he finally agreed.

However, it’s a bit funny that Chu Ning is so cautious.

 Chu Ning doesn’t care what the other party thinks.

After everything was settled, he quickly left Cen Workshop and returned to Yanfeng on Feihong Island.

 Then he took out the array of flags from the storage bag and began to study them.

Chun Ning has never laid out a formation before. Fortunately, Cen Zijin explained it in great detail before and even drew a schematic diagram for Chu Ning.

Chun Ning first placed the formation disk at the core position, and then began to place the formation flags according to the diagram.

  Sometimes the position is not very accurate, and Chu Ning has to adjust it repeatedly.

Since Chu Ning also required that different caves, spiritual fields, and medicine gardens should be separated by corresponding restrictions, there were naturally more flags.

By the time Chu Ning finished playing with it, most of the day had passed.

After the last formation flag was planted, Chu Ning came to the position of the formation plate and activated the magic formula.

 Suddenly, streams of spiritual energy surged out from the spiritual veins and gathered into the array.

Then a magical scene happened, and the entire Yanfeng Mountain began to be filled with layers of white mist.

If anyone from the outside world sees it, they will magically find that the entire mountain peak disappears into the white mist in just the blink of an eye.

 Soon, the white mist also disappeared.

A mountain peak appeared here, which was exactly the same shape as the Yanfeng Peak before.

Chun Ning, who was in the formation, felt a little bit at this moment, and also got out of the formation with some curiosity.

Yu Feng soared into the sky. Chu Ning looked at the mountain peaks that were exactly the same as before before he opened the cave, and felt very magical in his heart.

The set of formation flags given by Cen Zijin confuses the outside world, and they are actually the same as the original mountain peaks.

After thinking about it, Chu Ning released his puppet bird and then directed it to fly towards the mountain.

The puppet bird had just reached the top of the mountain, but the next moment, Chu Ning completely lost contact with the puppet bird.

 And the puppet bird also fell straight down.

Chu Ning tried to use his spiritual consciousness to sense it. After his spiritual consciousness came into contact with the formation, it was completely blocked by a layer of restrictions.

After thinking for a while, Chu Ning raised his hand, and a stream of red flames shot towards the formation.

This pillar of fire hit the restriction outside the formation and was instantly disintegrated. However, the protective restriction of the formation did not even have the slightest fluctuation.

“This formation is really good, it seems it doesn’t even have a name.”

Chuning nodded with satisfaction. He wanted to give it a name, but thought about it and gave up.

 As long as the formation is easy to use, it doesn't matter whether it has a name or not.

Holding the forbidden jade token and returning directly to the formation, Chu Ning immediately started the second half of the technique to open up the cave.

Haunted the Iron Rock Beast and began to dig up all the excess soil in the medicine garden and spiritual field.

After another day of busy work, the cave that Chu Ning opened by himself was fully formed.

The side facing the lake has been completely opened up at this moment. Chu Ning’s practice room and living room are both on this side.

At the same time, there are several stone rooms on this side, where people occasionally come to visit and have a place to stay.

Located in the cave halfway up the mountain, Chu Ning could see the blue lake light outside just by raising his head slightly.

Outside the cave, Chu Ning even made a shelf imitating the lounge chair in the front room.

 When you have nothing to do, you can still take a look at the scenery of the lakes and mountains.

 One more cave, Chu Ning dug deeper, and there was a spring in the middle.

There are two fire crystals buried around the spring. The fire-attributed aura in the whole room is extremely rich, and even the air feels a little hot.

However, due to the restriction in the cave, these fire-attribute spiritual energy condensed and did not disperse, and the spring water became a natural hot spring.

 After a few cave rooms, there is the spirit beast room. Ling Xiaobai's room is with the iron rock beast, and there are some others that are empty.

 After leaving the cave, what you see is a huge medicine garden.

This area of ​​​​the medicine garden is still in the category of high-grade spiritual veins.

So whether it is the quality of the spiritual soil or the intensity of the spiritual energy, it can barely be compared with the cave where Chu Ning briefly lived in Qingxi Sect for two months.

 Because Chu Ning has not planted all the elixirs at this moment, and the medicine garden only has a large area.

Chun Ning still has some formation flags in his hand. As long as he plants the elixir, he can separate the restrictions here at will.

 Outside the medicine garden, there are hundreds of acres of spiritual fields.

 The richness of its spiritual energy and the level of spiritual soil are no less than those of the twenty acres of spiritual fields outside Yanjifang.

However, although these hundreds of acres of spiritual fields are also shrouded in formations.

 But relatively speaking, the peripheral defense will be weaker.

