My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 414: Amazing supernatural powers

Chapter 414 Amazing magical powers

Chun Ning waved and grabbed the green-robed old man's storage bag in his hand.

At this moment, he flew to his two spiritual swords that were entangled with blood-rayed threads, and looked at them with a little curiosity.

 The old man in green robe is dead, but the **** threads on him are still entangled at this moment.

Chun Ning looked carefully and found that they were actually several thin red silk threads.

I don’t know what kind of material this thin red silk thread is made of. Under its restraint, it can actually block most of the spiritual consciousness and mana.

Chun Ning then realized why the two spiritual swords just couldn't be driven back for a while.

Picking up one of the threads, Chu Ning felt the strength for a moment.

 He felt a little relieved, even though the thread did catch him off guard just now.

 But with such strength, it can only restrain one's own single spiritual sword.

 If the five elements of spiritual swords are combined into one.

Then the blood-red thread will be cut into pieces just like the ancient treasure knife just encountered.

But even so, Chu Ning thinks it is a good thing.

 At that time, he took it off from the two spiritual swords and put it back into the storage bag.

 Looking at his two spiritual swords again, the spiritual charm did not appear to be damaged.

 It seems that this blood-red thread only has a wrapping effect and will not cause any damage to the magic weapon.

 When Chu Ning finished all this, Bai Ling and the Golden Thunder Eagle also flew back.

“Master, all ten foundation-building monks have been killed.”

Chun Ning nodded slightly after hearing this. Bai Ling and Golden Thunder Eagle were both comparable to Jindan monks, and each had magical talents, and their strength was still higher than that of monks of the same level.

Especially Bai Ling has advanced to the sixth level, which is comparable to the middle stage of the Golden Core. He even has treasures such as psychic magic weapons in his hands.

 Even if it is in the middle stage of Golden Core, it will not be easy to get rid of in his hands.

Taking care of a few foundation-building monks is naturally a piece of cake.

Bai Ling had already helped Chu Ning get all the storage bags back.

Chun Ning then waved his hand and sent out **** of fire, turning the bodies of the Golden Core monks and Foundation Establishment monks directly into ashes.

 Then he used his spiritual sense to sense it and confirmed that there was nothing left here.

He was flying towards Fu Jing'an who was in the middle.

"You all hide in the spirit beast bag, Bai Ling. You don't have to take action later, just let Xiao Jin take action."

When Bai Ling and the Golden Thunder Eagle heard this, they immediately got into the spirit beast bag.

Chuning, on the other hand, used the Forbidden God Technique and flew away a hundred miles away.

Hundreds of miles away, Fu Jing'an was having an inextricable fight with a Demonic Alliance monk.

However, this monk was only in the early stage of Nascent Soul, so although Fu Jing'an was unable to defeat the opponent for a while, the fight was not difficult.

 However, the two golden elixir monks who followed closely behind were not so relaxed at this moment.

The two Golden Elixir monks from Bai Hongzong are both in the middle stage of the Golden Elixir, but on the side of the Demonic Alliance, one is in the middle stage and the other is in the late stage.

 In terms of realm, the two are slightly different.

On the side, the ten foundation-building monks from the Demonic Alliance are almost all in the late stages of foundation-building, and a few have even reached the realm of fake elixirs.

More than a dozen Foundation-Building monks took action, and at this moment they were harassing the two Golden Core monks by casting spells.

Even under normal circumstances, if faced with a siege by ten people, it would not be easy for two Jindan monks to deal with it.

What's more, the two of them already had rivals at this time.

The monk from the Baihong Sect who fought against the late Jindan cultivator managed to withstand the attacks of the late Jindan cultivator from the Demonic Alliance several times.

But he was hit by the spells of several fake elixir realm monks.

Although he was not fatally injured, there were already several scars on his body at the moment, and his face was slightly pale.

 Another middle-stage Jindan monk was not much better.

Although there are fewer scars on the body, there are still a few.

 The two of them looked at Fu Jing'an from time to time.

Seeing the fight between Fu Jing'an and the Yuanying monk, not only did he fail to gain the upper hand, but there were faint signs of falling into a disadvantage, he couldn't help but secretly complain.

At this moment, Fu Jing'an was extremely anxious.

 He and the Yuanying monk from the Demonic Alliance were already on a par with each other.

