My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 233: Refining the soul, Golden elixir monk (please subscribe)

Chapter 233: Refining the Essence, Golden Elixir Monk (Please subscribe)

Forcibly shattering the magic mirror, Shang Xiaohan raised his eyes again and looked at the two people flying towards him.

 On the contrary, a smile flashed across his face.

“Even if I die like this, I will have to support someone from Daluo Sect today!”

With this thought in his mind, Shang Xiaohan raised the frost sword in his hand and tried his best.

 “Junior sister, there is no need to do this!”

At this moment, a faint voice came into her ears.

 Shang Xiaohan's figure was stunned.

The next moment, she saw several green lights flying from her side.

 Attacked the two Daluo Sect monks who were chasing after them at this moment.

 “People from the Jiuhua Sect!”

 The next moment, it penetrated from his head!

Li Qun is the name of Chu Ning who participated in this trip.

But at this moment, a dark divine light arrived first and jumped over several green lights.

  Move your left and right hands.

 When the monk finally reacted, his expression changed drastically.

The divine light of reincarnation cannot be easily resisted by monks in the late stage of foundation building.

Attacking to the right were three arrows wrapped in black hair.

 From the time Chu Ning appeared to the death of the two Daluo Sect monks, it was just a blink of an eye.

Although the foundation-building monks were very unfamiliar with this name, they had seen it before, so they all remembered it.

At this moment, Shang Xiaohan finally saw the face of the person coming, and couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise.

 Kill with one blow!

Seeing this scene, another Da Luo Sect monk who waved his yellow light and blocked three arrows flashed with a hint of horror in his eyes.

 “Senior Brother Li!”


 At the same time, they also saw several green lights attacking the two of them.

  It’s just that the earthen wall collapsed instantly under the penetration of hundreds of blue rays of light.

This Daluo Sect monk was hit by the divine light of reincarnation, and his body trembled slightly.

At the same time, he grabbed it with his left hand and the flying blade of dead leaves fell back into his hand.

Although this Daluo Sect monk has activated the defensive shield, it is of no avail.

From his right hand, hundreds of slender green lights flew out, overwhelming the sky and sweeping towards the Daluo Sect monk.

Seeing this scene, the two of them waved the yellow flag at the same time, but they must work together to mobilize this pair of magic weapons to attack the secret treasure.

The original movement of waving the Dharma flag also stagnated!

 In this short period of time, the yellow awns of the pair of Dharma flags failed to merge into one.

 And with the yellow light of a yellow flag, it can only block those three arrows.

 The flying blade passed through the body, and its body was like a dead leaf, losing all vitality in an instant.

 But it’s too late!

 The one attacking to the left was a flying knife wrapped in green light, with frightening power.

With an incredible roar, this Daluo Sect monk followed in the footsteps of his fellow disciples.

 With the injection of mana, the flying blade of dead leaves shot out again and attacked the opponent!

At this moment, Chu Ning, who was using the divine wind to escape, flashed in the air and stopped in front of this person.

That Shang Xiaohan didn't even have time to react.

 “Magic weapon of divine consciousness!”

 Hit directly the Daluo Sect monk on the right who was about to wave the yellow flag.

The flying blade of dead leaves flew in front of this late-stage foundation-building monk who encountered the divine light of reincarnation.

Moreover, with the current strength of Chu Ning's consciousness, the power of the reincarnation light condensed and stored in advance is more than twice as powerful as before.

At this moment, two Daluo Sect monks also reacted.

This Daluo Sect monk was immediately frightened out of his mind. He kept waving the Dharma flag and built a yellow earthen wall in front of him.

 At this moment, the flying blade of dead leaves has also arrived!

Wherever he could take action, he immediately turned around and flew away.

Ordinary defenses cannot resist the attack of the magic weapon at all, not to mention Chu Ning's magic weapon that is comparable to the surging magic power of a Golden Core monk.

 But no matter how fast he is, he can't be faster than Chu Ning!

Until this moment, Chu Ning was standing in the air, reaching out to grab the flying blade of dead leaves back into his hand.

 It disappeared in a flash!

Chun Ning looked at the female cultivator not far away who had a beautiful face, but her face was vaguely pale.