  The main protective restriction of the formation still falls on the edge of the medicine garden.

After all, he will still plant the more valuable elixirs and spiritual plants in the medicine garden, and the quality of the ones grown in the spiritual field will naturally be lower.

Leading Ling Xiaobai and Iron Rock Beast in a circle, Chu Ning nodded with satisfaction.

 Then he turned his head towards the two little guys and said:

“Next, I will plant elixirs and plants here. Please stop running around and trampling on the elixirs and plants.”


 Ling Xiaobai nodded intelligently.

 The next moment, a divine voice was sent out.

 “Can I eat it after it is planted?”

Chun Ning smiled and said: "Yes, but you have to help ripen it."

“Hey!” Ling Xiaobai called out in grievance.

 As if to say, it had known this would happen.

Chun Ning smiled, made it clear which places they could go and which places they couldn't go, and then drove the two little guys back to the spirit beast room.

 Then he started to take out things from the storage bag.

The first thing Chu Ning took out was the jade box containing the flame wood twin fruit seedlings.

Chuning has been getting these seedlings for several months because he has never found a suitable place to plant them.

 So I keep it in the storage bag.

 Not only were these seedlings not planted.

Because Chu Ning has been tempering his magic power before, Chu Ning has never taken the Flame Wood Twin Fruit, including the Qingmu Yuanyang Pill.

However, Chu Ning is not in a hurry to take them at this time. He will deal with these elixirs and plants first.

At this moment, I opened the jade box and took a look. The seedlings were well preserved.

Chuning immediately took out these seedlings and started planting them in the medicine garden.

 After planting more than thirty plants, Chu Ning began to cast spells.

Chun Ning still used the Aoki Chunhua Technique, and he had not practiced and used the Xuanqing Chunhua Technique yet.

This Flame Wood Twin Fruit is so precious that Chu Ning still doesn’t want to try it easily for the time being.

 After performing some Aoki Chunhua surgery, Chu Ning planted other seedlings one after another.

 At this time, it was almost exactly half an hour.

Chuning returned to the area where the Flame Wood Twin Fruits were planted and felt it carefully.

 He could clearly sense that traces of spiritual energy were gathering towards the Flame-Wood Twin Fruits.

However, his brows also raised slightly.

Because at this moment, among the spiritual energy gathered in the flame-wood twin fruits, the wood-attributed spiritual energy is obviously more abundant.

 The aura of the fire attribute is a bit worse.

This is naturally because the Aoki Chunhua Technique itself is a wood-attributed spell.

Some ordinary spiritual plants are fine, but this flame-wood twin fruit requires a very balanced spiritual energy of both wood and fire attributes.

 Otherwise, even if it is the result, the quality will be greatly reduced.

However, Chu Ning somewhat expected all this.

 He took out three larger fire crystals directly from the storage bag and buried them in several locations in the medicine garden.

 At the same time, he took out a few formation flags from the storage bag and found the correct position to plant them.

 Suddenly, an invisible layer of restriction directly separated this small medicine garden.

This is exactly what Chu Ning had always emphasized when purchasing the formation, to have the effect of the spirit gathering formation.

 Otherwise, if the fire attribute spiritual energy in the fire spirit crystal overflows, it would be a huge waste.

 Immediately, Chu Ning came to other medicine gardens and used Ganlin Technique and Qingmu Chunhua Technique one after another.

It was only then that Chu Ning went to the spiritual field outside and planted all the orchids and other things in the storage bag.

Then, he urged the planting of some Jin Yuan Guo.

At the same time, there is the Amethyst Bamboo that has not been planted for some time.

Chuning also brought out some bamboo rice and planted several acres.

 After all, he will have to supply talismans to the Cen family every day.

It is better to make some of these talismans yourself, as they are of higher quality.

 Chuning also planted some spiritual plants that could make intermediate talismans.

 Easy to make intermediate and low-level talismans by yourself.

He also planted some spiritual rice and became self-sufficient.

Just half a day passed, and the outside of Chu Ning Cave was already filled with all kinds of elixirs and plants.

 It does have a feeling of vitality.

Chuning, on the other hand, went straight to the area where the orchid was planted.

 First, I went through the Xuanqing Huaju from the Xuanqing Jade Slip in my mind.

Then, after performing several hand gestures in a row, he shot a magic trick into the iron stem orchid.

Since this Xuan Qing Hua Shu is recorded in this Xuan level advanced skill, he would like to take a look.

 What magical effect does it have?

 When this magic formula was played, Chu Ning was slightly stunned.

 Because at the same time, a very mysterious feeling came to his heart.

 (End of this chapter)

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