My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 159: The first level of Yanhuo Divine Wood Skill is completed, and the talent is refreshed

Chapter 159 The first level of Yanhuo Divine Wood Skill is perfected, and the talent is refreshed

Hearing Chu Ning’s question, Wen Yanchao smiled and explained:

“It is indeed like this all year round. The Thousand Islands Alliance previously suspected that this should be caused by the restriction of some ancient residual formation.

I even suspected that this might be the site of an ancient sect, so Shuiyun Island had always been under the jurisdiction of the Thousand Islands Alliance.

Even after the Cen family spent a lot of time, they still couldn't find anything special.

Since the spiritual energy on this island was too low, the Thousand Islands Alliance abandoned the island and handed it over to other monks. "

Chuning nodded slightly after hearing this.

I heard that hundreds of years ago, ancient sect ruins did appear in the Thousand Lakes and Thousand Islands, which also attracted many monks to fight against them.

“So Fellow Daoist Wen took over the jurisdiction of this island?”

“No!” Wen Yanchao shook his head.

“At that time, there were still some monks who were still determined to give up, and there were even foundation-building monks who took charge of it for a period of time, but they also found nothing later.

 In addition, this island is actually not convenient for low-level monks and mortals to live, its popularity is not high, and its income is average, so it fell into my hands. "

Hearing this, Wen Yanchao smiled slightly and said:

“I happen to practice water-based skills and spells, so a place like this makes me feel very comfortable.”

Chuning nodded slightly after hearing this. He was not sensitive to water-type auras.

 But since Wen Yanchao said so, I think the water aura in this place should be relatively stronger.

A few people were talking and heading towards Wen Yanchao's cave.

Since it was Chu Ning’s first time here, Wen Yanchao wanted Chu Ning to take a look at Shuiyun Island, but the few of them did not flee too fast.

 After a long time like this, we arrived at Wen Yanchao's cave.

 Along the way, as the other party said, there were not many people on the island.

 According to Wen Yanchao, there are relatively few spiritual fields planted on this island.

On the contrary, this island is rich in a spiritual fish called the black-tailed dragon fish, which is a good way to replenish energy.

 So many people on the island are raising this kind of spiritual fish.

 At the same time, some monks from outside also come to capture the surrounding areas of the island every day.

Wen Yanchao even took Chu Ning to a place to have a look.

“I don’t know if that monk accidentally obtained the Soul-fixing Pearl in this way.”

Chun Ning thought about it for a moment, and it was not convenient for him to ask the other party where he got it.

However, Chu Ning still pretended to be curious and asked Wen Yanchao a few questions, and secretly made a note of the relatively large capture location on the island.

All this is naturally because Chu Ning is somewhat suspicious that Master Shenmeng, who is related to the art of refining gods, may be able to find some clues around here.

Chun Ning only had the first two levels of the Divine Refining Technique in his hands. After starting to practice the second level of the Divine Refining Technique, he searched for relevant information many times.

 However, there are almost no records about the art of refining the gods.

Chun Ning now knows that the only thing that has something to do with Master Shenmeng is the soul-fixing bead.

Since this Soul-fixing Pearl has appeared on Shuiyun Island, Chu Ning will come to investigate sooner or later.

Several people entered Wen Yanchao's cave. After taking a look, Chu Ning smiled and said:

 “It is rare for Mr. Chu to have such a good book as Daoyou Wen.”

But it was Wen Yanchao who led the two of them into the room. There were rows of bookshelves, as many as a dozen rows.

 And every one of them is filled with books.

 As cultivators of immortality, we are often used to reading jade slips, and there are so many books like this in the room.

Chuning is indeed rare.

Hearing Chu Ning’s words, Wen Yanchao laughed and said:

“Brother Chu is laughing, I just have this hobby and collect some books, pictures and the like.

To be honest with fellow Taoists, there are many books even from the secular world. "

Chu Ning didn’t take it seriously after hearing this. Except for some miscellaneous books, the rest of the books on the world of cultivating immortals contained secrets of cultivation.

It is impossible for Wen Yan to collect so many supernatural things.

 It is natural and normal to get some books about the secular world.

Wen Yanchao seemed to be showing off at this moment, and even introduced Chu Ning to them.

“Fellow Taoists may not be interested in these books, but I have collected a lot of pictures here. Some of them are even ancient pictures, which may be of interest to fellow Taoists.”

