My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 306: After obtaining the Lingming Fruit, Taniguchi went on a killing spree

Chapter 306: Obtaining the Lingming Fruit, Taniguchi goes on a killing spree

Qingfeng Diao and the middle-aged man soon started fighting together.

That Tantai Song was just overturned by the Qingfeng Eagle, although the claws on the back were not seriously injured.

 But at this moment, naturally he didn’t dare to stay nearby anymore.

With an ugly expression, he walked around the eighth-level demon and the middle-aged Nascent Soul cultivator who were fighting, then took out a robe from the larger storage bag on his waist and put it on again. He flew in the direction of Wu Lingwei. Escape.

In the state of shock, the small storage bag on the ground was naturally not noticed by him.

At this moment, although Chu Ning was a little jealous of the storage bag, because two Nascent Soul monks, one demon and one demon, were not far away, he naturally did not dare to act rashly.

But soon, Chu Ning discovered that as the fight progressed, one person and one demon gradually began to move farther away.

 At this moment, although there are golden elixir monks and seventh-level monsters coming one after another.

 But they don’t dare to come to this area.

 “Well done!”

At this time, Qingfeng Diao and the middle-aged man fought for several rounds and then distanced themselves.

Although the green wind sculpture was in its true form at this time, it still spoke human words.

“I didn’t expect that the news about the Lingming Fruit would not only attract so many Jindan monks, but also Nascent Soul monks.

Human monks are really stupid. "

As Qingfeng Diao’s words came out, the expressions of all the monks present suddenly changed.

 “This Lingming Fruit is actually false news!”

“It turns out it was a trap deliberately set by the demon clan!”

The first thought of the monks at this time was naturally to flee directly. Since there is no Spiritual Bright Fruit here, the monks have no intention of fighting.

 At this time, there are not only four large eighth-level monsters here, but also dozens of seventh-level monsters.

Even if the monks wanted to evacuate, they were unable to do so.

The green wind eagle and the middle-aged monk in brocade robes were fighting together again. At this moment, all the monks just wanted to get rid of the monster they were fighting with as soon as possible.

 There is no time to worry about anything else.

“This is a good opportunity to escape, but you can also try to get the storage bag!”

Chu Ning, who was hiding underground, was muttering to himself at this moment, but he did not directly get out of the ground. Instead, he used the spiritual earth shadow escape technique to escape towards the outside of the valley.

After escaping for a long distance, Chu Ning patted the spirit beast bag.

 The iron rock beast was released.

The iron rock beast is the lowest level among the several spiritual beasts raised by Chu Ning. It is only at the peak of the third level and is still one step away from the fourth level monster.

Has already been overtaken by Jin Lei.

 But it is an earth-attribute monster, so it is most suitable at this moment.

If it is really undesirable and this iron rock beast is targeted, he will only lose a third-level spiritual beast at worst.

The iron rock beast's huge body moved flexibly in the soil, and soon it got under the storage bag under Chu Ning's control.

  He escaped upwards, only showing his head, and then his eyes turned slightly in the air.

 The next moment, the Iron Rock Beast drilled into the ground again.

Even though the middle-aged Yuanying monk in the distance was fighting with the green wind eagle, he still discovered the iron rock beast at this moment.

However, after sensing that it was just a third-level monster, he didn't take it to heart.

They only thought that the iron rock beast was the monster beast in this valley. They got out of the ground to have a look, and then they were frightened by so many powerful monster beasts and monks and escaped underground again.

 So whether it is the middle-aged Han monk or Qingfeng Diao.

None of them noticed that when the iron rock beast submerged into the earth again, the storage bag that was originally on the ground was also pulled into the ground by it.

Chun Ning, who was in the distance, found that none of the human monks and monster beasts who were fighting paid attention to the iron rock beast, and he was immediately overjoyed.

 commanded the iron rock beast to bite the storage bag and come back quickly, and quickly put the storage bag into his arms.

Putting the iron rock beast back into the spirit beast bag, Chu Ning fled towards the outside of the valley.

The monks and monsters who were fighting in the air naturally would not have thought that a middle-stage Golden Core monk would slip away under their noses.

After escaping for nearly twenty miles, Chu Ning stopped and used his spiritual sense to sense the outside world and found that there were no monks or monsters.

Chun Ning quickly escaped from the ground.

