Chapter 281 Frost Moon Pavilion

As a foundation-building monk of Changkong Palace, Wu Xuqiang is not weak in cultivation, but the things he does are extremely trivial.

Changkong Temple considers that in addition to many low-level monks entering the fairy city in Iceland.

There are also many monks who have established foundations or even gold elixir level or above.

 So whether it is the teleportation array or the daily affairs in the city, the foundation building monks are in charge.

Of course, the treatment given to the foundation-building monks by Changkong Palace is also very good.

A large number of spiritual stones can be obtained from the casual cultivators in the city every year, and the resources that the foundation-building monks can allocate are also quite a lot.

This day happened to be Wu Xuqiang's shift in Shangcheng.

After delivering something to a monk who lived on the fourth floor, he passed outside Cave No. 19 on the fourth floor and glanced towards the cave inadvertently.

 When he saw the completely opened restrictions in the cave, he couldn't help but have a strange look on his face.

"Senior Chu has been in seclusion for a long time. It has been eight years since he entered Shangcheng, and he has never left the cave."

 Because when he brought Chu Ning here, Wu Xuqiang had a deep impression of Chu Ning.

 So these years, consciously or unconsciously, he still pays attention to it.

Not only during his shift, but also before handover, he would usually ask him casually.

The answer is that this early Jindan monk entered the cave eight years ago and never came out.

“He is really an ascetic cultivator. No wonder he is able to advance to the golden elixir stage with such a young face.”

With this thought flashing through his mind, Wu Xuqiang also knew that monks who could successfully form elixirs must have other extraordinary talents in addition to hard work.

 After stopping for several breaths, Wu Xuqiang was about to leave.

 Suddenly the restriction fluctuated, and a figure walked out of it.

Wu Xuqiang was slightly startled when he saw this, and immediately stopped where he was about to leave.

The next moment, when he saw it was Chu Ning, his eyes lit up.

Then he quickly walked forward, bowed, raised his hands and saluted:

 “I’ve met Senior Chu!”

Chun Ning was slightly surprised to see this acquaintance as soon as he came out of seclusion.

“Wu Daoyou, why are you here?”

 He naturally wouldn’t think that the other party was here to find him.

 Wu Xuqiang immediately said: "Today is the junior's turn, and I happened to pass by."

“That’s a coincidence.” Chu Ning nodded and asked the other party.

“I have been in seclusion for too long. Is today a big trading day or a small trading day in Shuangyue Pavilion in the city?”

 He previously knew from the jade slip provided by Wu Xuqiang that there were markets in the city, the largest of which was Shuangyue Pavilion.

It will be open all year round, but it is also divided into small and large trading days.

 There is a big trading day every ten days. On this day, there are more and more complete treasures in this pavilion.

At the same time, a small trade fair will be organized specifically for the Golden Elixir monks in the city on this day.

 “Reporting to my predecessors, today is a small trading day in the cabinet, and tomorrow is a big trading day.”

Wu Xuke replied with a smile, and then said:

“Senior has been in seclusion for so long, are you going to Shuangyue Pavilion to buy something this time?

Then you can really go to Shuangyue Pavilion tomorrow to take a look. In a few days, Snow Mist Valley will open. There are indeed a lot of Jindan monks gathered in the city. "

“Oh.” Chu Ning said softly, and the information about Snow Mist Valley flashed in his mind.

This place was also mentioned in the jade slips given by Wu Xuqiang before.

Xuewu Valley is a relatively famous treasure place in the Xuewu Mountains.

This place is rich in some rare elixirs and refining materials. It is one of the important places where many golden elixir monks in the Icelandic Fairy City obtain cultivation resources.

However, this valley is shrouded in snow and fog all year round. This fog looks like ordinary fog, but even if the Golden Pill monk enters and uses treasures, he cannot support half a cup of tea.

 So under normal circumstances, it is extremely difficult to enter and obtain treasures.

However, the snow and fog in this snow and fog valley will disappear for a period of time every ten years, which lasts about ten days.

 During this period, the monks entered without the interference of snow and fog.

 So many monks usually choose to enter the Snow Fog Valley at this time.

Chu Ning did not expect that after many years of seclusion, it would coincide with the opening of Snow Mist Valley.

Wu Xuqiang was quite surprised when he heard Chu Ning's reaction was so calm.

The opening of the Snow Mist Valley is a lively event for the fairy city of Iceland.

