My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 186: Humans, don't go too far.

Chapter 186: Humans, don’t go too far

Yan Feng, after trying many times with a few ordinary stones.

Chuning picked up the soul stone and officially started repairing and making the puppet.

Although the runes to be carved on the soul stone are also mysterious, Chu Ning has experience in drawing runes before.

In addition, there is no requirement to carve runes on this soul stone in one go.

  It is composed of some different runes superimposed.

 In this way, it is not too difficult for Chu Ning.

 Chuning stayed in the cave for the whole day.

 Using the special carving knife obtained from Song Li's storage bag, he carefully carved on the soul stone.

Each time he completes the carving of a layer of runes, Chu Ning will use mana or spiritual consciousness to carve along the runes based on the puppet-making technique.

It took more than a day before Chu Ning put the soul stone back into the undamaged puppet.

 After half an hour of this, the two tiger monsters fled.

 The reason why Chu Ning chose to repair such a puppet now is naturally because he has the ability to distract himself.

But repairing it according to the puppet refining method allowed him to harvest one in a short period of time.

“It seems that actual combat is more effective.”

If you want this puppet to be able to attack the monks on its own, you need to carve some more runes and arrange a small formation restriction that can be driven by spiritual stones.

Of course, this is also related to one's own control. Manipulation with divine consciousness is naturally stronger than the spontaneous attack of a puppet. "

As he spoke, Chu Ning looked to the right.

 But after a period of adaptation, Chu Ning became more comfortable controlling puppets and using the Fire Phoenix Feather Spear.

If we look at the strength on both ends of the offense and defense, it far exceeds the single puppet released by Song Li before.

 I reviewed the battle just now in my mind.

 It seems to be condensed like a flame, and it will burn people just by looking at it.

Chuning looked at these two monsters with bright eyes.

 But there is a huge weakness, which must be controlled by yourself. "

 With pure magic power and powerful spiritual consciousness, he made the two tiger monsters suffer greatly.

 At the same time, other prohibited materials were replenished one by one, and the puppet was repaired.

  It should be roughly at this location. "

Just used the distraction technique to control the fire phoenix feather spear and the humanoid puppet to fight against the two tiger monsters in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

 But the most eye-catching thing is the pair of red eyes.

 And the puppet was repeatedly knocked away.

“This puppet almost combines the advantages of the two puppets of Song and Li. The body’s defense is amazing, and it can also attack with long-range spells.

 In this way, Chu Ning can completely separate a ray of consciousness to control the puppet during the battle.

Judging from the auras of the two monsters, they have already reached the peak of the third-order monsters in the middle stage of foundation building, and are vaguely about to enter the late stage of foundation building and become fourth-order monsters.

Standing there, looking at the two tiger monsters walking away, he muttered softly.

But Chu Ning did not chase after him, and put the Fire Phoenix Feather Spear and the humanoid puppet back into the storage bag.

At the same time, Chu Ning also had a spear in his hand, wielding the Fire Phoenix Feather Spear to fight with another tiger monster.

Chuning immediately took out the humanoid puppet from the storage bag.

 It wasn’t until a few days later that Chu Ning walked out of the cave and appeared on an island called Huqiu Island.

“After combining the advantages of the two puppets, this humanoid puppet can reach the level of the middle stage of foundation building in terms of strength.

At this moment, Chu Ning Cairuo looked at the puppet in front of him with interest.

Unlike ordinary tigers, which are colorful, the hair of this tiger monster is dark red.

These are a bit too difficult and demanding for Chu Ning, who has just come into contact with this puppet technique.

So in the next few days, Chu Ning continued to try to use distraction to control the puppet.

If it were to refining a puppet, no matter how powerful Chu Ning was, he would not be able to complete it in such a short period of time.

Realizing that they were no match for Chu Ning, the two tiger demons decisively chose to escape.

Although Chu Ning was a little uncomfortable at first, he even had to use the Thunder Step to avoid the tiger demon's attack.

“According to the information I remembered before, this red-eyed tiger monster is on the southeast side of the island.

Through his spiritual consciousness, he sensed two ferocious and unusual auras.

 For Chu Ning, this was also a helpless matter.

 As long as you practice more, it will not affect normal spell casting.

  With a ray of consciousness, he directly controlled the puppet to fight with one of the tiger monsters.

 At the same time, two tiger-shaped monsters appeared within his sight.

Then Chu Ning raised his right hand and condensed a ball of flame.

As Chu Ning's mana was activated, the flame began to change, and it vaguely turned into the shape of a tiger demon.

However, this tiger demon is only similar in shape, and the degree of realism can only be said to be unsatisfactory, and this tiger demon is not solid.

It seems like it could collapse at any time.

As for the power emanating from it, it was far inferior to the tiger demon before, and even the fire python that Chu Ning had condensed before was far inferior.

However, as Chu Ning's left hand condensed flames, they merged into the tiger demon on his right hand.

The tiger demon is becoming more and more solid.

  It is vaguely similar to the two red-eyed tiger monsters before.

At this moment, when Chu Ning's left hand struck a ball of flame again.