The Lingtu Shadow Escape Technique is naturally not slow, but compared to the Kamikaze Escape technique that allows flying in the air, it is naturally slower.

 “Hey, the aura here is quite rich!”

Chun Ning was thinking about it, his eyes swept over, but he couldn't help but raise his brows slightly.

 “What just got into the ground?”

With a cautious attitude, Chu Ning's consciousness quickly explored the area.

 Then he discovered that there was about fifty feet below the ground in front of him.

Two baby-like spiritual fruits of seven colors were flying underground, dragging a spiritual plant about a foot high.

However, the two spiritual fruits seemed to be aiming in different directions, causing the spiritual plant to flick left and right.

“Isn’t this... the Lingming Fruit?”

 Chun Ning's eyes flashed slightly.

The Qingfeng Diao just said clearly that the Lingming Fruit appeared in the Snow Mist Valley, but it was just a lie they made up.

 In fact, it is a trap set for human monks.

But at this moment, those two baby-like spiritual fruits were clearly in the form of the spiritual fruit that Wu Lingwei said.

Moreover, even the black evil old demon Situ Yan recognized it.

 Think about it, it can’t be false.

This thought flashed through Chu Ning's head quickly. Almost at the same time, Chu Ning, who had just emerged from the ground, had now returned to the ground again.

Then he quickly chased after the Lingming Fruit.

"This spiritual earth shadow escape technique is really amazing in escaping through the earth!"

Seeing himself quickly closing the distance between him and the Lingming Fruit, Chu Ning's eyes flashed with a smile at this moment.

The Lingming Fruit in front seemed to be responding as well. Originally, the two Lingming Fruits moved to the left and right.

 At this moment, the two Lingming Fruits are moving in the same direction, and their speed is faster than before.

Upon seeing this, Chu Ning started using the Five Elements Chaos Art, and the mana driven in his Dantian was completely converted into earth attribute mana.

 The speed of performing the Soul Shadow Escape Technique suddenly increased by three points.

  quickly approached behind Na Lingzhi.

 Then he grabbed it in his hand.

Suddenly, a huge pulling force came forward, almost pulling Chu Ning forward a foot.

“Now that you’re in my hands, don’t even think about escaping.”

Chun Ning smiled softly at this moment, and his spiritual consciousness once again released his surroundings.

After discovering that there was nothing unusual on the ground, he immediately pulled the Lingming Fruit out of the ground.

I don’t care to see what this Lingming Fruit looks like.

Chuning quickly took out a large jade box from the storage bag and put the entire spiritual plant into the jade box.

 Then he took out a piece of talisman and stuck it on the jade box.

While putting the jade box into the storage bag, Chu Ning looked up and looked in the direction, and then flew towards the mouth of the valley.

Although he was extremely curious about the Lingming Fruit, he didn't care to look at it anymore at the moment. It was more important to escape first to save his life.

“Even the outskirts of the Snow Fog Valley are filled with such strong demonic aura, but I don’t know how many demonic beasts have entered the valley this time.”

Chun Ning flew forward, his expression extremely solemn.

“It’s hard to say about the late-stage Golden Core monks inside, but the middle-stage and early-stage Golden Core monks on the periphery, as well as the foundation-building monks, will probably suffer heavy casualties.”

 Although Chu Ning walked along the way, he did not see a corpse of a monk.

However, the **** smell he occasionally felt still let him know that where he passed, monks were killed by monsters and beasts.

Driving quickly, Chu Ning soon arrived about a hundred miles away from the mouth of the valley.

At this moment, Chu Ning's eyes suddenly flashed with a cold light.

The next moment, he opened his mouth and sprayed out the three-color giant sword composed of the Fire Spirit Sword, the Wood Spirit Sword and the Earth Spirit Sword.

 Then he slashed down at a boulder-like existence in front of him.


   accompanied by a slight cracking sound.

 A small head poked out from it, its eyes moving, full of horror and fear.

At this moment, Chu Ning has completely seen the shape of this monster, but it is a huge earth-shelled turtle.

 Because the color of this turtle is almost the same as the stone on the ground here, and it has no breath at all. If Chu Ning hadn't had strong spiritual consciousness and keen senses, it would have been impossible to detect it before.

The turtle's two small eyes moved at this moment, scanning Chu Ning's body.

Then he wanted to shrink his head back into the ghost shell and escape.

This earth-shelled turtle has been lying in ambush here for a long time. Occasionally, scattered golden elixir monks pass by, but they are directly attacked by it.

