My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 329: What kind of turtle is this? Ancient spirit turtle?

Chapter 329 What kind of turtle is this? Ancient spirit turtle?

 For another full month, Chu Ning continued to fly and sweep in the Zhonghai area.

  Not that I went out of my way to look for those eighth-level monsters.

  However, none of the seventh-level monsters were spared.

After two months of being outside like this, Chu Ning finally flew back to the inner sea area of ​​​​the island where the cave is located.

From afar, Chu Ning felt that a fierce battle was taking place on the island.

Chun Ning was slightly startled by the induction of his spiritual consciousness.

At this time, Bai Ling was fighting five sixth-level monsters with the help of formations.

Bai Ling did not return to his original form at this moment, but continued to transform into the form of a young woman.

 Using the power of the formation, he repelled several sixth-level monsters that rushed towards the island.

From time to time, Su's hand would be raised lightly, wisps of ice energy would be stimulated, and even a sixth-level monster would be frozen directly.

“Tell me what’s going on? Why do so many monsters suddenly appear?”

“Da Jin, Xiao Jin, this promotion has made a lot of progress, not bad, not bad.”

The two golden thunder eagles sprayed out golden thunder from time to time, and the fifth-level monsters that struck directly dodged.

“Let’s get these monster corpses into the island first, and let’s talk about what’s going on.”

"This matter is still related to Dajin and Xiaojin's promotion a month ago." Bai Ling said.

At this moment, there are three ice sculptures in the formation. It seems that there should be monsters frozen in them.

 Use their speed far exceeding that of ordinary monsters and their sharp claws that can break gold and rocks to continuously cause damage to monsters.

But immediately, Chu Ning couldn't help but become a little confused.

At this moment, Chu Ning turned his head and looked at Bai Ling.

Sitting in the training room, looking at the sea view outside, Chu Ning took a sip of mandarin duck flower tea, and then asked Bai Ling beside him:

 “Goo!” “Goo!”

His island has a special concealment formation that ordinary monks and monsters cannot detect at all.

Chuning then flew away and landed on the island, smiling and saying:

Bai Ling finished speaking with a wide-eyed smile, and cast a spell, and all the corpses of the monster beasts were immediately thrown into the island.

Chun Ning used his spiritual sense to sense it a little, and found that there were no other monks or monsters around the island.

 The dark gold color on her body is also thicker. Although it is not as dazzling as gold, the color is more noble.

 On its forehead and sharp claws, the shape of golden lightning is very dazzling.

When Chu Ning heard this, he vaguely came back to his senses.

Chun Ning simply didn’t take action and just watched quietly.

“That’s right, I will crush monsters of the same level.”

 Seizing the opportunity, the two golden thunder eagles attacked at close range.

  However, it is extremely rare that there are so many monsters like this.

 “Okay, Master.”

From this point of view, neither Bai Ling nor Golden Thunder Eagle is in any other danger.

 Suddenly Bai Ling drove the formation flag, and the aura fluctuations on the entire island were covered again, making them invisible.

Obviously they are two golden thunder eagles that have just been promoted to level five monsters, but at this moment, they are still able to fight against four fifth-level monsters.

His fighting power made Chu Ning’s eyes shine.

Now the wings are spread out nearly ten feet wide, and the body is very large.

After all, neither Bai Ling nor Golden Thunder Eagle had much chance to take action before and after their promotion because they had been in seclusion for most of the past thirty years.

On the other side, two golden thunder eagles who had completed their promotion at some unknown time were fighting with four fifth-level monsters.

After about a quarter of an hour, the two Golden Thunder Eagles and Bai Ling decided the winner one after another, and several monster beasts were killed one after another.

 Occasionally, one or two monsters will enter the island by mistake.

 It would be good to give them some exercise now.

Chu Ning looked at the two golden thunder eagles carefully at this moment and found that both eagles were obviously larger than before.

 The two dark eyes are like black gems, with extremely sharp eyes.

 “Master!” When he saw that it was Chu Ning who was coming back, Bai Lingtong looked happy.

It seems that golden thunder can be emitted from it at any time.