As he spoke, Wen Yanchao casually took out two animal skin-like things from the shelf and unfolded them.

“For example, Shuiyun Island used to be called Shuiyun Cave, and I spent a lot of effort to collect these ancient pictures.

 For this purpose, I also specially made an existing map of Shuiyun Island to compare the location with this ancient map. "

Chun Ning looked at the two pictures that Wen Yanchao took out, and his heart was pounding.

The existing picture of Shuiyun Island in Wen Yanchao's hand is nothing.

However, Chu Ning recognized the scene in that ancient picture at a glance.

 Many parts of this picture.

It was the same as the animal skin fragment that Chu Ning had killed before, including Peng Dajun of Shadow Moon Island, He Mingjin of Bitao Island, and the unknown middle-aged monk.

 Originally, Chu Ning didn’t know where the residual map was marked.

Moreover, it is still a fragmented picture and incomplete. It is of no use to you to get it yourself.

However, he did remember the picture in his hand, which happened to be the marked position.

If you can really locate this exact location with the help of this ancient map of Shuiyun Island, it doesn't matter if you even have the rest of the residual map.

This thought flashed through his mind quickly, and Chu Ning said with a very interested expression on his face:

"This is a bit interesting. For example, where is the current cave of fellow Taoist, what is its location in the original ancient map?"

Wen Yanchao heard that Chu Ning was interested in this and introduced it with great interest.

“The location of my cave is in the original Shuiyun Cave, which is called Meiwu Peak…”

Chun Ning asked several questions in succession, and then said inadvertently:

“Wangyue Mountain in this ancient map seems to be a bit off. I haven’t heard of this mountain from Daoist Wen just now.”

"No more!" Wen Yanchao shook his head directly at this moment.

“If Wangyue Mountain is at its current location, it should be on a lake about fifty miles southeast of Shuiyun Island.

 Occasionally some monks will go fishing there, but they are relatively few. "

Chun Ning nodded slightly, and then continued to chat about Shuiyun Island for a while.

 Even later, I asked Feihong Island whether there were any ancient pictures or the like.

From what Wen Yanchao and Jiang Hongguang felt, Chu Ning was indeed very interested in such things.

 So much so that when Chu Ning left Shuiyun Island, Wen Yanchao kept inviting Chu Ning to his house.

Chu Ning naturally agreed.

After returning to Feihong Island from Shuiyun Island, Chu Ning declined Jiang Hongguang’s invitation to visit the cave again, and then returned directly to his cave in Yanfeng.

Fei Dun arrived outside the cave, and Chu Ning was preparing to enter the formation directly.

However, he saw a white figure standing there quietly near the lake near the cave.

 Immediately, the figure flashed and also came to the edge of the lake.

 “Why don’t fellow Daoist Cen enter the cave?”

Hearing Chu Ning's greeting, Cen Zijin turned his head. Although his face was covered by a veil, his wonderful eyes looked at Chu Ning with a faint smile:

“You’re not afraid that I’ll go straight into the cave and see the treasure in your medicine garden.”

Chuning used the jade tablet to open the restriction and said with a smile:

"If you want to see it, fellow Taoist monks have already seen it. In front of your majestic foundation-building monk, I really can have any secrets."

“I don’t think so. I always feel that I can’t see through it.”

Cen Zijin muttered.

Chuning quickly changed the topic at this moment and said haha:

“I just went to Shuiyun Island, but I kept my Taoist friends waiting for a long time.”

Cen Zijin was indeed attracted and asked Chu Ning what he was doing at Shuiyun Island.

The two of them chatted and came to the stone room in the cave. It was still the one outside that could see the entire lake.

After Cen Zijin landed, he took out some spiritual tea from the storage bag and started brewing it.

After making tea, she naturally took off her veil.

  Directly reveal that beautiful and refined face.

 After taking a sip of tea, she took out two more items from the storage bag.

First, he took one of the small jade boxes and handed it to Chu Ning.

“You can plant some good Lingcha seeds, so you don’t have to bring Lingcha with me every time you come back.”

 “Okay!” Chu Ning took it easily.

Cen Zijin then picked up the two jade bottles on the side and said:

“It’s not easy to refine elixirs with dual attributes of wood and fire. I asked someone to bring some from outside, but there were only 90 of them.