Unexpectedly, when he followed the same method just now, he encountered a hard nail.

How can it resist a monk who can shatter its turtle shell with one blow?

 It's just that its movements are far less fast than Chu Ning's.

Just when the other end was just retracting, Chu Ning's giant sword had already slashed down again.

 His head was chopped off to the ground with a sword.

 A sixth-level monster lost its life directly under Chu Ning's two blows. Chu Ning casually put his body into the storage bag, and Chu Ning continued to fly forward without hesitation.

 Not long after, we arrived at the passage at the mouth of the valley.

 When Chu Ning saw the scene in front of him, he immediately frowned slightly.

However, at this time, there were various corpses piled up at the exit of the valley.

  There are both monk corpses and monster beast corpses.

At this moment, there are more than twenty monks fighting against the monsters guarding the entrance of the valley.

 Among the more than 20 monks, there is not a single one who is a foundation-building monk, and among the golden elixir monks, most of them are middle-stage golden elixir monks.

 But there are also six or seven early-stage Jindan monks.

The monsters they fought against were not only Qing Yise, they were all sixth-order monsters comparable to those in the middle stage of the Golden Core.

  And there are more than thirty in number.

Chang Lingshan and Wu Rongfeng, whom Chu Ning was familiar with, were also among the monks who were fighting against each other.

 But Han Shihong and He Yongzhi did not see anyone.

 At this moment, Chang Lingshan and Wu Rongfeng also discovered Chu Ning's arrival.

 A hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of both of them.

Chang Lingshan even shouted:

“Brother Chu, you came just in time! These monsters are blocking us from leaving the valley.”

 The expressions on the faces of the other twenty or so monks who were fighting against the monsters did not change much when they heard Chang Lingshan's words.

 Just a middle-stage Jindan monk. In their opinion, it cannot change the situation.

None of those golden elixirs appeared in the later stage, which is what really made all the monks panic.

 Only Wu Rongfeng's eyes showed a glimmer of hope at this moment.

Before, I had seen the horror of Chu Ning's methods on that island.

They knew that as long as Chu Ning took action, these sixth-level monsters would not be enough to watch.

Chun Ning raised his brows at this moment. With so many monks around, he was not willing to reveal too many tricks.

But when I think about it, there are four eighth-level monsters and many seventh-level monsters.

At this moment, Chu Ning couldn't care less. He opened his mouth and spit out, and three spiritual swords flew out.

Immediately with both hands pinched, the three flying swords were directed towards the three sixth-order monsters in front of Chang Lingshan and Wu Rongfeng.

However, at this moment, Chu Ning did not use Gengjin Divine Fist to attack again as before.

 After all, he had already used this fist when he faced off against Tantai Song, the young master of the Phantom Sect.

 If you use it at this time, your identity will be exposed.

But even so, it’s enough!

The three sixth-level monsters were still besieging Chang Lingshan and Wu Rongfeng.

At this moment, they were suddenly attacked by Chu Ning, and the two monsters continued to contain Chang Lingshan and Wu Rongfeng.

 The other sixth-level green snake carp cast three spells and faced Chu Ning's flying sword.

At this time, Chu Ning suddenly made a secret move.

The three spiritual swords in the air suddenly merged into one and turned into a giant sword, directly breaking the spell in the center.

The three-color giant sword immediately turned into a thunderbolt and slashed hard at the monster!

As for the two spells launched by the green snake and carp, they were blocked by the two blazing sun birds that Chu Ning had gathered at hand.

The sixth-level green snake carp obviously did not expect that Chu Ning could perform such a change in an instant.

Waiting for the three-color giant sword to slash down hard.

The demon suddenly reacted and cast a spell to resist.

 But it’s already too late!

With the giant sword slashed down, the monster's body was immediately dismembered!

Chang Lingshan and Wu Rongfeng were overjoyed when they saw that Chu Ning easily killed the sixth-level monster.

 The other Jindan monks were also in great spirits at this moment.

Each of these six -order monsters is already a little wise, and they see Chu Ningwei's ribs so big.

 Immediately, several sixth-level monsters attacked Chu Ning.

At this time, Chu Ning really began to show off his methods.

Even though Jin Geng’s divine fist cannot be used, the three flying swords combined with the Heavenly Fire Sword Art and the Fiery Flame Art are enough to cope with it.