  He nodded slightly and asked:

“Junior Sister Shang, is there nothing serious?”

 “Thank you, senior brother, it’s nothing serious.” Shang Xiaohan bowed.

Chun Ning nodded, landed in front of the bodies of the two Daluo Sect foundation-building monks below, and searched them all.

 At the same time, I did not forget to take another look at their faces, but I still didn’t see anything wrong.

“Da Luo Zong must have wanted to hide the secrets of those who entered, but until now.

 Apart from the fact that they all travel in pairs, there is nothing special about their people. "

At this moment, Shang Xiaohan also fell beside Chu Ning.

Looking at Chu Ning’s frown, she couldn’t help but asked with some confusion:

 “Senior Brother Li, what’s wrong?”

Chun Ning shook his head, and while using fireball to turn the two corpses into ashes, he said with a solemn expression:

“I just met another Da Luo Sect monk, they were both together, and they could also use a magic weapon to attack together.

 I suspect that they used some method to teleport together. If so, it would cause some trouble for the other disciples. "

“You also met another pair of Daluo Sect monks?”

When Shang Xiaohan heard this, his bright eyes could not help but show horror.

 She was shocked that there were so many monks in the Daluo Sect traveling with two people.

He was also surprised that Chu Ning could come here to save himself safely despite encountering two other late-stage foundation-building monks.

 The next moment, Shang Xiaohan seemed to suddenly realize something.

“Senior Brother Li, where are the two Daluo Sect monks?”

 “Kill!” Chu Ning said lightly.

Hearing this, Shang Xiaohan's eyes were suddenly filled with surprise and joy.

 At the same time, her heart was in turmoil.

“Senior Brother Li Qun has actually killed four Daluo Sect late-stage foundation-building monks in a short period of time.

 Where did he come from? How could it be so powerful?

I have seen that the easiest person to fight against a monk of the same level before was Senior Brother Chu. However, this Senior Brother Li not only looks different, but also uses completely different magic weapons and spells. He is definitely not the senior brother.

 I didn’t know that there were so many outstanding senior brothers hidden within the sect. "

No wonder Shang Xiaohan was so surprised. She was a disciple of Fu Lihong, the only female golden elixir monk in Jiuhua Sect.

She has met most of the late-stage foundation-building monks in the sect before.

 At this moment, this "Senior Brother Li" not only looks unfamiliar, but is also powerful.

  It is naturally recognized as the existence of hidden strength within the sect.

Chun Ning didn’t know that Shang Xiaohan had so many thoughts in his mind at this moment.

Turning his head and glancing at the opponent's slightly pale face, Chu Ning released a flying boat and jumped on it first.

“Junior Sister Shang, we have to find other disciples quickly. You are seriously injured. Come up first and adjust your breathing to heal your injuries.”

"Thank you, senior brother." When Shang Xiaohan heard this, he naturally would not refuse and immediately jumped onto the flying boat.

 Then he took out a pill from the storage bag and took it.

Chun Ning saw that the elixir he used was a healing elixir that he had previously refined in the sect, so he did not give any additional elixir to Shang Xiaohan.

After taking out the magic mirror, Chu Ning began to fly the flying boat towards another red dot on the magic mirror that showed the same direction as the two of them.

 However, not long after Chu Ning left, his expression suddenly changed.

 Suddenly a red dot appeared in other directions above the Dharma Realm and disappeared!

The red dot was too far away from Chu Ning's position, and he was beyond his reach. At this moment, he could only fly towards the nearby red dot displayed.

Just because he was carrying Shang Xiaohan in a flying boat, Chu Ning was naturally not as fast as when he used Divine Wind Escape.

Flying like this for about thirty more miles, the two finally met up with a late-stage foundation-building monk who had arrived.

Chun Ning also knew this person, and it was He Yanmao, the deacon in charge of specific affairs of the Alchemy Pavilion.

 It's just that the latter couldn't recognize him with his changed appearance.

 After the three of them met, Chu Ning briefly told He Yanmao what had happened before.

He Yanmao also realized something was wrong when he heard Chu Ning's words.

 Just the Dharma Mirror showed that there were no other Jiuhua Sect monks in this direction.

