My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 171: Fight head-on and kill monks of the same level instantly

Chapter 171: Head-to-head confrontation, instantly killing monks of the same level

Hearing what Song Feng said, Chu Ning did not agree directly, but asked with a smile:

“Fellow Taoist Song, can you tell me roughly your intention first? Otherwise, Mr. Chu will really feel a little scared.”

 “Haha, fellow Taoist, be cautious.” Song Feng laughed.

“Fellow Taoists should also be aware that recently our Thousand Island League members have also been contacting each of our powerful comrades.

Fellow Daoist Chu was able to go from the ninth level of Qi refining to foundation building in just three years. He became a foundation building monk at a young age. He was truly a cultivation wizard among thousands of lakes and islands.

Song came here just to discuss inviting fellow Taoists to join the Song family. "

Hearing Song Feng’s words, Chu Ning immediately shook his head and said:

“Chu has just established a foundation and wants to concentrate on practicing for a while. For the time being...”

When Song Feng heard this, he immediately waved his hands and said:

"Fellow Taoist Chu, don't refuse in a hurry. After we go into the mansion to discuss it in detail, it won't be too late for you to make a decision."

Chuning couldn't help but feel a little strange when she heard that Song Feng always thought about entering the cave.

But after thinking about it for a moment, he immediately turned sideways and said:


Chun Ning had no need to hide anything, so he said truthfully:

“There is indeed a second-level hidden spiritual vein here, but the spiritual vein is smaller. Compared with Qianhuan Island, it is naturally far inferior.”

With these words, Song Feng took the lead and walked towards the cave.

Song Feng looked very interested at the moment.

When Chu Ning said this, there was already an unhappiness in his tone.

"I'm afraid that's not necessarily the case? Taoist friends can successfully build the foundation in just a few years, so how can this cultivation place be bad?"

 Then he laughed and said, "I'm just saying casually. If it's inconvenient for fellow Taoists, it doesn't matter."

Chun Ning also followed suit: "This is a spirit beast room."

“Oh, fellow Taoist, do you also raise spiritual beasts? I don’t know what kind of spiritual beast they are, why don’t you take a look?”

“Fellow Daoist Chu, what are you planting in those two places?”

Chun Ning's eyes flashed coldly, Song Feng was really rude.

Chuning came to his senses after hearing this.

Do you think the other party suspects that your fast cultivation speed is because of this hidden spiritual vein?

But at this moment, Song Feng had already stopped outside the spirit beast room where Ling Xiaobai was staying.

 He wanted to see what the other party could do.

Song Feng stood and looked at it, and then pointed to the place where the Flame Wood Twin Fruit and the Iron Soul Flower were planted.

When Song Feng heard this, he looked at Chu Ning thoughtfully.

“Fellow Taoist, this cave is really well decorated. I wonder if I can visit it.”

Outside of this formation, Chu Ning was not afraid of Song Feng, and the other party actually wanted to enter his own cave formation.

Chun Ning would naturally not be stupid enough to lead the way and leave the back to Song Feng.

Other spiritual plants such as Yuanyang Fruit are separated by restrictions, but they can still be seen at a glance.

Chun Ning smiled and did not answer, but Song Feng looked at it and said:

 Instead, let the other party go ahead.

There aren't many secrets about the rest, so Chu Ning simply didn't stop him at this moment.

In addition to the flame wood twin fruits, the iron soul flower, and the spiritual plant that is a hybrid of the three spiritual fruits, there are also one or two elixirs brought from the spiritual realm.

However, in his cave, in addition to Ling Xiaobai who was advancing, there were also places where several rare elixirs such as the Flame Wood Twin Fruit and the Iron Soul Flower were planted.

He simply took the other person directly into the cave to see what this person wanted to do.

Song Feng was walking and looking around, and said:

Because Chu Ning stayed in the cave during this period, the restrictions in the elixir garden were not fully opened.

“Fellow Taoist, there are quite a lot of restrictions in this cave. Hey, what is this cave?”

But to really make one's cultivation speed so fast, how can this ordinary second-level spiritual vein be able to do it?

Then Song Feng really came over and took a look.

 Speaking, Chu Ning directly opened the iron rock beast cave on the side.

Chun Ning is naturally not afraid of what the other party will do.

“It’s a very strong spiritual energy. Fellow Daoist Chu really has a second-level hidden spiritual vein here, so he’s quite lucky.”

