My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 266: Through the Spiritual Mist

Chapter 266 Crossing the Spiritual Mist

“Fellow Daoist Chu, how did you find out?”

Jia Yumin asked Chu Ning in surprise.

 “I just saw it with my own eyes.”

Chu Ning did not hide anything. He hid in the dark and observed the two Tianji League members entering the white mist.

Jia Yumin and Shi Xuerong were a little surprised when they heard that Chu Ning was hiding under the eyes of two middle-stage Jindan monks.

However, they also knew that this matter must involve the secret of Chu Ning's cultivation, so they didn't ask any more questions.

Yuan Zhuo knew that Chu Ning had many mysterious powers, so he didn't find it too strange.

 The focus of several people immediately fell on the space crack above the white mist.

Jia Yumin’s face was solemn at this moment.

“I didn’t expect that there is a space crack here. Not to mention the Golden Core monk, even the Nascent Soul monk has no ability to resist at all when encountering the space crack.”

Yuan Zhuo nodded at this moment and said:

“If it were an obvious ordinary space crack, it would be possible for everyone to enter.

If it is a hidden space crack, there is almost no possibility. "

When Chu Ning heard this, he was slightly stunned and asked Yuan Zhuo:

“Senior Brother Yuan, what you mean by explicit space cracks and hidden space cracks is…”

 He has formed a pill not long ago, and he really knows very little about such things.

Yuan Zhuo explained at this moment:

“Most of the space cracks cannot be seen directly with the naked eye, but the monk’s spiritual exploration can detect some space cracks.

This kind of space crack is called an explicit space crack.

If even spiritual consciousness cannot detect it, it is called a hidden space crack.

This kind of thing cannot be discovered unless there are some special magical powers and secrets. "

When Chu Ning heard this, he finally understood.

Looking at the expressions of Jia Yumin and Shi Xuerong, they seemed to have no doubts about this, and they had obviously known about it for a long time.

At this time, Yuan Zhuo continued:

“However, even if there are obvious space cracks, most of them can only be sensed by spiritual consciousness when they are close.

With the spiritual consciousness of a Jindan monk, the range that can be sensed is probably between ten and twenty feet. "

Chun Ning nodded and said suddenly:

"No wonder I just used my spiritual sense to explore it, but I didn't find anything."

Chun Ning's current spiritual consciousness is enough to support the distance of 5,000 feet, so he can easily explore the peak.

Just now, his consciousness was unable to sense any abnormality in the white mist.

"It seems that it is necessary to go up and have a look." Yuan Zhuo looked towards the top of the mountain at this moment.

At this moment, Shi Xuerong exclaimed:


Chu Ning and others followed her words and saw a figure flying away among the Tianji Alliance people.

He is a late-stage Jindan monk from the Tianji League.

 Obviously, after learning that there was a space crack, this person had the same thoughts as Yuan Zhuo and was ready to go up and take a look.

As a result, everyone was not in a hurry to do anything at this moment, and all looked at this person one after another.

Even the people from the Demon Alliance are like this.

This late-stage Jindan cultivator from the Tianji Alliance is obviously more cautious than the female cultivator surnamed Liao and the short-haired man.

Flying to the white mist on the top of the mountain, he was not in a hurry to fly in.

Instead, it flew around the white mist for about a hundred feet, as if it was exploring something.

 Then, he found a spot in the middle and flew in.

“It seems that what’s inside is an explicit space crack.”

Upon seeing this, Yuan Zhuo's eyes flashed slightly, then turned to Jia Yumin and said:

“Fellow Daoist Jia, let’s observe for a while. If people from the Extreme Alliance and the Demonic Alliance fly in one day, it won’t be too late for us to go.

 What do you think?"

Jia Qiaoyu nodded: "It's just right, let's be cautious."

So next, the four of them chatted occasionally while observing the movements of the other two major forces.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chu Ning used his spiritual consciousness to transmit his voice and said to Yuan Zhuo:

“Senior Brother Yuan, I accidentally saw Ao Langtian from the Daluo Sect walking together with a late Jindan monk named Zou from the Black Cloud Sect.

 It seems that the two of them are quite familiar with each other, but they don’t know why. "

Although I don’t know what the specific collusion between Ao Langtian and the Black Cloud Sect is.

But Chu Ning felt that it was still necessary to remind him.