 So Chu Ning and the other three continued to fly forward, heading straight for the old site of Wolong Valley in the center of the ruins.

Along the way, relying on Chu Ning's powerful spiritual consciousness, he avoided the lair of a fifth-level monster.

As for the occasional fourth-order monsters or two that Chu Ning encountered along the way, he killed them easily.

And I saw how Chu Ning treated the fourth-level monster lightly every time.

 He Yanmao and Shang Xiaohan were also greatly surprised.

He Yanmao, like Shang Xiaohan, was very curious as to where this Li Qun came from.

 Even both of them had the same idea.

“I don’t know who has stronger magical powers compared to senior brother Li, Senior Brother Li.”

If anything else happened along the way, it was that the red dot showing the person's location would disappear from time to time.

By the time Chu Ning and the others reached a mountain peak in the core area, they could vaguely see the ruins of a sect.

 The Dharma Mirror already showed that there were only fourteen red dots, a full six missing.

In addition to Shang Xiaohan's Dharma Mirror itself shattering, there are also five people who are no longer visible.

 Furthermore, those red dots never showed up again.

 This made Chu Ning and others, who were the first to arrive here, look a little complicated.

If he hadn't seen the other red dots approaching him and others at a slow speed.

Chun Ning even wanted to lead He Yanmao and the two of them up to meet him.

At this time, the three of them still chose to wait here while adjusting their breath.

He Yanmao is slightly better, and does not consume too much mana.

Shang Xiaohan’s injury has not yet recovered, and he still needs to be healed.

Chun Ning’s journey all the way, coupled with the use of magic weapons in front of him, did consume some mana.

Of course, there is another key point. In his reincarnation disk, all the previous divine light of reincarnation has been consumed.

 At this moment, the spiritual consciousness is reused to condense the divine light of reincarnation, and this spiritual consciousness must also be restored.

 Fortunately, Chu Ning had a lot of pills on his body, and whether it was the Flame Fire Divine Wood Technique or the Divine Refining Technique, his recovery was not slow.

 Because some of his methods were not convenient for others to see, Chu Ning told He Yanmao.

 He is responsible for contacting fellow disciples who come later.

 Immediately, Chu Ning activated a talisman and used a magic shield to separate himself.

After completing the re-condensation of the divine light of reincarnation in the reincarnation disk, Chu Ning recovered his mana and consciousness.

He briefly sensed that there were only six or seven people outside the isolation barrier at the moment, so he did not remove the isolation barrier.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, there was already a small red flame beast in his hand. It is exactly the wisp of soul that was absorbed from the dying red flame beast before.

“Although he appears as Li Qun now, he only uses wood spells.

  But if there is really any danger, naturally attack with fire spells, which are more powerful.

While we have this little time, we might as well refine this soul! "

Chun Ning thought about it in his mind, and fired several magic formulas, which landed on this wisp of spirit.

At the same time, he raised his hand and used the Fiery Flame Technique to transform into a red flame beast.

Started to refine the spirit of the red flame beast that he had just obtained.

After being hit by Chu Ning with several spells, the fifth-level red flame beast spirit suddenly began to pinch.

 Obviously, this spirit still has some consciousness and wants to break free.

 However, facing Chu Ning's magic power, he was unable to break free.

Chun Ning fired one spell after another.

Gradually, the spirit stopped struggling and began to truly merge with the red flame beast that Chu Ning had transformed into.

This red flame beast spirit is naturally far more powerful than the original spirit of the red-eyed demon tiger.

However, Chu Ning’s current cultivation level and her mastery of the Fiery Flame Technique are not the same.

 After about an hour of this, Chu Ning stood up with a smile in his eyes.

 “It’s done!”

 Looking at the transformed red flame beast in front of him, Chu Ning muttered in his heart.

This wisp of soul has been completely refined and integrated into the Fiery Flame Art!

Although he has not tried it, Chu Ning believes that the power of the red flame beast after fused with the spirit will be greatly improved by a level!

At this moment, Chu Ning removed the isolation shield outside himself.

 Looking around, he found that fifteen people had gathered on the mountain peak.