If you still want it later, I will ask someone to help you bring it. "

 “Okay!” When Chu Ning heard this, his eyes flashed slightly, and he reached out to take it again.

He didn’t say any more words of thanks, but he took out some intermediate and low-grade talismans from the storage bag.

“I heard that Fairy Cen has recently acquired several different low-level and intermediate-level talismans, and the monks outside are probably looking forward to them.”

When Cen Zijin heard this, he burst into laughter.

“It seems that I am a little closer to being known as the number one talisman master in Qianhu Qiandao.”


At this moment, Ling Xiaobai came out and called out.

After Cen Zijin heard this, he immediately reached out and hugged the little guy with a look of joy on his face.

"Xiao Bai, I brought you spiritual fruit..."

 That night, Cen Zijin did not leave. Anyway, she still had a cave here.

 As for the reason, I am with Xiaobai.

Cen Zijin was teasing Ling Xiaobai next door, while Chu Ning returned to his training room and took out a picture of an animal skin.

 At the same time, he took out a large piece of paper and began to recall the two maps he saw at Wen Yanchao's place today in his mind.

 It took half an hour for Chu Ning to completely outline a picture.

It’s just that the marked point on it is not as shown in the ancient animal skin map, but replaced with the current location of Shuiyun Island.

“Is it possible that this location is actually the cave of the Master Shenmeng?”

  Starting at the newly drawn marking point, his eyes kept flickering.

 The main reason for this inference is the appearance of the Soul-fixing Pearl. After all, under normal circumstances, such a coincidence is impossible.

 But in the final analysis, this is just Chu Ning’s own inference.

“First practice the Yanhuo Divine Wood Technique to the first level, and then build the foundation. By then, the second level of Divine Refining Technique should also have reached a certain stage.

 Let’s talk about it when we have a chance. "

Chun Ning’s eyes flickered as he put away the two pictures.

If there really was a cave in ancient times for cultivating great powers, there would most likely be many restrictions inside.

Even though he had Ling Xiaobai, a spiritual beast that could ignore the restrictions, he had to think twice.

Cen Zijin only stayed here for one night and left the next day.

 Chun Ning’s cultivation life has returned to normal again.

He also tried the elixir sent by Cen Zijin. Although it was not as good as the Qingmu Yuanyang elixir, it was indeed much better than ordinary elixirs.

Originally Chu Ning's Yanhuo Shenmu Kung was used after the Qingmu Yuanyang Pill was used up.

 With the help of the Flame Wood Twin Fruit and the Spiritual Stone, the daily proficiency level has dropped to about 4 points.

Now it can speed up again, reaching an increase of about 5 points every day.

 Cultivation, making talismans, cultivating spiritual plants.

 There is no time in the mountains.

 Unconsciously, two years have passed by.


 Feihong Island, Yanfeng.

All the monks on the island know that this peak is the location of the cave of the number one monk on the island, so almost no one approaches it.

It is said that a low-level monk once came to Yanfeng to try to become a famous teacher.

Then I was trapped for three days and three nights. After I returned, I felt like I had seen a ghost. I was suspicious for a long time.

 From now on, no monks will go near this mountain.

At this time, on the edge of the lake under Yanfeng Peak.

But there was a huge monster with gray hair walking slowly.

On its broad back sat a young man wearing a green robe, with a small white monster lying beside him.

This is naturally the owner of this place, Chu Ning.

 Looking at the lake in the distance, Chu Ning's expression was calm and unruffled.

After several years of cultivating immortals in the cave, Chu Ning no longer looked like the nervous and nervous state he had before and after leaving Qingxi Sect.

But it has a bit more of a calm atmosphere, adding a bit of a feeling of being an outsider.

“In ten days, Cen Zijin should be here, setting up a formation to ignite the fire, the time is just right…”

With this thought in mind, Chu Ning's mind flashed with his own practice proficiency, and at the same time he briefly recalled his two years of practice.

 【Yanhuo Shenmu Kung (high grade Xuan level), first level (4990/5000)】

 【Nine-Yan Body Refining Techniques, Volume 1, Unstoppable Tendons (1499/1500)】

  【Alchemy, second level (1700/2000)】

Yanhuo Shenmu Kung has been practiced to near perfection in two years.

 Among these, the elixir brought by Cen Zijin was of great help.

 She will come here basically every three months, and she will bring a sufficient amount of elixirs every time she comes.