 But when two Jindan monks in the sect were injured one after another, he couldn't help but be a little distracted.

 I want to release two spells to support.

Unexpectedly, the cold-faced Nascent Soul monk from the Demonic Alliance would immediately seize the opportunity.

At this moment, when the two of them were fighting, they were forced to be at a disadvantage.

“Had I known this, I shouldn’t have agreed to this proposal before.”

Fu Jing'an was secretly upset at the moment.

 If it was just him, he could just walk away at this moment.

 But these two disciples are in danger.

And when he released his spiritual sense, he did not feel any sign of Wu Changdong and Chu Ning coming.


At this moment, the middle-stage Jindan monk from Bai Hongzong, who was already somewhat injured, let out a cry of sorrow.

 When Fu Jingan saw this, he was immediately horrified.

 At this moment, I saw that my disciple was hit by two spells and was covered in blood.

 And one of them actually hit close to the Dantian.

 At this moment, the late-stage Jindan cultivator from the Demonic Alliance had no intention of giving up.

 A fork-shaped magic weapon flew out of his hand and shot away directly.

When Fu Jing'an saw this, his body suddenly swayed, and the person disappeared on the spot, and he hurried away to save the person.

 But the cold-faced Nascent Soul monk who was fighting against him also reacted extremely quickly and launched several spell attacks.

 Even the magic weapon was blasted down, completely blocking his way.

Fu Jing'an naturally didn't dare to directly meet him, so he had no choice but to stop himself and shoot back.

Then he watched the doorman spit out the golden elixir with a look of determination on his face, as if he was preparing to attack directly with the golden elixir.

Seeing this, Fu Jing'an couldn't help but sigh softly in his heart.

At this moment, a big fiery red hand suddenly appeared and grabbed downwards.

The fork-shaped magic weapon in the air suddenly stopped.

Immediately afterwards, a flame suddenly emerged at the feet of the late-stage Jindan cultivator from the Demonic Alliance.

 Seeing this scene, everyone was slightly startled.

The late-stage Jindan cultivator from the Demonic Alliance seemed to suddenly realize something.

It was as if a mouse had stepped on the tail, and he was so startled that he almost flew backwards.

 But by this time it was already too late.

The flames under his feet instantly surged, directly submerging him.


This late-stage Jindan monk only had time to let out a scream, and then disappeared without a trace in an instant.

 “Monk Yuanying!”

At this moment, everyone naturally reacted one after another.

His eyes fell on a figure that suddenly appeared in the sky.

 “Fellow Daoist Chu!”

 Fu Jing'an's face suddenly showed a hint of joy.

 As for the cold-faced monk from the Demonic Alliance, his expression changed drastically in an instant.

He has recognized that the young Yuanying monk in front of him is the one who attacked the old man in green robes under the influence of his spiritual consciousness.

Then why did the other party rush here so quickly?

  Could it be that the battle over there was over in such a short period of time?

Thinking of this possibility, the cold-faced monk suddenly cursed in his heart:

"What a weird old man Luo. He was just attacked by a Nascent Soul cultivator, but he ran away directly. It's really shameless."

While cursing secretly, the cold-faced monk then turned into a ray of light and flew away into the distance.

 He is self-aware. He could compete with the previous Nascent Soul monk.

 But under the attack of two Yuanying monks, he not only had no chance of winning.

 If you’re not careful, you won’t even have a chance to escape later.

 “Where to escape!”

Fu Jing'an also noticed the cold-faced monk's escape at this moment, and immediately gave a sharp shout and launched several attacks in succession.

 It's just that he was already at a disadvantage before and had just broken the opponent's attack.

 At this moment, when the spell was launched again, the cold-faced monk had already escaped from its attack range.

 When Fu Jing'an saw this, he was about to catch up.

 A faint voice has come out.

"Fellow Daoist Fu, leave this person to me. You must first clean up the remnants of the Demonic Alliance here."

  At the same time as these words fell, Chu Ning's figure had disappeared in front of Fu Jing'an.

Then he saw that in a few flashes, Chu Ning had closed the distance between him and the cold-faced monk.

 At the same time, flick your fingers together.

Ten water pillars appeared out of thin air and turned into ten chains, directly surrounding the cold-faced monk.

Just when Fu Jing'an wanted to take a closer look, his face immediately turned cold, and in a flash, he was in front of another middle-stage Jindan cultivator from the Demonic Alliance.