 Many Jindan monks came to this city specifically to enter the Snow Fog Valley.

The senior in front of me is quite good, but he still looks like he lacks interest.

Chuning is indeed not very interested in this snow-fog valley.

Although it has been eight years since he came to this fairy city in Iceland, he has been practicing hard in the cave during these eight years.

 Some things about this place were obtained from that jade slip. I know very little about the rest, and I am not very interested in it.

 The reason he came out this time was because he had run out of the cultivation elixir in his hand.

I want to buy some elixirs to make elixirs.

After Wu Xuqiang said goodbye, since he knew that Shuangyue Pavilion was a small trading day today, Chu Ning simply stopped looking and turned around and returned to his cave.

Standing in the medicine garden of this cave, Chu Ning thought about his eight years of practice.

At first, thinking that he had wasted too much practice on Wuling Island, Chu Ning started to retreat as soon as he came here.

 And in these eight years, the harvest is not small.

 【Five Elements Chaos Technique (mid-level heaven level), first level (23244/50000)】

 【Nine Evolution Body Refining Techniques, Volume 2, Level 2 (11680/90000)】

 【Alchemy, fourth level (48105/64000)】

Whether it is refining Qi, body or spirit, great progress has been made.

 The practice of several kinds of magic and secret techniques is more rewarding.

Whether it is the Fiery Flame Technique, the Heavenly Fire Technique, or the Void Finger, they have all been fully mastered through practice.

As for the Golden Spiritual Root, the speed of its cultivation is slower than Chu Ning imagined.

Originally, when Chu Ning integrated the first ray of spiritual energy, he felt that it would only take more than ten years to cultivate the golden spiritual root.

But I don’t know if it’s because Chu Ning has integrated three more rays of aura.

 Eight years have passed, and the progress of pregnancy and cultivation has not yet reached half.

 In total, it will probably take about twenty years to complete the entire pregnancy and cultivation process.

At this moment, Chu Ning’s eyes fell on the spiritual medicine garden, focusing on three types of spiritual plants.

One type is a spiritual plant that is half a person tall and has dense green leaves like bamboo leaves. There are also blue oval-shaped spiritual fruits on it that exude a light fragrance.

 One is a golden vine. If you look closely, you will find that this vine is covered with scales as hard as metal.

Those golden colors are clearly the color of these scales.

 There are green leaves with light golden lines growing on the vines.

The last kind of spiritual plant is about two people tall. There are some branches on the straight trunk, but it is bare without a single leaf.

 Just on each branch, you can vaguely see scattered small flower buds.

 These three spiritual plants have been cultivated by Chu Ning in recent years.

 The latter two spiritual plants were brought out from the spiritual realm, and the golden vines contained extremely rich metallic aura.

Chuning didn’t know his name.

I think it should be a kind of spiritual plant unique to the golden spiritual realm.

As for the bare spiritual plant with only tree trunks, Chu Ning had seen it mature in the spiritual realm before, and from its blooming flowers, he could vaguely feel the wood essence that strengthened his spiritual consciousness.

Chu Ning also picked those flowers at the beginning, but for some unknown reason, after leaving Wuling Island, Chu Ning found that all of them had withered and lost their medicinal effect.

Fortunately, Chu Ning also took several seedlings and planted them in the elixir garden to see if they could be cultivated.

Chu Ning was most amazed by the first spiritual plant with blue spiritual fruits.

 Eight years ago, Chu Ning planted several kinds of elixirs and fruits brought from Wuling Island.

 But almost all elixirs and fruits cannot grow.

 Only this kind of spiritual plant can not only grow, but also absorb spiritual energy to bloom and bear fruit normally.

 It's just that this spiritual fruit is different from what Chu Ning saw at the beginning.

This kind of spiritual fruit, which Master Jiuyan calls the Purple Source Fruit, is lavender in the Wuling Island.

 The ones grown by Chu Ning are now blue.

Moreover, Chu Ning was not sure whether the spiritual fruit he planted was successful, because he only felt the presence of spiritual energy from the surface of the blue spiritual fruit.

  However, he did not feel the existence of the original power.

But now, Chu Ning can only cultivate it first.

 Compared with many previous spiritual plants, it can mature in three to five years of cultivation plus the ripening of Ling Xiaobai.

Chu Ning has been cultivating these three spiritual plants for eight years, but they are still far from mature for harvesting.

                    ∣                                                                      machineslegous , Ling Xiaobai has already come out , looking listless as soon as he finished reciting it .

