My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 169: Shocked everyone, tried the magic weapon again

Chapter 169: Shocked everyone, tried the magic weapon again

Yan Feng, Chu Ning is currently observing the condition of Shailing Xiaobai.

 Xiaobai's injury has fully recovered a few days ago.

However, Ling Xiaobai has already broken through the barrier before.

The little guy wanted to take advantage of his injuries to recover, and during this period of time he practiced the Xuanming Jue. When he was in good condition, he was promoted to a second-level monster in one fell swoop.

Chu Ning also gave the other party the three remaining flame wood twin fruits from the previous alchemy.

 At the same time, he also gave the other party some other spiritual fruits.

 So in the past few days, the little guy has been breaking through and advancing in the spirit animal room.

Feeling that the aura on Ling Xiaobai's body was getting stronger and stronger, a smile appeared on Chu Ning's face.

 It seems that the little guy has completed his breakthrough and promotion in the past two days.

 A monk with perfect Qi refining would be defeated by an eighth-level Qi refining monk.

 The other monk who was a little older and had perfected Qi Refining could not help but exclaim at this moment.

“Is Fellow Daoist Chu here? It’s inconvenient for me to come out and say something. The Thousand Islands League just sent an envoy.

 But at the same time, he only felt a "buzzing" sound in his head.

At this moment, Chu Ning’s brows suddenly raised slightly.

Chu Ning did not answer immediately. Xiao Libo, who was standing next to Jiang Hongguang, immediately said impatiently:

“Is Chu Ning here? Get out of here quickly…”

He didn't think that Chu Ning could be rude to him or anything like that.

 “Foundation-Building Monk!”

I didn’t see the fight in detail. Although I heard some rumors afterwards, I never paid attention to it.

“Senior Brother Chu, you...are you a foundation-building monk?”

Although Chu Ning defeated the Qi Refining Perfection monk in the Thousand Islands War more than three years ago, Xiao Liebo didn't take it too seriously.

Hurry out if you are in there, we are still waiting to go to other places. "

 As far as the current formation is concerned, the strength is sufficient.

 Suddenly, the expressions of everyone in the crowd became extremely exciting.

“This is Chu Ning’s cave? For a monk in the late stage of Qi refining, this formation is really not weak.

 He couldn't even mobilize all the mana in his body.

Although Chu Ning put away the formation materials given by Cen Zijin, he did not make any modifications to the existing cave formation.

 The islands that do not have second-level hidden spiritual veins of foundation-building monks will be taken back by the alliance. "

 In fact, Xiao Liebo ridiculed the incompetence of Gongsun Lang, the owner of the Stele Forest Island, more than once afterwards.

What's more, during the competition, his team was responsible for the outside.

 But the next moment, he suddenly saw Chu Ning flying towards him.

 Reclaim the island? What the **** is the Thousand Islands Alliance doing?

Immediately, he flew directly up under a huge force and landed heavily on the ground behind him.

At this moment, although Chu Ning slowly walked out, although the mana fluctuations on his body were restrained, the aura unique to the foundation-building monk was still clearly revealed.

Just when Chu Ning was thinking this, Jiang Hongguang's shouts could be heard outside the formation.

At the same time, Chu Ning, who was wearing a green robe and had a calm and indifferent expression, slowly walked out.

Moreover, this formation is so mysterious that it cannot be detected at all from the outside. But at this moment, Chu Ning can easily watch every move of the people outside.

 The first person to scream out in surprise was Jiang Lan.

Out of instinct, Xiao Liebo immediately wanted to activate protection.

Hearing Jiang Hongguang's words, Chu Ning frowned slightly.

 They came on behalf of the Thousand Islands Alliance, and there were two Qi Refining Perfection monks.

  When everyone present heard this, their eyes fell on Chu Ning and looked at him seriously.

Especially when Chu Ning came to the front of everyone, everyone could feel the faint but obvious pressure.

Seeing someone appear, Xiao Liebo snorted softly.

He walked out of the spirit beast room and came to the semi-open stone room on the outermost edge, looking through the formation to the outside.

There was still no sound in the formation. Xiao Libo frowned slightly and shouted again:

Just as he was shouting, a channel of white mist suddenly appeared on the mountain peak in front of him.

 At this time, it was less than half a year before the harvest was harvested, and under normal circumstances, Jiang Hongguang would not have been able to bring so many people here.

Obviously he was very dissatisfied with Chu Ning's neglect. He opened his mouth and was about to say something rude.