 This allows Chu Ning to basically maintain a proficiency increase of 4 to 5 points every day.

As for the Jiuyan Body Refining Technique, which is called Jiuyan Body Refining Technique, it is also improved bit by bit with the help of Tie Yang Fruit.

 However, after reaching 1499 a month ago, it has been unable to make any progress.

Obviously the hybrid Tieyang fruit cultivated by Chu Ning can even help improve proficiency.

 However, it is still not possible to truly help completely overcome the bottleneck.

 As for the art of refining the gods.

 In the past, by using the analysis of talisman sources and the production of talismans to consume spiritual consciousness, the proficiency level could still be maintained at around 2 points.

  However, after the proficiency reached 1000, Chu Ning could only increase by 1 point even if he increased the consumption of talisman-making consciousness.

The breakthrough of continuous tendons and divine refining skills, the former requires a certain amount of opportunity, while the latter requires a certain amount of time.

On the other hand, this Yanhuo Divine Wood Technique only needs two more days of diligent practice, and it should be possible to reach the first level of perfection.

 “Let’s go, Dahui, go back to the cave.”

Following Chu Ning's order, the iron rock beast carried Chu Ning into the formation, and its figure disappeared into a white mist.

Chuning returned to the cave and took a look at the various spiritual plants in the medicine garden and spiritual field.

After the Yanmu Twin Fruit has been in fruit for two years, it should take about half a year to mature and be picked.

 The Iron Soul Flower has been blooming for a year, but the flower is not yet fully mature and has not yet reached the stage of absorbing its wood essence.

 Tieyangguo has been harvested for several seasons.

It took more than a year for Chu Ning to cross-pollinate the spiritual fruit with orchid, Yuanyang fruit and Jinyang fruit.

 But the fruit also shows no signs of ripeness.

 Walking around in a circle, Chu Ning came to the medicine garden where the twin flaming wood fruits were planted.

After performing some Xuan Qing Hua surgery, Chu Ning casually took out a few middle-grade spiritual stones, closed his eyes and began to practice.

This practice lasts for two days and two nights.

Until the morning of the third day, Chu Ning opened his eyes, and one green and one red light flashed in his eyes.

 Soon, he disappeared again.

 “The first level of Yanhuo Divine Wood Technique, perfect!”

Chun Ning felt the extremely pure wood and fire dual attribute mana in his dantian that had been tempered countless times.

 With a hint of smile in his bright eyes.

The figure flashed, and he left the medicine garden and came to the practice room.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand and a fiery snake as thick as a python appeared in the air.

 After hovering for a while, it disappeared into Chu Ning's hand again.

“After completing the first level of the Flame Fire Divine Wood Technique, it also helped my own Fiery Flame Technique.

This fire python transformation has taken me a lot of time to practice, and now I can finally complete it. "

  Immediately, Chu Ning looked at the proficiency in his mind.

Since the first level of the Yanhuo Shenmu Kung Fu has been cultivated to perfection, it stands to reason that the talent will be refreshed!

Sure enough, when he looked at the proficiency level, there was already a new display on it.

 【Yanhuo Shenmu Kung (high grade Xuan level), first level (5000/5000)】

  【Talent refreshed, reward talent "Yuandan Spirit Body"

  1. Significantly improve the understanding of alchemy and cultivation talent;

  2. Improve the success rate and quality of alchemy. 】

Hidden magical talent: Spirit refining, you can refine your own elixirs to improve and change the quality of the elixirs]

 Finally, I can make elixirs!

 After reading the introduction of the Yuan Dan Spirit Body, Chu Ning’s eyes were filled with smiles.

 He has been waiting for this moment for a long time.

 After all, this is related to his next step, foundation building!

Looking at the talent introduction of Yuandan Spirit Body again, it can be said that this spiritual body talent is both expected and unexpected.

 He had been waiting for the first level of Yanhuo Shenmu Kung to be fully refreshed, and what he was waiting for was this alchemy-type spirit body.

 And now it has been proven that what he had inferred before was indeed confirmed.

But what surprised Chu Ning was that Chu Ning originally thought that this hidden talent might be analytical like making talismans.

But what he never expected was that it was spirit refining!

At this moment, Chu Ning already had a set of spirit refining techniques in his mind.

 In this way, he can finally start the alchemy.

Chu Ning has already understood the basic alchemy skills that he got from Peng Dajun in the past two years.