“Those are the spiritual plant seedlings that were just planted. I was afraid of being disturbed by other spiritual plants, so I used some special restrictions to separate them.”

Chu Ning does not deny that of course there are reasons for this. Without this hidden spiritual vein, both his cultivation speed and spiritual plant cultivation will be affected.

 The two of them entered the cave one after another.

Chu Ning naturally refused without hesitation:

"This is a cub of a spiritual beast. It's not easy to see. There is an iron rock beast next to it. If you are interested, you can take a look."

 Speaking, Song Feng continued to walk forward and soon arrived outside the spiritual medicine garden.

And when Chu Ning's move fell into Song Feng's eyes, Chu Ning was in awe of him, and couldn't help but have a trace of pride on his face.

Song Feng entered the formation and immediately spoke out.

However, Song Feng seemed unaware and laughed and said:

“I am also very interested in the cultivation of spiritual plants. I wonder if you can let me take a look at it.”

When Chu Ning heard this, he looked at Song Feng and said directly:

“Since Fellow Daoist Song is here to recruit, why not speak directly if you have anything to say? It is not convenient for me to open the restriction on spiritual plants.”

 Song Feng heard that Chu Ning refused so simply, and the smile on his face finally faded a lot.

 He turned his head and stared at Chu Ning with a half-smile.

“It is naturally one of my purposes to come here to recruit fellow Taoist Chu. On the other hand, I also want to know the reason why fellow Taoist Chu’s cultivation speed has improved.

To be honest with fellow Taoists, it has been some time since Song entered the early stage of foundation building.

  If I can get some breakthrough opportunities from fellow Taoists, I can let them get more benefits when they join the Song family. "

“I don’t have any secrets here. I can only achieve breakthroughs by practicing **** my own. Fellow Taoist, please come back.”

Chun Ning said calmly.

Hearing Chu Ning's words, the smile on Song Feng's face completely disappeared and he stared directly at Chu Ning.

“Fellow Taoist Chu, open all these restricted areas for me to take a look at. Qianmai, please don’t force me to do anything.

You don’t really think that you, a monk who has just established a foundation, can compete with me with this little formation restriction, do you?

What's more, there are the Song family and the Thousand Island Alliance standing behind me. "

 Speaking of this, Song Feng looked at Chu Ning with a hint of sarcasm.

"Fellow Daoist Chu should know that it is not a wise move to go against me in this thousand lakes and islands."

  After a series of polite words, Song Feng finally lost his patience and showed his true colors.

Chu Ning was laughing angrily at this moment. Facing Song Feng's gaze, he suddenly asked:

“Does Fellow Taoist Song come here on behalf of the Song family or on behalf of himself?

If I give benefits to Taoist friends, what if other people in the Song family know about it and ask Chu for benefits, then what should I do? "

“Fellow Taoist, don’t worry.” Song Feng laughed.

“No one in the family knows about my visit this time. This is considered a private transaction between Song and his Taoist friends.

As long as you listen to me, I will naturally help you fight for the family's resources, and fellow Taoists will not have to worry about anything. "

“Oh?” Chu Ning’s eyes flashed slightly when he heard this.

“Fellow Taoist, didn’t you lie to me? Is it true that no one knows that you are here?”

 “Of course!” Song Feng said firmly.

Perhaps to dispel Chu Ning’s worries, Song Feng continued:

“Song can swear by his Taoist heart that no one will know that I am here.

As long as Song could really get some treasure opportunity from Daoist Friend Chu, he would never tell anyone else about it. "

 Hearing what Song Feng said, Chu Ning laughed.

“Since Taoist friends from the Song Dynasty all started with Taoism, I naturally believe it.

Fellow Taoist, please come with me. Don’t stay here. It’s not good to damage the flowers and plants. "

Song Feng’s eyes lit up when he heard this.

“Okay, could it be that Fellow Daoist Chu wants to take me to see where the hidden spiritual veins are?”

 He only heard the first half of Chu Ning's words and didn't think much about the rest.

As he spoke, Song Feng followed Chu Ning to a stone room.

Song Feng saw that there was nothing in the stone room, but Chu Ning used the jade tablet to activate some kind of restriction.

Song Feng finally realized that something was not right. He frowned and looked at Chu Ning.

 “What do you mean? Are you kidding me?”

“Are you kidding me?” Chu Ning shook his head.

“No, since you want to see if I have any chance, you have to show some strength.

