My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 193: Wind magic shows its power and breaks out of the encirclement

Chapter 193 Wind spells show their power and break out of the encirclement

Except for Chu Ning, the other three people who were defenseless were almost instantly killed by these rays of light.

And the white light that hit Chu Ning was blocked by the flame shield around Chu Ning.


 Seeing this scene, the burly man couldn't help but let out a light sigh.

 The next moment, he seemed to understand instantly.

 “Foundation-Building Monk!”

As he spoke, he and the horse-faced monk took action at the same time, attacking Chu Ning with several spells.

 It's just that they are faster, Chu Ning is faster.

Almost at the same time that the double fire ring shield blocked the attack, Chu Ning's whole body mana fluctuated violently.

The sub-huan in his hand had already flown out and attacked the burly man.

As soon as Chu Ning took action, he directly killed two foundation-building monks.

At the same time, Chu Ning himself flew out upside down and was about to fly away.

 “Yin Demon Kill!”

Although Chu Ning was running away, his consciousness was always paying attention to the movement behind him.

  But it’s different from before.

However, Chu Ning would not think that the Yin Demon Slash used by Chen Chengzong, who was in the late stage of foundation building, would be the same as those people.

 I didn’t fully react for a while, until the ring of fire and the spear arrived respectively.

It is obviously not wise to fall in love with war at this moment.

At the same time, the tip of Chu Ning's Fire Phoenix Feather Spear also pierced the defense of the horse-faced monk.

Chun Ning, holding the Fire Phoenix Feather Spear, fired towards the horse-faced monk.

 While waving, a tiger roar came from the spear.

 It was Chen Chengzong who was in the later period of foundation building.

The two men’s expressions suddenly changed and they retreated towards the rear, activating their defensive shields at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, flames surged from his Dantian, burning his entire body in an instant.

The next moment, the flame demon tiger dispersed, but at the same time, the sword light also completely disappeared.

Chun Ning's attack was extremely powerful and killing moves. Even the burly man and the horse-faced monk were in the middle stage of foundation building.

 When he saw that black light, his face became more serious.

Chun Ning immediately swung out the Fire Phoenix Feather Spear, and a flaming demon tiger rushed towards the sword light.

 The demon tiger collided with the sword light, and the flames engulfed the sword light.

 The speed of one of them was astonishing. Just when Chu Ning had just killed two people, this person had already flown in front of him.

 The chill in his eyes became even stronger.

While his body was chasing Chu Ning, Chen Chengzong swung his knife from a distance, and a black light suddenly struck Chu Ning's back.

 At the same time, a spear appeared in Chu Ning's hand.

 While swiping, a blade of light flew out from it and struck towards Chu Ning.

A flame demon tiger rushed towards Yin Mo Zhan.

It is the Yin Demon Slash that they used when they fought against those Yin Demon Sect disciples before.

Immediately, the flame demon tiger condensed on the spear rushed forward with a low roar, and instantly devoured the horse-faced monk.

 But at this moment, Chu Ning did not feel any joy.

Not daring to let the Yin Demon Slash hit him directly, Chu Ning swung the Fire Phoenix Feather Spear again.

Seeing this scene, Chen Chengzong's eyes flashed slightly, with a look of surprise on his face.

 As soon as he flew there, he already had a knife in his hand.

Chun Ning is no stranger to Heimag.

 Because the moment they had just fought, others had noticed it.

But at this moment, a demon tiger condensed by flames appeared on the spear.

At the same time, Chu Ning's body flashed with yellow light, and after the flame shield, there was another layer of mana shield transformed from talismans.

 It happens to be the location of this big man's Dantian.

 It’s just that all this is obviously too slow!

The sub-rings of the double fire rings penetrated the defensive shield of the burly man, and the next moment they hit the big man directly.

 A few rays of light quickly escaped not far away.

 The demon tiger faced the black light and dispersed.

 Suddenly, the powerful destructive power shattered the Dantian in his body.

The black light did not disappear, but continued to attack Chu Ning, and then scattered the yellow shield on the outside of Chu Ning's body.

Immediately, it hit the flames all over Chu Ning.

However, Yin Demon Slash, which had been weakened several times, could no longer cause the slightest harm to Chu Ning under the flame defense of the two fire rings.

 Even Chu Ning's flying escape was not affected.

 In the blink of an eye, Chu Ning had already flown away a full twenty feet and distanced himself from Chen Chengzong.

 Chen Chengzong saw that Chu Ning could even take down the Yin Demon Slash, his face changed slightly, and then he snorted coldly:

“I really want you to leave today, and I, Chen Chengzong, don’t have to hang around in these thousands of lakes and islands.

Protector Qiu, please inform other fellow Taoists in the sect to help me stop him! "

 While Chen Chengzong was speaking, the middle-aged Confucian scholar had already arrived.

 Hearing Chen Chengzong's words, the middle-aged Confucian scholar immediately summoned him.

At the same time, Chen Chengzong's blood surged around his body and turned into a blood shadow, chasing Chu Ning.

The speed was so fast that it was not much worse than Chu Ning's Divine Wind Escape.

However, what surprised Chu Ning was that Chen Chengzong was different from those who had taken the Blood Evil Pill before in consuming blood essence to forcefully speed up.