But it was this Golden Core cultivator from the Demonic Alliance who saw something bad happened and actually wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to escape. "A Nascent Soul cultivator was almost run away, and you, a Golden Core cultivator, want to run away too?"

Hunted slightly, Fu Jing'an took action quickly.

Even though it was not as easy for him to take care of the Golden Core cultivator as Chu Ning, he was still a Nascent Soul cultivator after all, so it was still extremely easy for him to cast spells against the enemy.

As for the two Jindan monks of Bai Hongzong, they had just been severely attacked by several foundation-building monks. At this moment, they finally found an opportunity and began to hunt down the fleeing foundation-building monks.

Seeing that two of them were running faster, they were ready to put in more effort.

At this time, a large dark golden eagle suddenly rushed out of the sky.

It is the golden thunder eagle that Chu Ningzhi Shan left not far away.

Before the two foundation-building monks of the Demonic Alliance could react, a golden thunder emitted from the top of the golden thunder eagle's head hit one of them.

 This foundation-building monk fell directly.

The other person felt a strong wind blowing in front of him, and the next moment, the sharp claws of the golden thunder eagle had already sunk into his head.

“This is the spiritual beast of Fellow Daoist Chu...” Fu Jing’an, who was watching this scene from a distance, felt surprised.

Immediately, his spiritual consciousness immediately sensed the fight between Chu Ning and the cold-faced Nascent Soul monk in the distance.

Chuning's blue wave whirlpool technique directly trapped the cold-faced monk who was unaware of it.

However, this person was also decisive. Before the whirlpool trap could be formed, he waved a Dharma flag in his hand, and several yellow rays of light emitted.

He actually broke the ten water column chains directly.

 It's just that the cold-faced monk didn't wait for his next move.

  A huge sword suddenly slashed down in the air!

 Its power is far greater than the previous ten water pillars.

Seeing this, the cold-faced monk threw the Dharma flag in his hand, and at the same time, he quickly made several Dharma formulas with both hands and landed on the flag.

  Immediately afterwards, countless rays of light poured out from the Dharma flag.

A giant yellow dragon gathered out of thin air in the air and faced Chu Ning's Five Elements Spirit Sword directly.

Chun Ning also made a gesture at this moment. The five-element spirit sword was filled with colorful rays of light, and he slashed directly at the giant dragon with one sword!


The yellow earth dragon in the sky made a faint sound like a dragon's roar at this moment.

Then he opened his mouth and swallowed Chu Ning's Five Elements Spiritual Sword directly into his belly.

 “Hey, it’s also fused with the spirit of a monster?”

Chuning was slightly surprised when he sensed the spirit breath emanating from the giant yellow dragon.

 Because this kind of aura is not something that eighth-level monster spirits can possess.

“On this Dharma flag, the spirit of a ninth-level monster is condensed and refined.”

This discovery surprised Chu Ning.

However, he did not panic at all. The power of the ninth-level spirit alone could not trap his Five Elements Spirit Sword!

With a sudden squeezing of both hands, the Five Elements Spiritual Sword was divided into five parts in the belly of the giant dragon, directly forming a Five Elements Sword Formation.

 Under the power of the Five Elements Mutual Generation, the earth attribute mana on the giant dragon was consumed while being quickly absorbed by the Five Elements Sword Formation.

The five-colored glow on Chu Ning's Five Elements Spiritual Sword is getting brighter and brighter.

 And the light of this giant dragon is rapidly fading at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it actually becomes looming in a few breaths.

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, the cold-faced monk's expression changed slightly, and he immediately waved the Dharma flag again.

 Suddenly, the earth-attribute spiritual energy in the sky quickly gathered towards the giant dragon.

 Finally, the looming yellow giant dragon was temporarily stabilized.

The cold-faced Yuanying monk was slightly relieved, and then he was slightly stunned again.

 Looking at Chu Ning's original location, he found that Chu Ning's figure had disappeared at this moment.

 I suddenly felt something bad in my heart.

 With a sway of his body, he was about to run away.

 But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

 But who else is Chu Ning?

Seeing Chu Ning approaching, the cold-faced monk was shocked and immediately activated several defensive shields.

 However, when he saw Chu Ning's actions, he couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

At this moment, Chu Ning actually punched him directly.

And on it, the cold-faced monk did not find any spells.