I just happened to have a breakthrough not long ago, and I was looking for someone to give it a try. "

Hearing Chu Ning's words, Song Feng had a smile on his face that he didn't know whether it was shock or sarcasm.

“Did I hear you right? Do you want to fight me?”

 Speaking of this, Song Feng's eyes flashed slightly and he chuckled:

“It seems that Fellow Daoist Chu is still worried about the attack I made on you a few years ago.”

 “You’re right!” Chu Ning nodded.

“Although I don’t like to cause trouble, I do have one thing: I hold grudges.

 If someone bullies me, I will remember it. "

 “Okay! Haha!” Song Feng laughed.

“A monk who has just established a foundation has such a tone, which makes me even more curious about you.

 In this case, let’s beat you until you are convinced! "

As he spoke, Song Feng raised his hands, and two golden spells immediately attacked Chu Ning.

He actually practices metal-based techniques that are famous for their attacks.

 Watching the two golden spells coming, Chu Ning waved his hand and two red flame spells were released.

It is the true talisman spell condensed by the red fire talisman, but compared with Chu Ning's Qi refining period.

This red flame technique is undoubtedly much more powerful. The two flames met the two golden lights in the sky.

 After the two spells collided in the air, they made a burst sound, and the next moment, they both collapsed.

At the same time, Chu Ning pinched his hands again.

 Two flame-winged birds appeared in his hand.

Two firebirds as big as white cranes flew out and immediately shot towards Song Feng.

Feeling the pressure of the two flame-winged birds, Song Feng snorted softly.

 He raised his hand and waved two golden sword lights, facing the fire-winged bird in the sky.

 However, as soon as the two sword lights came into contact with the fire-winged bird, they instantly collapsed.

 The two flame-winged birds, after a slight pause, continued to shoot towards Song Feng.

Song Feng's expression changed when he saw this, and he immediately activated a defensive weapon.

 A white shield shrouded his body.

 “Top magical weapon?”

Chuning looked at the shield that blocked his Flame-Winged Bird and muttered softly.

Song Feng chuckled lightly at this time. He did not rush to attack, but said to Chu Ning with a hint of fun:

“That’s right, if you have any other attacks, use them immediately.”

While saying this, Song Feng's eyes suddenly condensed.

 Because at the same time, he saw Chu Ning raise his hands, and two fire pythons appeared and flew towards him.

Looking at the power, it is obviously much stronger than the fire-winged bird.

However, Song Feng is obviously very confident in his defense.

 Ignoring Chu Ning's attack, he had two golden daggers in his hand, which were activated and fired towards Chu Ning.

However, what surprised Song Feng a little was that Chu Ning's figure flashed and quickly disappeared on the spot.

While dodging two golden daggers, the next moment they were flying towards him.

A trace of doubt flashed in Song Feng's eyes.

He was about to drive the two golden daggers back to attack Chu Ning again.

 But at this moment, one of the two fire pythons attacked by Chu Ning had already been attacked.


  With the sound of explosions, a powerful force attacked.

Song Feng felt that the shield of his top-level magic weapon was crumbling.

 Although it was not completely broken, the light on the defensive shield had faded by half.

 After another fire python attacked, this defensive shield could no longer withstand it.

  It disintegrated directly with a burst of sound.

"How can it be?"

Song Feng's eyes flashed with horror at this moment.

“Without relying on magic weapons, spells alone can inflict such damage on top-level defensive magic weapons. This is probably only possible by monks in the late stage of foundation establishment.

He is obviously just an early-stage foundation-building monk. Is it possible that he uses earth-level spells or even heaven-level spells?

  No, the monks who have just established their foundations simply cannot use their mana to drive such advanced spells. "

 Song Feng was extremely confused in his heart, but he had no time to think about it at this moment.

  But at this moment, Chu Ning had already used Thunder Steps to bully her body and came to his side.

Although Chu Ning was still bare-handed at this moment, Song Feng did not dare to be careless at this moment after seeing the power of Chu Ning's spell attacks.

An intermediate-level defensive talisman quickly appeared in his hand, and he activated it immediately.

 Suddenly, there was another layer of earth-yellow defensive shield outside the body.

 Obviously, this is an earth attribute defense talisman known for its strong defense.

At the same time, Chu Ning, who came to Song Feng's side, swung out his right fist and hit the shield!

Tiangang Fist plus Condensing Yuan Slash!

The defensive shield did not fluctuate at all, but an invisible fist wave penetrated the shield and struck Song Feng.

Chun Ning’s behavior made Song Feng extremely confused and a little confused.