Chun Ning remembers the prescriptions of Qingmu Yuanyang Pill and Xuanling Baodan very well.

 He even deliberately used the morphing spell to change his appearance and traveled around the islands to collect several pill recipes in order to be able to practice his skills in the early stage.

As for the alchemy furnace, I have already prepared one, but the quality is not very high.

Chun Ning wanted to wait for Cen Zijin to draw out the underground fire and give it a try first.

 If necessary, prepare a higher quality alchemy furnace.

 All preparations in the early stage have been made, and now the spiritual body talent has been refreshed.

Then just wait for Cen Zijin to arrive and help set up the formation to draw out the ground fire.

 Nine days later, according to the usual days, Cen Zijin should show up.

 But Chu Ning waited until night and did not see the other party appear. This undoubtedly made Chu Ning feel confused and made up his mind, if the other party didn't come the next day.

Then you will come to the door yourself.

 Early the next morning, Chu Ning had just finished practicing and taking care of elixirs and spiritual plants.

Cen Zijin, the number one fairy in Thousand Lakes and Thousand Islands, arrived gracefully.

"I thought you would come yesterday. Was there something delayed at the Cen Workshop?"

Chun Ning's first words when he saw Cen Zijin made Cen Zijin's bright eyes feel a little warmer.

"It's not Cen Gongfang, it's the family. Some elders had some disputes."

Cen Zijin’s eyes became less ambiguous when he talked about the bad things in his family.

But he soon recovered again and chuckled:

“It’s still comfortable and carefree for you to stay here. To be honest, I envy you now.”

“Then stay a few more days.” Chu Ning laughed and took out the tools for brewing the spirit tea.

Cen Zijin looked at Chu Ning with bright eyes, but did not reply. He just stretched out his hand to untie the veil with a smile on his lips.

Then he reached out and took the spiritual tea brewing tool from Chu Ning.

“It’s strange to say that I always thought that the Lingcha from our Cen Gongfang was of the same type.

 But after drinking the spiritual tea you grew, I feel that the tea is just average.

 Your ability as a spiritual plant really surprises me. "

She gave them the seeds of this spiritual tea, so the varieties are the same.

 But the first time she brewed it, she discovered that the quality of this spiritual tea was higher than the one at home, and the spiritual energy was much richer.

 Such an effect can be achieved, naturally, because of Chu Ning’s planting.

Chu Ning couldn't help but laugh at this time: "I have great abilities, such as practicing, and I also want to try alchemy."

  While saying this, Chu Ning deliberately used his magic power to make his perfect aura more obvious.

 In fact, when Cen Zijin came just now, he had already released his perfect breath cultivation.

It's just that this fairy Cen was only talking to Chu Ning and didn't pay attention.

“Have you reached perfection in refining your qi?”

At this moment, Cen Zijin looked at Chu Ning's breath and paused slightly while brewing the spirit tea.

 The bright eyes are shining with light.

Chuning nodded, "We made a breakthrough last month."

 “Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Chu!”

Cen Zijin smiled like a girl.

 This gesture, among the thousands of lakes and islands, Chu Ning is probably the only one who can see it.

Chu Ning also laughed at this moment and said:

“I am still far from being a foundation-building monk like Daoist Cen.”

“Then you have to practice harder, otherwise you will never be able to catch up with me.”

Cen Zijin raised his head slightly, looking quite proud.

But then, he seemed to feel that something was wrong with what he said, so he quickly turned his head.

 Only Chu Ning was left with a delicate profile.

Chuning smiled and took the initiative to change the topic:

“I remember you said before that there is earth fire under this mountain range, and you can draw it out by setting up an array.

 Do you want to prepare any special array items? I want you to help me draw out the ground fire. "

 “Causing fire to the earth?” Cen Zijin was indeed attracted to his attention.

 At this time, she also remembered Chu Ning’s words before, and frowned slightly.

“Now that you have reached the level of Qi refining, why don’t you focus on cultivating and attacking the foundation?

 It’s too distracting to make talismans and refine elixirs. "

“The techniques I practice are different from others.” Chu Ning explained at this moment.

“In order to build the foundation, I need a special elixir. This elixir can only be refined by myself.”

Hearing Chu Ning's words, Cen Zijin's eyebrows furrowed even more tightly and she looked at Chu Ning with some dissatisfaction.