 Ch Ning was also greatly surprised when he saw Jiang Hongguang showing up with so many people.

 The words were full of shock.

As for Jiang Hongguang and his wife, both of their faces were extremely shocked at this moment.

But soon, the shock on Jiang Hongguang’s face turned into ecstasy.

 “Chu Dao…”

He was originally going to call Daoist Chu, but he immediately reacted before the words were completely spoken.

“Senior Chu has successfully established the foundation, congratulations!”

Until this moment, Chu Ning nodded towards Jiang Hongguang.

 Then he frowned slightly and asked, "Fellow Daoist Jiang, what is going on?"

When Chu Ning said this, his eyes inadvertently fell on the other Qi Refining Perfection beside him.

This person's face has returned to normal after experiencing the surprise just now.

But when facing Chu Ning's look, the expression on his face was somewhat stiff.

 Because at the same time that Chu Ning was speaking, the pressure of his foundation-building monk was unconsciously emitted.

 And this person is naturally the first to bear the brunt.

Even though he has already perfected Qi Refining, there is still a clear difference between a Qi Refining Perfection and a Foundation Establishment monk.

 Not everyone is like Chu Ning, who has so many backup tools during the Qi training period.

Even the Thousand Islands Alliance’s decision this time is only to allow islands without foundation-building monks to withdraw.

Foundation-building monks represent high combat power and high status among the thousands of lakes and islands.

Even though he had the support of the Thousand Islands Alliance behind him and faced Chu Ning's inquiry, he couldn't help but bow and salute immediately:

 “Junior Meng Jiangsheng of the Thousand Islands Alliance has met Senior Chu, but he didn’t know that Senior Chu had already established a foundation. I offended you a lot just now. Please forgive me, Senior.”

 Xiao Liebo, who had fallen on the ground behind him, had already climbed up in embarrassment. Although he felt a little injured, it was nothing serious. He was relieved.

At this time, he quickly stepped forward, without the arrogance he had just now.

He bowed and said very sincerely:

 “Junior Xiao Liebo, thank you senior for showing mercy.”

Chun Ning glanced at the two Qi Refining Perfection monks noncommittally.

 Because of Cen Zijin, he did not have a good impression of the Thousand Islands League at all.

However, the sudden attack just now was mainly because of Xiao Liebo's rude words.

The world of cultivating immortals is very hierarchical. After all, I am a foundation-building cultivator. If a Qi-refining cultivator scolds me in person, I have to swallow my anger.

From now on, anyone can really come up and step on me.

 Just now I used the Phantom God Thorn, but it did not exert its full power. It only slightly suppressed the opponent, which was already considered merciful.

 Otherwise this person will be half disabled even if he is not dead.

Ignoring Xiao Liebo, Chu Ning looked at Meng Jiangsheng and asked:

“I just heard that you were coming to take over the island. What’s going on?”

When Meng Jiangsheng heard this, he quickly replied:

“Senior, because recently there are many islands in Thousand Lakes and Thousand Islands that were originally only first-order spiritual veins, but second-order hidden spiritual veins have appeared.

 In order to allow foundation-building monks like seniors to enjoy these resources.

 Several alliance leaders discussed taking back all these islands with hidden spiritual veins and redistributing them. "

 Speaking of this, Meng Jiangsheng quickly added another sentence:

“However, since seniors have successfully established the foundation, we will immediately report it to the alliance, and naturally there is no need to take it back.

If the seniors are not satisfied with Feihong Island, we can also convey it to the alliance. When the islands are allocated later, the seniors can also participate in the selection. "

Chun Ning roughly understood what was going on at this moment.

 Obviously it is these second-level hidden spiritual veins that make all foundation-building monks jealous. Originally, they might only be deputy island owners on other second-level islands.

 Now, I also want to own an island independently.

As for what’s behind this, it’s the foundation-building monks on each island who are behind it.

Or, it is difficult to say that the six major families of the Thousand Island Alliance also have this intention.

After the jurisdiction of these islands is taken back, won’t these big families take the lead in picking a fight?

Chuning smiled coldly in his heart, then waved his hand and said:

“I live quite well in Feihong Island, and I don’t want to be disturbed too much.”

When Meng Jiangsheng heard this, he immediately answered:

“Okay, senior, we will report to the alliance soon.”

Chu Ning then waved his hand, and the man bowed and saluted very wisely:

 “Junior, please retire.”

As soon as Meng Jiangsheng opened his mouth, others such as Xiao Libo also bowed and left.