After feeling that there was no response from the shield, Song Feng ignored it, snorted coldly, and pinched the spell with both hands.

 Suddenly, the two flying swords flew back, shooting towards Chu Ning at an even faster speed than before.

 But at the same time, Song Feng felt a huge force hit him hard.

 The body flew out involuntarily.

 Along with it, there is also a surging destructive power!


Song Feng felt a huge pain in his chest. The next moment, his throat felt sweet and a mouthful of blood spurted out.


Song Feng, who flew two feet upside down, managed to stand still, but his magic power was running slowly at this moment, and the two daggers fell directly to the ground.

  Knowing that he had been seriously injured, Song Feng looked up at Chu Ning and was about to shout to stop and admit defeat.

 But at this sight, he couldn't help but turn pale.

 At this moment, two more fire pythons were already sweeping towards him.

Song Feng, who had seen the power of this fire python, immediately shouted loudly when he saw this:

“I am from the Song family, how dare you...”

 “Didn’t you swear by your Taoist heart?”

As Chu Ning's faint voice came, the two fire pythons had also arrived in front of Song Feng.

 Compared with Chu Ning's state of perfect Qi refining, the fire python at this time was much thicker.

It is the size of the mouth of a bowl and is also two feet long. To be precise, the previous one can only be called a fire snake.

 And the one now is the real fire python!


 Feeling the violent aura that was about to devour him, Song Feng couldn't help but shout.

 However, all this is of no avail.

The fire python hit the mid-level defense talisman shield, and the shield broke directly.

 The next moment, another fire python followed closely and hit Song Feng's body.

The injured Song Feng was unable to activate his magic protection at this time.

 “Bang!” “Ah!”

With a shrill scream, the fire python penetrated directly into Song Feng's body.

 And there was a dark hole in Song Feng's chest.

The next moment, a red flame ignited from the entrance of the cave.

In the blink of an eye, Song Feng was directly burned to ashes.

From a distance, Chu Ning looked at this scene calmly, without much fluctuation in his eyes.

 The fight between the two is a long story.

 In fact, it only took a few breaths from Song Feng to launch a spell attack, to Chu Ning's counterattack, and finally to kill the opponent.

 It can be called an instant kill!

At this moment, Chu Ning nodded with satisfaction.

 It’s not that he has never killed a foundation-building monk before, but this is the first time for him to fight like this.

“It’s not bad. I killed a monk of the same level instantly with magic alone without using any magic weapon.”

 In this battle, he indeed did not use his full strength.

 Not only were the fire rings and thunder beads unused, but also any talismans and magic weapons were unused.

Chun Ning relied entirely on his powerful magic power, which was much higher than that of monks of the same level after establishing the foundation, plus the domineering power of the Fiery Flame Technique and the Wuhuo Spirit Body.

 He directly killed Song Feng.

This is completely different from the previous attack that relied on the jet-black knife, as well as the many talismans and the top-notch magical weapon, the Fire Phoenix Feather Spear.

“Now, I finally have a relatively clear understanding of my own strength in the same level of cultivation.”

Chun Ning was thinking secretly at this moment.

 In the early stage of foundation building, I was absolutely crushing.

 Facing the middle stage of foundation building, relying on his current strength and some magic weapons, he will be able to defeat someone like Song Ye again.

Chuning is also fully confident that he can kill the opponent.

As for the later stage of foundation building, it depends on the situation. Of course, I have destructive cards such as double fire rings and thunder beads.

 At the later stage of foundation building, there may not be any other means of preserving life.

“In this thousand lakes and islands, my safety is still greatly guaranteed.”

Chun Ning murmured in his heart, then reached out and grabbed the storage bag and a small shield-shaped magical weapon that fell to the ground.

There are also two small golden swords that fell to the ground not far away in his hands.

After carefully examining the two golden swords and the shield-shaped magic weapon, Chu Ning discovered that both of them were top-notch magic weapons.

 It seems that the Song family's family background is indeed quite good.

 So he put it into the storage bag.

 At the same time, he opened the opponent's storage bag and poured out all the contents with a splash.

 Suddenly, a piece of animal skin-like object fell into Chu Ning's sight for the first time.

Chuning immediately reached out to pick it up and opened it. The next moment, his eyes suddenly lit up.

 On the top of this picture, there are four big characters written "Ancient Cave of Samsara".

 And there are a few small words after it - Master Shenmeng!

 (End of this chapter)

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