As expected, the remaining five people never appeared again. There were three monks in the middle stage of foundation establishment, but there were also two monks in the late stage of foundation establishment.

While Chu Ning was looking at him like this, a middle-aged man who was also a late-stage Foundation Establishment monk said:

“Why haven’t the other five arrived yet? We are not slow in our escape skills, and the sect that is not fast in our escape skills has also given corresponding magical weapons.

Logically speaking, even if you encounter a late-stage foundation-building monk, you should have no problem escaping.

Especially for two fellow sects who are in the late stage of foundation building, they should not fall so easily. "

Chun Ning recognized this middle-aged man, whose name was Yi Wenliang. Among the eleven late-stage foundation-building monks who entered today, his strength ranked high.

 Should be similar to He Yanmao.

 From what he said, He Yanmao should have not told anyone his speculation before.

Chuning looked at the sky and said:

“It seems that these fellow disciples have either encountered a fifth-level monster.

 Either, he encountered a monk from Daluo Sect and should have been in trouble. "

Yi Wenliang frowned slightly.

“Meet the monks from Daluo Sect? Unless it’s Feng Xianwu and Lu Yinggang that the sect master mentioned, other people will not give us a chance to escape.

 But how could it be such a coincidence that five fellow disciples met them.

 I came all the way, but I didn’t meet a single Daluo Sect monk. "

 Chun Ning shook his head, and then said:

“It doesn’t have to be these two people. As long as you encounter a Daluo Sect monk alone, there is basically no chance of escape.”

 Speaking, he will encounter two monks, who can even kill fifth-level monsters.

As well as the process of rescuing Shang Xiaohan, I briefly talked about it.

After Chu Ning finished speaking, Yi Wenliang and others immediately exclaimed.

“Daluo Sect was teleported in twos?”

“Can we join forces to fight and kill the fifth-level monster?”

  Everyone’s eyes were filled with surprise and uncertainty. Fashionable Xiaohan also spoke from the side:

“Senior Brother Li Qun’s words are indeed true. If he hadn’t saved me, I would have died in the hands of those two Da Luo Sect monks.”

After everyone was surprised, their eyes fell on Chu Ning.

These people are already so strong, so Chu Ning...

Facing everyone’s gaze, Chu Ning said calmly:

“It’s meaningless to talk about these things at this moment. We are meeting here now, and the people from Daluo Sect must also be meeting together.

Although the attacks they can launch in pairs are not weak, we have the advantage after all, because we have more people now.

 The next step is to enter the Wolong Valley Sect. What are your plans, fellow sect members? "

As soon as Chu Ning said this, everyone’s eyes fell on He Yanmao.

 According to the arrangements made before the sect entered, the relatively mature He Yanmao was responsible for coordinating matters here.

He Yanmao pondered for a moment and then slowly said:

“Since we have arrived here, we must enter immediately without further delay.

As for how to search, we went to the mountain gate first to check the situation. What do you think? "

Everyone also thought it was a relatively safe method, so they all agreed unanimously.

So the group of people began to descend the mountain, heading towards the ruins with many mountains and buildings below.

“Hey, there are no restrictions here anymore.”

 As soon as we arrived at the place below, it was obviously the mountain gate of Wolong Valley.

 One of the monks made a somewhat surprised sound.

 The rest of the people also had a hint of surprise in their eyes.

Chun Ning's face was relatively calm at this moment. He had just asked Ling Xiaobai to conduct a sensor inspection first.

 So I had some understanding beforehand.

Yi Wenliang is a formation master, and the sect originally planned to let him be responsible for breaking some formation restrictions.

At this moment, he looked at it slightly and said:

“The ban here must have been ineffective for a long time, but it is normal. Back then, Wolong Valley was just a small sect, and the sect’s ban was not strong.

 Later, so many high-level monks fought here, and most of the restrictions must have been destroyed.

 Coupled with the fact that it has been such a long time, it is normal that there are no restrictions.

 Let’s walk further in and take a look. "

 Immediately, the group of people continued to walk forward for a certain distance.

Like the mountain gate, although there are some buildings among the several peaks here, there are basically no restrictions.