 “Physical training?”

At this moment, the cold-faced monk had a vague guess, and a cold light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

With the Dharma flag flying in his hand, he will launch a counterattack.

He didn't believe that Chu Ning's physical punch could cause much harm to him.

 But soon, he discovered that he was wrong.

Chuning punched the earth-yellow defensive shield, but the shield was clearly not broken.

 But a powerful destructive force penetrated the defensive shield and hit him directly.

This time, the cold-faced monk felt that his consciousness and Dantian were trembling, and his physical body seemed to be shattered directly by this blow.

 But the powerful destructive power is still raging in the body at this moment.

Hunted in his heart, the cold-faced monk flew out upside down and immediately used his magic power to resist this destructive force.

At the same time, he vaguely saw Chu Ning raising her hand towards him slightly.

Although he didn't know what kind of secret technique Chu Ning used, he only felt a coldness rising from the bottom of his heart.

Because at this moment, as a Yuanying monk, his intuition told him that the power of this blow was no less powerful than Chu Ning's previous punch.

 Sure enough, this idea has just arisen.

 A space fluctuation suddenly occurred in front of him, and under this space fluctuation, the defensive shield outside his body instantly collapsed.

 However, this wave of waves still condensed and hit the cold-faced monk directly.

 Void finger!

In the process of understanding Void Escape, Chu Ning's understanding of the power of space has greatly improved.

The power of this void finger has long been incomparable!

The cold-faced monk who was resisting the power of Chu Ning's punch just now could no longer withstand the power of this void finger.


The left leg hit by the void finger exploded directly and turned into nothingness in the air!


 Such a scene not only made the cold-faced monk shocked and angry.

Fu Jing'an, who was watching the battle from a distance, was also stunned.

Chun Ning was able to take Wu Changdong's move in Yunqi Mountain before, so Fu Jing'an knew that Chu Ning was very strong.

But I didn’t expect that it would be so strong.

It took only three moves to directly destroy one of the legs of this Nascent Soul cultivator from the Demonic Alliance.

“This fellow Daoist Chu seems to be a physical practitioner, and what kind of magical power did he use just now?

 Facing the Nascent Soul cultivator seems to be easier than me dealing with the mid-Jindan cultivator. "

 Fu Jing'an looked at the middle-stage Jindan monk in front of him who was still resisting, and directly fired a powerful spell.

This made the golden elixir monk of the Demon Alliance unable to resist. The next moment, he sprayed out the golden elixir and wanted to explode himself.

 It’s a pity that he was facing a Nascent Soul monk.

Fu Jing'an snorted coldly, grabbed the golden elixir with a big hand, and directly cut off the connection between the monk and the golden elixir.

The next moment, the Demonic Alliance monk who lost the support of his golden elixir was directly killed by a spell from Fu Jing'an.

On the other side, the cold-faced monk from the Demonic Alliance was not having an easy time either.

Chun Ning’s Void Finger worked, but it was unreasonable and unforgiving.

 At the next moment, he connected his hands and used several void fingers to directly activate the power of space.

The cold-faced monk was under the influence of the destructive power of the Nine-Evolution Body Refining Secret Technique in his body and the power of space outside his body.


 The whole body exploded directly.

Fu Jing'an, who had also killed the Jindan monk in the distance, saw this scene and couldn't help but show a look of horror on his face.

 “This fellow Daoist Chu’s magical powers are truly astonishing!”

Fu Jing'an even felt that even if Wu Changdong was here, he might not be able to kill this Demonic Alliance monk so easily.


At this time, Chu Ning, who succeeded in the attack, let out a cry of surprise.

Seeing that the opponent's physical body was destroyed, Chu Ning stretched out his hand and flicked out a wisp of black ice flame, just as he was about to kill his Nascent Soul directly like before.

 But at this moment, Chu Ning discovered that there was no shadow of Nascent Soul in the sky.

“Is it possible that the power of the Void Finger actually caused the Yuanying monk’s body and soul to be destroyed?”

Chun Ning raised his brows slightly, but felt something was wrong, given his current knowledge of the power of space.

 Void means that even if the power is not small, it is far from reaching this kind of power.

 Immediately, Chu Ning's consciousness was completely relaxed.

 “Want to run?”

For a moment, Chu Ning's eyes flashed with light, and he flew down quickly.

 (End of this chapter)

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