Now he, the Jiuhua Sect and even the Yunxiao Alliance are both prosperous and disadvantaged.

If the other party really has any conspiracy against the Yunxiao Alliance, it is natural to be more careful.

"Ao Langtian is with the people from the Black Cloud Sect?" Yuan Zhuo was obviously shocked when he heard Chu Ning's words.

Chun Ning nodded lightly, and then gave a rough description of the appearance of the skinny old man named Zou.

Yuan Zhuo immediately said after hearing this: "That is Zou Qitang, the great protector of the Black Cloud Sect.

Let's talk about this with Daoyou Jia. "

Chun Ning naturally agrees with this. Guiyuan Sect is the strongest sect in the Yunxiao Alliance.

This time entering the Spiritual Realm, the leader of the Yunxiao Alliance is He Feng, one of the two late-stage Jindan monks of the Guiyuan Sect.

This person's cultivation level is slightly weaker than that of Yu Changge and Jiang Cheng, but he specializes in metal-based techniques and is famous for his attack power.

 His reputation within this alliance is no lower than that of Yu Changge and Jiang Cheng.

Jia Yumin was also shocked when she heard what Yuan Zhuo and Chu Ning said.

 Hurry to ask for more details.

Chu Ning just said that he saw the two people from a distance and used secret methods to hide them. He did not know the specific process of the two people's contact.

However, despite this, Jia Yumin also looked serious at this moment.

“I will report this matter to Senior Brother He when I see him.

The Demon Alliance has a lot of conspiracies and tricks, so we really need to be more careful. "

While a few people were talking, monks from the three alliances came over one after another.

It is not easy for these people to continue talking about this topic.

 After a while, more than thirty people had gathered here.

 Even the Jiuhua Sect has people number 7 or 8.

 On that day, the Jimeng had already gathered more than ten people.

At this time, it had not been a short time since the late-stage Jindan monks from the Extreme Alliance had entered the white mist.

That day in the Extreme Alliance, after everyone looked at each other, another late-stage Jindan monk flew up and flew towards the white mist on the top of the mountain.

This time, the rest of the Tianji League monks did not wait any longer, but more than ten people quickly followed behind the late Jindan monk.

On the other side, the monks from the Demonic Alliance, also led by a late-stage Jindan monk, flew towards the other side.

Upon seeing this, Yuan Zhuo glanced at the seven people including Chu Ning.

“It seems that the space crack here is indeed an explicit space crack, let’s go.

I will use my spiritual sense to investigate carefully later. Fellow Taoists, please follow closely.

 But the cracks in this space sometimes change, so everyone must also use their spiritual senses and pay attention. "

 After saying that, Yuan Zhuo took the lead in flying up, followed by Chu Ning and others.

 Among the eight people, they also vaguely formed two groups.

Chun Ning and the four of them stood in front, and two monks from the sect gathered behind them.

 Among them, there is also a late-stage Jindan monk.

Yuan Zhuo and Jia Yumin lined up at the front, while Chu Ning and his teacher Rong Xue each followed their own disciples.

Everyone flew to the top of the mountain in front of the white mist. At this moment, Chu Ning also had a deeper feeling.

“I was right when I sensed it just now. This white mist is actually formed by rich spiritual energy.

The intensity of this aura is really astonishing, to the point where it can obscure our sight. "

With emotion, Chu Ning quickly released his spiritual consciousness and sensed the situation ahead.

 Immediately, my heart trembled slightly.

 “Space crack!”

However, within the sensing range of his spiritual consciousness, about 14 to 50 feet ahead, there was an invisible crack at the moment.

Like the huge mouth of a monster, it selects people and devours them.

As soon as the spiritual consciousness comes into contact, it seems to be swallowed directly.

Chun Ning was exposed to a space crack for the first time, and he couldn't help but feel a little shocked.

Yuan Zhuo obviously felt it at this moment and said in a deep voice:

“There is a space crack here, let’s go a little further to look for it.”

As soon as Yuan Zhuo said this, among the people, only the late-stage Jindan monk at the back showed an expression of approval, while the rest, including Jia Yumin, were a little confused.

 Obviously, the consciousness of these people was not enough to allow them to see clearly the crack in space more than ten feet away.

Yuan Zhuo immediately started exploring along the periphery of the white mist.

After walking more than thirty feet in the west direction, Yuan Zhuo began to lead everyone into the white mist.