“Then why didn’t you start refining the elixir earlier? Since the elixir is so different, it certainly cannot be learned in a short time.

 You just started learning alchemy now, don’t you think it’s too late? "

Chuning heard this and looked at Cen Zijin with a smile.

"Are you worried that I can't build the foundation, or are you worried that I will build the foundation too late?"

Hearing Chu Ning's words, Cen Zijin relaxed his frowning eyebrows and raised them slightly.

"Whether you can build the foundation or not is none of my business. I'm just worried that you'll be distracted and unable to make the talisman."

 Speaking of this, Cen Zijin's face returned to a calm expression, looking businesslike.

However, Chu Ning vaguely seemed to see that the other party's eyes were a little wandering.

After taking a sip of tea, Chu Ning said:

“Don’t worry, I’ve been exposed to this alchemy technique for a long time, but I’ve been practicing it with peace of mind for the past two years and didn’t want to be too distracted, so I didn’t refine it.

I am quite knowledgeable about alchemy, and it won’t take long to refine the elixir. "

Hearing Chu Ning's words, Cen Zijin looked at him with some suspicion.

However, after seeing Chu Ning's determined look, she stood up.

“Then let me see how good you are at alchemy.”

As he spoke, Cen Zijin took out a compass-like thing from his storage bag, plus a few formation flags.

“Take me to where the hidden spiritual veins are. I already know the location of the earth fire on this mountain.

It is also necessary to combine the direction of the spiritual veins, so that the position of the pure earth fire can be determined most accurately. "

Hearing what Cen Zijin said, Chu Ning also stood up.

He led the other party to a stone room, went down a stone step, and directly entered the place where the spiritual veins were located at the heart of the mountain.

As soon as he entered the location of the spiritual veins, Cen Zijin opened his mouth slightly, a little surprised.

“I have long thought that the grade of this spiritual vein is not low, but I never thought that it has reached the level of second-grade mid-grade or even high-grade.”

Cen Zijin's bright eyes turned slightly and fell on Chu Ning, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

“You didn’t ask me to come here to set up a formation to ignite the fire, were you afraid that I would discover this hidden spiritual vein?”

Chun Ning had nothing to hide at this moment, nodded and said:

“It was indeed like this when you told me at first. I was afraid that your Cen family would take this for yourself.

But after I went to Pinghu Island, I no longer had this idea.

 I didn’t ask you to set up the formation simply because it really wasn’t used before. "

 Hearing Chu Ning's straightforward words, Cen Zijin glanced at Chu Ning.

However, he was not angry at all. Instead, he started to investigate using the magic formula.

Half a day later, Chu Ning looked at the newly decorated alchemy room three stone rooms away from the living stone room, ready to make a move.

It is undoubtedly very trouble-free to have an array master personally help with the layout.

At this moment, there is an alchemy furnace in the middle of the alchemy room. There is a dark hole underneath, but there is no flame.

A small formation was arranged around the alchemy furnace. Cen Zijin told Chu Ning how to use it, and it was extremely simple.

At this moment, Chu Ning pinched the magic formula and hit the corner of the formation beside the alchemy furnace.

After a wave of spiritual power, a red flame suddenly appeared in the dark hole.

Chuning looked at the pure flame and nodded with satisfaction.

 Immediately, his eyes looked at the outer ban and Cen Zijin standing outside the ban.

 Opened his mouth and asked:

“The formation restrictions here are well laid out. This stone chamber is obviously already restricted, so why is there another layer in the middle?”

At this moment, Cen Zijin’s bright eyes blinked slightly.

“Of course it’s to protect this cave. I heard that furnaces often explode when refining alchemy and refining weapons...”

Hearing Cen Zijin’s words, Chu Ning glanced at Cen Zijin who had a pretty face with a smile.

 Look down on the Yuandan spirit body?

Without saying anything, Chu Ning reached out and took out some elixirs from the storage bag.

Seeing that Chu Ning was about to start refining elixirs, Cen Zijin asked curiously:

“What kind of elixir are you preparing to refine now?”

 “Ju Yuan Dan!”

Chuning said softly, while Cen Zijin was stunned for a long time.

Then he asked tentatively: "What did you say, Juyuan Dan?

  Which Juyuan Pill should be taken in the early stage of Qi refining? "

Chuning nodded and said seriously:

“I haven’t been exposed to this alchemy technique for a long time, so naturally I have to start with the most basic Yuan Ju Dan.”