Seeing Ling Xiaobai's appearance, Chu Ning couldn't help but smile and asked:

 “Why, do you want to play with Dajin and Xiaojin?”

 “Hey!” Ling Xiaobai nodded lightly.

Chuning was looking at a spirit beast room at this moment, after sensing it for a while, he shook his head and said:

 “Just wait a little longer, I feel like the two little guys should wake up soon.”

Not long after the two golden thunder eagles arrived in the Fairy City of Iceland, one day they unexpectedly fell into a deep sleep for no apparent reason, which made Chu Ning feel quite strange.

 Fortunately, because Chu Ning had signed a contract with the two Golden Thunder Eagles, Chu Ning could clearly feel that there were no other abnormalities in the two Golden Thunder Eagles.

Hence, Chu Ning did not interfere too much.

But now Chu Ning can also feel that the two golden thunder eagles seem to be close to waking up.

Stayed in the cave for another day. Early the next morning, Chu Ning left the cave and went to the lower city of Iceland's Fairy City.

Perhaps in order to facilitate business without disturbing higher-level monks, the market of this Icelandic fairy city was not placed in the upper city, but in the lower city.

The Shuangyue Pavilion is in Fangshi, so naturally it is in the lower city.

Compared to the day he entered the Fairy City in Iceland eight years ago, Chu Ning could feel that the lower town of the Fairy City in Iceland was obviously much livelier today.

Especially in the direction of Shuangyue Pavilion, there are many Qi refining and foundation building monks.

 I don’t know if it was because it was still relatively early, but Chu Ning didn’t meet any Golden Elixir monks along the way.

Chuning, like other Qi Refining and Foundation Building monks, went there on foot.

However, he did not hide the aura of a Golden Core monk. As soon as he appeared on the street, he immediately attracted the attention of many monks.

Although in the fairy city of Iceland, it is not uncommon for monks to have golden elixir monks.

 But there are obviously not many people as young as Chu Ning.

 “This senior is so young!”

“Yes, and I’ve never seen him before, he looks very unfamiliar.”

“I don’t know whether he is a casual cultivator who is new to the Immortal City, or a cultivator from Changkong Palace.”

“I’m afraid he’s a monk from Changkong Palace. How can there be such a young Jindan monk among casual cultivators?

   No, he is not wearing the clothes of Changkong Palace. He may be a young talented monk from a certain sect. "


Even though these low-level monks deliberately lowered their voices, Chu Ning also heard these discussions.

Chun Ning just smiled secretly in his heart, but didn't care too much.

Soon, Chu Ning came to a three-story building.

The style of the building is the same as the rest of the buildings in this fairy city in Iceland. It is extremely exquisite and decorated with a lot of white jade.

Even the three characters "Shuangyue Pavilion" are written on a piece of white jade.

At the gate of Shuangyue Pavilion, there was currently sitting a young female monk with a rather good appearance who was in the early stages of foundation building.

Looking at his face, he is probably around twenty-seven or eighty-eight.

Her eyes looked at the monks who came in from time to time. Even when the foundation-building monk came in, the expression on her face did not change.

Let the Qi Refining monks greet him.

If it were normal, if scattered foundation-building monks came, there might be monks of the corresponding level to receive them.

 But today is the big trading day of Shuangyue Pavilion. There are many monks coming, and the foundation-building monks are only responsible for welcoming the golden elixir monks.

However, the young female cultivator also knows that generally Jindan cultivators will come later.

 Everyone comes here for small trade fairs, so they usually arrive a little early.

 So she knew that she had nothing to do for the time being.

At this moment, a young man in blue robe walked into the pavilion.

The young female nun just glanced at him as before and was about to look away.

 But the next moment, she reacted suddenly and stood up quickly.

 “This man is so young, he is actually a senior Jindan!”

The young female cultivator couldn't help but be surprised when she looked at Chu Ning's face, which was even younger than hers.

However, the aura of Chu Ning's body that was indeed that of a golden elixir monk made her dare not be negligent in the slightest.

The young female nun immediately came forward to greet him, bowing and saluting with a smile on her face.

"Junior Shuangyue Pavilion Bai Ruo, I have met my senior. I wonder if my senior wants to buy something in this pavilion or attend a trade fair?"

Chun Ning glanced at Bai Ruo, and then said:

“I want them all. I want to see if I can buy some elixirs in your pavilion first.”