 Sight is blocked and consciousness is limited.

As soon as they entered the white mist, everyone couldn't help but feel uncomfortable for a moment.

 Feeling the restlessness among everyone, Yuan Zhuo quickly said:

“Fellow Taoists, please do not panic. There are many cracks in the space here, and they are distributed extremely irregularly. We must all be alert.”

When Yuan Zhuo said this, Chu Ning's consciousness also scanned the surroundings, and his face couldn't help but change slightly.

 Just within twenty feet of these people, there were three space cracks.

And the distance between the two space cracks in front is only four feet for everyone to pass.

Yuan Zhuo also explained the general situation at this moment. Everyone immediately cheered up and followed Yuan Zhuo to fly forward slowly.

Chun Ning was also feeling a little emotional at this time.

“The short-haired man with the last name is really unlucky.

His psychic bird must have flown several hundred feet, and it didn't even hit the crack in space. If the psychic bird never came back, he must have known the danger. "

However, after thinking about it, the other party was still too careless. If the psychic bird was allowed to fly forward, or even fly over the mountain range, it is very likely that it would be able to discover something.

Although there are many space cracks here, people can still avoid them safely with the help of the spiritual consciousness of the two late-stage Jindan monks when the flying speed of everyone is extremely slow.

The distance to move forward cautiously is about two hundred feet.

There are more and more space cracks, and there is even one place where Yuan Zhuo found no space cracks.

 But just when everyone was about to pass, a space crack suddenly appeared three feet away.

Even Yuan Zhuo broke into a cold sweat and immediately avoided and took a detour.

Aware that these space cracks are not stable, and new space cracks appear from time to time, everyone is also feeling a headache.

 Just fired the bow without turning back, and now everyone was already deep in the white mist.

Even if we go back, it is too late, so we can only continue to move forward slowly and carefully.

 In this way, we moved forward less than a hundred feet.


At this moment, the late-stage Jindan monk among the four people behind suddenly spoke out.

Chun Ning was also moved at this moment.


 Following that, a scream suddenly sounded.

Chu Ning and others quickly looked back, only to see a small space crack of less than two feet appearing behind them where they had just passed.

The Qianqiao Pavilion Jindan monk who fell at the very back was unable to dodge and was actually swallowed directly by the space crack.

 For a moment, everyone's hearts could not help but sink.

Chun Ning was speechless at the moment, but at the same time, he was becoming more and more vigilant.

“This space crack appeared really fast, my consciousness just sensed it, and it appeared right after.

 Leave yourself no time to react, not even a breath. "

Yuan Zhuo sighed softly at this moment:

“Let’s go, everyone, be careful and use your spiritual sense to sense the changes around you as much as possible.

I can only sense the cracks in space that have already appeared. If new cracks suddenly appear, even I will not have time to warn you. "

  While saying this, Yuan Zhuo looked towards Chu Ning.

 Obviously this was also intended to be said to Chu Ning.

Chuning nodded towards the other party, indicating that he would be careful.

 The crowd then continued to fly forward slowly.

As we go deeper and deeper, there are more and more cracks in this space, and everyone's speed is also slower.

 It took a lot of time, but it flew forward a distance of less than two to three hundred feet.

 But this white mist has no end at a glance.

“There are more and more cracks in this space, and I don’t know how far ahead there is.”

This thought was flashing through Chu Ning's mind.

 The next moment, his spiritual consciousness suddenly sensed something.

 “There is a space crack appearing!”

With a slight shiver in his heart, Chu Ning flew to the side and back.

Because Shi Xuerong was blocking him from the side, Chu Ning subconsciously grabbed the opponent and flew away.

 Just the moment after the two of them flew away.

 At the place where the two people were standing, the space fluctuated for a while and then returned to normal.

However, the monks' spiritual consciousness can clearly feel that there is a huge space crack in it.

This crack was even bigger than any they had seen before.

At this moment, Chu Ning and Shi Xuerong were separated from the rest of the people.

Seeing this scene, both Yuan Zhuo and Jia Yumin's expressions changed drastically.

The teacher Xuerong couldn't help but feel a little pale when she thought of the scene just now.

“Junior brother Chu, are you okay?”

Yuan Zhuo did not dare to approach at this moment, so he could only shout and ask.

 “I’m fine!”