Then He Yanmao and Yi Wenliang stopped to discuss for a while, then turned towards the crowd and said:

“The people from Da Luo Zong have not come yet for some unknown reason.

 We must rush ahead of them and search as many places as possible. Since there are not many restrictions here, everyone should search separately. "

 Speaking, He Yanmao paused slightly and said:

“But before, we planned to divide four people into five groups, but now it seems that it is not safe.

There are only fifteen of us left, so we might as well form groups of five and divide them into three groups, with me, Yi Wenliang, and Li Qun each leading one group.

Then each group tries to search in the same direction, so as to have a follow-up. "

 Hearing what He Yanmao said, everyone had no objections.

There are still nine monks in the late stage of foundation establishment and six monks in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

 Each group has exactly three monks in the late stage of foundation building and two in the middle stage of foundation building.

Shang Xiaohan, who had just followed Chu Ning, was also with Chu Ning at this moment, and there was also a mid-level foundation-building monk from the Weapon Refining Pavilion.

There are two other late-stage foundation-building monks, also with Chu Ning.

 The other groups also divided their people one after another, and then everyone dispersed.

Covering a distance of about thirty miles, it searched forward.

At this moment, six people from Da Luo Sect were also gathered together on another mountain outside the valley.

 Different from the previous days where black robes covered their faces, although these people were also wearing black robes, their faces were exposed.

One of the middle-aged monks was obviously the leader. He stood in front of the crowd, looking into the distance with a slightly gloomy expression.

“It seems that something happened to Zhang Tie and the others.”

As the middle-aged monk spoke, he slowly turned his head and frowned tightly.

“I was originally worried that Hu Feng would not be able to arrive smoothly, but I didn’t expect that something would happen to them.

The four of them were divided into two groups holding secret treasures. Could it be that they encountered some high-level monster? "

 At this time, a very tough-looking man beside him spoke.

“Uncle Master, could it be that you have met someone from the Jiuhua Sect?”

 “Impossible!” The middle-aged monk shook his head.

“When they work in pairs, even ordinary Jindan monks are capable of fighting.

What’s more, it’s impossible for Jiuhua Sect to have a Jindan monk come in, after all..."

 He did not continue speaking, but his eyes flickered, looking in the direction of the old site of Wolong Valley below.

“The people from Jiuhua Sect have already entered, we can’t wait any longer, if they really find some magic weapon.

 When our strength is greatly reduced, we will be in trouble. "

As he spoke, the middle-aged monk's eyes flashed with a cold light.

“It seems that the Five Elements Formation cannot be arranged. If the people of Jiuhua Sect really get together later, the five of you will use the Three Elements Formation to fight against the enemy.

 If you use the magic weapon alone first, it will consume more mana, so pay more attention to conserving your mana. "

 The middle-aged monk finished speaking to the tough man who spoke before, and the latter immediately nodded slightly.

I think this person is the Feng Xianwu mentioned by Yu Changge.

At this time, the middle-aged monk continued:

"As long as you can hold them back, these people will be killed one by one by me!"

This man's words were full of coldness and arrogance.

But everyone didn’t think there was anything wrong, and they were obviously full of confidence in the middle-aged monk’s strength.

With these words, the middle-aged monk took the lead and flew down from the mountain peak.

 Behind him, five people also came down hand in hand.

Four of them walked together in pairs, while the tough man Feng Xianwu was alone.

The people quickly fled to the mountain gate of Wolong Valley.

Some distance after entering the mountain gate, the six people stopped.

At this time, the middle-aged monk raised his head and looked ahead, and his consciousness suddenly relaxed.

Powerful spiritual consciousness swept across a position nearly three thousand feet ahead, and soon locked on the Jiuhua Sect monks who were grouped in front to explore.


The next moment, the middle-aged monk waved his hand, and the six people flew away in one group of directions.


At this moment, Chu Ning’s face suddenly changed as he was searching forward.

“How could such a powerful spiritual consciousness sweep through me? It’s almost the same as my own.

This spiritual consciousness is not like a monster, but like a monk.

However, it is impossible for ordinary monks in the late stage of foundation building to have such a powerful spiritual consciousness, unless...

 Golden elixir monk! "

 (End of this chapter)

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