Hearing Chu Ning's words, Bai Ruo's eyes lit up slightly.

“Senior, do you want to buy elixir? Please follow me.”

If the Jindan monks participate in the trade fair, the people from Shuangyue Pavilion will only provide the venue.

 The people who guide them are naturally of no benefit.

 But if the Jindan monks buy things in Shuangyue Pavilion, it is different. If they buy more things, they can also get some commission.

Bai Ruo took Chu Ning to the third floor, and then led Chu Ning directly towards the place where the elixirs were sold on the third floor.

Chun Ning glanced around and found that there were only a few dozens of elixirs, and couldn't help but raise his brows slightly.

Seemingly seeing the confusion in Chu Ning's expression, Bai Ruo immediately explained:

“Senior, there is only part of the elixir here.

 Because many elixirs are not very easy to store, there are still many elixirs that have not been taken out from the pavilion.

 Senior can also tell me the types of elixirs, or what kind of demon elixir should be mixed with them, and the juniors can recommend some elixirs to the seniors. "

What kind of demon elixir can be used to refine it?

Hearing Bai Ruo's words, Chu Ning was slightly startled and had a vague premonition.

  He handed the other party a list full of elixirs that he had prepared long ago.

Bai Ruo took Chu Ning's list and looked at it briefly, his face turned a little red.

Then she said to Chu Ning apologetically:

“I’m sorry, senior, I am ignorant, I don’t know these elixirs.

Hold on a moment, I'll call the seniors in the pavilion to receive you right away. "

As she spoke, she quickly spoke to an older monk at the elixir counter.

The monk left quickly, and after a while, he led an old man with a white beard out.

 The other party is surprisingly also at the early stage of Jindan cultivation.

Seeing Chu Ning, the white-bearded old man immediately walked forward quickly, cupped his hands slightly and said:

 “I met Taoist fellow Taoist in Tang Jinchuan of Xia Shuangyue Pavilion.”

Since the other party is a golden elixir cultivator, Chu Ning will naturally not be as supportive as he was to Bai Ruo just now. He also cupped his hands towards the other party and said:

 “I am Chu Ning, and I have met fellow Daoist Tang.”

“It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Chu.” Tang Jinchuan smiled and asked curiously:

“Fellow Daoist Chu is so young and new, has he just arrived in this fairyland in Iceland?

Tang Mou just saw the list of elixirs that fellow Taoist asked for just now, and was very curious, so he casually asked fellow Taoist Chu. If it is inconvenient, you don’t have to tell him. "

Chun Ning smiled faintly at this time and said:

"That's not the case. I have been in this city for eight or nine years, but I had little contact with other Taoist friends before."

“Oh, no wonder.” Tang Jinchuan nodded slightly.

But I couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

He knew every Jindan monk who had entered Shuangyue Pavilion, so at this moment he was naturally sure that he had never seen Chu Ning before.

Chuning has been in this fairy city in Iceland for eight or nine years, but he has never been to Shuangyue Pavilion before, which does make him feel a little strange.

At this moment, Tang Jinchuan picked up the list given by Chu Ning just now.

“Fellow Daoist Chu, if I’m not wrong about the elixirs you want, I’m afraid they are not produced in the Northern Cold Land.

  Let alone this Shuangyue Pavilion, I'm afraid I can't find it even in the entire Northern Cold Land.

I am also an alchemist, but I don’t know the basic effects of these elixirs.

 So I don’t know how to recommend this alternative elixir to fellow Taoists. "

 Hearing Tang Jinchuan's words, Chu Ning's face remained silent, but his heart sank.

Before he could say anything else, Tang Jinchuan spoke again:

“I don’t know what kind of elixir my fellow Taoist is going to refine. If it’s a high-level elixir, why do you need so many elixirs to refine it with the demon elixir?”

 Paired with the refining of the demon pill, Chu Ning heard this for the second time in a short period of time.

I have some vague guesses in my mind.

Immediately, he said calmly again:

“Chu also accidentally obtained a kind of elixir. These elixirs seemed a bit strange, so I came here to ask about them.

Fellow Taoist Tang, I wonder if there are any elixirs in the pavilion that are suitable for Jindan monks like us to improve our magic power. I would like to purchase some. "

“Of course there is!” As he said that, Tang Jinchuan took out a bottle of elixir and handed it to Chu Ning.

Chuning opened it, felt it for a while, and suddenly sighed softly in his heart.

 (End of this chapter)

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