The tiger-shaped flame fluctuated violently.

 Seeing this, Chu Ning stopped immediately.

 The mana from his right hand began to pour in, stabilizing the fire-shaped tiger demon.

The next moment, Chu Ning patted the spirit beast bag and released Ling Xiaobai from it.

 As soon as the little guy appeared, his head started to look around curiously.

 At this time.


The fire-shaped tiger demon in Chu Ning's hand actually let out a low roar. The next moment, the fire-shaped tiger monster rushed towards Ling Xiaobai.


Upon seeing this, Ling Xiaobai screamed in surprise.

Immediately, the little guy spurted out several streaks of white light mixed with light blue.

The fire-shaped tiger demon collided with the white light and dispersed.

Seeing this scene, Chu Ning shook his head with some dissatisfaction.

 “The practice of the Fiery Flame Technique still requires some effort.

Although I have now condensed the shape of this red-eyed fire demon, in terms of power, it can only be compared to the early stage of foundation building.

If you want to reach the middle stage of foundation building, it will take a lot of time. "

With this thought, Chu Ning greeted Ling Xiaobai, who looked aggrieved.

 Then he flew away.

 I chose Huqiu Island because there happens to be a pair of tiger monsters here, which is very suitable for actual combat training of the humanoid puppet.

On the other hand, Chu Ning just wanted to observe the attack of this monster.

  In order to practice the next monster attack form of the Fierce Flame Art.

According to the records in the Flame Splitting Technique, if a complete red-eyed tiger demon can be successfully condensed.

  It can deliver a blow comparable to that of a monk in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment.

Of course, for Chu Ning, his strength can be further improved.

 With the bonus of the Noon Fire Spirit, it can even launch attacks comparable to those in the later stages of foundation building.

 So the next few months.

On this Tiger Hill Island, the roars of the tiger monsters can be heard almost every day.

Mixed in, there were bursts of bursts of bursting sounds of fire.

half year later.

On Huqiu Island, Chu Ning's figure appeared and came directly outside the cave of the red-eyed tiger demon.

 “Hey, tiger demon, come out to fight! If you don’t come out, I will come in and beat you up.”

 There was no movement in the cave.

Chun Ning curled his lips and walked into the cave carelessly.

 But, until Chu Ning broke into the cave.

The two tiger monsters still made no movement, lying there without even raising their eyelids.

“Hey, you two guys are too uncooperative. Do you really think I don’t dare to kill you?”

 Looking at the two tiger monsters looking like this, Chu Ning couldn't help but roll his eyes.

 Looking back on the situation of finding this pair of tiger monsters in the past six months, I felt quite helpless.

 In his opinion, this pair of tiger monsters in the middle stage of foundation building are really suitable practical opponents.

 So since arriving for the first time, he has come every day.

Famous manipulating puppets and spells against this pair of tiger monsters, while practicing the magic and 傀 傀 傀.

Also by observing the attack patterns of these tiger monsters, he constantly improves and improves his Flame Splitting Technique.

 At first, when Chu Ning first entered the island and approached the cave, the pair of tiger monsters would come out to fight.

Then if you can't fight, you'll run away.

 Later it was discovered that Chu Ning could not be defeated, and Chu Ning did not pursue them, so the two tiger monsters stopped taking the initiative to fight.

But Chu Ning took the initiative to provoke him every time, attracting two monsters to practice with him.

Gradually, the two tiger monsters seemed to have come to their senses. They attacked randomly a few times before escaping back into the cave.

 As for the past two months, no matter how provocative Chu Ning was, the two tiger monsters would not take the initiative to leave the cave.

Chun Ning had to enter the tiger monster's cave, and there was a period of coercion and inducement.

Then every time a tiger demon will come out to deal with Chu Ning.

Today was a good day. Even though Chu Ning threatened them, the two tiger monsters still didn't make any move.

When Chu Ning saw this, he fired a ball of fire directly at the male tiger demon.

Upon seeing this, the demon opened its mouth and sucked in the fireball, swallowing it.

 Then, he lay down lazily again.

However, those red eyes were glaring at Chu Ning slightly, as if saying something.

 “Human, don’t go too far!”

 “It seems that even coercion is not enough.”

When Chu Ning saw this, he made a strange sound in his mouth.

 Just like the roar of a monster.

   Beast language, this is what Chu Ning learned from a jade slip in Liu Yishan's storage bag.

 After hearing Chu Ning's voice, the tiger demon suddenly turned over.


The tiger demon roared at Chu Ning, his red eyes showing a mixture of surprise and joy.

“Yes, as long as you cooperate with me, I can refine a furnace of elixirs.

This elixir can have a certain probability of helping you break through your current realm and become a fourth-level monster. "

At this moment, upon hearing Chu Ning’s confirmation, the red eyes of the two tiger monsters were filled with joy.


The tiger demon roared once again.

After hearing this, Chu Ning smiled slightly.

“Simple, you need to give me a strand of the spirit demon fire you cultivated.”


  Hearing Chu Ning's words, the two tiger monsters immediately let out low roars, showing signs of vigilance and uneasiness.

 (End of this chapter)

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