 “Where did so many monsters come from?”

Looking at the two giant eagles with unusually high horses, Chu Ning patted their wings with satisfaction.

Hearing Chu Ning's praise, the two golden thunder eagles cheered one after another.

The two golden thunder eagles also made a joyful cry of "coo" and flew forward.

“Dajin and Xiaojin advanced to create strange phenomena in the world, and then these monsters noticed it?

Even if the monsters were aware of it, that is, there were monsters at that time, it had already been a month. As long as the formation was activated, they would not be able to find the direction of the island at all, so how could they keep attacking the island. "

“It wasn’t that the monster noticed it, but that it was noticed by the monk.”

After Bai Ling finished speaking, Chu Ning's brows suddenly raised slightly.

However, he also knew that Bai Ling would continue talking later, so he did not interrupt the other party at the moment.

Bai Ling also told the general story of the incident.

However, since the two golden thunder eagles advanced to the same level and broke through at the same time, the formation of the heaven and earth phenomena naturally could not hide it.

 This attracted the attention of nearby monsters and monks.

Since the two golden thunder eagles were also monsters themselves, the monsters they noticed were nothing. Only a few of them came close to inspect them, and then they all left.

As for the many monks who were watching, Bai Ling transformed into a human form and persuaded these monks to retreat.

With Bai Ling's transformation technique, even Chu Ning couldn't feel the breath of any spiritual beast or monster from the breath fluctuations on his body.

 So even if a Jindan monk comes, he will not be able to detect Bai Ling's identity as a monster.

  After Bai Ling appeared and told him that this was a spiritual beast raised by the master here, many monks left one after another although they were very curious.

However, there was a young monk who kept pestering him and claimed that he wanted to visit the island.

Bai Ling naturally didn't want to, so he hid on the island to avoid being seen.

 After half a month of this, the young monk left.

 But the next day, monsters attacked the island one after another, and it lasted for half a month.

"So you suspect that these monsters are driven by this person? What kind of cultivation level does this person have?"

Chuning asked with a slight frown on his brows.

"I think he should be in the late stage of Jindan cultivation." Bai Ling had a hint of anger on his face at this moment.

"This person is extremely rude with his words. If you weren't on the island but for the master, I would have taught him a lesson long ago for fear of causing trouble."

Bai Lingping, who always had a smile on his face, now had a hint of anger.

 Chun Ning did not doubt Bai Ling's words.

Bai Ling was about to break through to the sixth level monster.

 Theoretically, she is currently only at the same level as the early stage Jindan monks.

 But as she is obviously a spirit beast of heaven and earth, it is not difficult to cross the rank and defeat the enemy.

Chun Ning also raised his eyebrows slightly after hearing this.

"This person hasn't appeared again these days? He didn't say anything about entering the island before?"

 “No.” Bai Ling shook his head.

After hearing this, Chu Ning pondered for a moment and said:

"Then let's wait and see again. If the other party sends monsters to attack again, just find him."

Chuning is not worried that he can't find the other party.

Since this person wants to drive monsters to this island, he must be nearby.

 Logically speaking, it should not be more than three hundred miles.

Bai Ling's spiritual sense couldn't sense it, but Chu Ning's spiritual sense was enough to sense it.

 In fact, Bai Ling still had some scruples and hid in the formation.

 Otherwise, if you really go out, you might be able to find traces of this person.

 Hearing what Chu Ning said, Bai Ling nodded repeatedly.

 Obviously the other party's behavior during this period also disturbed her.

At this time Bai Ling turned around and asked with a smile:

“Master, it’s been a long time since we’ve been on this trip. Is everything going well?”

 “It went pretty well!”

As Chu Ning spoke, he led Bai Ling out of the training room and onto the island.

 Then he started pouring things out of the storage bag.

When Bai Ling and the two golden thunder eagles saw what Chu Ning poured out, their six eyes suddenly became round.

“There is one eighth-order monster beast, sixty-two seventh-order monster beasts, and a total of one hundred and thirteen rank-6 and fifth-order monster beasts.”

After Bai Ling counted the monster corpses, a strange look suddenly appeared on his face.