After walking a long distance, Meng Jiangsheng took a long breath and said:

“I really didn’t expect that there is a foundation-building monk on Feihong Island.”

As he spoke, he looked at Xiao Liebo beside him and said:

"Fortunately, he didn't hit hard just now, otherwise you would have suffered the consequences."

Although they are members of the Thousand Islands League, this is a small matter, and Sholebo's side is not very reasonable.

As long as Xiao Liebo was not directly killed, even if he was seriously injured, he knew that the Thousand Islands Alliance would not intervene.

Xiao Libo also had a bit of fear on his face at this moment. “When did he build the foundation? My consciousness suppressed me so easily that I couldn’t move at all.

 The feeling he gave me just now didn't look like he had just established a foundation. "

Meng Jiangsheng's face was also full of surprise at this moment.

“This person named Chu Ning has reached the foundation building stage from the eighth level of Qi refining in just over three years.

 It’s really unbelievable. Either he had hidden his strength before, or he had some adventure in the past few years.

We need to report this matter to the alliance as soon as possible. "


Both of them were horrified, and so were Jiang Hongguang and others standing in front of Chu Ning.

 After everyone from the Thousand Island Alliance left, Jiang Lan shouted again immediately.

“Chu...Senior Chu, you have really established a foundation!”

 She originally wanted to call him Senior Brother Chu directly, but after Jiang Hongguang glared at him, she changed the title.

Chu Ning smiled after hearing this, "Fellow Daoist Jiang can also call me Senior Brother Chu. It sounds more cordial and younger."

Jiang Hongguang quickly picked up the conversation and said:

"No, since the senior has successfully established the foundation, he cannot be called this anymore. This is the rule in the world of immortality."

Chuning looked at Jiang Hongguang's serious expression and did not ask him to change his words.

 That was a direct answer to Jiang Lan’s question.

“I just broke through not long ago, but I didn’t expect to encounter this problem today.”

When Jiang Hongguang heard this, he immediately sighed:

“When I met my senior more than three years ago, he was only at the eighth level of Qi Refining, but he had already successfully established the foundation in such a short period of time.

 The speed of the senior's cultivation is really putting the juniors and others to shame. "

As he spoke, he paused again, and then made a gesture to Yu Yuanxiu, Jiang Lan and others on the side.

He then took the lead in bowing and saluting:

“Senior Chu protected our Jiang family over and over again, so we were able to continue practicing on Feihong Island.

Such a great kindness, the younger generation will never forget it. "

Jiang Hongguang took the lead, and others also joined forces one after another.

Chun Ning wanted to stop the other party, but after thinking about it, he still didn't move.

 Then he changed the topic and said:

“How old is your young master?”

"The dog is already over two years old and will soon turn three. He also has spiritual roots."

As soon as Jiang Hongguang said this, Yu Yuanxiu on the side immediately winked at him.

They have been married for many years, how could Jiang Hongguang not understand each other's thoughts?

His expression hesitated a little, but finally he gritted his teeth and said:

“The junior has tested it and found that the dog also possesses spiritual roots. I wonder if it will be possible for him to become a disciple of the senior in a few years and acquire one or two magical powers.”

 Taking a disciple? Chu Ning was stunned after hearing this.

 Then he laughed dumbly. He had just built the foundation, so he had no intention of recruiting disciples.

What's more, I may not stay in this thousand lakes and islands forever.

Gently shaking his head, Chu Ning said to Jiang Hongguang:

“I’m sorry, Chu has no plans to accept a disciple for the time being.”

When Jiang Hongguang heard this, his face was slightly disappointed, but he still said immediately:

“It was indeed Jiang who was abrupt.”

Chu Ning wanted to turn around and go back to the cave. After thinking about it, he said again:

“I heard that the Thousand Lakes and Thousand Islands seem to be quite uneasy recently. Is this the case with Fellow Daoist Jiang?”

Jiang Hongguang nodded and said: "That's true."

 Speaking, Jiang Hongguang had a brief chat with Chu Ning.

 It was roughly the same as what Chu Ning had heard outside before.

However, Jiang Hongguang brought another latest news.

I heard that among the Thousand Island Alliance, the Cen family joined the Shi family and Chen family.

 Now it has been clearly divided into two major factions: the Liu family, the Song family, the Huo family, and the Shi family, the Chen family, and the Cen family.

 Lately, there have been occasional conflicts between the children of both families.