When Cen Zijin heard this, he nodded slightly, and he seemed to agree with Chu Ning's words.

At this moment, after seeing Chu Ning taking out all the elixirs from the storage bag, Cen Zijin stopped talking.

Of course she also knew that when she actually started to refine the elixir, she couldn't interrupt him.

 In fact, many people make elixirs without letting anyone observe them at all.

Chun Ning placed the elixirs in front of him and used the cleaning technique to remove the impurities on the surface.

Immediately, several spells were fired in succession, hitting the alchemy furnace.

Although this gesture and technique cannot be called very skilled, it is at least fairly fluent. However, the casting speed is indeed not too fast.

Chu Ning has tried it many times in the past few days, but it has not been put into practice after all.

 After the flames of the alchemy furnace reached a certain level, Chu Ning followed the steps of refining the Juyuan Dan and began to put the elixir into the alchemy furnace.

 The process of extraction and refining began.

All this made Cen Zijin, who was watching from the outside, a little unsure at the moment.

Has Chu Ning been able to make elixirs before?

She has naturally seen some other people refining elixirs, but after seeing Chu Ning’s actions, she did it.

 Speaking of how I knew how to make elixirs before, the method cannot be said to be very natural.

 It seems that a person who has just started refining alchemy cannot do this method.

Chu Ning ignored Cen Zijin’s thoughts.

 After all the elixirs had been extracted, Chu Ning cast a few spells into the alchemy furnace.

 Immediately, he opened the furnace lid and took out all the elixir residue inside.

 However, after feeling the liquid in the furnace for a while, Chu Ning frowned slightly.

“The purity of the extraction doesn’t seem to be very good. It’s only about 70%. It seems that the alchemy is not completely easy to use.”

Although he felt unsatisfied, Chu Ning continued the steps.

 At this moment, it is time to melt the liquid. The extracted and refined medicinal liquids need to be fused together.

This process went extremely smoothly. Chu Ning felt that the liquid medicine in the furnace had been completely integrated.

He then began to use magic formulas continuously to separate the fused medicinal liquids.

 Divided into nine parts evenly without any deviation.

At this moment, Chu Ning started the next very critical step, condensing the pill!

 The magic formula is used again and again...

 Everything seemed to be going extremely smoothly, but at a certain moment, Chu Ning suddenly stopped.

Immediately, he opened the alchemy furnace with a slight frown.

But inside, there were only nine **** of medicine residue at the moment.

This first attempt at alchemy was declared a failure.

Cen Zijin, who was outside, saw Chu Ning's expression and originally wanted to ask something.

But he opened his mouth, but still didn't speak.

 At this moment, Chu Ning was already clearing out all the medicine residue in the alchemy furnace and cleaning the alchemy furnace at the same time.

The second alchemy began again.

This time, Chu Ning deliberately slowed down the pace when extracting, and at the same time carefully sensed the situation in the alchemy furnace.

 After completing the extraction, there was a hint of satisfaction on his face.

 Compared with the previous extraction and purification, this time there have been obvious changes.

 The purity of this liquid medicine has reached about 80%.

 But even so, it still failed in the final process of condensing the elixir.

 “It seems that when the liquid is melted, the melting is still not complete enough.”

Chu Ning summed up his experience, cleaned up the residue, and started his third attempt at alchemy.

 When he opened the alchemy furnace again for the third time and poured out the dregs of medicine inside.

 Peripherally, there was finally a slight change in Cen Zijin's eyes.

She was just curious to watch the fun at first, but now she looked at Chu Ning with a hint of suspicion.

“Can this guy really make elixirs? Juyuan Dan should be a very basic elixir.

If he really knew how to make alchemy before, why did he fail one after another? "

Think again of what Chu Ning told her before when she mentioned that there was earth fire here, and she knew nothing about this alchemy technique.

No matter how he looked at it, Cen Zijin felt that Chu Ning seemed to have deceived him in some way.

If you hadn't looked at Chu Ning, he always looked very calm and confident.

Cen Zijin couldn't help but ask.

However, seeing that Chu Ning had started refining for the fourth time, she still chose to watch from a distance.

 After a while, Chu Ning finally started the furnace again.

At the same time, seven dark pills flew up after Chu Ning patted the pill furnace, and fell into Chu Ning's hands one after another.

Cen Zijin walked over immediately.