Chun Ning responded, a solemn look flashed in his eyes.

"However, this space crack is too big. It would be difficult for us to go around it."

 Several others also discovered this.

As this huge space crack appeared, the remaining seven people were forced to divide into three groups.

Yuan Zhuo and Jia Yumin, Chu Ning and Shi Xuerong, and the other three late-stage Jindan monks.

Yuan Zhuo frowned slightly at this moment and said:

“Let’s try to walk in the same direction first and see if we can finally go around this crack and then join together.”

 “That’s all it can do!” Chu Ning nodded.

Jia Yumin said at this moment:

“Fellow Daoist Chu, your spiritual consciousness is strong, please take care of your junior sister.”

 At the moment when Qian Jun fired his shot, even Jia Yumin didn't notice the appearance of the space crack.

But Chu Ning was able to avoid it with his teacher Xuerong.

Jia Yumin couldn't guess at this moment that Chu Ning's consciousness might be stronger than hers.

Although I was surprised that Chu Ning, a new Jindan monk, had such a powerful spiritual consciousness.

 But when he thought that Shi Xuerong was still staying with him, Jia Yumin felt relieved.

When Chu Ning heard this, she remembered that she was still holding Shi Xuerong's jade hand, and immediately let it go.

Then he said to Jia Yumin:

 “I’ll try my best!”

Humbling in response, Chu Ning sighed secretly in his heart.

There are so many space cracks here, even if his consciousness is powerful.

It is inevitable that there will be some oversights.

 Self-preservation is already the limit. It is impossible to say how much Xuerong can really help his master.

 Immediately, three waves of people began to fly forward in different directions.

Chun Ning completely let go of his consciousness and sensed the situation around him.

Then he carefully flew forward with his master Xuerong. Only about twenty feet later, he found another space crack and had to change the direction again to avoid it.

“Fellow Daoist Chu!” At this time, Shi Xuerong, who was following him, suddenly spoke.

Chuning turned his head when he heard the other party calling him.

 After a trace of embarrassment flashed across Shi Xuerong's face, she turned to look at Chu Ning calmly and generously.

"Can you lead me away? I'm worried that another space crack will appear suddenly and I won't be able to avoid it."

As he spoke, Shi Xuerong took the initiative to gently lift his jade hand and handed it to Chu Ning.

Chun Ning's eyes turned from the opponent's stunning face to the jade hand that had been handed to him.

Without being too pretentious, he directly grasped the opponent's forearm with his palm.

Out of desperation, Chu Ning grabbed the other person without paying much attention.

At this moment, holding the opponent's jade arm, through the thin robe, one can feel the delicateness of the other person's skin.

Even though Chu Ning has extraordinary concentration, he couldn't help but feel a little strange at this moment.

But then he calmed down and carefully used his spiritual consciousness to detect the existence of the cracks in the space.

Shi Xuerong, who was being led forward by him, saw that Chu Ning did not grab her palm, but held her arm.

  He also breathed a sigh of relief.

  But when Chu Ning turned around and walked forward, a blush inevitably flashed across her pretty face.

But it soon returned to its original state.

 Similarly, he let go of his spiritual consciousness and explored carefully.

After all, Shi Xuerong is also a golden elixir cultivator, so he naturally knows that in a place like this, you cannot completely trust your life to others.

It's just that Chu Ning was able to detect the upcoming space crack in advance.

Such a strong sense of consciousness did give her a sense of security.

 The two of them moved forward slowly.

The initial idea was to continue to meet Yuan Zhuo and others, but after actually starting to go, it was not possible.

The spatial cracks scattered everywhere forced Chu Ning and the two of them to constantly change the direction of progress.

 Naturally, it is far away from the original goal.

After walking a few hundred feet, they had already deviated from the direction of Yuan Zhuo and others.

The two of them can only identify the direction of progress based on the intensity of the spiritual energy.

Midway, there was another space crack that suddenly appeared like before.

Because Chu Ning had been paying attention, and holding the arm of the teacher Xuerong, he also led the other person to hide away.

This also makes Shi Xuerong, who was not able to discover the space crack in the first place, just grateful for the choice he just made.

The two of them kept changing directions. After walking around three or four thousand feet, their eyes suddenly became brighter.

But at this time, the white spiritual mist had penetrated and reached the sky above the depression.

 (End of this chapter)

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