Moreover, both sides are wooing the forces of various islands, and larger islands are being targeted by both sides.

“Since Senior Chu has broken through to build a foundation, people from the two major families will surely come to win over him soon.

 How to deal with it, Senior Chu needs to think about it earlier.

Several major families have decided to hold the Thousand Island Competition in advance in two months. It is estimated that some islands will be re-divided by then. "

 Speaking, Jiang Hongguang immediately answered:

“When we fly up and down Hongdao, we must follow the lead of our predecessors.”

When Chu Ning heard this, he raised his brows slightly and then nodded.

Hands crossed with a few people and said a few polite words, then turned around and quickly flew to his cave.


At the back, Jiang Lan opened her mouth to say something, but in the blink of an eye, Chu Ning's figure had disappeared into the formation.

Jiang Lan's expression suddenly became lost.

Yu Yuanxiu who was standing aside saw this and reached out his hand to gently push Jiang Hongguang.

 The latter turned his head and glanced at Jiang Lan, sighing softly.

 Then he said in a voice: "Let's all go, don't disturb Senior Chu's Qingxiu."

Jiang Hongguang took the lead, and Yu Yuanxiu also gently pulled Jiang Lan, who was still dissatisfied.

 The group left quickly.

It was quiet again on top of Yanfeng Peak.

In the cave, Chu Ning watched everyone leave and chuckled.

“Senior, it sounds a little strange. No wonder Cen Zijin didn’t like being called that way before.”

Chun Ning couldn't help but laugh when she thought about being called "senior" by a group of people of such an age when she was only twenty-four years old.

However, immediately, he thought of another news brought by Jiang Hongguang.

He frowned slightly.

The Thousand Islands Alliance is divided into two factions, and he is naturally unwilling to join either faction.

Whether it is the Song family, the Cen family, or the Chen family, Chu Ning does not have any good impressions.

But he also knew that Jiang Hongguang’s reminder was right.

If they knew that Chu Ning had established a foundation, the two factions would definitely arrange for people to win over him.

“It is indeed a troublesome thing. It seems that these thousands of lakes and islands will never be so peaceful again.

The days when I practiced with peace of mind in the past few years may also be gone forever. "

Chuning sighed lightly.

“It seems that some of my plans are going to be advanced.”

 We need to go to the vicinity of Shuiyun Island to see if there are any clues about Master Shenmeng there.

Chun Ning had planned it a long time ago, but never went because he felt that his strength in the Qi refining period was still too low.

Originally, he was thinking about asking Cen Zijin to join him after building the foundation. Now Cen Zijin has already gone to Yaochi Palace.

 This plan can only be implemented by himself.

On the other hand, Ling Xiaobai, if the little guy can advance to the second level monster, he will have a cultivation level comparable to the foundation building stage.

 is a big help to myself.

 In fact, Ling Xiaobai has always been an important reason why Chu Ning planned to explore the area.

 After all, the fact that the little guy ignores ordinary restrictions is very useful for things like treasure hunting.

 As for the truly powerful opponent, Chu Ning has to do it himself.

What troubles Chu Ning a little now is that after entering the foundation building stage, he has not really played against the same level.

 So he doesn’t know exactly what his strength level is.

 Another thing that makes Chu Ning not feel very safe is that he feels that he lacks an absolute trump card.

His strength has indeed greatly increased after building the foundation. With the Fire Phoenix Feather Spear and the Fiery Flame Art, Chu Ning believes that his strength is definitely not weak among those at the same level.

However, he did not have the trump card of a black knife like he did in the Qi refining stage, so he naturally lost a bit of confidence.

“It would be nice if I had another magic weapon in my hand.”

 While sighing secretly, Chu Ning remembered a few things he had brought out from the ancient sect ruins.

 Suddenly my heart moved.

I have been unable to activate a few things before, but I was in the Qi refining stage at that time. Now that I have built a foundation, will it be different?

Thinking of this, Chu Ning immediately took out two jade boxes from the storage bag.

 It is the jade box containing the rings and beads.

Chuning took out the ring first, felt it for a while, and his eyes flashed slightly.

 Now that he has advanced to Foundation Establishment, he is more sensitive to power and aura.

He could feel uneasy just from the aura of power in the ring.

“This thing is definitely more advanced than that black knife!”

With this thought in mind, Chu Ning immediately stopped hesitating and started using the Flame Fire Divine Wood Technique to inject mana into the ring in his hand.

 The next moment, a vision suddenly occurred!

 (End of this chapter)

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