“You are really good at making elixirs, eh, that’s not right…”

When Cen Zijin took the elixir from Chu Ning's hand, he felt something was wrong.

“This elixir has no spiritual energy fluctuations at all.”

 “Waste Pill!” Chu Ning was already explaining at the side.

He then threw 6 of the 7 pills aside, leaving only one of them.

“This one is barely a finished product, but the quality is not high.”

Chun Ning said as he put the elixir into the jade bottle.

Seeing this, Cen Zijin couldn’t help but asked:

“Have you really made elixirs before?”

 “Of course!” Chu Ning nodded.

“I haven’t practiced for a long time, and I’m really a bit sloppy. Believe it or not, my elixir production rate will skyrocket in the next few furnaces!”

Cen Zijin turned his head and thought for a moment, then shook his head and said:

“If you don’t believe it, look at you just refining the elixir. It feels like you have never done it before.

Moreover, it only took four consecutive rounds to produce one elixir. Now you tell me that the elixir success rate can increase a lot, but I don’t believe it. "

Chu Ning chuckled at this time:

“How about we make a bet? If I can quickly increase the success rate of this alchemy.

 The next Ju Yuan Dan and the later refined Ling Yuan Dan, you are responsible for selling them for me.

 At the same time, you must provide more elixirs for me to practice my hands. "

Cen Zijin almost didn’t think about it and agreed without hesitation.

"Okay, just like the talisman before, I will sell you as much as you have."

 Her Cen Workshop’s talisman business has been doing well in the past two years, and this has also driven other businesses.

 Cen Zijin is naturally confident that he can sell some elixirs.

When Chu Ning heard this, without saying a word, he once again took out a lot of medicinal materials from the storage bag.

 Then, he once again started to invest in refining a new batch of Juyuan Dan.

Hence, Cen Zijin was surprised to find that what Chu Ning just said about the rapid increase in the rate of elixir formation was really not an exaggeration.

 In the subsequent batch of Yuan Judan, Chu Ning successfully refined 2 of them.

 Opening another furnace, Chu Ning successfully refined 3 pieces.

 Opening another furnace, Chu Ning successfully refined 4 pieces.

Chun Ning stopped at this time. He made too many pills today and consumed too much mana and consciousness, so he needed to take a rest.

Cen Zijin had already agreed before Chu Ning asked her to rest here for a few more days.

 At this moment, I can’t even leave.

 The next day, she waited in the alchemy room and watched Chu Ning refining alchemy again.

 Then, she saw that Chu Ning's rate of elixir formation had indeed increased rapidly.

In the first three furnaces of the day, Chu Ning made four Yuan Ju Dan respectively.

 By the time of the fourth furnace, this number had increased to 5 pieces.

By the seventh furnace of the day, Chu Ning’s pill-forming rate had risen to 6.

 After finishing alchemy in the morning, Chu Ning meditated at noon to recover his magic power and consciousness, and continued in the afternoon.

 As for several batches of elixirs in the afternoon, Chu Ning had a 60% elixir forming rate.

Just when Cen Zijin thought that this was almost Chu Ning's limit, Chu Ning directly refined 7 Yuan Ju Dan in the last furnace.

 Put the materials for 9 elixirs, only two are waste elixirs, and the remaining 7 are completed elixirs.

Furthermore, Cen Zijin could clearly feel that the quality of these elixirs was constantly improving.

 And the extent of this improvement can be felt by even a layman in alchemy like her.

Until this moment, Cen Zijin finally believed that Chu Ning could really make elixirs.

After all, she really couldn't believe that a person who had never been exposed to alchemy could master the art of refining an elixir in such a short period of time.

 Furthermore, it is possible to refine such high-quality elixirs and has such a high success rate of elixir formation.

So, three days later, Cen Zijin took away several bottles of Juyuan Pill from Chu Ning’s cave.

 At the same time, he agreed to come back in ten days and bring Chu Ning some materials for refining Yuan Judan.

 After another month of this, the elixir-making ingredients given to Chu Ning were replaced with Lingyuan Dan.

 At the same time, there are several different types of elixirs using medicinal materials.

Chuning's alchemy skills also improved rapidly under such high-intensity polishing.

 Prepare for the next refining of the Qingmu Yuanyang Pill and the Xuanling Treasure Pill.

  Tomorrow’s update will be around 9pm~



 (End of this chapter)

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