 The Void Finger that is sent out from time to time is even more accurate.

In just a moment, Chu Ning had killed all the four sixth-level monsters that were spinning outside Chu Ning!

 Chuning put these monsters into the storage bag at will, and Chu Ning did not wait for the sixth-level monsters to attack him again.

Holding a three-color giant sword in his hand, the figure flashed and appeared in front of Wu Rongfeng.

But this woman was facing a crazy attack from a sixth-level monster, and she was obviously exhausted at this moment.

The blue shadow flashed past, and the three-color giant sword slashed directly at the sixth-order monster.

Before the demon could react, Chu Ning connected another void finger.

 It means that the demon has been completely killed.

Immediately, Chu Ning followed the same pattern and helped Chang Lingshan kill the sixth-level monster, and then started to rush towards the next person.

 In a short period of time, ten sixth-level monsters died in Chu Ning's hands.

 The situation at the mouth of the valley suddenly changed significantly.

 The number of monks actually gave them the upper hand.

When those sixth-level monsters saw that the situation was not good, they immediately let out ear-splitting roars.

Seeing this, Chu Ning's face changed drastically.

  If the eighth-level and seventh-level monsters are attracted from behind, it will not be so simple to leave.

 Hand out his hand, Chu Ning took out a high-grade talisman.

With the injection of mana, the talismans suddenly attacked the five monsters like flowers scattered all over the sky.

 Nearly every monster faces attacks from three or four talisman spells.

  High-end high-grade talismans are still dangerous to even sixth-level monsters.

 The sixth-level monster had to dodge or activate defense to deal with Chu Ning's talisman.

 This caused the five monster beasts that were originally in a stalemate with the human monks to suddenly fall into a disadvantage.

“Fellow Taoists, fight quickly, we will be in trouble later if another seventh-level monster appears!”

Chun Ning didn’t mention the eighth-level monster, because he didn’t want people to know that he had appeared in the depths of this valley.

However, after hearing Chu Ning's words, several monks did not dare to delay and used their special skills one after another.

A demon beast that was hit by Chu Ning’s void finger hidden behind the talisman spell was the first to be killed by a human monk.

Chuning saw that his method was more efficient than killing him by himself.

 Dang even casually took out a handful of high-grade talismans.

 While injecting mana, he used the distraction technique to control these talismans to attack several monsters again.

At the same time, the Void Finger and the three flying swords also attacked after these talisman spells.

 In just a moment, several more sixth-level monsters were killed.

At this moment, there are only about ten sixth-level monsters left.

Several monster beasts saw that the situation was not right, and they wanted to flee out of the valley immediately.

 “Kill these evil beasts!”

 “Still want to escape!”

Seeing these monsters fleeing, the morale of the monks immediately increased and they chased after them one after another.

At this time, Chu Ning did not need to use his strength. The monks who had been bullied just now also used their unique skills one by one.

 Eight monsters were killed by the monks before they even flew out of the Snow Fog Valley.

There were only two monster beasts that were extremely fast. At this moment, they had actually rushed out of the mouth of the Snow Mist Valley and were about to head towards the depths of the Snow Peak Mountains.

At this time, the monks only saw a blue robe disappear in a flash, and two people flashed in the air and chased the monster.

 “It’s Fellow Daoist Chu!”

At this moment, the monks naturally saw clearly that it was Chu Ning, and they couldn't help but have expectant expressions on their faces.

At this moment, Chu Ning did not disappoint them.

The three-color giant sword swung out and slashed at a snow eagle beast.

The sixth-order snow eagle beast was actually a little faster at this moment, dodging the three-color giant sword.

Seeing that Chu wanted to use this giant sword, he was about to fail.

But Chu Ning pinched his hand, and a red sword suddenly flew out from above the giant sword!


Following the soft chirping of a blazing sun bird, the snow eagle beast was suddenly enveloped in a burst of flames.

Before he could resist further, the two flying swords, green and yellow, had already entered his body.

Just as the monster fell below, the three flying swords shot out again and rushed towards the next sixth-level monster.

 After a few breaths, the last sixth-level monster was also slashed by Chu's sword.

The more than 20 Jindan monks who were originally excited became quiet at this moment.

Everyone looked at Chu Ning who put the corpses of the two demons into his storage bag and returned, showing mixed expressions of shock, admiration, or fear.

 (End of this chapter)

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