“Master, are you going to kill all the monsters in the Zhonghai area?”

 “That’s not the case.” Chu Ning shook his head and smiled.

“I only killed this one of the eighth-order monsters, but I did kill all the seventh-order monsters. As for these fifth- and sixth-order monsters, it was completely incidental.

 The Yuanying monks haven't appeared recently, and ordinary Jindan monks don't dare to go to the Zhonghai area.

These monsters are all very arrogant, and they don't hide themselves in the sea. I can also find them accurately. "

Chun Ning said, and then said to Bai Ling:

“By the way, I also captured alive a level 7 deep sea turtle that was sleeping and was about to advance to level 8.

I was just about to ask if there are any relevant secrets in your inherited memory that would allow you to sign relevant contracts at this level. "

"Already about to advance to the eighth level monster? It will be more troublesome to sign a contract."

Bai Ling thought for a while and said.

"It needs to take the initiative to give a ray of soul to the master. After this ray of soul is refined by the master, it can sign a contract and be driven."

After finishing speaking, Bai Ling turned to Chu Ning and said:

“Master, if a seventh-level monster is promoted to an eighth-level monster, it will require a lot of spiritual energy from heaven and earth.

 The island's spiritual energy is already thin. Will it be contained in a spirit beast bag? Will it affect its breakthrough?

 Should we release this turtle? "

“Release the turtle?” Chu Ning looked at the piles of monster corpses in front of him.

 “This location is a bit inadequate.”

 Bai Ling looked a little puzzled after hearing this.

Chu Ning showed a strange smile at this moment and said:

“Come with me first, then you’ll know what I mean.”

As he spoke, Chu Ning released his spiritual consciousness for a moment.

 After making sure that there were no monks or monsters outside, he took Bai Ling out of the formation.

 Then facing the wide sea ahead, he took out the spirit animal bag containing the giant turtle and began to pour it out.


 But at this moment, Chu Ning suddenly discovered that he could not control the spirit beast bag.

With the injection of mana, the spirit beast bag remained motionless, and the figure of the giant turtle did not appear at all.

"What's going on? He's dead, that's not right. Even if he's dead, he can still pour it out of this spirit beast bag."

Chun Ning muttered and continued to urge the mana to pour outward.

But the spirit beast bag still didn't respond at all, and the mana he injected couldn't take the giant turtle out of the spirit beast bag at all. "this…"

Chuning was vaguely aware that something was wrong at this moment.

 There should be no problem with my spirit beast bag, but the problem is...the giant turtle?

“Master, what’s wrong? Can’t the turtle be released?”

Bai Ling also asked with some curiosity.

“I can feel that this spirit beast bag is completely usable, and the giant turtle is also in it.”

Chun Ning frowned and said, "But we can't let this turtle come out."

This was the first time he encountered such a weird thing.

Bai Ling was also blinking at this time, staring at the spirit beast bag curiously.

 “Would you like me to go in and take a look?”

As soon as Chu Ning heard that this was an idea, he agreed.

 And Bai Ling also immediately returned to his original shape.

 After Chu Ning patted the mouth of the spirit beast bag, he went straight into the spirit beast bag.

 But just as he flew to the mouth of the spirit beast bag, he staggered and was directly blocked.


This time, Chu Ning and Bai Ling were even more surprised.

“Master, did you really catch a seventh-level deep sea turtle?”

Bai Ling's face was filled with doubts and a weird look.

   “Why do I feel an ancient aura inside that makes me feel palpitating?”

Hearing Bai Ling's words, Chu Ning's face changed slightly.

 When he saw this giant turtle before, he also vaguely felt something was wrong.

 But I didn’t feel an overly powerful aura from this giant turtle.

 In addition, the appearance of this giant turtle is very similar to the state of the monster before it reaches the next level.

 So he hesitated for a moment before putting the giant turtle into the spirit beast bag.

But now that this weird thing happened, coupled with Bai Ling's words, how could Chu Ning not know that he might have made an mistake.

 Immediately, Chu Ning roughly told Bai Ling about his discovery of the giant turtle and its shape.