 It really seems like some kind of escape technique was used.

“Fortunately, I have learned this Divine Wind Escape, otherwise, I would have been overtaken by the other party in the blink of an eye.”

Thinking this in her heart, Chu Ning did not feel at all relaxed.

 Because although his Kamikaze Escape is faster than Chen Chengzong, it is not enough to completely throw away the opponent.

At the same time, not far ahead, he saw two monks approaching him.

Looking at that aura, he is also a foundation-building monk.

  It was obviously directed at him. Chu Ning's eyes flashed slightly when he thought that if he delayed even a little, he would be entangled by Chen Chengzong.

However, his speed did not slow down at all, and his figure turned into a flying rainbow in the air.

 In the blink of an eye, he was no more than ten feet away from the two foundation-building monks in front of him.

 The two foundation-building monks had stopped at this moment, one on the left and one on the right standing in the air.

 At the same time, they all took out their magical weapons to attack.

 Him Yin and Chen Chengzong who were chasing behind formed a pincer attack.

Chu Ning continued to fly forward, and at the same time raised his hands toward the two of them in the air.

 Two invisible auras formed from Chu Ning's hands.

The two people in front looked at Chu Ning's move and felt a little confused.

However, the movements in his hands did not stop, and spell attacks were launched one after another.

 But at this moment, the two foundation-building monks only felt an invisible force binding them.

Before they could react, the two of them were pulled by this force.

 At the same time move closer to the middle.

The two monks who were originally three feet apart were about to collide with each other in an instant.

 The spells they had just cast were directed at each other.

This sudden change immediately shocked the two of them.

At this moment, the two people quickly used their magic power to stabilize their bodies, and at the same time controlled the magic to adjust their direction.

 Just like this, the spell will naturally lose its accuracy.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chu Ning's figure flashed past the two of them.

While leaping over the two of them, he once again activated the Wind Drawing Technique.

 Suddenly, the two men's bodies were pulled forward a few feet.

He happened to stop in front of Chen Chengquan who was flying over.

The spells originally fired by the two men were also directed at Chen Chengquan.

Chen Chengquan was also completely caught off guard by Chu Ning's operation.

At this moment, he was suddenly attacked by the two foundation-building monks, and he had to stabilize his body and activate a defense on his body.

 Although the attacks of the two monks fell on its defense, there was no damage.

 But in the moment when Chen Chengzong was delayed, Chu Ning had already fled far away.

 “Damn it!”

 Seeing this scene, Chen Chengzong suddenly turned pale with anger.

He glared hatefully at the two monks in front of him who were confused at the moment, and then turned into a blood shadow again and chased Chu Ning in the distance.

However, Chen Chengquan knew very well that there was a gap in the escape speed between the two.

If you continue chasing like this, you will most likely be lost.

 Chun Ning in front was also slightly relieved at this moment.

 Just now, we completely distanced ourselves.

According to the two people's escape skills, it is not difficult to get rid of each other by just walking around a few times.

 At that time, you can go directly to Yuquan Island.

“It’s just that in this way, the things in my cave would be a pity.”

Chun Ning sighed secretly in his heart.

 Other things don't matter, it's just the alchemy furnace obtained from the ancient sect ruins.

And the Iron Soul Flower and Flame Wood Twin Fruits in his medicine garden.

There is also the cave formation that is arranged in the cave, but it cannot be taken away.

Even though Chu Ning’s family is rich, he is really reluctant to part with it.

However, even if you are reluctant to leave, life is naturally the most important thing.

Just when Chu Ning had such a thought.


 Suddenly, a violent sound sounded from the Qianhuan Island behind.

The sound was so loud that even Chu Ning and Chen Chengzong, who was chasing after him, couldn't help but turn their heads.

 In fact, no matter whether they were people inside the Thousand Fantasy Island or outside the island, they couldn't help but look in the direction of the Thousand Fantasy Island when they heard this loud noise.

At this moment, a blood-red light pillar rose into the sky from the island.

 The entire sky above the Thousand Fantasy Islands was reflected in a blood-red color.


At the same time, as the sound rang out, the huge black vulture-winged crow rose into the sky.

  A stream of black flames spurted out from its mouth, falling on the blood-red light pillar.

 Suddenly, the blood-red light beam began to slowly converge and condense.

 In the end, it turned into a huge **** ball suspended in the air, just like the sun was stained with blood.

At this moment, the Black Fire Vulture opened its mouth again, and the **** ball was swallowed directly into its mouth.


  After eating the blood-colored ball, the Black Vulture-winged Crow let out an excited cry that resounded thousands of miles away.

 Suddenly, the monks near the Thousand Fantasy Island couldn't help but change their expressions.

Countless monks looked at this astonishing scene and were at a loss.

 Chen Chengzong, who was behind Chu Ning, had a hint of excitement on his face at this moment.

“The blood essence and blood refining in the Blood Evil Yin Demonic Formation is completed!”

As he spoke, Chen Chengzong waved his hand, and a blood-red light suddenly shot into the sky.

The next moment, the Black Fire Vulture-winged Crow seemed to have received the signal and flew quickly in this direction.

Seeing this scene, Chu Ning's expression changed drastically, and he used all his magic power to escape into the distance using Divine Wind Escape.

 (End of this chapter)

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