“A giant turtle over 1,500 feet tall, with runes on its shell…”

After hearing this, Bai Ling said with a strange expression:

“In my inherited memory, there seems to be only one kind of heaven and earth spirit beast that matches, the Cangxuan Spirit Turtle.”

 “Ancient spiritual beast? Cangxuan Spirit Turtle?”

Hearing Bai Ling's words, Chu Ning fell silent for a moment.

 Then, Chu Ning murmured softly.

“If it were an ancient turtle and it lived to this day, how many years would it have been? And what level would it have been?”

 Tenth level is too little.

Chuning suddenly felt a little dizzy at this moment.

Bai Ling looked at Chu Ning's expression and immediately continued:

“Master, maybe what I said may not be accurate.

I have never heard of this kind of ancient spiritual beast, and I think it has never appeared in the world of immortality.

Furthermore, if it was a high-level ancient spiritual beast, how could it suddenly appear in this boundless sea? "

Chun Ning shook his head. His only thought at this time was to quickly throw away the spirit beast bag in his hand.

“Forget it, don’t think about it, I’ll just put the turtle back.

 If you can’t put the spirit beast bag out, just throw the spirit beast bag back.

Since this beast can control my spirit beast bag, it is not difficult to come out. "

"Master, I'm afraid this won't work." Bai Ling shook his head.

There is rarely a serious look on her pretty face.

“The ancient spiritual beasts’ channeling paid great attention to cause and effect, as well as grudges.

If this is really an ancient spiritual beast that has lived for such a long time, doing this may completely anger it.

The fully mature ancient spirit beast has the ability to communicate with the spirit of heaven and earth. Even if the master is no longer in this northern cold land in the future, I am afraid there will still be a way to find the master..."

Hearing Bai Ling's words, Chu Ning couldn't help but smile bitterly.

  "I dare you to ask me to invite an old man back?"

Bai Ling smiled at this time and said:

“From another perspective, if this turtle is really an ancient spiritual beast, and it appears inexplicably in the boundless sea, something may have happened.

The master may have accidentally helped this spiritual beast, and it may also appreciate your kindness.

 Being able to encounter ancient spiritual beasts is also a great opportunity. "

Chun Ning thought for a while and said: "Then let's keep it for now, since the spirit beast bag can't be opened now anyway.

As you said, the ancient spiritual beast is a psychic. Although I captured it, I didn’t do anything to harm it. "

 After saying that, Chu Ning put the spirit beast bag back on his body.

 Then he came to the mountain of monster corpses and began to deal with them.

The demon elixir was naturally taken out, and the animal skins, sinews, bones, etc. that could be used to refine weapons were also taken out one by one.

 At the level of a seventh-level monster, one can say that one's body is full of treasures.

Even the flesh and blood are treasures and can be of great use if treated properly.

As long as the flesh and blood is not mottled and toxic, it has been refined and purified by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

If treated with special methods before consumption, it will also have the effect of strengthening qi and blood for monks.

It's just that Chu Ning's body training has reached such a high level, and the effect is not obvious.

At this moment, only a small part was left, and most of the rest were directly given to the two golden thunder eagles.

With the flesh of these monster beasts, the two golden thunder eagles can advance a lot.

By the time these were processed, most of the day had passed.

 Chuning's storage bag also contained many demon pills and demon beast materials.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is not difficult at all for Chu Ning to refine several high-grade and high-quality magic weapons with these materials.

It's just that Chu Ning now has the Five Elements Spirit Sword for offense and a magic robe for defense, but he doesn't have much thought to refine other magic weapons.

 As for the flying magic weapon he had always hoped to refine.

He still looks down upon the materials of seventh-level monsters, and the magic weapons they refine are not as good as his own escape skills.

Although the materials of the purple-crowned green water dragon, the only eighth-level monster, are precious, they are not suitable for refining flying magic weapons.

 It is quite suitable for refining a set of water attribute magic weapons, especially since this dragon has scaly skin, which is very suitable for refining defensive magic weapons.

 For Chu Ning, the most important thing is naturally the little dragon spirit.

 Back in the training room, Chu Ning took out a jade box from the storage bag and took out the scales.

 You could vaguely see a small dragon scurrying among the scales, and after Chu Ning took out the scales, it rushed out of the scales.

 Then he had to fly away.

However, Chu Ning was already prepared, and before the little dragon could hit the barrier he had arranged, he reached out and grabbed it directly.

 The next moment, magic power circulated and wrapped the little dragon.

  Immediately afterwards, both hands used magic formulas to land on the little dragon.

The eighth-level monster spirit is too powerful, and this spirit is very complete, and it also contains the memory and ferocity of the purple-crowned green water dragon.

Chun Ning still needs to slowly destroy all of this dragon if he wants to truly use it to refine the Water Spirit Sword magic weapon.

Moreover, this is not something that can be completed in a day or two.

For most of the day, Chu Ning continued to use his magic power to destroy the ferocity and memory in the spirit of the purple-crowned green water dragon.

 Then he sealed it back into the scales again, preparing to continue tomorrow.

As soon as he put away his scales, Chu Ning's eyes flashed slightly.

 He has sensed that there are seven or eight monsters approaching the island at this moment.

"Bai Ling, stay in the formation, I'll go see who it is."

After giving instructions to Bai Ling, Chu Ning himself sank directly into the ground.

 Then he dived into the sea from the ground and fled in the direction from which the monster came.

Since these monsters came from this direction, it stands to reason that the people driving them should also come from here.

At the same time as the person dived towards the bottom of the sea, Chu Ning's consciousness also dispersed directly.

 “Looks like it should be him!”

 I felt a tall young man with a slightly tough temperament one hundred and twenty miles away.

Chun Ning's eyes flashed with a cold light, and he ran towards the man along the sea water.

Although he refreshed the Renshui spirit body, he did not practice related water spells, nor did he practice water escape.

 At this time, he relied solely on ordinary flying to move forward in the sea water, and his speed was naturally not much faster.

However, the young man did not stay away. On the contrary, the young man followed the group of monsters at a distance of about twenty miles, approaching in this direction.

The two of them walked towards each other, and Chu Ning soon came to the water below this person.

 It's just that Chu Ning hid in the sea water and cast the Forbidden God Technique.

This sturdy young man was unable to notice the existence of Chu Ning at all, and continued to move towards the island where Chu Ning's cave was located.

Chu Ning simply did not show up at this moment, waiting for the young man to fly forward for about thirty miles.

 He felt it carefully and found no other monks appeared, so he hung behind the young man and followed him.

 Just, Chu Ning was a little surprised.

Bai Ling said that the other party had not appeared again before, but only drove the monsters to attack.

  Today, this young man has been following the monster.

The monster has arrived near the island and started attacking the formation, but the young man still has no intention of stopping.

Instead, he continued to fly until he reached a short distance above the island.

Looking at the formation of spiritual energy fluctuations in front of him, a smile appeared on the young man's face.

 The next moment, he shouted directly:

“Where are the fellow Taoists from the island in front of you? I have something to discuss in Li Bailin, why don’t you come out and meet me?

  Don’t worry, if these monsters attack, I can tell them to stop immediately. "

After finishing speaking, the young man made several strange sounds from his mouth.

Those monsters that were still attacking the formation restrictions actually stopped and retreated several miles away from the island.

 Such a situation surprised Chu Ning who was following behind.

These monsters are obviously ordinary monsters in this sea. They are not raised by this man, but they can be commanded by him freely, which is quite miraculous.

Moreover, what this person just said clearly contained a method of controlling spiritual consciousness, but Chu Ning had never been exposed to it before.

At this time, after these monsters retreated one after another.

Bai Ling's figure also flashed out of the formation, looking at the sturdy young man named Li Bailin from a distance.

 A pair of wonderful eyes flashed with anger.

 Knowing that Chu Ning was nearby, Bai Ling no longer just stayed in the formation.

As soon as Bai Ling appeared, the young man named Li Bailin burst into laughter.

“Fellow Taoist is finally willing to show up. It’s really a lot of trouble to get a glimpse of the fairy’s face.”

 (End of this chapter)

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